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Return of the Emblem Chapter Four: The Human Condition


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Stuff Before The Battle

"You still want to fight, in your condition? What are you going to do, Robin, fall all over them to death? Anyway, all that's left of both teams is one of the captains and your Neviskotian buddies." Patricia replied to Robin.

When Domovoi mentioned the crazy serial killer, Gabriel spoke up.

"Don't be too sure about that. From what I hear, this serial killer is quite the gentleman. Only kills the wicked and unjust, or those stupid enough to protect them, always pays his medical bills, and doesn't shoot Major Generals with their own shotguns after threatening him." he said with a smiling explanation before he was met with an unamused look from Patricia.

"Alright ... quiet, you."


The battle will be starting soon-ish so wrapping up business is a good idea. Snowy you should also get on IRC so we can get some things confirmed.

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"Oh why thanks Gabriel," Nadya said, reaching out her hand and selecting ten gold coins, placing them in her pouch.

She laughed a little when he started talking about the serial killer. "I heard the same thing actually. Doesn't even shoot people who pickpocket him or horses who get a little too antsy and hit him. That actually doesn't sound much like a serial killer to me at all really."

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"Haharr, sounds like a good man, not a serial killer," Gytha laughed a bit, actually somewhat oblivious that they were talking about the white-haired man. Bert had finished his walk across the battlefield to where everyone was gathering and began listening in. There really wasn't much for him to say. All he could do at the moment was wait to see what would happen.

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So many events had happened that Chelsea was having a hard time registering it all. All that she could think about, was why her magic malfunctioned like it did.

" I do not understand, why that happened. Unless the magic gates in my body were shut down.........no way. It was Shutdown!? How!? Before entering the battle, I made sure to keep my power to maximum.......was I that scared of killing someone? No way, I can't be such a wuss....... Whatever. I've fixed the problem and it seems to be working again, so next time I won't miss. I WILL become stronger.....Because if I'm not...."- Chelsea thought as she made her way to where the group was gathering, with a blank look on her face.

As she overheard small tibdits of the conversation she chuckled softly. "Serial Killer? With those descriptions, you'd think he's a hero."

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“Hmm? Yes?” Valter said, turning towards Ranyin, who had just run up. “Uh, yeah, we’ll be over there shortly. Joanna’s just finishing up I believe,” said he, looking over at Joanna who was now talking to Xavier.

When she was finished and the fighter left Valter approached her. “Hey, Joanna, Bert would like us to meet him…” He trailed off when he noticed she seemed to be in pain and became concerned when she covered her ears and the building began shaking again. “Are you alright?” he asked, following her to the officers, and ironically where Bert wanted them to meet anyway. He was a little confused by what she and Lyra said. Whatever was down there was pretty resilient, apparently.


Synthia glared off at Axel as he refused her help. Who did he think he was? There was a healer right here, and he decides to run off injured insead? That really ticked her off, especially with the way he insisted Veronika needed to be healed. Blasted hypocrite.

With nothing better to do at the moment she listened in to the conversation of the officers, since they were close by. “Yep,” she said, agreeing with Gytha’s comment, but she had caught on to who the serial killer actually was.

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Patricia rolled her eyes at the conversation. She was beginning to wonder if half of them even knew that Gabriel actually had been the serial killer. It didn't matter, she figured. It was time to go since only Robin was dragging her heals at this point. "Alright, enough chit-chat. Time to work. The heat from the blast and most of any smoke and debris would have cleared by now, so get down there and if you find the scientists, arrest them ... if they resist, just kill them." she instructed. "I'd go with you, but Remus just moved in on my investigation and it's important that I find out why." she turned to leave but stopped in her tracks to say one last thing. "Lyra, you're in charge until I return. Keep your ears open." she instructed the dark avian.

"Ma'am." Lyra replied simply with a salute before her superior walked off escorted by some of the shocktroops. Turning to face the party, she announced "You heard her, we've already idled for too long. Let's get this over with."

