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Return of the Emblem Chapter Five: The Retrieval


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Norbert clenched his teeth as he fought the urge to tear appart any winged demon remaining. Valter was right. The pegasus rider jumped off Rizen's back and picked the unconcious mage up before remounting his pegasus and looking around for a healer. Darn; most of them are busy... I'll just have to look after him until this fight's over. Blast it... "Riz, I don't care how vain you are, the odds of you getting a bit bloody are high. Don't you dare complain; I'll wash the blood off your coat when I get the chance," Bert warned the winged horse. She knew the basics of what he was saying. Her coat wasn't going to stay clean for every long. In responce, Rizen was frusterated, but if it was for the best, she'd endure a dirty coat for a little while...but he was soooo cleaning the blood off later. That stuff was sticky.

I won't let the same thing happen to Valter. He guided Rizen near the horseman and kept a wary eye out. If anything tried to hurt his other friend, their bones wouldn't be intact for very long. Or, failing that, Bert could just take the blow himself.

Edit: Miscount; nonbattlepost.

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The hellhounds quickly charged forth toward the party and began viciously attacking. Gabbie got out of her pursuer's way with just a small cut on her arm. Having a lance certainly came in handy since blocking that with a sword, or rather trying to would have gotten her maimed. A hellhound also attacked Valter and scored two clean hits. Another pounced onto Shadrak and began clawing away at the shaman!

A group of hellcats also charged. One leaped for Veronika to repay her for his injuries but missed. Another lunged at John but could only inflict a little damage. The third went after Zel but accomplished little more than the other hellcat did.

Svanhildr quickly put down another mercenary right in front of Atsuko, this time leaving something for the hellhounds to feed on. <"Stop it! STOP IT!!! ENOUGH ALREADY!!!"> she screamed at the fallen.

<"Once you release Siv, the killing will end. I understand that you do not trust me, but if you do not give in to my demands, then all of you will die, not just the majority. All I want is Siv's release. Do that, and I will consider allowing the rest of you to live.">

<"As slaves for your dark empire?!"> a mercenary called out.

<"You know nothing of the dark empire. I see the images in your mind, and how you picture our world. If you would rather die than become pawns, then I will continue to execute you, one by one."> she explained.

Kai and Katsu braced themselves as Brynhildr came charging at them again. She tried to finish off Kai, but Katsu got in the way and tried to stonewall her with his shoulder plate, a tactic that sent her into a boiling rage. She tried to roll around Katsu, only to see Kai already doing the same! He attempted to take her head off with his swing, but she used the muddy terrain to slide right under the attack. Kai. Katsu. Brynhildr. All three of them understood what would happen next. Brynhildr had worked her way behind the both of them. Kai wasn't surprised at all when he felt her lance coming flying out through the front of his chest.

From a great distance, Atsuko cried out <"No ... KAI!!! NOOOOOOO!!!">

Urgh. <"Bryn, would you please be careful?! That is one of the humans she actually cares about!"> Svan called out.

<"Huh?"> Bryn muttered as she yanked her lance back through his chest freeing him. He immediately fell onto his hands and knees gasping for air.

Giving Atsuko a glance as she explained, Svan said <"No matter how many of her so called allies dies right in front of her, she would not waver. Just now when you injured this ... Kai, I felt a waver. Be careful with them.">

<"You don't want me to kill them?">

<"If she does not surrender, then feel free to kill everyone here, I suppose, but do not endanger Siv.">

<"Heh, it's your lucky minute, KAI. You don't have to die ... just yet."> she said with a friendly smile before quickly kicking him in the face with her greave! It sent the large man onto his back and into the mud. Then she turned toward Katsu. <"It's your move, Katsu.">

<"Grrr! You demon!"> Katsu yelled as he charged forward! He swung down with great speed, and Brynhildr wouldnt' be able to dodge it. Instead she held up her lance, and as before, the feathers resting gently over her arm hardened the moment Katsu's sword struck them giving off a loud clashing sound. <"W-why! Why can't I get through?!">

<"This is Cloud Breaker, the ultimate lance. You will never defeat me with pathetic attacks like that! Is this all you humans are capable of?! I hunted you down looking for a challenge, dammit!"> She yelled as she pushed him off of her and span around for a counterattack! He blocked the attack with ease.

