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You truly are outstanding people.

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Lies and slander. You just don't care. :<


It was well into 11 PM for me and I was already starting to feel tiiiiired

What a coincidence, I fell off of the face of the earth around that time.

Me too.

Lux hates us! D:

It is indeed coincidence. I look fondly to Summer 2009 for the reason I mentioned, among other things. :<

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Just because I didn't include you in the names (which, technically, I did) doesn't mean I don't think you're awesome. :< Like I said, I threw up the names that came to mind first.


It depends on two things: first of all, if you're talking about Disgaea 2--I don't have a PS2. The only reason I could see Disgaea's storyline is because I had the DS version. I mean, supposedly I could do my research, but still...

The second thing it depends on is if people are willing to put up with and actually want to see a postgame.

I doubt anyone would be that interested in flavour just who you think did well, funny/surprisng stuff that happened, and who gets bonus smart points for asking you guys something and then completely ignoring it

But I wouldn't object to you doing a post game.

Edited by mikethfc
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Ai, ai. You forgot your own "brother."


It is indeed coincidence. I look fondly to Summer 2009 for the reason I mentioned, among other things. :<


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"Teachan" (heh, I still remember) and Roxas, you both got mentioned... three times (well Roxas less so, but you were still part of it)

For the two of you: The spriting community, the FE4 thread, and all of SF.

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"Teachan" (heh, I still remember) and Roxas, you both got mentioned... three times (well Roxas less so, but you were still part of it)

For the two of you: The spriting community, the FE4 thread, and all of SF.

I was never a part of the spriting community, all of SF is a cop-out, and the FE4 Thread is a lesser extent one as well. D:

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"Teachan" (heh, I still remember) and Roxas, you both got mentioned... three times (well Roxas less so, but you were still part of it)

For the two of you: The spriting community, the FE4 thread, and all of SF.

i.e. generics.

You can't expect to persuade Pilot with that weak logic. Roxas doesn't matter.

Easy to remember something I had just posted, huh?

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I was never a part of the spriting community, all of SF is a cop-out, and the FE4 Thread is a lesser extent one as well. D:

You sprited, you helped me, you were in my specific community. :<

And they're not copouts! It's to make everyone feel loved~

Maybe I should make a part two just to make some people feel better.

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Haru- For helping me with a lot of stuff, especially being a genius in nearly every area known to man.

Pff, "nearly". That's cute.

But thanks all the same.

Edit: Wait, what the living shit, why do I have 13 pips now?

Edited by Shu Shirakawa
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