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Return of the Emblem Chapter Four: The Human Condition


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"Alright, I'll just get myself used to calling you 'Ranyin.' It's easier to start forming that habbit now. And yeah, a vulnery might be a good thing to have around, but since Riz can't come along, I wouldn't have anywhere to put it and I like having my hands free for my axe," Bert replied to his new teammate. A hint of irritation entered his tone as he continued, "If I had my maces, I'd have both my hands full and I'd be able to do more damage more easily. Until I come up with the gold, though, I'm stuck with this old, iron axe. Better than nothing, but I still miss Splinter and Crunch. Can't wait to test their fortification."

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When they finally arrived at the site, Chelsea kindly told Nesha to step back from the fight. The horse took it fine, and left off somewhere. Chelsea sighed, knowing that this was going to be a diificult battle, when suddenly Ucollas came up to her, asking her to join her team. "Yeah that's fine with us. We could always use the extra boost in offensive magic. You stick to hitting them from afar, heal when neccesary. My first priority will be to heal and provide offense only when neccesary. Nanahm-"- Chelsea called out to the warrior, "Get back here with us, we have to prepare for battle. Also you know Shadrak, right? He'll be joining us from now on."- the troubador told her companion.

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Nanahm answered, "Yeah, come on aboard, buddy." Oh man, Nanahm was honestly waiting to see how this would work out. He remembered the last conversation they both had and wondered how Shadrak felt about it now. He knew what he was doing for survival, but did Shadrak? We're about to see, folks.

Sammy was shaking, but he was actually kind of calm on the inside, like a shaken soda bottle, he would probably burst if someone prodded him too hard or upset him at all.

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“Hmm?” Valter stopped and turned back around. “You’re letting her go?” he asked, kind of confused. He hadn’t expected that. “Yeah, sure, I can watch her.” Whoops, phrasing made it sound like babysitting. "I mean, I'll escort her. I'll do my best to keep her out of danger."

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Shadrak nodded to Chelsea and Nanahm. "Good plan then. It seems we can have good synergy going." he stated, before turning to Nanahm confused. "Are you sure your ok with it? We've had our troubles in the past..."

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"No space for a vulnery? Now that's not good," said Ranyin suddenly noting Bert's lack of sufficient clothing to hide his wounds made him take a spare cloak from his bag.

"Here use this," said Ranyin offering the cloak, "it should cover your wounds. I'm lending it to you so I expect it back. I don't mind it torn or cut or whatever, I just need it back so that I can sew it."

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"Yeh, understood." You pompous idjit, we should be rushin' in there right now! His temper would get the best of him one day, as would his impatience. He at least knew that it would be better to wait, but he didn't want to accept it.

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"No complaints from me as long as you take the hits. You get hit, I'll patch ya up," Nadya said to the woman mentioning nomads. Looking around, she saw a short kid with a bow shaking.

"You all right there? You look like you might blow up or something kid. Nervous?" Nadya asked him.


"I will do that Father. Thank you for your cooperation," he said, going out to speak with the pegasus knights that had arrived.

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Another Arrival

When Valter and Joanna arrived with the other clerics to the scene, the volunteer teams were already moving into position. The scene was tense, with a lot of weapons drawn and ready to use. The clerics funneled out of the wagon and met with an officer. "Alright, listen carefully, for your own safety. Healers are not to advance into the building any further than the soldiers have. You're only being allowed inside for sufficient healing response time. You are not to go into any unsecured areas, even if there's no one there. Understood? You stay in the designated safe zones we have completely covered. We've already had about eleven ambushes confirmed since the start of the operation, and that's just on the first floor, and the operation started only fifteen minutes ago for Mercy's sake." he explained. Truth knows how many damn casualties we would have had by now if Hawkeye and Peggie weren't taking care of this.