<"Kai, just hang on ..."> Katsu murmered.

<"If you don't defeat me here and now, the first thing I'm going to do is kill him. I finish what I start.">

Hellhound D attacks Gabbie! Rolls 1,1,2



Hellhound D attacks Gabbie! Rolls 3,2,1



-1 hp

Gabbie hp 14/15

Hellhound E attacks Valter! Rolls 1,2,1



-4 hp

Hellhound E attacks Valter! Rolls 4,3,1



-6 hp

Valter hp 2/12

Hellhound F attacks Shadrak! Rolls 4,3,6



-6 hp

Hellhound F attacks Shadrak! Rolls 3,6,3



-9 hp

Perfect KO!

Shadrak hp 0/15

Hellcat A attacks Veronika! Rolls 3,6,5



Veronika hp 12/12

Hellcat B attacks John! Rolls 3,6,2



-4 hp

John hp 17/21

Hellcat C attacks Zel! 6,3,4



-3 hp

Zel hp 15/18

Svanhildr attacks Mercenary C! Rolls 5,2,3


20 hit vs <20 evade ... he's not dodgin' ANY OF THIS!!!

- ??? hp (All of it)

Mercenary C hp -20/9

Brynhildr attacks Kai! Rolls 4,2,2



-40 hp!


Kai hp -11/36 hp


Katsu attacks Brynhildr! Rolls 6,1,1



0 Damage!

Brynhildr counters! Rolls 6,1,4



0 Damage!

Brynhildr 42/42 (Erratic) E: Cloud Breaker


Svanhildr 30/30 (Erratic) E: Dark Purge


Hellhound A 0/9

Hellhound B 0/9

Hellhound C 0/9


Hellhound D 9/9 (Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellhound E 9/9 (Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellhound F 9/9 (Aggressive) E: Claw


Hellhound G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellhound H 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellhound I 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw


Harpy A 0/9

Harpy B 0/9

Harpy C 0/9


Harpy D 9/9

Harpy E 9/9 (Passive-Subvert) E: Whirlwind

Harpy F 9/9 (Passive-Subvert) E: Whirlwind


Hellcat A 15/18 (Aggressive) E: Sabertooth

Hellcat B 18/18 (Aggressive) E: Sabertooth

Hellcat C 18/18 (Aggressive) E: Sabertooth


Hellcat D 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellcat E 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellcat F 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

NPC Teams:

Kai 0/36

Katsu 30/30 (Erratic) E: Liberator


Atsuko 12/12

Mercenary A (Knight A) 24/24 (Defending) E: Steel Lance

Mercenary B (Knight B) 24/24 (Defending) E: Steel Axe


Mercenary C (Wind Mage) 9/9

Mercenary D (Fire Mage) 0/9

Mercenary E (Soldier) 12/12 E: Javelin


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Flying with the others to the aid of the mercenaries, Domovoi found that the opponents were the fallen and various monsters. Among the monsters were bird....thingys, powerful demonic cats, and demonic dogs. Never in a bazillion years did Domovoi think he'd have to fight those things.

Seeing some of the mercenaries and a few of his companions fall, Domovoi found his heart was racing and he knew Miskavolv was scared shitless as well.

"There's a good boy Miskavolv. Look, running won't help, so we might as well give them a fight to remember right? Ok, let's go get them," he said gently to the wyvern while charging at a hellcat attacking Veronika. He stabbed at it but it was so tough, it didn't have any effect on him and Domovoi was bitten by the creature.


Domovoi (1,1,5): Hit! 1+5=6-7= No damage! Hellcat A 15/18 HP

Hellcat A (2, 4,6) Hit! Hit! 4+8= 12-6= 6 damage. Domovoi 9/15 HP.