With the party organized as best as it could be, they headed down with just one extra squad of soldiers. Not the more promising help, but at least they had firearms. Gabriel was there as well and offered to help guard Joanna since she would turn herself into a burden otherwise. As they descended into the basement, the smoke rising up was getting thicker and thicker but crouching low was protection enough to get through unharmed. At the bottom of the long staircase, they fanned out into a surprisingly large and spacious area.

"This is either the biggest lab ever, or a combat training room ... or both." Gabbie muttered.

The low rumbling of a beast off in the darkness caught everyone's attention though. Rising up, almost completely invisible in the darkness, was the dragon. "Ahhhh crap." The soldiers didn't waste anytime and had the cleric use his staff to light the area. He regretted that decision because the last thing he saw before being bitten off the ground and chomped in half in front of everyone, was a gigantic dragon, it's body still partially aglow in the places where flesh was still seering hot and burning away. Disappearing back in the darkness, the only confirmation that the dragon was still there was its following roar.

"Agh!" Joanna cried falling to her knees. The dragon's pained mental cries bombarded her as well as its roaring.

"There you are ... Prototype." came a voice that must have been Dolan's.

"It's Gabriel ... for future reference."

"Is that the name he gave you? Very well then, Gabriel. I am Doctor Dolan, and this is the last you will see of me ... for the lot of you will die down here. My dragon is still alive, and because of this, you are all finished." he ranted.

"It ... needs help ... it's in so much pain ..." Joanna managed to get out from the floor.

"... nice job, Craig. Urgh ..." Gabbie muttered sounding nervous. Maybe she was glad the thing was already reeling, but she couldn't help but show some sadness. Nothing compared to Joanna however.

Dolan waved his hand in the darkness and the area was quickly illuminated from each of the four corners revealing the last survivors; some scientists cowering in front of the collapsed escape tunnel entrance, and four trained artificial soldiers. The only other people in sight were the charred corpses of humans, artificial or otherwise. "True, there may not be much left of us, but I intend to live on, and once my dragon heals completely, your friends up on the surface ... will all be destroyed. Now, forget your pain, my beast!"

"N-no!" Joanna called out.

"Forget your pain, and focus on the enemy! Don't hold back! Smash every last one of them into dust!" he shouted.

"Hey! Not so fast!" came Sabina's voice as she appeared out of nowhere. "The white haired freak is mine."

"... ow." Gabriel replied, looking unsure.

"I don't give a damn who the rest of you are, stay the hell out of my way or I'll kill you too. Dolan! When I kill this bastard you better have my money ready."

"We'll have to escape first-" "No. Excuses." she shot back threateningly.

"Well folks, things just got interesting. Shall we shut the rest of this operation down and then get on with life?" Gabriel asked everyone else. He took out his sword, Xion and placed it on the ground leaning on it for support.

"You're MINE!" Sabina shouted.


Class: Level 1 Druid

Raw Stats

HP: 5 STR: 0 MAG: 10 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 2 RES: 8

Simplified Stats

HP: 15 MT: 10 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 2 Resistance: 8

Weapon 1: Dynamic Dark Tome E

Weapon 2: Arc Dark Tome

Overall Stats

HP: 15 MT: 10(+5 if ED) Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 2 Resistance: 8

Artificial Earth Dragon

Class: Level 11

Raw Stats

HP: 14 STR: 7 MAG: 6 SKL: 4 SPD: 4 LCK: 2 DEF: 10 RES: 10

Simplified Stats

HP: 42 MT: 7/6 Hit: 4 Evade: 6 AS: 4 Defence: 10 Resistance: 10

Weapon 1: Claw (WTN Seeker Weapon) E

Weapon 2: Quake (Area Magic Attack)

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 42 MT: 7/6 Hit: 4(8 if C) Evade: 6 AS: 4 Defence: 10 Resistance: 10

(Artificial Dragon: Recovers 2 points of hp every turn.)

(Quake: Targets an entire combat team at once.)

(Claw: Acts as a seeker weapon.)

