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Wii successor at E3, "Significantly More Powerful Than PS3"

Don Draper

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Personally, I plan on remaining skeptical with this rumor. While I have no doubt that Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo are all working on crafting their next systems, both Microsoft and Sony have said that their new machines are still several years out from retail. I sincerely doubt that Nintendo, who has also repeatedly said the same thing, will suddenly show up with the hardware at E3. This is especially considering that they've just finished launching the 3DS and are still working out kinks with it. Now, they might slip a *mention* of what they're working on, similar to what they did with the Wii back in 2004. That is an action I could believe, as mentioning it at E3 2011 would project it for release around Holiday 2013, following the previous pattern for the Wii.

Plus, there are several other factors at hand. Most news sites these days have been extremely lax at stating rumors as bonified news, so while Game Informer and IGN supposedly have sources stating this information, this could be something still far down the pipe. And, it's Nintendo we're talking about here. They're generally pretty damn good about preventing leaks of big news stories, so something of this caliber getting leaked two months in advance of E3 is a little hard to swallow. Not to mention, Nintendo still has a ton of stuff in the pipeline for the Wii, DS, and 3DS. I would think that they'd be a bit overworked coming up with hardware AND software for another new system on top of what else they have at the moment.

That being said, I have a couple of thoughts/comments:

- At this point, I really don't much care either way about the news. I still have several games that I need to buy and play on the Wii and there are several more that Nintendo of America needs to get off of their ass for and localize (The Last Story, Xenoblade, and so forth). (This also isn't counting similar cases on the DS *coughfe12cough*...)

- Even if this news *is* true, I still can't see a new release of a console (unless it's purely an update of some kind (a la GBA SP or GB Micro), but the information from the "sources" seems to say otherwise) when Nintendo still has a ton of stuff up in the air. At least not for a couple of years down the road (2013), that is.

- This isn't saying that I don't want Nintendo to come out with the supposed "Wii 2/Wii HD/whatever". If they want to try to pull the "hardcore gamer" back in, I'm fine with that, considering that you can easily count the number of titles on the Wii that are worth buying. And, of course, there's also the vast number of titles that regions other than Japan have gotten screwed out of. Basically, I'm a starved gamer, even though I don't have time to play my backlog of games as it is. However, part of me doesn't foresee a "soccer mom" type of person shelling out for something that just makes things look prettier. Kinect, despite most people's reservations, was a large hit with that crowd, but largely because of it's tech. Move, on the other hand, was not as successful. If I were to equate this potential successor to something, it'd be Move, at least from the preliminary details. If that does become the case, Nintendo is going to be back in their Gamecube-era slump again, because the casual market is going to scoff at their offerings.

Edited by Lord Glenn
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I'm going to be cautiously optimistic that this is legit, since the Wii is honestly showing its age horribly. Its lack of power wasn't a huge deal with me for the first couple years, but the system's cracks are showing now.

Also, I love that the system's supposed codename is Project Cafe. It was like they flipped a dictionary open to a random page, played eeny meeny miney mo with the words on the page and went with it.

If that does become the case, Nintendo is going to be back in their Gamecube-era slump again, because the casual market is going to scoff at their offerings.

Exactly. All the grandparents in America who want Wii Fit already have a Wii. They aren't going to want a Cafe, because they have a Wii that works perfectly fine. So while Nintendo still can market to casual gamers, their casual base will probably shrink considerably (a fact not helped by the rise of phone/tablet gaming). They're going to have to get back the hardcore gamers they lost before with their next system, while still keeping their casual lead, which is slipping with the release of Kinect.

Additionally, this Project Cafe will have to not only be able to mop the floor with PS3 and 360 in terms of power, features, and easiness of development, but it will have to be so good at everything it does that when Sony and Microsoft's next systems come out, they won't be able to beat Cafe at its own game. If this system is not absolutely fantastic, then Sony and Microsoft are just going to take a little hit now, and will then look at all of Cafe's features and make a better Cafe. If this announcement is legit, then Nintendo must be really confident, because they're gambling big time in the long term (even with Wii, which came out tied for last, all its good features were copied/improved by Sony and Microsoft).

Good luck Nintendo. Love ya.

Edited by Ragnell
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It looks promising. If anyone's on FEE they know I want virtual reality where if you get sliced in half with a sword you feel it(there's something illegal about that) But that's at least 10-20 years off. still it would be cool.

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A touchscreen on a game you play on a TV? Sounds unnecessary... but I'm sure it will be helpful for developers since they can do whatever they want with the controls. And if anyone would release something like that, it's Nintendo. Dual Screens and touch screen, then motion controls, then 3D...

I can imagine it will accomplish more than the Wii's motion controls for non-casual gamers.

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It has been proven time and time again (Dreamcast anyone?) that it really isn't the power of the console that propels it to the top, even the Ps3's hardware was outdated the moment it hit the shelves.

