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(Pokemon) R/S/E Draft

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Thoughts about team before starting:

Lotad- Available early, and trivializes Roxanne while providing useful resistances to Water, Ground and Steel.

Gulpin- Another early-joiner, disposes of Grass-types along with Yawn/Toxic support. Beats Brawly easily.

Magnemite-Amazing electric, 4x resistance to Flying and laughs at Winona.

Lunatone- Normal resistance, along with another helper for Flannery, Winona, and Tate/Liza.

Numel- Ground type makes Flannery cry, demolishes Steel-types.

Spheal- My solution to Drake, essentially. Can use Surf to its advantage during Tate/Liza.

Most likely my starter will be Torchic, so I can plow through Wattson and Norman.

I'll be playing on Sapphire, and will likely update after each gym/Aqua encounter.

EDIT: Something to keep note of next time is that usually the order of drafting is randomized, to prevent the topic creator from getting first pick all of the time. It doesn't need to be changed now, but just keep that in mind for the next time you start a draft. Random.org is usually a good place to randomize.

Edited by Venusaur
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My team is absolutely amazing!!!!!

Pregame analysis:

Luvdisc - This thing is going to rip shit up. With it's sexy 30/40 offences, and with an outstanding 97 base speed, Luvdisc is a threat to many high defence, slower threats, like Cascoon and Magikarp, although the latter could pose problems.

Spinda - With it's diverse movepool, and amazing 60/60 attacking stats, Spinda can finish of those rogue Cascoons and Magikarps that Luvdisc can't break through. However, Spinda is outsped by Magikarp, and it's defences could become an issue.

Walimer - With it's massive HP, it will be able to take hits well. In the elite 4, I am going to count on Wailord's massive speed to blast water spouts ath the opponent.

Wynaut - Comes at level 5 after the 4th gym, this guy is only slightly behind in levels. And he can't attack. Woop.

Lileep - An actual useful member of my team once it evolves and picks up some TM's. It's offence is pretty bad though, so at least it can tank well.

Natu - Should be rarin to go to beat up the elite 4.

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Starters Allowed

HM slaves allowed

Snake Draft

Catching undrafted pokemon for necessary Trades are allowed

Will update later.

1. ThatGuyDownTheStreet - Absol, Vulpix, Electrike, Spoink, Tropius, Wurmple/Beautifly

2.Kevin- Tailow, Wingull, Seedot, Poocheyena, Aron, Zizagoon

3.JakeTheGr3at- Ralts, Shroomish, Slakoth, Magikarp, Carvanha, Torkoal

4.WINgull- Cacnea, Tentacool, Sandshrew, Roselia, Surskit, Swablu

5.Emerald Jealousy- Trapinch, Mawile, Whismur, Zangoose, Slakoth, Doduo

6.Moss-Head- Abra, Nincada, Makuhita, Heracross, Snorunt, Geodude

7.Venusaur- Lotad, Gulpin, Magnemite, Lunatone, Numel, Spheal

8.General Horace- Luvdisc, Spinda, Walimer, Wynaut, Lileep, Natu

Two of us has Slackoth. Anyway, I'll follow suit and post my thoughts on the Pokemon I picked.

Trapinch: Evolves into Flygon, beast.

Mawile: Pretty beast and rather cute.

Whismur: Exploud is pretty beast.

Zangoose: Is awesome

Slackoth: ?

Doduo: Dodrio is awesome.

Obviously, I'll be playing Ruby. And I'll update like I did for White. If any of you saw it.

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Abra-Is a pain in the ass to train and eats shit as Kadabra

Nincada-Shedinja is cool

Makuhita-Hariyama kills stuff

Heracross-Kills more stuff

Snorunt-Drake raping

Geodude-Doesn't die

I'll be playing Ruby (I think).

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