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Return of the Emblem Chapter Five: The Retrieval


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Now aboard, Robin took her time to take a slow, careful, look across the deck. The number of times she had been on a ship in her life could be counted on one hand. In fact, the gentle rocking and rolling of the ship as it was lightly jostled by the waves beneath its hull was causing her, a girl used to solid, unmoving, earth to feel a little sea-sick. She recalled her prior experience with boats though, and though she had felt uneasy those times as well, she had managed to hold her own.

Still.. she looked over at the girl whom she had approached before. Something about her reminded her of the few times she had dealt with sailors in the past, both in the way she carried herself and spoke. "Excuse me." she said, approaching her once again. "How much do you know about boats?"

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Having thought he saw Ranyin climb aboard the ship without his help, Norbert decided that the next thing he should probably do was locate Valter -- a much easier task. "Hey, Valter," Bert greeted as he rode Rizen aground to the horseman, "It looks like we're going onto that boat now." The pegasus rider shifted his gaze to Synthia, who was nearby. Then he asked Valter, "You're coming, right?"


"Me?" Gytha responded to Robin, recognising her from before, but not losing one ounce of her simple joy, "I'm a mariner who's only travelled further inland than a port a couple weeks ago! I should know somethin' 'bout boats. HAHAHARR!! So, lassie, what'd ye want t' know?"

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"Do you think this boat is safe? I know it sounds like a odd question, but something is bothering me about this boat. I am nervous, but I do not know why. It is like something bad is looming on the horizon."

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"Boat? Lass, this is'ere's a ship. It'd have t' be a lot smaller t' be a boat," Gytha chuckled, "I haven't had th' time t' take a look, but th' captain's a good sort, so I'd say she's safe t' sail. Don't worry 'bout 'er."

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"That is not quite what I meant." replied Robin. "I guess I do not have any reason to doubt you though. Ummmm... Can you help me though? I do not spend time on boats and I am used to... to solid ground. It is hard to walk."

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"Just stand or walk around. Ye'll get yer sea-legs eventually. I have t' regain mine, too, but shouldn't take too long. If ye start feelin' sick, head o'er t' th' rail and vomit into th' water. No one appreciates a messy deck and ye'd probably have t' clean it up," Gytha advised, "But stay out where the air is. If ye head belowdecks, yer sea sickness won't clear up so easily."

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"Oh? Those ships sound.......quite monstrous indeed. I assume you have ridden one of those vessels?"- Chelsea asked as she gestured for Nesha's attention, yo which the horse complied and approached the mages.

"Ah, I must ask you a question, a request of sorts, but before that let us board the ship so we do not get left behind....again."- the troubadour said to her companion as she climbed aboard the vessel.

She had to admit, it was an odd experience indeed. The ship swished back and forth so much that she was not accustomed to it and she nearly fell a couple of times.

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Shadrak chuckled as he walked on board. "Not one of those, no, just a little fishing ship, it was a fair bit smaller than this one." As he stepped aboard it seemed like he was either already accustomed to the motion, or had really good balance. With a jump he caught Chelsea by the hand before she fell completely fell, and pulled her up fluidly. "Heh, and what would that be?"


Zel nodded in understanding. "Thank you for the help Miss." He said. "Now if you'll excuse me... I get see if my horse is trained for sea fairing..." Sliep snorted, as if he was offended the thought of NOT being ready. "But... I guess it gets to wait a bit for the carriage... While we're waiting, when would be the best time to keep a heavy watch for fallen, my training says they hunt at night, but first hand knowledge would be helpful."

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"Oh, she's a bird person how...interesting. Thank you for your assistance Major General Belo!" Callisto said, bowing.

As she walked to the archive area with Lyra, she turned and asked her a question. "So how are people supposed to tell you bird people types from one another anyway? There are the heathen devils down in Kigen who wish to kill us all, and then there are ones like you, who supposedly don't. What's the difference?" the Captain asked with some curiosity.

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Tactics: Part III

"Well ... they are the most difficult to deal with in the night. I don't have a whole lot of first hand knowledge myself though. I've only fought their kind a few times. Keep as much light around as possible though, and stay away from large shadows."


"The ... difference?" Lyra echoed. "I've never seen one myself. I've read about them though. Keep an eye out for tails. Dark avians don't have those. Fallen do. Their eyes also glow in the dark too or something ... and unlike me, they won't eat just anything under the sun. My kind have to be more careful about what we eat. Cannot afford to get sick, ever." she explained, dropping her head at the thought of becoming ill. She couldn't help but envy the demonic beings for at least that trait.

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"Thank you."- Chelsea said as she quickly straightened herself and quickly collected herself.

"I would like you to spar with me, i order to better ourselves in the magic arts and so to better our teamwork."

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"Ok, tails and glow in the dark eyes, I'll remember that. And right, I heard they even eat people, ugh what vile monstrosities. It's really for the best that you don't do that or I'd have to shoot you myself," Callisto said to Lyra, laughing a little until the arrived at the archives room. "Time to find out where those volunteers went to, hmm? Let's get searching!"

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Confident that Miskavolv knew not to cause much trouble on the ship, Domovoi decided to go talk to Veronika again. Perhaps they could try to work on ways of fighting together when they finally did start fighting the fallen.

"Greetings Veronika," Domovoi said as he approached the swordswoman.