Rather it is the quality of the games, The Wii fell apart because it had very few good 3rd party titles, primarily because most dev's saw the motion controls as a quick, effective way to target the 7 - 12~ audience. did it work? yes, of course, but it did nothing for the longevity of the console. meanwhile, the Xbox and Ps3 got most of the continued support for nearly all other demographics and this, ultimately proved to be more successful.

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It just struck me how damaging this Project Cafe rumor could be to Nintendo.

Obviously, if the rumors are totally or mostly true then there's no need to worry. Nintendo will reveal their console to exhilarated applause and loud shouting of "I told you so," from various parties. However, if this turns out to be all fake (I'm still optimistic that parts are correct, but at the same time I realize that it sounds a little too good to be true), Nintendo is facing a ton of pressure living up to this hardcore gamer's dream console that people are talking about. Imagine now they come to E3 with some sub-360 or 360-esque console with a wacky new feature like motion controls or 3D; fanboys everywhere would be outraged that they don't get their new hyper-HD super console. This rumor could literally destroy their next console's debut. They're now competing against a console that might not even exist, or even be at all realistic. An HD console that doubles as an HD handheld, has dual analog sticks, a massive touch screen a la NGP, a camera, and is backward compatible across two generations, with its controller even doubling as a sensor bar? Yikes. I would not want to be competing with that.

Haha, hope the rumors are true... for Nintendo's sake.

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Because the same fanboys who were already outraged at the Wii totally destroyed the Wii's market dominance.

God, you guys are out of touch with reality...

Read my post again, carefully. I said the Cafe rumor "could literally destroy their next console's debut." Debut=/=market. The debut could very easily be ruined, and while that won't help their sales, it won't destroy them either.

On a similar subject, though, Nintendo can't keep pulling Wii's forever. Anyone who thinks they can is out of touch with reality.

The Wii relied extremely heavily on the casual gamer market. That market is shrinking, since most casual gamers won't want a brand new obnoxiously expensive system unless that system is something totally new and intuitive for people of all levels of experience like the Wii was (how many new ideas for consoles are left that fit this description?). In fact, like I said before, many casual gamers (like old folks and really young kids) won't need any new system for years. They have a Wii, why do they need Nintendo's next system? Additionally, like Lord Glenn said, Kinect has gained popularity (likely due to the fact that it isn't exactly like the other two motion systems, and it was advertised well), taking all the punch out of Nintendo's motion controls and gaining the brand loyalty of a whole swarm of casual gamers. Add on to that the fact that most portable devices these days can play increasingly complex video games, and you've got a shrinking market.

That's not to say Nintendo can't market to casual gamers anymore. They probably can still run away from next generation with good profits using the same strategy. However, don't expect the Wii2 to decimate the competition like Wii did.

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...(how many new ideas for consoles are left that fit this description?)...

Asking how many ideas are left for anything is a dangerous game, even if you were to qualify it with "good ideas."

...That's not to say Nintendo can't market to casual gamers anymore. They probably can still run away from next generation with good profits using the same strategy. However, don't expect the Wii2 to decimate the competition like Wii did.

You know how the PS2 was the best selling console even when it was competing with the next generation of consoles? The Wii is going to continue to sell into the next console generation, though it won't necessarily be the best selling console.

EDIT: Obligatory "no you're out of touch with reality."

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Asking how many ideas are left for anything is a dangerous game, even if you were to qualify it with "good ideas."

True, I'll concede that. But Wii was a totally revolutionary way of inputting commands into a game. Motion controls were loved because there was no memorizing what buttons did. If it said hit the ball, you just swung like you were hitting a ball. That draws in people who don't usually play video games. Obviously, like you said, there are always more ideas, but I think few could measure up to the intuitiveness of motion controls. This whole screen-on-the-controller thing certainly doesn't sound that game-changing, though it is certainly a cool idea.

You know how the PS2 was the best selling console even when it was competing with the next generation of consoles? The Wii is going to continue to sell into the next console generation, though it won't necessarily be the best selling console.

EDIT: Obligatory "no you're out of touch with reality."

I don't follow. Wii will continue to sell. I realize that. Just like DS continues to sell, and GBA continued to sell, etc. It will probably sell pretty well, given how immensely well-known it is. In fact, I'm sure many, many people would still buy a Wii even if the Wii2 is similarly priced and backwards compatible (why get some new fangled system when all you want to play is Wii Sports and Wii Fit). So...? What's your point?

I won't degrade myself by continuing this little game of who's out of touch with reality. It's much too childish for a prim, proper gentleman such as myself...


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And... the rumors continue to flow. It's a little crazy how detailed these reports are getting. Either someone is pulling crap out of the butt at an astounding rate, or Nintendo currently has at least one employee who's leaking like a broken sink. Or Nintendo is better at marketing than we suspect.

Hm... the Nintendo Stream... sounds pretty cool. I could get used to that name. However, it fits the system's function a little too well. Sounds fishy.