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Shadrak cried out as the hound rushed him, pounding a claw straight through his barrier, and a second hit tore through his chest, catching on his arm and almost ripping it off. He cried and fell back, slowly crawling away from the battle as he bled out.


Zel grunted, the cat bit right over his lance into his arm with a grunt he attempted to shake it off, Sliep eventually jumped out of it, tearing skin much to Zel's dis-pleasure. "Urgh, I won't these monster's get you lady Synthia!" He shouted, jumping Sliep away from the cat and placing himself between it and Synthia.

Zel protects Synthia!

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As Valter just finished loading a third bolt he was blind sighted by a lunging hellhound. With a startled yell he fell from his horse with the monster landing on top of him, clawing at his arms and chest. It managed two deep gashes and a myriad of smaller cuts before he managed to kick it off and loose the bolt at it before it could attack again.

1 turn of stimulant left

Valter’s roll: 6, 1, 2 (*shakes fist*)

7 + 6 = 13 – 9 = HIT

7 + 1 = 8 – 2 = 6 DMG

No counter

Hellhound D’s HP: 3/9

Valter’s HP: 2/12

Before the injured creature could react he attempted to run and call for his horse, who hadn’t taken losing her rider too well and had run farther away.


Synthia hadn’t stuck around to see Kai fall, having hightailed it out of there immediately after healing him. With the cavalier having successfully defended a second attack, she again started focusing less on her safety and more on her job. The Pegasus knight nearby looked like she needed some healing, after all.

+9 HP for Aneda

Aneda’s HP: 14/15

Synthia’s HP: 12/12

“Hey, shiny armor guy,” she said to the knight following her. “I promise I’ll heal your injuries soon, I just need to take care of some of the more heavily wounded first.”

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Veronika had dodged the cat's tooth before Domovoi and something rainbow colored flew in to assist her. She saw that it was still alive, but decided to disengage and attempt to kill a wounded hellhound instead, slicing it cleanly in two.

(5,4,4)= Crit for 18 damage. Hellhound D dead. +5 points Veronika, John, Axel

Nadya gave a rather worried look as the man she just healed got a lance through his chest. If that guy with the sword goes down, I'm probably gettin' out of here. she thought to herself, going over and healing the claw wounds off of one of the horsemen (Valter 2/12-->11/12).

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Looking around the battlefield once more, John noticed Robin looked very injured. He flew over. ''Hey, are you alright?'' He asked. 'It's risky to leave her like this. At least until she gets healed.' He thought.

[using Class Skill. John defends Robin.]

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"STOP BEING FAST AND HURTING MY FRIENDS!!!" Bert yelled at the demon army as a whole after the attack on Valter. "Gaugh... Riz, don't hate me," the pegasus rider murmurred to his mount as he rode her over to Valter and scooped him up, guiding the man's weight so he landed in the saddle behind him. Okay, no way Riz can take off now, but luckily Ranyin's light... Not like this will last for a long time either... "Valter, I'll try to get you back over to your horse. Attack as you will, but let me know when you do. I'll protect you," Bert told his newest passenger as he rode after the spooked Phylis.

Bert defends Valter!

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As Chelsea got off the boat and got reacquainted with the land, more talking was to be had, that is, until news that the merc troop were being attacked by Fallen. As the group headed out, the troubador and her trusty steed attempted to steal themselves through a rather grueling battle. As they arrived, she quickly reviewed the facts about Fallen and got out her tome and staff.

What awaited her was somewhat of a bloodbath...

As the battle raged on, Chelsea could make out the Fallen, but rather than monstrous they looked... quite Majestic. At least until they got to some of the mercs, in which Chelsea cringed in fear.

When Shadrak gave her a bit of, what seemed like, support to the troubador, all she could was give a weak smile to her companion, and continue to glance at the Fallen when she had the chance.

