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Lunatic Reverse Hacked Playthrough

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Rules: (Since I am going to limit the hacks I use)

1 Dark orb-Pre CH10

2 Dark Orbs-ch10x-ch20

3 Dark orbs-CH20x-endgame

Dark orbs can not be used on MU or Marth

Forging Not Allowed

Imhullu is not allowed

All characters must be recruited (2 New Game+ code usages allowed)

Common Cheats allowwed:

Character Swap

Class Swap

Items cheats

Item Usage


Restart game with characters, stats, items carried over. (AKA chapter warp to chapter 1) (2 Uses)

Common Cheats NOT allowed:

Refill HP

Move Multiple times


Control Enemy

Infinate Suspend Save

The point of this run: To see, even with limited hacking, how hard will this game be to 100%.

My Unit:

Gender: Female

Class: Ballestition

Options in beginning: W/E. My stats will be maxed.

I will be starting tomorrow and will be live streaming on saturdays at either 9:30am-11:30am or 4:00PM-5:30pm (Pacific Time), and other random times that I will be posting a day in advance (If they exist).

My Stream: Clicky

Stream times: (All in pacific time)

Friday 5/27/2011, 3:45 PM-4:22pm. (Chapters P1-P8 Done. Outfitted Characters on CH1. Save&Quit)

Saturday 6/4/2011 9:30AM Need to study for finals. Will continue soon.

[spoiler=Character Equipment]

Marth: Falchion, Star Orb x4

My Unit: Pachyderm, Thunderbolt, Star Orb x3

Arran: Gradivus, Life Orb, Star Orb x3

Cecil: Gradivus, Life Orb, Star Orb x3

Rody: Gradivus, Life Orb, Star Orb x3

Luke: Gradivus, Life Orb, Star Orb x3

Draug: Gradivus, Life Orb, Star Orb x3

Gordin: Longbow, Star Orb x4

Ryan: Longbow, Star Orb x4

Word of Warning: If you are going to watch, it will be incredibly boring until at least chapter 12.

Edit: I am going to wait for the fanslation to be completed then continue. This is going to be stopped till then.

Edited by someonewhodied
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IF you CAN hack star sphere like that Wi-fi does not have hope!!

And wondering how FE 11 players cried to cheaters who had high move... that is nothing compared to this.Facepalm_emote_gif.gif

Now I could not beat cheaters/hackers anymore with a Marth team. sob.gif

Edited by LeaderR Elliot
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I don't play wifi, since its no fun playing with hacks.

The only time I go on wifi is to showcase my teams, and I forfeit on the winning move or make my items drop upon death, giving my opponent my items.

But its possible.

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But is possible

All I wanted in FE 11 was fighting agaisnt an Earth Dragon and I was happy beacause THAT game was balanced to players (Stat caps = fair play to some extent).

NOW my biggest fear in a real time video,

I don't play wifi, since its no fun playing with hacks.

However if this games comes to U.S. things like that will ruin the fun for everyone...

even to the most skillest players

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Two honest questions:

1. If you hack Lunatic Reverse, what's the point of playing it?

2. If you hack Lunatic Reverse, why set limitations on your hacks? It's still a hack, right?

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Two honest questions:

1. If you hack Lunatic Reverse, what's the point of playing it?

2. If you hack Lunatic Reverse, why set limitations on your hacks? It's still a hack, right?

i just want to show that even with some boosts, its still pretty hard to beat it without losing a few units.

*Had to use aum a couple times on my 100% recruit playthrough to get all NPCS AND Characters*

And, since I need to play through again to get all NPCs and stuff anyways since I lost my last save, I thought I might as well stream the playthrough.

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i just want to show that even with some boosts, its still pretty hard to beat it without losing a few units.

*Had to use aum a couple times on my 100% recruit playthrough to get all NPCS AND Characters*

If it's hard AFTER you've hacked it to make it much easier by giving each character an unbreakable 19 Mt Lance or whatnot, you just suck at the game.

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Its not that I have trouble beating it. I've already done it first legitly. (I have a policy of legitly beating anything before hacking the shit out of it). I just don't want to go through that pain again. And I wanna show of NPC recruition. Of course, that will be after I recruit all the playable characters first.

I may also show the Xane cloning one of your characters glitch on ch 14.

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If you just want to show the recruiting of characters, why not just play NM or H1?

If you want to show off hacks. Well... Why not just show off hacks?

At least this isn't Serebii where you get banned for the mention of hacking.
Makes me want to sign up to start a discussion about the recent attacks on Sony. Edited by Rody 7
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If you just want to show the recruiting of characters, why not just play NM or H1?

Well, I'm also recruiting NPCs and yeah... I also need a Lun. Rev save done.

If you want to show off hacks. Well... Why not just show off hacks?

I'm showing off hacks I created, not action replay codes I leeched off of other people. The only action replay code I am using is the chapter warp. Everything else is being edited by a ram editor.

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I'm showing off hacks I created, not action replay codes I leeched off of other people. The only action replay code I am using is the chapter warp. Everything else is being edited by a ram editor.

Well if the game is clearly simple with hacks of a 19MT infinite use spear from the getgo, why pretend that it's hard?

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