(Burned: Suffers double damage from ordinary attacks, triple damage from critical hits, and quadruple damage from lethal hits. Damage multipliers from critical and lethal hits come before defenses are applied.)

(Exposure: It's defense and resistance are always 5/5 for the first two rounds of combat following Enemy Phase.)


Class: Level 5 Wyvern Knight

Raw Stats

HP: 7 STR: 10 MAG: 0 SKL: 10 SPD: 7 LCK: 1 DEF: 10 RES: 3

Simplified Stats

HP: 21 MT: 10 Hit: 10 Evade: 8 AS: 7 Defense: 10 Resistance: 3

Weapon 1: Heroic Lance E

Weapon 2: Seeker Axe

Special Weapon: Rifle

Item: Stimulant

Special Item: Full-Plate Armor

Overall Stats

HP: 21 MT: 10(20 if R) Hit: 10(20 if SA) Evade: 8 AS: 7 Defense: 10 Resistance: 3

Generic AH

Class: Level 5 (First Tier)

Raw Stats

HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 4 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Steel Sword E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4(5 if SS)/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)

Generic AH

Class: Level 5 (First Tier)

Raw Stats

HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 4 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: El Thunder Tome E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4(5 if ET)/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)

Generic AH

Class: Level 5 (First Tier)

Raw Stats

HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 4 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 1 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: Steel Lance E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4(5 if SL)/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 6 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)

Generic AH

Class: Level 5 (First Tier)

Raw Stats

HP: 3 STR: 4 MAG: 4 SKL: 5 SPD: 5 LCK: 3 DEF: 4 RES: 4

Simplified Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 8 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

Weapon 1: El Dark Tome E

Weapon 2:

Special Weapon:


Special Item:

Overall Stats

HP: 9 MT: 4(5 if ED)/4 Hit: 5 Evade: 8 AS: 5 Defense: 4 Resistance: 4

(Artificial Human: Recovers two points of lost hp every turn.)

Dolan (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15 Dynamic Dark Tome

AH-Sword A (Defending Dolan) 9/9 Steel Sword

AH-Thunder A (Defending Dolan) 9/9 El Thunder Tome


Dragon (Aggressive) 42/42 Claw

AH-Lance (Defending Dragon) 9/9 Steel Lance

AH-Dark (Defending Dragon) 9/9 El Dark Tome


Sabina (Erratic/Semi-Focused) 21/21 Heroic Lance


Gabriel (Erratic) 24/24 Xion


Joanna (Erratic) 12/12

Primary Objective: Defeat Doctor Dolan and the Dragon.

Award: 10 points

Tip: Dolan is a slightly greater threat to individual party members than the dragon. Take him out as soon as possible to keep him from doing anything desperate. The dragon has weaknesses you must exploit properly in order to win the battle.

Bonus Objective: Defeat Sabina

Award 10 points

Tip: She's primarily after Gabriel but won't put up with the same enemy attackers for long.



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"What the hell... is that thing?" Xavier asked, looking at awe at the dragon before them.

"There's no way we can take something like that out without putting all of our focus on it... we should save it for when there are no distractions." Xavier thought out loud, and putting his plan into practice, lunged towards a lance wielding artificial.

With a solid downward sweep, the life was snuffed in one blow, and the lance clattered to the ground uselessly.

"There are only a few of them. Focus and take 'em down."

Xavier(3,4,2) 11 hit - 6 evd, hit! 10 mt - 0 def, KO!

Xavier 18/18

AH Lance 0/9


Xavier, Gabbie, Nadya +5

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What's this? Mad scientists, artificial humans, serial killers, earthquakes....and now earth dragons. This was certainly not a day Domovoi was expecting.

"....They have an earth dragon. We are likely screwed. Ok, healer girl on the horse! I'll keep protected!" Domovoi called out, flying towards her and holding his lance up, ready to take the full brunt of any attacks directed at Chelsea.

I'm amazed I'm able to keep calm right now. This is like something out of a nightmare... thought Domovoi.

Domovoi defends Chelsea!