When the Hellhounds ended their attack on Shadrak, she, as quickly as she could, told Nesha to rush to the shaman's side.

"Hey, don't worry, I'll help you."- Chelsea said, as she began applying healing magic to his arm.

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Again the demons began a rampage hoping to whittle the party down to nothing. Veronika was attacked but the beast couldn't catch the agile woman. Bert's defense of Valter was a success but a costly one. Even Aneda was attacked. Zel and John fended off the hostiles trying to take them down, but the fighting close by was looking grim. Svanhildr brushed her hair away from her face after the wind had messed it up, and then threw out her hand reducing another mercenary to a steaming mess and charred bone. The hellhounds rushed in to eat while they could, and Atsuko simply couldn't look anymore. The knife she held to Siv's neck only grew shakier and shakier.

<"That one did not have to die just now. Why do you insist on keeping my sister? Is a small fortune truly worth all of this?">

<"Of course it's not, but you're DEMONS!!! We can't ...">

<"Cannot what?">

<"We ... JUST CAN'T!">

Svanhildr shook her head slightly. She wasn't fond of actually killing humans. They had their uses in their society, but the one with the hostage was clearly the most stubborn. That was probably by design. <"Fine then. Your two bodyguards are next, Atsuko. Since Katsu is still alive, it is rather obvious you will not execute Siv yet."> Hopefully Bryn is smart enough not to kill him ...

She didn't have anymore words for the fallen approaching her and her fearful friends. <"Atsuko ... no matter w-what happens, we don't blame you for this, alright? Atsuko? Are you listening?!">

<"I'm sorry ..."> she barely managed to get out.

Meanwhile Brynhildr and Katsu exchange numerous blows, but Katsu's defense was absolutely perfect, and as unimpressed as she was with the Kigenese warrior, she had to admit that she wasn't expecting things to take this long. She couldn't seem to penetrate his defense either. None of that would matter for too much longer though. Katsu's fighting style was demanding on even an experienced fighter, and he was running on empty with no sleep. The adrenaline was only going to disguise his fatigue for a few more exchanges. <"You, White Devil!">

<"What is it, dead man?">

<"I see how it is now ... you and that lance of yours are pretty close, aren't you? You rely on it. Understandable though, because without it, you're nothing to me. I would kill you in one swing if you even dared face me without that weapon."> he scolded.

<"... huh ... ... heh ... HAHAHAHAHAAAHHAHAHAAAAAAH! What? You honestly think you can trick me into using another weapon so you can use that wingslayer of yours?! WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM, BOY?! I'M NOT SOME FOOLHARDY WARRIOR LOOKING FOR CHANCES TO SHINE, I AM A MATRIARCH!!!"> With a brute swing she hit him so hard that it forced him off of the ground and back a few feet. <"While it's true that you might stand a chance in hell if I were to discard my clan's sacred lance, that wouldn't do Siv any good. I wanted a challenge, yes, but what I want even more than that is to kill the worthless human filth who tied up and hauled my sister across this human country!">

<"So you are a coward then. That's fine by me. Let us continue ..."> Katsu said, so dismayed by his failed attempt that he didn't bother hiding how tired he was from her anymore.

<"... I'm getting sick and tired of this ..."> she muttered in a low cold and murderous tone.

Hellhound E attacks Veronika! Rolls 2,5,4



Hellhound E attacks Veronika! Rolls 2,4,4



Veronika hp 12/12

Hellhound F attacks Bert! Rolls 2,6,2 (I know, right?)



