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Mapping Competition

Chocolate Kitty

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That's why you'd have ranged enemies in the walls. Obviously, having enemies blocking the corridor wouldn't work. If anything, it makes it more interesting since the ranged enemies in the walls have freedom over who to attack and you can't just hide weak units behind your strong units.

FE5 tried that, and it was one of the most boring chapters in the game. At least it was spiced up with Olwen and Fred, but otherwise, it was a bunch of linear one-tile wide paths surrounded by long range magic users and bow users, and I think maybe staff users and 3~10 Meteor tomes. It wasn't fun, it was just an endurance test. Including its fog-of-war.

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I hate the set, so I apologize for the crappy lava pool, but it made the void behind the throne room not empty.

Edited by 13thshadow
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Hmm, must be your best map so far. However, it's still pretty bad. I'm too lazy right now to point anything wrong out, but hey, you'll get better and better. Just keep at this.

Thanks, Feaw. I tried pretty hard at this. It'd be a better map if it wasn't this crappy tileset.

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I'm with Feaw on that one, explain Celice?

And much better map 13'th shadow, I'm very impressed you've improved as much as you did. Still a bit bland and clear issues in the little chest room(mainly the pillar without a bottom), but much better.

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I'm not a mapper, and I haven't played FE in years~

And I hope the other mappers here correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the stairs supposed used like this?


At the moment, your stairs just look strange to me. Maybe your way is also a legitimate way to use it, but I personally think it looks silly :P

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I'm not a mapper, and I haven't played FE in years~

And I hope the other mappers here correct me if I'm wrong but aren't the stairs supposed used like this?


At the moment, your stairs just look strange to me. Maybe your way is also a legitimate way to use it, but I personally think it looks silly :P

I think that's incorrect. The tiles across the middle count as 'wall' tiles, not 'floor' tiles or 'stair' tiles. On your one, you wouldn't be able to walk down since there would be a 'wall' blocking it.

You can see how the tiles are supposed to look on my map, or Feaw's, or SuperLuigi's.

Edited by Black Star
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Ah, those are wall tiles XD

*Shows how much I know about tilesets*

The outer brick (limestone-like) walls confused me XD

I still think it looks strange though, in the other maps the tile (I mistook for a floor tile) makes contact with the ground. Whereas the that one has another exterior wall. Seems rather unnecessary :/


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