"You've got a deal, Nadya, was it? I'll stabb'em, you keep any scratches patched up so I don't have to retreat or anythin'." Gabbie replied with a smile. Alright, I guess we'll see how long this takes. she mused giving her lance a good twirl to get reacquainted with the weight and feel of its movements. since she hadn't been doing much more than carrying it around for the past day.


"Okay so Gabbie's with Nadya ... and from the looks of things Shadrak's speaking with Chelsea and Nanahm ... okay."

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"You sew?" Bert was a bit surprised to hear that. This guy can sew? And it looks like he can think properly, too, noticing how covering someone's wounds from enemy eyes is a good thing. Why can't Raquel be more like Ranyin? Oh well. "Thanks, but I wouldn't be able to move around how I'm used to in that. The best I can ask for right now is someone who knows how to use a heal staff before I run in with open gashes like this. Though if I asked anyone around here, they'd probably slip some poison into my wounds instead... Just worry about yourself for now. I'll make do with what I have," the pegasus rider shrugged it off, "Though I think I'll ask you to stitch up my things from here on out, if you don't mind. Raquel never seems to have time for it."

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Alright, this place was pretty crowded. With Joanna likely to rush in a the first opportunity, Valter took the little time he had to find somewhere to keep Phyllis, as mounts were definitely not a good idea in that building. He walked over to some of the wagon carts and their drivers and started talking with one of them, asking about a place to keep his horse. Meanwhile, Phyllis’s attention was caught by something else. Most of the carts were being pulled by bulls, but a few wagons down there was one pulled by horses. She neighed to get their attention and pulled her head over to get a better look, happy to see fellow horses hanging around.

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"I see," said Ranyin keeping his cloak back, "the healers here seem trustworthy. If you can't trust them to save your life, who can you trust? Apart from your pegasus that is."

Ranyin sighed a bit as he shook his vulnery. Only one dose left, he thought gloomily, better make it count.

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"Just put it behind you, sir. I'm not gonna hold a grudge if you aren't. Morals don't belong in a battle, it's all about survival." The fighter responded to Shadrak. "You just be cautious, I'll get your back. Got it?" He asked. If they could all 3 work together, they'd be pretty powerful, and that made Nanahm a lot more confident.

"N-N-Nervous? J-Just a bit... You see... I've.... No, nevermind, not gonna jinx this shit." He said, forcing all inhibitions away that he could. "The name's Sammuel, ma'am..." He added, realizing he hadn't introduced himself to... nearly anyone, lately.

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"I'd just rely on time for healing if I have to," Bert replied. He would've said more, but something caught his attention. What in Truth's name is he doing here? "I'll be right back. If you can find a trustworthy healer, great. If not, I'm relying on time," the axe-user informed his magic-slinging teammate before he walked over to the familliar, odd-eyed man with the winged lady. "What the heck are you doing here? It's kinda dangerous," Bert asked Valter uncerimoniously.

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((Tyrs can just barely hear screaming from the building, which is why he's so nervous right now.))

Tyrs's every instinct was to rush in, ready for a fight. The muscles in his neck stood out, hard. Only the word of the commander held him back, and even then Tyrs wished for a fight, for a chance to prove his valor. There was something cowardly in standing back and allowing another to take the bullets of the enemy for him, and he wouldn't stand for it. Still, he stayed back, for fear that by breaking order he would be dishonoring his father's name more than his own. So instead, he spoke to himself, but also to the man standing next to him, the one who had named himself Tanner.

"What fool would just wait while someone else runs in and proves his own power? Only a coward would stand by while another draws the enemy's attacks!"

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“Uh… huh? Excuse me for a moment, sir,” Valter told the cart driver, and turned towards Bert, obviously confused. “What am I doing here? What are you doing here? I’m still escorting Joanna,” he said, pointing to the clerics gathered some distance away. “When she heard about them needing healers she wanted to come, Father Remiel asked me to watch her again…”

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Shadrak nodded. "Sounds good, besides, there are no morals to be had here, our opponents are Artificial, there is nothing honorable about them, they have no history, they just need to die." he explained with a malevolent smile. This was a good team, and, with a little time, Shadrak was sure they would have some good Synergy, which they would need. If he understood it right these abominations were tough, it would take all they have to take them out.