-7 hp

Hellhound F attacks Bert! Rolls 6,1,6



-2 hp

Bert hp 6/15

Hellcat A attacks Aneda! Rolls 6,4,3



-6 hp

Aneda hp 8/15

Hellcat B attacks Zel! Rolls 1,3,3



-6 hp

Zel hp 9/18

Hellcat C attacks John! Rolls 3,4,4



-4 hp

John hp 13/21

Svanhildr attacks Mercenary E! Rolls 5,4,2



-32 hp


Mercenary E hp -20/12

Brynhildr attacks Katsu! 2,5,5



0 Damage!

Katsu hp 30/30


Katsu attacks Brynhildr! Rolls 3,6,5



0 Damage!

Brynhildr counters! Rolls 4,6,5



0 Damage!

Brynhildr 42/42 (Erratic) E: Cloud Breaker


Svanhildr 30/30 (Erratic) E: Dark Purge


Hellhound A 0/9

Hellhound B 0/9

Hellhound C 0/9


Hellhound D 0/9

Hellhound E 9/9 (Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellhound F 9/9 (Aggressive) E: Claw


Hellhound G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellhound H 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellhound I 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw


Harpy A 0/9

Harpy B 0/9

Harpy C 0/9


Harpy D 0/9

Harpy E 9/9 (Passive-Subvert) E: Whirlwind

Harpy F 9/9 (Passive-Subvert) E: Whirlwind


Hellcat A 13/18 (Aggressive) E: Sabertooth

Hellcat B 18/18 (Aggressive) E: Sabertooth

Hellcat C 18/18 (Aggressive) E: Sabertooth


Hellcat D 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellcat E 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellcat F 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

NPC Teams:

Kai 0/36

Katsu 30/30 (Erratic) E: Liberator


Atsuko 12/12

Mercenary A (Knight A) 24/24 (Defending) E: Steel Lance

Mercenary B (Knight B) 24/24 (Defending) E: Steel Axe


Mercenary C (Wind Mage) 9/9

Mercenary D (Fire Mage) 0/9

Mercenary E (Soldier) 0/12


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"Just hang on a little bit longer okay?"- Chelsea told Shadrak as she finally managed to heal his arm, though the rest of his wounds were still there.

Chelsea rezzed Shadrak.

Shadrak= 1/9 HP

Chelsea/Shadrak/Domovoi gain 2 points

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"Tch..." Domovoi snarled as he followed Veronika's example in backing away from the hellcat. Instead of attacking something else though, he flew protectively in front of the freshly revived Shadrak. He observed a little of the duel between the Fallen Matriarch and one of the mercenary leaders, and marveled at the power both had.

"Ok shaman. I'm gonna make sure you don't get hurt ok? So just stick behind me, and I'll protect you. Got it?" he said curtly, glancing at Shadrak before turning back to make sure nothing would hurt the shaman.

Domovoi defends Shadrak.

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Zel cried out as the creature jumped up and knocked him off of Sliep. The creature rushed for his head, snapping just inches short as he got his spear stuck between the creatures jaws. Unable to bite it started to claw at him, tearing through his armor. He would of been finished but Sliep positioned himself, and kicked the cat, that, combined with a well timed kick and shove with his spear, sent that flying off of him. Though the creature wasn't harmed by these actions, well, it was better than having it at your throat. He chuckled, bringing his spear up in a defensive position once again. "You will not get her..." he said.


Shadrak smiled weakly, standing up, and looking over to the creatures on the field. "Attacking one would be suicide..." he said to himself, giving Dom a nod as he heard what the mad said. "Well, I've got some doctoring to do, the cover is appreciated." he said, before running over to the closest, seriously wounded person he could find... the Pegasus Rider with Rainbow hair. With a chuckle he shined his staff's light over her. "kick their ass." He told her with a wink.

Aneda: Healed for 6! 14/15

Zel is defending Synthia... again...

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Hearing snarls and barks from behind him, Bert stopped Rizen and turned her to see the dog that he knew was gaining on them. He did so just as the dog jumped and scratched at him with it's catlike claws, raking across his back and chest as it leaped. "Agh!!" urging Rizen into another burst of speed, he tried to ignore the stinging pain. He didn't think Valter had been hurt, but he wanted to check to make sure. "Hey, Valter, are you okay?" he half-grunted over his shoulder to his teammate.

