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Ravens are thieves indeed

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Well, Chapter 13,

I have positionned Jill in top left for free kills, last turn, Volke take the last chest, ennemy turn, first raven fly away, second reven steal a potion on Jill and fly away ohmy.gif

Never saw that before.

Did it happened to you too ?

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Ha! I've had the C7 Thief steal a Vulnerary before. My guess is that it's a part of their I_am_injured_and_desire_a_Vulnerary state. If they can steal one, they will! It doesn't seem like this behavior was well implemented, because the C7 Thief, after stealing a Vulnerary, never used it and never moved again.

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Back in my (attempted) perfect playthrough, I had to manipulate the ravens into stealing the vulneraries from the Other unit soldiers and then steal them back from the ravens.

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