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Which character do you look like ?

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When I look my friends and work collegues, sometimes I find they are looking like a specific character of Fire Emblem.

I can tell to myself, this guy is Kieran reincarnated for exemple, and I find it's fun.

Or one of my girlfriend's friend is Calil ; all that counts in the world is good looking.

For me, it seems I am a kind of combination of Nephenie and Moredecai (with a big salt or Soren). Generally peaceful (lazy could say some ?), but if you enoy me to a fair enough point, I will fiercely strike you.

What about you ?

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-Is confused- Which character do I look like, or act like? ohmy.gif

For looks, if I wear a bandana, I'm sure I could squeak by with an FE1!Darros, I'm not manly or anything, or am I bishie content. Without that, laud.. not many guys out there with black hair and have a speck of actual guy-like attire. Maybe if Marty had black hair, I could go with him? Skin tone and hair length is at least where is it, although my nose isn't that round and my Bld would be like less than half of his xD

Personality, I'm not a dick or anything, nor am I very special, I have an obscene sense of humour however, which leads me to say Othlin because I'm no one really special, just a village kid, and I like to tease, and foul mouth off, but it's not deliberate.

Whoops- -Looks at sub-forum title- will edit to be FE9-worthy

FE9 WORTHY- Uhh, Christ, shota as far as the eye can see, definitely not 100%, not even 60%, but grow my hair, stop shaving my chin area, dye it my hair purple and gel it back and you got a 50% of a Largo in progress. Only without the body and the handsomeness for that manner.

Personality, like said before, I'm a jerk, but I don't really mean it, taking a page right from Othlin's book, Boyd's the guy for this.

Edited by Axefighter Maji
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Appearance; Lifis, and I've a cousin who looks goddamn IDENTICAL to Heather. I've the temperament of...I dunno, Tanya. Only with more vitriol.

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If it is my appearance, perhaps Marth-ish? Cuz my bangs and eye shape is yeah.

If its my person, then I am prolly a Caeda/Sheeda on my good side, since I can be childish, but kind and can be serious at times. But my bad side can kinda be compared to Kuraine, since when I am mad or angry, I tend to be cocky and sometimes cruel.

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Appearance; Lifis, and I've a cousin who looks goddamn IDENTICAL to Heather.

I'd like to see that for myself.

I hate to say it, but of the FE characters, I look like Sothe the most. My father looks like Bastian. :XD:

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I'd say I'm a combination of Haar, Geoffrey, and Nolan in a way. If you combined all three you'd get me, looks-wise.

Personality-wise, I'm a combination of a male Heather, and a male Marcia (with real cursing). Heather because I flirt with guys a lot, and Marcia because I curse a lot.

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I look like I'm from Sacae.

EDIT: In the FE9 forum? REALLY? FE9 doesn't have much Asian representation.

Edited by eclipse
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FE9- uhhh, closest would probably be Mia. Or Lucia. Somewhere in between. I'm nowhere as endowed as Lucia but I look older than Mia soooooo~ FE10 Mia looks more like me than FE9 Mia anyway.

From all of FE-Ayra. Complete with broadsword. Mareeta or Lakche with long hair also fits well.

Personality- closest in FE9 would also be a Mia-Lucia blend, I guess. maybe a bit of Haar because I like sleeping. Outta all of FE, though, I fit most myrm/mercchicks (and Nailah) to some degree with the exception of Karla and Fir. But mostly Lakche.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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When my hair was long and i had fringe, i looked a bit too much like Astrid. Nowadays i look more like Marcia.

Personality? A bit of Soren and a dash of Titania and some Marcia thrown in for good measure.

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I just got my haircut two days ago, so now I don't look like any characters in FE9 anymore.

But if I died my hair green and wore a headband I would have looked like Boyd (Funny, because Boyd is one of my favorite FE characters). I just got a Cosplay idea!

Who I act like, not quite sure yet. Though I played RD a lot of he characters didn't talk there. Time to read some FE9 scripts!

Edited by Darros
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Personality wise? I'm Shinion minus racism with a touch of Zihark. Essentially, I'm friendly, but I'm a major jerkass

How do that work exactly? **** it IDK, but it does.

Edited by 3-13Archer
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Appearance... Younger Bastian minus facial hair? Reyson with slightly shorter hair? I don't really know.

Personality. Soren minus "tragic back-story" but plus some people skills and general niceness.

... I suddenly hate myself a lot more now.

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Oh! I got a friend that looks like Tiki(FE12). They look like the same size, but she doesn't have green hair and without that thing on Tiki's head, otherwise, there they're pretty much the same. Me on the other hand, I don't know, honestly I don't know. If I had time to decide than I may come up with an answer.

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I would say I look much like Haar, mainly for my long brown locks. As for personality, I can act like a baby sometimes, yet I want to help and I love my friends and family, so I'd say I'm very similar to Rolf.

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I would say I look the most like Brom in body build and hair style/color, not really in facial features though (there needs to be more characters with heavy neck beards.)

Hector's portrait from FE6? Hector-1.png

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