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Super Thracia hack released


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Played a couple more chapters to see how far I can get. Skipped 8x because it's pretty much a beginner's trap waiting to rape you (no, really, do you need to abuse in this game to beat this stuff?)

C9's boss is just plain absurd and Asvel getting hit by goddamn 27% hit so constantly doesn't help either. I managed to take out the boss with Janne fighting him while using Leaf support and Felgus with that Sonic Sword which was pretty lucky considering how the boss doubles everyone on my team and this had to be done on turn 2 (enemy phase) and 3.

C10's where i'm at right now and it's... a cruel joke, do these... THINGS move or are they stationary and only attack when you get in their range? If it's the later, my 11 MOV might just keep this going.

Edited by Sirius
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By THINGS do you mean the blizzard mages? Yeah, they're stationary. If you mean the knight hoards, also stationary. If you mean the group of pegasi that shows up once you get halfway across the map... No, they move.

If THINGS is something else, please expound on what it is o 3o

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I mean the Blizzard mages. They OHKO some of my units and 2HKO the rest that aren't an unmounted Karin.

Oh and I just saw that Tiltyu/Tiltyu look-alike... all the upcoming bosses are going to keep doubling all of my units aren't they?

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Yeah, the blizzard mages don't move.

And, they might! The chapter 11x boss has 40 speed, AND a wind sword.

The Tiltyu look-alike is supposed to be Sigune, apparently. Yay placeholder mugs?

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The Tiltyu look-alike is supposed to be Sigune, apparently. Yay placeholder mugs?

I think it might be the creator's flair; there are a number of existing FE characters, but with a mug that isn't theirs. I've burnt them out of my memory though...

And, they might! The chapter 11x boss has 40 speed, AND a wind sword.

That's the worst boss by a far margin. Luckily they don't move otherwise they'd be truly unbeatable.

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I think it might be the creator's flair; there are a number of existing FE characters, but with a mug that isn't theirs. I've burnt them out of my memory though...

I'm thinking that they're placeholder mugs, because I've been told that this hack isn't finished, but it's still fully playable o 3o

I mean, they have mugs for some of the characters that they've inserted, like Klein, and Oliver, and Sothe; the Black Knight. Why wouldn't they make more mugs?

I guess we'll see, yeah?

As for dat chapter 11x boss... Yeah, I stopped playing for a while after seeing that XD

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Out of curiosity VASM, do you recall your unit's levels at chapter 10 and if you had anyone promoted? My current highest level is Brighton who's at 20 followed by Shiva (Elite manual + Chapter 8) and Asvel who lv 17. Highest speeds are Karin's 28 and Asvel's 24. I think I might just to restart this thing and do some abuse...

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I think it might be the creator's flair; there are a number of existing FE characters, but with a mug that isn't theirs. I've burnt them out of my memory though...

That's the worst boss by a far margin. Luckily they don't move otherwise they'd be truly unbeatable.

I am the only one who thought about hanging myself when I saw the labyrinth in pitch black darkness or is there someone else that thought he'll go crazy? Because finding the way to the boss was nearly as hard as fighting it.

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I am the only one who thought about hanging myself when I saw the labyrinth in pitch black darkness or is there someone else that thought he'll go crazy? Because finding the way to the boss was nearly as hard as fighting it.

Nah, I went crazy when I found out Fred couldn't open his doors to reach Olwen X D

At that point in the game I already threw away my pride and resorted to cheat codes, so that chapter was actually kind of fun for me. It wasn't as bad as Chapter 8, since you can still see your movement and attack ranges.

I did get a bit frustrated towards the end of the chapter, when I realised I went the wrong way (towards Olwen) and backtracked for a while to find the boss.

Out of curiosity VASM, do you recall your unit's levels at chapter 10 and if you had anyone promoted? My current highest level is Brighton who's at 20 followed by Shiva (Elite manual + Chapter 8) and Asvel who lv 17. Highest speeds are Karin's 28 and Asvel's 24. I think I might just to restart this thing and do some abuse...

Leaf was Level 25 after soloing 8x, I'm assuming he'll be a lower level for most people who skip 8x (I had to use codes to load Leaf with door keys to beat 8x, but I don't recall using any other codes).

Fin and Felgus were at 19, Brighton at 16, Shiida 15, other characters at 11~12. Felgus and Shiida had 24 Speed, while Fin had 23.

I used codes fairly heavily in Chapter 10, so I can't really give suggestions. I do know that the most dangerous part is when 10-15 Pegasus Knights spawn from the castle to attack you. Pegasus Knights aside, most of the enemies stay put, so the chapter is more straightforward than it first appears.


Also, Blizzard doesn't put units to sleep, so it's not super dangerous like in the original.

Edited by VincentASM
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Like everyone else i've resorted to cheat codes but the only one's i plan on using are upping all exp to 99 and a crapload of door key uses. Restarting im on chapter 4 with Leaf, Lifis, Finn, Jeanne, and Othin around lvl 15 except Lifis he's lvl 20 :awesome:

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That was pretty WTF, but I was more sad at...

Halvan getting zombified in Chapter 8x. Fortunately you still get Othin back, not that I ended up using him... I'm stuck on Chapter 22 right now, but I'm a bit worried about what happened to Dagda and Tania.