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Shadrak followed everyone down the stairs. Combat over coming his sense as he looked around the room. Choosing his target carefully. Another Anima mage... perfect. The perfect victim for my new realised power...


3,2,1 Hit!


(10+3+2)-4=11! KO!

With a fluid motion he waved his hands, the motion eerily similar to rbeaking someones neck. The mage, unaware of the assault, couldn't even scream, as his head suddenly rotated 90 degrees with a loud snap, falling to the ground lifeless. Shadrak chuckled, the smile on his face, simply evil.

+5 points for Chelsea, Shadrak, and Domovoi.

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A dragon... dragon...

It certainly was an impressive sight. Incredible they could house it down there and all, but John was more surprised to see this whole AH business also included dragons. 'I better avoid this one for the time being...' John though, knowing full well that attacking the dragon right now would be pointless ad suicidal.

Spotting the regular humans, he took aim at the swordsman, and attacked.

Target: AH-Sword



Hit: 5(Skl)+5(Die)+2(WTA)=12(Hit) > 6(Evd) HIT

Damage: 5(MT)+2(Die)=7(Damage) - 4(Def) = 3

The attack was successful, but the swordsman still attacked anyway. John placed his shield in front as always.

Target: John



Hit: 5(Hit)+4(Dice)-2(WTD)=7(Hit) > 5(Evd) HIT

Damage: 5(MT)+2(Die)=7(Damage) - 6(Def) = 1

The sword strike barely did a scratch, but it did inflicted some damage, as small as it was.

John backed off, shield in front still. 'Deja-vu...?' John noticed.

[Remaining HP:

AH-Sword 6/9

John 17/18]

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That dragon... Apparently, that guy commanding it... How can he not care? "Synthia, what can ye do t' help that dragon?" Gytha asked, entirely serious, "I'll make sure ye don't get hurt if ye can help it, but only if ye can. Otherwise..." The mariner sheathed her sword and leaned back against a warped wall, arms crossed. "I can't fight someone like that. He's usin' that dragon as a tool. He may not deserve t' live, but... If th' dragon's loyal t' him, it'd be bad t' fight'im just yet. Amon, ye stay here, too. We're not fightn' until we show that dragon we're friends."


"What the heck? We're supposed to fight in this? ... Valter, Ranyin... I'm used to bandits. This is a bit over my head. What do you think we should do?" the pegasus rider asked his allies.

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With the others, Valter walked down the steps into the basement, accepting Gabriel’s help protecting Joanna along the way. It was pretty dark down there, but there seemed to be something… growling. As a cleric lit up the area he stared in shock at the beast standing before them. This was a real dragon… an injured one, maybe, but real nonetheless, especially after it proceeded to kill the cleric lighting the area. He stepped protectively in front of Joanna and readied his bow, hoping to get at least one good shot at its eye if it reappeared. He was shaking in fear at this point, but at least had sense enough to figure out what to do.

There was a brief conversation with a man shrouded in the darkness and then the lights came on, revealing the cowering scientists and the last of their blasphemous human experiments. He picked a target and attacked with enough speed to catch his victim off guard and prevent an immediate counterattack.

Roll: 1, 3, 2

7 + 1 = 8 -8 = HIT

3 + 3 = 6 – 4 = 2 DMG

No counterattack

Valter’s HP: 12/12

AH Dark’s HP: 7/9

The arrow struck the artificial in the shoulder, but as it pulled out a tome Valter realized his mistake, that attack would not restrict the enemy’s attacks as well as he thought it would. “I say we kill them all,” Valter said, rather coldly. He was pretty upset about the situation.


Synthia had almost the same reaction, absolute shock, and a hint of fear. What.. what the hell were they supposed to do against something that massive? Most of the others began taking out human foes as quickly as they could, but there was really no way to take down that monster, in her mind.

“Help the dragon? Are you crazy?!” Synthia shouted, her voice rising an octave. “Make sure I don’t get hurt, sure. That thing’ll eat you, Gytha. The most I could do is help bring it down, and I doubt I could even do that.”