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"Vomiting?" a look of outright revolt and disgust was on Robins face as she spat out the word. "<How un-lady-like.>" she quickly whispered under her breath. "I will not vomit! Such a thing is disgusting!"

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"Hello Domovoi. Say, have you fought in wooded terrain before? It is apparently rather dense forest around our destination...might be useful if someone had experience in that area," Veronika responded.

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"I'm afraid I haven't," Domovoi shook his head. "It's a shame neither of us have fought in the woods before. I do know someone who has though. The hunter Robin. She's over there," Domovoi explained, pointing at Robin talking to Gytha.

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As they waited for their ride to arrive Valter leaned against his horse, as he was prone to do, and attempted to take a nap. He figured someone would come get him when it was time to leave, if he didn’t wake on his own, which he did a few minutes after the ship arrived. His first thought was that it looked rather flashy, with its red sails. Even if it was rather large, though, he had been on larger ships. He just hoped Phyllis would be alright, he didn’t know how she’d take being on the water. Did horses get seasick?

Hand on his chin, wondering if what he would do if they did, he was somewhat oblivious to his surroundings and didn’t notice Bert till a few seconds later. He looked up with a questioning expression before realizing that Norbert had just asked him a question. “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming. They’re boarding now?” he asked, looking over to see that the answer was rather obvious, as people were walking up the ramp. Synthia was just getting on board, he noticed. “Ha, wonder if she still gets seasick.”


Synthia was assaulted by bad memories of boat trips when the ship finally pulled up. She was getting queasy just looking at the thing, ugh. Was this really a good idea? She didn’t do much during this time, just walked closer and stared up at the thing. Eventually, seeing as she was getting nowhere, she decided to just get it over with.

Walking up the ramp wasn’t so bad, and her first steps on board were uneventful, but it wasn’t long after boarding that she began to feel nauseous. She held her stomach and groaned, cursing anything she could blame this circumstance on. Well, it would probably be best to hang out near the railing again…

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Zel nodded. "Okay, thanks for the insight miss, I'll see you on board." He said, before he carefully rode Sliep up the ship. The horse seemed to take to the ship quite naturally, un-phased by the rocking motion. Zel chose to dismount... "So, where do I take him?" He asked a random crewman.


Shadrak nodded, her suggestion made sense. "You do realise you should have the advantage right? Dark magic is weak to light magic." He stated, flowing smoothly with the boat.

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"A hunter, hmm? Not sure how useful that'll be, fighting Fallen isn't really the same thing as shooting a wild boar or...whatever hunters do. I was hoping someone with some military training would be able to help us; I suppose we'll just have to deal with things as they come," Veronika responded, shrugging.

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"Meh. It was the best I could think of. Hmmm....we should train together. That way, we can know each other's strengths and weaknesses better and we can work with each other better when we fight the fallen together. Also it's just a good idea to train together anyway," Domovoi suggested.

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Despite her current conversation with the crud sailor woman, Robin's ears were still ever attentive to the world about her. Thusly, when Domo mentioned her name, the huntress instinctively looked over towards him. "Hold on a moment." she said to the sailor girl as she approached Domo.

"Domo, did you call for me? I heard you say my name."

OOC: Not sure exactly how far away Domo and V are, but it sounds like they aren't THAT far away.

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"That's an interesting idea. Sometime I'd like to train with another swordsman but Gytha's...exuberance is a bit off putting, so I'd rather have another training partner. Training against someone on a wyvern is good practice for flying foes anyway," Veronika said, before the girl who was presumably Robin came over.

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"Yeah, Gytha can be kind of...loud," Domovoi agreed, before Robin came over.

"No, I didn't call you, but I might as well introduce you. Robin, this is Veronika. Veronika, this is Robin. Veronika is the daughter of Commander Rusajev, a high ranking military official," he said matter-of-factly, glancing at Veronika.

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"You're welcome." She replied before looking around a bit. She wanted to be sure there wasn't anyone left behind on the shore once the ship was ready to go. She wasn't strong enough to carry anyone to the ship so they had to be on when the ramp was drawn back in.


The room was rather large, not unlike a well ventilated warehouse. Where to start? She decided to ask the man sitting at a desk near the entrance. She didn't much care that he was busy with a good read. She didn't want to be stuck in here any longer than she had to be.

"Excuse me." she began getting him to look her way.



"Nice ta see ya. Did Hawkeye send ya here ta find somethin'?"

"New records actually. The city traffic to be specific. We're looking for ... um." she paused and when she couldn't be certain, she turned to Callisto. "We're looking for the volunteers Weyland sent, right? Because that would be Raquel Valcyn if I remember right."


"Hm? Ah, we'll keep this'n with the others. Follow me." he said as he began walking toward the front of the ship where the wagon was. Along the way he explained. "Normally we'd put the animals below deck, where footin' isn't as much a problem and it is safer down there, but ... that'll take at least an hour with all of your animals and our destination ain't too far off either. For now we're just gonna hitch'em where they can't fall off the ship. Catch all that?"

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"<Greetings, daughter of Rusajev>." said Robin in a polite and respectful tone, despite her lack of bowing. "You seek to train against commander Domo? He seems to be accumulating a lot of training partners of late. An archer, and now a swordswoman. I apologize for butting in, but though I heard my name mentioned, I did not hear why you are interested in me. May I ask why?"

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