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Mafia of the Gods - Game Over

Guest Wen Yang

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Guest Wen Yang


Wait till postgame please before you comment.

Greeks were having a serious spell of bad luck, honestly. I gave them a worse kill night distribution in exchange for an action that can kill EACH and EVERY night, if used properly.

The bad luck?

Their two power roles (Sho and JB) died very early on.

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Well, looking at it that way... Considering that my win condition was indeed epic (yet I still managed to fail it), I guess my role had to be watered down considerably as a compensation. Then again, we had a bomb survivor that nobody in their right mind would bother to waste a kill on in a multifaction game, so yeah.

And that my friends was how I won. Plus blatant ass pulling lies and saying I was Amaterasu who was actually Excellen.

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Guest Wen Yang

Anyway, for you to think over while I make postgame (it's pretty large)... Should have postgame up tomorrow or the day after.

Role distributions:


Obviam - Female-only inspector, can redirect an inspected female target. CAnnot use his power on the next night if he inspects a male. Applies the same to inspected male from Day 3 onward.

Rein - Hooker/Male inspector/Mayor (day 3)

Sho - Doctor, prevents the first visitor with a harmful action from doing anything on the next night phase. Numbers (Day 3).

JB - Kills first person to visit target. Makes certain that the action of the person he kills works on target, but does not know this until day 3. starting from day 3, can make action of his kill fail or succeed by choice.


Snike - Redirects target to him/herself. Night bomb (day 3).

Kay - kills first person to try to kill her. Jailkeeper. Can choose which part of jailkeeping power to use (day 3)

BK-201 - semi-inspector, can redirect males he inspects, mayor (day 3)

RD - Persuader, numbers role, persuaded target's vote counts as 1.5 (Day 3)


Kevin - Doctor, knows if someone tried to kill the one he protects, can predict when team members die and prevent death for that phase and that person only, one guess each (day 3) Ressurects as himself.

Bal - Silencer. 1-use kill immunity (Lynch or night kill, both goes). SIlenced target cannot use PMs or chat to share info about game (Day 3). ressurects as himself.

WoMC - Watcher, 1-use daykill (usable from day 3 onwards). ressurects as self-aligned SK-hitman lite.

Anouleth - Hooker. one-use ressurection (usable form day 3). cannot ressurect himself.


Paper - Kidnapper. 1-use anytime instant kill (Day 3).

Proto - Inspector, 1-use kill immunity. Inspection results are no longer snipped (day 3)

Raymond - removes first protection on target. Removes any and ALL protection on target (day 3). Wins if he dies before day 3. WIncon of japanese changes to "Win if you get killed by others" if he does.

Excellen - tracker/watcher/janitor. Numbers (day 3).

Old ones:

Kaoz - Mayor, 1-use kill immunity, immune to redirect and hooks (active from day 1, only knows on day 3).

StSS - priority-upper, doctor. knows that he does not cancel innate protections on day 3.

Haze - Tracker/Janitor. Eats people he track who died. If he ate 0-1 people, his power change to a kill power. if he has 2-3 eaten, he can puke up 2 corpses for a one-use kill immunity. wins at 4 people eaten.

eclipse - redirector. can give anonymous messages to target. Can give a second message with limits (day 3).


Bear - inspector. wins if eaten (there are 5 people set to eat him, eaten = killed by said person or janitored by haze). Can try to force people to eat him (day 3).

brick - raises zombies. each zombie increases his vote power by 0.5. wins if the number of zombies + his vote power reaches parity with the remaining players (day 3).

Slayer - reverse-martyr. dies if his target targets him. wins by using his power successfully 5 times. can guess who will die and wins by two correct guesses (day 3).

Psych - lynchbomb. dies once majority is reached. can trade his lynchbomb power for a one-use persuade which counts as 2.5 votes (day 3).

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TotA would have worked fine (despite Daath's obvious initial advantage and Guy's wtf brokenness) if the factions had ended up more equal.

Guy was only broken because he got a BPV dumped on him by the Inventor. Also Daath had 2 BPVs at the end, which was lol.


Obviam - Female-only inspector, can redirect an inspected female target. CAnnot use his power on the next night if he inspects a male. Applies the same to inspected male from Day 3 onward.

This wasn't bad.

