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The Topic with the Witty Remark!


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Ivy, my personal mug:


Amelitia, origanally a younger human Sonia, but recoloured and altered:


Senar, the one with no neck:


Haldan, the one with the weird, artificial abs:


Some dude with the hair that needs shading and Ivy's husband:


And Hav'aar, a competition entry that I don't need critique for:


So there they are, and critique is appreciated because I can now take it. lol

Edited by BlackShadow
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This topic deserves some comments

Ivy looks decently original. However, she has no shading where her hair meets/ covers her face.

Amelitia looks too sad, but technically a solid sprite in my eyes. The hair on our right doesn't seem to clearly go infront or behind her though.

Senar, you already know the problem (move his head up and a little forward). Also, I think shading between his skin and shirt are missing.

Halden's eyes don't look like they're at different angles. Change the right one.

Edit: the husband decided to appear. He needs a little shading, yeah, around the hair and on his neck. His neck almost seems a little off.

In general, make sure you've shaded where necessary.

I'm no expert, but that's what I see. Keep up your work.

Edited by deranger
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So, a couple of things.


Orange: There are stray pixels here.

Blue: There needs to be shading here.

Red: This part uses a different skin color than the rest of the mug.

Magenta:These parts have pixels that don't belong.

Yellow: The shading here is wrong

I'll elaborate a bit on the shading thingy using the line examples I put above.

So, right now the way you shaded those parts is a bit like number 1, where the shade is the same length as the outline. It should be something more like two or three. Two is an example of anti-aliasing with two colors (think of the white backround as the first color) and 3 is how it should be done with three colors. If you would like, I could demonstrate how it should be done on your mug.

All in all, they are pretty minor issues and it's not a bad splice.

Though, the hair is a bit weird, but I'm too lazy to comment on it.:p

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ivy - I like her look definitely. But as deranger mentioned the lack of shading. I like how you changed up Lutes clothes by turning whatever those were originally to more sleeve like clothing.

Amelitia - Liking her also. The hair gets a bit messy at some parts. Like that one really straight piece right in the middle of her forehead. I like her facial expression though. I think emotional sprites are cool.

Senar is eh. Technically he is ok(besides like the neck) but he isn't the most interesting of your sprites.

Haldan looks like he is having some chest issues maybe? I don't think someone's pecks would be visible that high. Make him look like hes got really high cleavage. I like the hair. Always did like it on that character its from.

The husband could probably use a better fitting left(opv) shoulder pad and more exciting armor. And besides the hair its pretty good. If you went back and worked on him you could probably make him a pretty cool lookin cavalier.

I like the newest one too! You definitely got better. I like the hair(is that some of lowen's hair in there?) and the headband.

You should definitely keep spriting cause you'll just keep getting better.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For lilina as a bishop I think theres some trim issues on her head thing. Theres some purple in her hair all the way on the left opv that shouldn't be there. The orange in the sholder thing looks kind of flat.

For Isalinda, are you using fe6/7 colros for the hair? Because to me the hair looks too faded compared to the rest of the sprite. The hair could use shading where it does behind her shoulders so it looks like it really is supposed to be doing that. Right now it just looks cut off. on that inner green part that goes around her neck and is above her cleavage you forgot to put in the darker shade of green instead of the purple. The head circlet thing is going across at a weird angle. On te right its really slanted but on the left its straight so it looks a little too offset. AH! And I figured out actually whats bothering me about the hair. on the right of her face opv there is a piece of hair that looks like its about to go over the collar, but instead it just gets cut off like it going behind the collar. So then that messes up the perspective since it looks like its in front of her but then somehow its really behind her, if you get what I mean.

Also, sorry I didn't mean it to be this long.

Edited by Strawman the SawmanShaman
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  • 3 weeks later...


Well the first one, I needed to making custom blinking frames because I didn't have access to the internet. The second one is the son of the first, and the last sprite is a WIP. Yhe armour on the first is scheduled to changed so any suggestions would be appreciated. And critique please.

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Ok, so I was looking back over my old sprite topic, and saw some of my FE10 sprites and I was told they weren't good. So I took Jill and made her without her wyvern ( the middle one, upright weapon). The two in front of her are promotion, still Jill but the class is unnamed nd different palletes ( suggestions for the name?). The one behind is a generic promotion. And the last is a crappy Marcia... Anyway please critique.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...


Newest thing. A swordmaster. Customed the jacket, by adding the trim and getting rid of the belt things( Was Lloyd's jacket). Critique.

At first glance, the jacket looks good, but the undershirt looks completely flat. The rest of him is pretty impressive.

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At first glance, the jacket looks good, but the undershirt looks completely flat. The rest of him is pretty impressive.

Thanks for critiquing!:D The under shirt is falt as it is only one colour and I am yet to change that as my references a bad.

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