Also, a possible November release! Wait, what?!! Now that sounds unreal. I suppose Nintendo got 3DS out about a year after it was revealed, but seriously, less than half a year between announcement and release? Consider me extremely skeptical of that little nugget.

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Read my post again, carefully. I said the Cafe rumor "could literally destroy their next console's debut." Debut=/=market. The debut could very easily be ruined, and while that won't help their sales, it won't destroy them either.

On a similar subject, though, Nintendo can't keep pulling Wii's forever. Anyone who thinks they can is out of touch with reality.

The Wii relied extremely heavily on the casual gamer market. That market is shrinking, since most casual gamers won't want a brand new obnoxiously expensive system unless that system is something totally new and intuitive for people of all levels of experience like the Wii was (how many new ideas for consoles are left that fit this description?). In fact, like I said before, many casual gamers (like old folks and really young kids) won't need any new system for years. They have a Wii, why do they need Nintendo's next system? Additionally, like Lord Glenn said, Kinect has gained popularity (likely due to the fact that it isn't exactly like the other two motion systems, and it was advertised well), taking all the punch out of Nintendo's motion controls and gaining the brand loyalty of a whole swarm of casual gamers. Add on to that the fact that most portable devices these days can play increasingly complex video games, and you've got a shrinking market.

You are being silly. You look at the Wii and the Wii2 and think 'the casual gamers will never be able to tell the difference!'. People did not buy the Wii because it was the Wii. They bought it because of the Wii games. In the same way, the Wii2 will sell if Nintendo can put games that people want on it.

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You are being silly. You look at the Wii and the Wii2 and think 'the casual gamers will never be able to tell the difference!'. People did not buy the Wii because it was the Wii. They bought it because of the Wii games. In the same way, the Wii2 will sell if Nintendo can put games that people want on it.

It wasn't just the games that sold the Wii. Wii introduced new ways of playing video games. Many people in my family turn and flee whenever I convince them to play a game and start my pre-game briefing with "So, that button there does...". The Wii eliminated that in many games (like the amazingly popular Wii Sports) and made things much simpler for non-gamers. The games may have sold the system, but the system allowed the games to exist at all. This isn't to say all Wii games are waggle-fests, or that casual people don't play other (less gimmicky) games, but I know several families that have nothing except Wii Sports, Wii Play, and some of those other little motion minigame collections. They won't want a Cafe, not because they can't tell it apart from Wii, but exactly because they can tell it apart, and they realize they already have what they want. They bought Wii because of its new approach to gaming, and now they have that experience. The Wii succeeded on such a spectacular level because it got those people to buy it, while still keeping most of the people seeking a traditional game experience.

The rumored Cafe is seemingly aimed very directly at a more traditional game experience (granted, with some of Nintendo's typical flare and quirks, but still), so people who don't like the traditional game experience likely aren't going to buy it. Now add on a higher price tag (an estimated $350-400 at least), and you're further alienating casual gamers. Kinect and cell phone/tablet gaming gaining in popularity are not helping Nintendo's chances either. That's all I'm trying to say.

Though the fact that the Wii remote might be still supported by Cafe games could render my argument totally moot anyway...

EDIT: I just realized that I might be using a misleading term here. I'm not referring to "casual gamers" who always get a system but don't play much so much as I'm talking about "non-gamers." i.e. People who don't normally play video games at all. That might clear up some of the conflict.

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It wasn't just the games that sold the Wii. Wii introduced new ways of playing video games.

So people bought it to play the games, not just because it was a Wii.

Also, I don't think they'd name a console Wii and then the next one Stream.

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So people bought it to play the games, not just because it was a Wii.

Also, I don't think they'd name a console Wii and then the next one Stream.

The games may have sold the system, but the system allowed the games to exist at all.

Yes, people bought it to play games. But many non-gamers bought it to play Wii Sports-esque games, which appeal to an extremely broad audience with their totally new intuitive way of playing. These types of games depend on the console to having the necessary features, which don't sound like they're going to exist on Cafe (what with the fact that it's a more traditional controller). So those button-phobic people have no reason to buy a Cafe. If, however, the Wii remote is supported by Cafe games (which I could see happening), or there is some Cafe equivalent of a Wii remote, then the effect will greatly decrease since more casual motion games will continue. But we have heard nothing like that yet (except that Cafe is reverse compatible with Wii games). And all this is based on the assumption that these reports on the console are even true. So, whatever, speculation on speculation.

On another note, that image looks pretty sweet. It seems a little too convenient that it was just leaked along with everything else, but here's hoping it's legit.

EDIT: Wii... Stream... so much for kid-friendly.

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I doubt most people are going to miss this, but the "Wii 2" has been confirmed. I've seen other apparently official details floating around as well (and I don't mean the rumours), but it shouldn't be too hard to find them.

A 2012 (June?) release does seem pretty far off though. Hopefully more new Wii/DS releases are announced in E3, or is Nintendo really banking on the 3DS to keep sales going?

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