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And suddenly there was a dragon in play. Considering the general hatred of the overgrown lizards, one would think that they wouldn't dare creating fake ones to use. Well, that assumption was wrong, as it went and ate a few helpless soldiers. Axel rushed down the stairs at the sight of the giant enemy. The previous battle was bloody enough, but this? This was near certain death. Nonetheless, the lancer rushed after John, taking the artificial human he had engaged out before it could do any more harm.

"... Enemy down," Axel said, mostly to himself. "Let's get rid of everyone else before the dragon."



[1,5,6] = Hit! 10-4 = 6 points of damage! AH Sword Defeated!

Team Skotiabank gains 5 points.

Axel 12/12

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"Ever cross yer mind that the dragon's in horrible pain and only fightn' cause it doesn't see any other way out?" Gytha asked Synthia, "I'll not let someone die like that. At least not an innocent like that dragon."


Bert nodded at Valter's reply, deciding to attack the same guy Valter had targetted.

(3+1)-8 = miss!

The dark-user easily avoided Bert's axe, but seemed to do little more than glare at Norbert, holding his book open in one hand while the other was free, which confused the pegasus rider.

(5+1)-6 = 0 = hit!

(5+3)-3 = 5 damage!

Bert's confusion was erased as his head began to ache horribly and he felt a few of his ribs fracture. What is this?! He'd never been under a spell before, so he had no idea that this was black magic. Bert cried out loudly in pain as he stumbled backwards towards his team a bit more. The spell ended, but the headache and the pain in Bert's ribs remained. The artificial human with the El Dark tome was smiling with satisfaction, not that Bert could see it since his head was hanging so he was looking at his feet. The hand that wasn't holding his axe was on his head. What the heck was that?!

Norbert 10/15

AH Dark 7/9

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“That may be the case, but it’s trying to kill us, Gytha!” said Synthia, clearly exasperated. She tapped her foot trying to think for a moment. “Listen, if you want to try helping it so bad we’ll have to take out its master first, there’s no way help if he keeps egging it on. If it still attacks us after that, will you consider taking it down?”

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"Dragons don't have masters. Not th' free ones, anyway. Ther just like humans, only they look different and have different abilities. If we kill it's friend, why would it want t' join us?" Gytha replied, maintaining her demeanor as she looked the dragon over. Poor dragon... What've they done? They're not yer friends... What'll it take t' show ye that..?

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Synthia stared at Gytha, completely unamused. “I’m afraid I’ll have to disagree, at least with this one here. Did you not hear that mage? He’s ordering that thing around. The dragon is not his friend, it’s a slave. Regardless, this thing is a clone, and abomination, and what we were sent to take out in the first place. Destroy the project and anyone involved, remember?”

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Shadrak looked over to Gytha, sick and tired of the conversation. "That's not a real dragon! It is not alive! It does not think, It does not feel! It needs to die!" Shadrak shouted at her, how can she be so stupid, the thing was artificial, just like every thing else they fought in this building so far, it is a machine of an evil man, and as such is eveil itself, and it needs to die.

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Gytha was mulling over what Synthia said when Shadrak made the very unwise move of yelling at her. Unflinchingly, she whipped out her sword. She would've taken Shadrak's head off if she hadn't been so good at controling her swing. The edge stopped at his neck, barely touching it. She held it there a moment, looking dead into Shadrak's eyes. Then she droned, "You do not think. You do not feel. You do not need to die simply because of that. Those men we killed could think and feel. They were alive, just like the dragon is. Next time I may not stop my blade. Fight if you want; I won't stop you. But don't go yelling at me like that, savvy?" With that, Gytha sheathed her sword again and continued to think about what Synthia had said, murmuring to her teammate, "I need to think about this. You do what you think you should. Take Amon with you."

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Shadrak didn't flinch as the blade stopped at his throat. "It has no soul. It is a monster, a mockery of life created by that man. It is a blight on the land. I'm pretty sure if it did make it out of this installation alive it would have some sort of malfunction and die a most painful death. Better to put it out of it's misery now, than let it suffer later." He said very calmly, not cold, just calm, before he stepped back, gave a bow, and made his way back to the combat.