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With Bert leaving him, Ranyin decided to...follow him.

Ranyin spotted a man and...a woman with wings? Fallen, thought Ranyin immediately with fear, but her wings aren't black.

Her eyes are not glowing either, she must be something else, an avian if I recall correctly, thought Ranyin calming down and pulling as much memories as he could about the books he read from the academy library. It was important to identify friend from foe was something his mentors had stressed on a lot during lessons in war history.

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"I'm Nadya, nice to meet ya. Have you not fought in many battles before? I'm not too comfortable with this either, I'm used to fighting on horseback, out in the open, plenty of room to run...but we all gotta start somewhere right? Tell ya what Sammuel, let's watch each other's backs in there. You get banged up a little, I'll patch ya up. Just be sure to shoot anyone gunning for me or lance girl over there all right?" she asked the young archer, jerking her head in Gabbie's direction.

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Nanahm nodded. "You got it now, sir."

"DEAL." Sammy felt so relieved now, he had people looking out for him... well, one person... But he also had responsibilities now. "I may not look it, but I'm an excellent shot. You'll see!"

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"I'm here cause Pi-- ... Raquel... -- is here for some reason. She has my maces and I'm trying to earn them back, so I'm doing whatever she has me do for now. Anyway, if it's just you and Birdie, then maybe you should stick with us. Might as well stick together, don't you think? And we're not supposed to be bringing horses or pegasi in there with us, so you can leave your horse by Riz if you'd like. There are other horses at Raquel's cart, too," Bert offered, sticking his thumb back to Raquel's wagon. He was unaware that the mage had followed him.

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It seemed to Luca that another horse had shown up. That was intriguing, yes, but it didn't look like she was apart of the herd. Sandrock was happy to see her though. Riley was now more wary than anything else. Gunshots, gunshots, and more gunshots. If they were getting closer and not moving further away he would be a bit scared, and not just bothered.

Blah Blah Blah

"Alright, when your men are ready, have them head over to the building and get set up on the east side entrance. The volunteer teams are going to be heading in any minute now so hurry up. You're already lagging behind them." he said to Raquel and the others.


"So then ... they cut-us off, ey? And they got through all the ambushes on the first floor with only a few casualties? Clever girl." Azrael commented aloud in the dark room.

"I've had enough of this. Let's end this." another voice came. "Get ready. We'll swamp the lot of them and kill them outright."


"Oh ... um, hello, Bert. I did come here to assist with any healing matters, and Valter did agree to look after me, so I don't have any objections.

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It sure was taking a while, John noticed. However, he was still at the ready in case they were called to get in. 'Well, this is a bit boring.' He thought, leaning his back to the wagon. Not soon did he saw Bert leaving, followed by Ranyin. 'Hm? Where are they going...?' He wondered, but remained by the wagon, again, to be ready at any moment's notice.

Gil meanwhile was possibly just a bored. At this point, he'd have wanted to just doze off already, seeing his master wouldn't need him for this battle. However, he couldn't trust to just give his back to this many people, especially being soldiers. The sooner this be over, the better.

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"Your name was Joanna, right?" asked Bert, recalling the name Valter had used only just moments earlier, "Do you get tired when you heal? I heard healers sometimes get tired or something like that." If she doesn't, I might ask her for the favor. If she does, it's not a big deal. Even if my sides are healed, they've been left alone long enough that they'll have scars and so they'll just be targetted again and again. Oh well. Things like this happen. Though he didn't conciously notice it, Bert was glad that the dark Avian trusted him enough to be in the same general group of people as him, in spite of having seen him battle-frenzied. Forgiving sort, looks like.

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