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ATTN: B-Team

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well, since quite a few people don't seem to know how to use an irc client, i guess i'll have to tell everyone how to.

First of all, unless you're on the wii and have no choice, USE A REAL PROGRAM. The chat applet sucks. If you have windows, i'd suggest mIRC or kvirc. Anyone that has firefox can also use the chatzilla add-on.

So, if you get mIRC, this could be useful: http://www.mirc.com/faq.html

Here's a general help file for ANYONE planning on using the irc chat: http://www.mirc.com/ircintro.html

It should outline the basics of irc and how it works.

Also, more help on this page: http://www.mirc.com/help.html

and if you can't figure out how to get a chat program connected, here's some info that could be useful: the server is irc.darkmyst.org, port number is 6667.

If you're still lost, read the help file in the program you downloaded.

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I still cant get it. Im using chatzilla.

well, once you open the chatzilla add-on, i'd probably mess around with the options and stuff and enter the name you want to use. After that try typing: /server irc.darkmyst.org and then /join #serenes_forest or /join #bteam

you have to type both to join both of them. the tabs at the bottom you can use to switch between viewing each channel (channel = chatroom in irc).

If you actually read any of the help files i linked to you'd probably know this... or at least browsed through it... :/

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I apologize to other members for leaving on such short notice...especially after I, myself, called for an urgent meeting.

Next time, I will try to remain for a while longer...

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I apologize to other members for leaving on such short notice...especially after I, myself, called for an urgent meeting.

Next time, I will try to remain for a while longer...

It's cool, we still got something out of me, Fireman, and Bianchi.

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