Rein - Hooker/Male inspector/Mayor (day 3)

That is a bullshit additional power.

Sho - Doctor, prevents the first visitor with a harmful action from doing anything on the next night phase. Numbers (Day 3).

What fucking numbers do we need, faction distribution was obvious already.

JB - Kills first person to visit target. Makes certain that the action of the person he kills works on target, but does not know this until day 3. starting from day 3, can make action of his kill fail or succeed by choice.

This makes my role worse.


Snike - Redirects target to him/herself. Night bomb (day 3).


Kay - kills first person to try to kill her. Jailkeeper. Can choose which part of jailkeeping power to use (day 3)

... Wow.

BK-201 - semi-inspector, can redirect males he inspects, mayor (day 3)

RD - Persuader, numbers role, persuaded target's vote counts as 1.5 (Day 3)



Kevin - Doctor, knows if someone tried to kill the one he protects, can predict when team members die and prevent death for that phase and that person only, one guess each (day 3). Ressurects as himself.

Holy fuck.

Bal - Silencer. 1-use kill immunity (Lynch or night kill, both goes). SIlenced target cannot use PMs or chat to share info about game (Day 3). ressurects as himself.


WoMC - Watcher, 1-use daykill (usable from day 3 onwards). ressurects as self-aligned SK-hitman lite.


Anouleth - Hooker. one-use ressurection (usable form day 3). cannot ressurect himself.



Paper - Kidnapper. 1-use anytime instant kill (Day 3).


Proto - Inspector, 1-use kill immunity. Inspection results are no longer snipped (day 3)

Woooooooooooooooooooow. Broken as fuck, considering how no one else would have known about the new powers.

Raymond - removes first protection on target. Removes any and ALL protection on target (day 3). Wins if he dies before day 3. WIncon of japanese changes to "Win if you get killed by others" if he does.


Excellen - tracker/watcher/janitor. Numbers (day 3).

That's it.

Old ones:

Kaoz - Mayor, 1-use kill immunity, immune to redirect and hooks (active from day 1, only knows on day 3).

Fuck you.

StSS - priority-upper, doctor. knows that he does not cancel innate protections on day 3.

Bullshit new power.

Haze - Tracker/Janitor. Eats people he track who died. If he ate 0-1 people, his power change to a kill power. if he has 2-3 eaten, he can puke up 2 corpses for a one-use kill immunity. wins at 4 people eaten.


eclipse - redirector. can give anonymous messages to target. Can give a second message with limits (day 3).

Paper told me about this. I'll let you tell him our reaction.


Bear - inspector. wins if eaten (there are 5 people set to eat him, eaten = killed by said person or janitored by haze). Can try to force people to eat him (day 3).


brick - raises zombies. each zombie increases his vote power by 0.5. wins if the number of zombies + his vote power reaches parity with the remaining players (day 3).

Beautiful role, admittedly.

Slayer - reverse-martyr. dies if his target targets him. wins by using his power successfully 5 times. can guess who will die and wins by two correct guesses (day 3).

How the fuck does he win like this.

Psych - lynchbomb. dies once majority is reached. can trade his lynchbomb power for a one-use persuade which counts as 2.5 votes (day 3).


basically, wtf

Edited by JBCWK
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Holy fuck.

Well, considering WoMC becomes a traitor when resurrected, you'll be surprised at how lame it was. I would say your doctor was better, simply because hooking afterwards is very good.

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I don't know if what I was doing made any more sense to you guys now, but I trusted eclipse a little too much there.

I guess I could've done better to just not say anything, but once I started saying things, I figure that I had no choice but to try to go out while causing as much trouble as possible.

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I don't know if what I was doing made any more sense to you guys now, but I trusted eclipse a little too much there.

I guess I could've done better to just not say anything, but once I started saying things, I figure that I had no choice but to try to go out while causing as much trouble as possible.

If you trusted her you shouldn't have tried to blackmail her and demand we put a doctor on you.

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If you're wondering. . .

Kaoz wanted you dead, and I didn't want to see Snike lynched. That's why you were put up for offer. Otherwise, I would've left you the hell alone.

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Anyway, for you to think over while I make postgame (it's pretty large)... Should have postgame up tomorrow or the day after.

Or the day after, apparently, or the day after that, or the day after that, or the day after that. Which is today, I think...

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