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Super Thracia hack released


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For those of you who want to train Rivis and have some time on your hands, I got a method available as early as chapter 3. Basically you have to rescue Dagda first and let Marty be berserked by the boss. Marty MUST hold something Rivis can steal, like a Vulnerary or a key. Basically just steal from him over and over again until you're done. Preferably wait until the action is over so that Rivis can steal safely from him.

Don't forget to use save states for those Build level ups.

Edited by Dark Chocolate
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Yeah that was a typo, it was chapter 6. I haven't started chapter 8 and probably won't for a while, though I did see Kleine by doing some torch searching with Caeda.


That SPD is just bad.

50 growth is pretty nice though, 1 out of two times she'll get speed.

I thought Aine would be Katarina but she looks nothing like her and Aine also sucks:


One last thing: BLD affects Attack Speed for mages just like it works for non-magic units.

Isn't that Eine? I'm not entirely sure, but I didn't think it was spelled Aine.

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Isn't that Eine? I'm not entirely sure, but I didn't think it was spelled Aine.

It's Eine officially (in FE12), but the romaji reads Aine.

Chapter 9 just got worse.

For the uninformed, that's Gromel, the infamous "Bolt Axe General". At first I thought he was going to be a joke boss with that low Magic, but then I realised he has 28 Speed, 50 Critical, etc.

After that chapter, I caved in and gave Leaf 10 leadership stars. I'm still having minor difficulty with a lot of chapters though.

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Chapter 9 wasn't so bad for me, at least not compared to some of the other chapters. It is annoying how you have to U-turn to reach Selphina though, while a whole legion of enemies are marching towards her.

Edited by VincentASM
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I'm guessing steal-spam?

Pretty much, thanks to a berserked Marty.

Is magic still used as magic defense in calculations? If so, oh my...

Yes. To be fair his magic growth is shit.

It is. And once Dio hits chapter 11, your "oh my..." will be 100% warranted.


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Pretty much, thanks to a berserked Marty.


Just to let you know, in case ALS didn't, that berserk's gonna stick on Marty once he joins back up with you.

Want a hint?

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Just to let you know, in case ALS didn't, that berserk's gonna stick on Marty once he joins back up with you.

Want a hint?

I figure. I got a Restore staff already. The dark mage I'm about to capture has a second one.

Multiple status staves?

Edited by Dark Chocolate
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You won did you lose any people on the journey? I guess you can say I'm almost done with this wonderous project. Final Chapter is no fun what so ever. You go in unprepared you will get your @$$ handed to you. So I have restarted a few chapters back to prepare for this challenge.

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Chapter 21x is awesome.

Revenge of the Arden squad. Er, your revenge that is : D

I'm interested in the response to Sirius's question as well. I can't imagine how people can play this hack without abuse/hacks. I mentioned before how I permanently have 10 leadership stars on Leaf, but later on I sometimes have to add in the range of 30 more. Then again, maybe I'm just crap at FE : P

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Currently playing this hack (I'm in chapter 10 and well, the fog of war was just sick in chapter 8), and well, I used the chapter selection cheat to look around and I wonder, is there a way to recruit the FE4 look-alike chars and

Celice and co in the last chapter? Because I looked at the character chart page, they aren't mentioned but I can't bring myself to hurt that Tiltyu look-alike (Yet her name's not Tiltyu I think) or Tinny sob.gif. Well for Celice I'll gladly sculpt his gravestone myself though

Perhaps a recruitment chart could be handy

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Recruitment AFAIK for the newly added or reshuffled characters who don't join automatically.

Kleine - Talk with Eine

Boyce - Apparently talk with Shiida

Patty - Talk with Leaf

Faval - Talk with Patty

L'Arachel - ??? Talk with Lucius?

Lawson - ???

Misha - Talk with Karin in Chapter 19

Galzas - Talk with Mareeta

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The RNG hated me on this first run........so I used Save states other then that it's been a headache for this long journey.

Would you happen to Cyas' replacement? IIRC he doesn't exist in this game and I haven't gotten far enough to see it for myself. I'd like to be prepared .-.

Edited by Gary Oak
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