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Dagda got zombified and died at the end of chapter 8, and by the looks of it, Tania's not alive anymore, either, if you're already at chapter 22 without having gotten her back.


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Any idea how staff rank level ups work in this? I just tried 5 repair staff uses on a level 7.92 Saphy in chapter 12 and her staff rank won't go up even after I throw in a physic use.

Also, what's Patty's portrait? I thought she was supposed to replace Tina but I just saw normal Tina talk to Salem despite there being a "zombie" Tina somewhere in the map.

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Also, what's Patty's portrait? I thought she was supposed to replace Tina but I just saw normal Tina talk to Salem despite there being a "zombie" Tina somewhere in the map.

I think that's a bug. Patty is supposed to replace Tina, but presumably what they didn't do was overwrite Tina's portrait with Patty's in the graphical data. So you get dialogue hiccups like Tina's portrait still appearing when Patty escapes the map (since you need to manually set what portrait is displayed in dialoge).

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I can say I've been enjoying this hack very much! I haven't gotten as far as I'd like to (so far, I'm at Chapter 11 [note to self: trigger the Portcullis Attack when everyone can move D: ] in the progress of two or so weeks, procrastination, yay!), but there hasn't been any caving and giving Leaf 40's in everything (yet), so that's good I guess, just loads and loads of savestate abuse. I admit, I did hack some Door Keys into Leaf's inventory in Chapter 8x just because I was too lazy to restart the chapter. Also, Chapter 10 was hellish for me mainly due to the fact that I was too scared to play aggressively, so I had to Asvel tank and pray he didn't destroy Olwen. Needless to say, he was very fatigued after the whole ordeal, but promoted to his second tier class. Besides that, I look forward to future fun stuff that this hack will bound to have.

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Also, Chapter 10 was hellish for me mainly due to the fact that I was too scared to play aggressively, so I had to Asvel tank and pray he didn't destroy Olwen.

I'm pretty sure Olwen (and maybe Fred as well) benefits of the same protection as Eyvel in the early game chapters.

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I did not know that, now I feel sort of ripped off knowing I didn't have to put that much effort in trying to keep them alive when they can't die in both Super and non Super Thracia. ._.

Also, that video is awesome, I must try that someday. I was always under the impression that you have to finish that chapter really quick or "that guy with the funny hat" (don't know who he is : P ) will warp Leaf into the swarm of enemies, but if you can fix that with just a simple rescue, it'd be EXP city for Asvel as I greatly enjoy spamming him on maps.

Now for 11x, hhrrrrrrrgh, so is the victory condition "Run around and try and find the boss"? Cause I have no idea where to look at all.. I think it's cheating time. D:

Also, the fact that everyone gets poisoned sooner or later doesn't help.

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I did not know that, now I feel sort of ripped off knowing I didn't have to put that much effort in trying to keep them alive when they can't die in both Super and non Super Thracia. ._.

Also, that video is awesome, I must try that someday. I was always under the impression that you have to finish that chapter really quick or "that guy with the funny hat" (don't know who he is : P ) will warp Leaf into the swarm of enemies, but if you can fix that with just a simple rescue, it'd be EXP city for Asvel as I greatly enjoy spamming him on maps.

The game has its odd mechanics that are quite easy to miss I'll admit.

His name, according to MK404 I think, is Claus. Basically I got told rescuing Leaf would let him not be warped. On top of that, since Asvel gets a support bonus from Leaf, even if he's rescued, as long as he is in support range. At the beginning I know I was getting hit rates of 20%.

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Now for 11x, hhrrrrrrrgh, so is the victory condition "Run around and try and find the boss"? Cause I have no idea where to look at all.. I think it's cheating time. D:

When you reach the middle of the map, keep hugging the left side and try to make your way up. That's how I eventually found them.

His name, according to MK404 I think, is Claus.

Related to this, I believe they're an original character from the FE1 manga.

Asvel soloing the Roros was awesome X D

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After following your advice, Vincent, it totally worked, I am now a proud survivor of the Dark Labyrinth of Horrors! Of course, the only cheats I did there was Torch/Savestate abuse on Eine and to my glee, Asvel ORKO'd the boss thanks to a luckily placed critical. And my reward for beating it? Another F.O.W map. D:<

But I haven't gotten started on it, I'm thinking this one won't be as hellish though (hopefully..)

Now concerning Chapter 12x, is there a Sword of Blaggi I missed somewhere, or something? Cause Pahn ain't so nice there..

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I didn't find Pahn that tricky to deal with, half power isn't so bad when you can critical; just use your best characters like Asvel. A word of warning: if you have any unequipped healers, you may want to bench them for 12x.

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Haha, I took his sword as well. I was kind of disappointed that you didn't get his actual sword, but then again I didn't get Hell when I captured Veld in Chapter 3.

I'm curious as to whether you can snag the Dainslaif from Narshen in Chapter 22 (I kind of stopped playing at that chapter). The Bolt Axe held by Gromel is fair game, but Dainslaif has unlimited uses, so that looks like a bad sign. Although I did manage to steal the max Might axe and the Gungnir, both with unlimited uses, but nobody can use them so... >___<

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