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Stepping forward and roaring at the top of its lungs, the dragon tried to swat Domovoi with its claw! Rolls 5,6,5



-8 hp

Domovoi hp 7/15

Dragon hp 42/42

Sabina quickly took some of her stimulant, and then readied her rifle. She wasn't taking any prisoners.

Sabina: +5 mt, +5 hit. Rifle equipped!

Dragon: Exposed!

-5 def/res for the next two attacks against it.


Joanna heals Domovoi! +9 hp!

Domovoi hp 15/15

Dolan (Passive-Aggressive) 15/15 Dynamic Dark Tome

AH-Sword A (Dead) 0/9 Steel Sword

AH-Thunder A (Dead) 0/9 El Thunder Tome


Dragon (Aggressive) 42/42 Claw

AH-Lance (dead) 0/9 Steel Lance

AH-Dark (Defending Dragon) 9/9 El Dark Tome


Sabina (Erratic/Semi-Focused) 21/21 Rifle


Gabriel (Erratic) 24/24 Xion


Joanna (Erratic) 12/12


Seeing Sabina take some of her stimulant, he quickly left Gytha and Synthia to their debate and rushed the woman! "I need to do this it seems. Be right back!" he said as he took off sprinting. He quickly removed what was left of it, and leaped away to what would have otherwise been a safe distance. "YOU!!!" she quickly aimed her rifle at Amon, but right before she fired, Gabriel spoke up.

"Ah-ah-AH! Isn't that bullet for me, Sabby?" he said playfully.

"... indeed it is ..." she aimed the rifle at him this time. "You won't escape ..."

Amon steals Sabina's stimulant 2/3!

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That was a horrible, stupid decision. Synthia had to hand it to the shaman, she didn’t think he was intelligent, but this was his worst move by far. Didn’t he see what happened to Caine? Angering Gytha to the level he just did usually meant a quick death, he was lucky to have survived the first time, why did he say something dumb again? Not that Synthia wasn’t shocked by Gytha’s actions, but given previous events she guessed it would happen.

“We’ll try to help the serial killer, I guess. He’s probably the best chance we have of getting out of here alive,” Synthia told the mariner as Amon rushed off. She now turned her attention to the retreating shaman, the idiot lucky to still be alive. She stepped towards him while he was still only a few feet away and smacked him in the head with her staff, hard enough to spin him around somewhat, and grabbed the collar of his shirt. “You idiot. You don’t know when to stop, do you? Gytha was about to kill you, you know.”

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"Ow! Shit!" Domovoi swore as the dragon bit into him, piercing his armor. Struggling, he managed to get himself free of the earth dragon and was immediately healed by Joanna.

"Thanks miss. Looks like I'll have to keep that guy from getting shot now," he sighed, rushing over in front of Gabriel. The man was clearly pretty powerful and he was undoubtedly their strongest ally. Letting him die would be a bad idea.

Domovoi successfully defended Chelsea. 3 points gained for all on the team.

Wyvern Rider ability activated. Domovoi defends Gabriel.

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"We'll deal with this later Synthia, I'm sorry I spoke up, but Gytha is being absolutly rediculous. Right now, I have priorities, like saving our lives." Shadrak said, breaking her grip and running back to the fight. He noticed the Sabina was about to blow some brains out, from across the room. He rolled his eyes and began charging after her. As he ran he came across the groups new Kigen Mage, and he turned to call to him. "<Hey, we gotta take out the crazy bitch. Now.>" He called to him in Kigen, before continueing on his way.

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Things had taken a turn for the worse. Not only was there a freaking Dragon attacking the group, Gytha and Ucollas we're arguing, which was Ucollas' fault entirely. Seriously, he had to learn that even Artificial Humans have feelings too, they're not just blasphemy because the gods decreed it. Chelsea had to remind herself to apologize to Gytha and thank Synthia later. Oh and that man called Domovoi, since he had defended the troubador.

Chelsea decided to close in on Sabina for now.

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