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Critique Please?


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These are just some Standing Sprites but..I want critique (I'm only starting out).

sw9ym8.png - Soldier with a sword.

2ykcil0.png - Ephraim with two swords. (Fixed the cloak between his legs, I think)

2hpm5hf.png - Edited the Eliwood thing, took the Rapier out..if you want it to be there, just tell me, I'll put it back, but fix it this time.

n4xw02.png - My first splice..iffy about the glasses..and everything else on it.

Just very simple edits...I just want critique on them so I can improve.

Edited by Aaron
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These are just some Standing Sprites but..I want critique (I'm only starting out).

sw9ym8.png - Soldier with a sword.

20gy8lc.jpg - Ephraim with two swords.

w9wlyd.png - Eliwood as a mercanary.

Just very simple edits...I just want critique on them so I can improve.

The soldier is not bad.

Ephraim has a cloak between his legs still. You might want to get rid of that.

Why does Eliwood look all funny? It's all distorted.

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Why does Eliwood look all funny? It's all distorted.

Lol yeah, I've noticed this for quite a while, never gotten off my ass to do anything about it. But it's great you say the soldier looks good, and I'm assuming you think the Ephraim is nice too, which is also good :D: I'll get right on removing the cloak between his legs.

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Something I would suggest is that if you want to make Eliwood a Mercenary just place his head over a mercenary and you are pretty much done. Maybe do a few touch-ups but it should be pretty clean.

Wow, I am astonished that I didn't think of that.. :facepalm: ( if you think I'm being sarcastic, I'm not, which is the sad part.)

Edited by Aaron
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The new one is not bad. Keep working at battle sprites and someday you'll might even be able to do custom work.

Thanks :D: , It's really good to hear positive feedback.

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