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Nadya went over and healed Bert, who was carrying the guy she just healed. "You sure get banged up a lot," she remarked after applying her staff to him. Bert 6/15-->15/15

+2 points Gabbie, Nadya

Veronika cut the hellhound that tried to claw her (5,1,6). It tried to claw back but missed both times (1,4,6) (1,4,6)

7-2= 5 damage.

Hellhound E 4/9

Veronika 12/12 (somehow)

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Well Amon had seen enough. Since his victory over the hellhound, he had been keeping a sharp eye on the fight with the fallen and the mercenaries. Things were looking bad when he realized that the best way to help them would be to continue reducing enemy numbers. With that, he gave the battlefield a quick scan and saw a hellhound fighting with Veronika. Like the last one, these things sure didn't know when to stay down. He figured that his finishing move for the previous hound would work on the second, so rushed in to help and tested the theory. Driving his knife up through its skull and splitting the whole thing clean open did the trick, and it began helplessly staggering in confusion for a moment before falling.

"Things are looking pretty bad. I don't know about you, but I think we need to start concentrating on individual demons before we get spread out too much."

Meanwhile Gabbie decided to do just that though she didn't hear that conversation. The hellcats weren't going to be killed by any one person but ganging up on them would work great. At least that was what she was hoping for. Her first thrust was stopped when the hellcat snapped at it and she had to win a tug of war to retrieve the thing. Using the momentum from her tugging, he leaped forth and slammed into her. Gabbie went sailing a short ways before bouncing off of her back and landing on her left hand and feet. "Damn ..." she paused to cough. "That really hurt ..."

Not giving the pain a second thought, she lunged forth again and stabbed the hellcat's nose! It cried out and backed off for the moment, and she did too. That wasn't how she envisioned things going and she wasn't going to chance that again so soon.

Amon attacks Hellhound E! Rolls 2,3,2


AUTOHIT! (How redundant this is ...)

-7 hp


Hellhound E hp 0/9

Amon hp 12/12

Gabbie attacks Hellcat A! Rolls 6,2,5



0 Damage!

Hellcat A rolls 6,4,2



-8 hp

Gabbie doubles Hellcat A! Rolls 6,4,3



-2 hp

Gabbie hp 6/15

Hellcat A hp 11/18

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"Hah; I guess so," Bert somewhat laughed in reply to Nadya's coment. The healer had rode her horse up alongside the galloping pegasus -- not too hard given that said pegasus had 3 passengers -- and applied her healing magic to Norbert, healing the clawmarks completely. He didn't want to think about his tunic at the moment. For now, Norbert was just glad to be healed and that his passengers were safe. ... Well, ranyin was still in something of a bad condition... "By the way, could you take one of my passengers? He's not in very good shape," he asked, indicating Ranyin with a jerk of his head.

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"Err," Nadya hesitated. If I want to make a break for it I don't really want extra weight... "Eh, he's a little guy I guess I'll take him off you, she said, lifting Ranyin and plopping him in front of her.


Veronika breathed a sigh of relief as Amon cut the hound in front of her. She stole a glance over at the mercenaries.

"I agree, we need to take these creatures out as quickly as possible. If the mercenaries fall to the Fallen then...we'll have to deal with them somehow," she said with a grim look at the mercenary holding the Fallen girl.

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If Luca was going to make a break for it, he didn't want any extra weight. When Nadya took the passenger, Luca noticed that he wasn't too heavy, but he wasn't one of those packhorses so this was certainly still unwelcome and he gave an unpleasant snort at Rizen.

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"Thanks," Bert mentioned to the healer while Rizen brayed a quiet equine giggle at Luca's displeasure. Though a bit of weight had been taken from her back, she was still carrying 2 grown men. She wasn't complaining, though. "Alright, Valter, let's get you back to your horse," Norbert told his remaining passenger as he directed Rizen to run in the direction of the much-closer-than-before, earthbound mare.

Norbert defends Valter!

