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Look at all the support I am getting! I don't think you guys know what you are getting into or what I agreed to do, but you are welcome to try and help me in this endeavor if you are brave enough mortals!

Worst Obama impression ever

He stole my catchphrase fyi.

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you'll admit oranges are better?


No >:(

Support? Something tells me otherwise....

Oh yeah?




And my



I got THESE guys. It's like an army of Lord of the Rings LARPers, this is a hardcore crew I have assembled. Not sure how shovel guy is going to help...

...of course! He will dig the graves of all who would oppose me and my cause.

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The shovel guy can help you bury the hookers you kill.

Tangerine says (12:13 PM):

*you'll be fine

*Now go join my crew

0 says (12:13 PM):

*fuck no

ahh, you cannot force recruitment, as I have now learned.

And why would hookers oppose my cause? I guess it will create a lack of interest in working gals or something, probably.

Tangerine says (12:17 PM):

*join or I will kill you

0 says (12:18 PM):


Tangerine says (12:18 PM):

*join or I will kill Bianchi

0 says (12:19 PM):

*try and you'll die

Tangerine says (12:19 PM):

*you'll have to get past my shield first, and good luck doing that

*who is my shield...

*it is Sask

*good luck getting past Sask!

0 says (12:21 PM):

*easy shield to break

Threats have not worked either! Hmmm, I will have to return to my lair and think. I need someone as experienced in this matter as Sirius on my quest.

Edited by Tangerine
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Tangerine says (12:19 PM):

*you'll have to get past my shield first, and good luck doing that

*who is my shield...

*it is Sask

*good luck getting past Sask!

0 says (12:21 PM):

*easy shield to break


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Tangerine says (12:17 PM):

*join or I will kill you

0 says (12:18 PM):


Tangerine says (12:18 PM):

*join or I will kill Bianchi

0 says (12:19 PM):

*try and you'll die

Tangerine says (12:19 PM):

*you'll have to get past my shield first, and good luck doing that

*who is my shield...

*it is Sask

*good luck getting past Sask!

0 says (12:21 PM):

*easy shield to break

You're using one of my good friends as a shield? You have lost your mind.


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You'd need an entire army to take me down anyway.

I need but three mouse clicks to defeat a demon of your level! You are a small fry in the grand scheme. What I have agreed to do is a far more dangerous task than to defeat you.


It's okay, I think you are a great shield!

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