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I'm in the PERFECT position right now in the battle with Voltz's mercenaries. I've recruited Beowulf, and anyone I want can deal the finishing blow. I was originally planning on giving the Elite Ring to Beowulf, like I did in my first run, but I'm not so sure about that now.

What do you think?

I was planning on pairing Lachesis with either Fin or Beowulf--I'd glue her to Fin, and switch to Beowulf if Fin was too hard.

Other planned pairings:






BriggidxJamka(simplest to accomplish)

EDIT: On second thought, I'm thinking I might pair Lachesis with Beowulf, just so Fin can keep his stuff. What think?

Edited by Flock of Geese
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If it's not too much trouble, Lachesis should be the one to get the Elite ring. After all, she's a lot more useful as a Master Knight and being mounted made talking to Eltshan a breeze.

Or you could give the ring to Fin, since he's going to leave soon and would reappear in Second Gen. Seriously, Fin hardly seem to get any exp in second gen, so it's best to promote him before he leave. Do be very careful and made sure you made Fin sold the ring when he's done with it. I made the mistake of allowing Fin to leave with the ring once and have to replay the whole chapter for that oversight. Not fun.

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Fin can cope going into the 2nd Gen unpromoted. If he's not paired, he'll appreciate a spare Steel lance - Fury generally appreciates the Hero Lance. If any of your units are struggling to level, I'd slap it on them.

Both Beowulf and Fin are good choices for Lachesis. Beowulf provides more offense with Charge and more strength - and passes swords onto Delmud. Fin means they'll dodge more and gives them better odds (and arena performance) with Prayer. I lean slightly towards Beowulf, there are times Delmud won't finish something with two hits - and he won't always have the Hero Sword.

For Sylvia, you still have Claude! Their kids will be slightly better versions of them. There's also Alec if you're lazy. The subs are there too, if you feel like killing Sylvia off.

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I actually ended up giving the Elite Ring to Lachesis. I don't think I'll be able to level her up to 20 by chapter 3, though.

Anyway, thanks for the advice. I think I'd be better off waiting until I'm more experienced before attempting a Fin pairing, so I'll probably go with Beowulf.

By the way, is there anything in the game that will help Ira and Lex's relationship? Also, will getting the Hero Sword adversely affect the pairing in any way?

EDIT: Never mind, it seems Lex can give Ira the Hero Sword as well, so both bases are covered.

Edited by Flock of Geese
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Elite Ring should be passed around like candy, allowing you to maximize your EXP gain in the arena. As long as you manage money properly, you can get almost everyone promoted within some reasonable timeframe.

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For Lachesis, just get her to staff bot, I always manage to promote her before conquering Madino.

Also, Elite Ring Arena chains says hi (providing everyone has 40,000 gold kicking about by then).

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