+3pts to Ranyin, Valter and Norbert for the previous successful defend

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EDIT: missed one of Merc's posts earlier, fixing now

Synthia had been planning on healing her bodyguard after the monster’s last attack, but, again, there were people injured more than him, Gabbie being the closest. She was getting rather tired by the time she reached her next patient. Everyone was so spread out; it was hard to reach all of them. Maybe she should invest in a mount...

+ 9 HP to Gabbie

Gabbie’s HP: 15/15

Synthia’s HP: 12/12


Valter was still running when Bert rode up beside him. “...You sure Riz can handle the weight?” he asked, but didn’t wait for an answer as he climbed on anyway. “Alright, thanks Bert,” he said, as he loaded the crossbow again.

A hellhound attacked, and true to his word, the pegasus knight did protect the horseman. That didn't mean he was happy about it, though. "I'm fine, but you're- nevermind." He didn't even finish his sentence before a healer patched the injuries. As Ranyin was handed over to the troubadour, he picked a new target instead. “Hey, I’m attacking now!”

Last turn of stimulant

Valter’s roll: 4, 1, 2 (FUUUUUUU-)

7 + 4 = 11 – 9 = HIT

7 + 1 = 8 – 2 = 6 DMG

Harpy’s HP: 3/9

We have one pissed Harpy left alive...

Harpy counters with whirlwind! Its roll: 4, 6, 2 (FUUUU-)

Against Valter:

4 + 10= 14 – 8 = HIT

3 + 6 = 9 - 3 = 6 DMG

Against Bert:

4 + 10 = 14 – 6 = HIT

3 + 6 = 9 – 3 = 6 DMG

Valter’s HP: 5/12

Bert’s HP: 9/15

Sorry Merc ;__;

The crossbow bolt plunged into the demon’s side, but it didn’t even seem to faze the creature. That was normal. The previous Harpies he fought tried to close the distance to attack with claws, but this one wasn’t even moving. That was not normal. What was it doing?

Unfortunately, he found out a moment later when a burst of wind magic almost knocked him off the saddle. “What, they can do that too?!”

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Rizen reared in fear and fanned her wings as the wind swirled about her. The wind was just not being normal today. The blades composed of wind, however, never touched her, instead cutting into her passengers. "Blasted bird-women... These creatures' attacks sting..." Bert grumbled to himself as he shifted his weight to tell Rizen to get all four hooves back on the ground and continue her gallop, this time circling around towards the enemies. "Alright, Valter, we can't be running away from the fight, so we'll just have to hope your horse decides to come back to help you. Until then, you can ride with me. Lets close in a bit more so you can have a closer target. I'll have my axe ready just in case, but it looks like we'll be relying on your arrows," Norbert told his teammate as he charged.

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Brynhildr 42/42 (Erratic) E: Cloud Breaker


Svanhildr 30/30 (Erratic) E: Dark Purge


Hellhound A 0/9

Hellhound B 0/9

Hellhound C 0/9


Hellhound D 0/9

Hellhound E 0/9

Hellhound F 9/9 (Aggressive) E: Claw


Hellhound G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellhound H 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellhound I 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw


Harpy A 0/9

Harpy B 0/9

Harpy C 0/9


Harpy D 0/9

Harpy E 3/9 (Subvert) E: Whirlwind

Harpy F 9/9 (Passive-Subvert) E: Whirlwind


Hellcat A 11/18 (Aggressive) E: Sabertooth

Hellcat B 18/18 (Aggressive) E: Sabertooth

Hellcat C 18/18 (Aggressive) E: Sabertooth


Hellcat D 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellcat E 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellcat F 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

NPC Teams:

Kai 0/36

Katsu 30/30 (Erratic) E: Liberator


Atsuko 12/12

Mercenary A (Knight A) 24/24 (Defending) E: Steel Lance

Mercenary B (Knight B) 24/24 (Defending) E: Steel Axe


Mercenary C (Wind Mage) 9/9

Mercenary D (Fire Mage) 0/9

Mercenary E (Soldier) 0/12

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As the fighting continued, the demons began to fight even harder and refused to allow their targets to escape them. Not one attack from the hellhound, harpy or hellcats missed. Svanhildr complimented their assault with a well placed shot of her own. <"Atsuko, listen. No matter wh-ARGH!!!"> he was cut short as the magical blast destroyed him. atsuko could only gasp. She had just one more person standing between Svanhildr and herself.

<"Why are you being stubborn about this? Your friends are dying unnecessarily."> said Svanhildr as she prepared her next attack.

Brynhildr stood up straight an spread out her wings as far as she could casting a shadow over half of Katsu's body. A barely visible swirl of energy danced about her as she built up more and more power. He wasn't sure what type of attack was coming his way but he immediately made the mistake of assuming it would be magic. Instead, she dashed forward flapping her wings to build momentum and slammed into him like a bull! The force sent them both sliding across the soaked ground about sixty feet before they came to a stop. Katsu was injured in the assault, but remained standing despite both his ankles and wrists being sprained and her cutting into his side.

<"How much longer do you think this is going to last, hm?">

<"Until you give up, White Devil ..."> he struggled to get out.

<"Heheh ... look over there."> she said gesturing toward Atsuko. The mercenary girl and her last bodyguard were so far away ... Katsu wouldn't be able to reach them even if Brynhildr let him go ...

<"Atsuko ...">

<"Heh. Well that plan worked. Svan doesn't need any interruptions so getting you at a nice distance helps.">

<"U- ... urgh!">

<"Awww, were you too tired to notice? Hahahahaah! Well at least at this distance you won't see much gruesome detail.">

Harpy E attacks Robin! Rolls 5,4,1



-6 hp


Hellhound F attacks Bert! Rolls 4,1,4 (Not this again ...)



-2 hp

Hellhound F attacks Bert! Rolls 3,5,4


-6 hp

Bert hp 1/15

Hellcat A attacks Gabbie! Rolls 2,4,2



-7 hp

Gabbie hp 8/15

Hellcat B attacks Zel! Rolls 3,2,3 (WTH)



-2 hp

Zel hp 7/18

Hellcat C attacks Domovoi! Rolls 4,4,4



-21 hp


Domovoi hp 0/15

Svanhildr attacks Mercenary B! Rolls 3,3,2



-30 hp


Mercenary B hp -6/24

Brynhildr activates her Matriarch ability!

Brynhildr hp 21/42


Attacks/Counters disabled: 1

Brynhildr attacks Katsu! Rolls 6,6,1



-9 hp

Katsu hp 21/30


Katsu idles.

Brynhildr 21/42 (Erratic) E: Cloud Breaker


Svanhildr 30/30 (Erratic) E: Dark Purge


Hellhound A 0/9

Hellhound B 0/9

Hellhound C 0/9


Hellhound D 0/9

Hellhound E 0/9

Hellhound F 9/9 (Aggressive) E: Claw


Hellhound G 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellhound H 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellhound I 9/9 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw


Harpy A 0/9

Harpy B 0/9

Harpy C 0/9


Harpy D 0/9

Harpy E 6/9 (Subvert) E: Whirlwind

Harpy F 9/9 (Passive-Subvert) E: Whirlwind


Hellcat A 14/18 (Aggressive) E: Sabertooth

Hellcat B 18/18 (Aggressive) E: Sabertooth

Hellcat C 18/18 (Aggressive) E: Sabertooth


Hellcat D 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellcat E 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

Hellcat F 18/18 (Passive-Aggressive) E: Claw

NPC Teams:

Kai 0/36

Katsu 21/30 (Erratic) E: Liberator


Atsuko 12/12

Mercenary A (Knight A) 24/24 (Defending Atsuko) E: Steel Lance

Mercenary B (Knight B) 0/24 (Defending Daisies)


Mercenary C (Wind Mage) 9/9

Mercenary D (Fire Mage) 0/9

Mercenary E (Soldier) 0/12


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