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No Seth HM Playthrough

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NO Seth HM Play through


The premise is for this play through is to not use Seth in any way throughout the game (except to move away before reinforcements in chapter 1 arrive) and finished the game in as few turns as possible


-I'll sporadically post stats...and will always post how many resets (and significant events) in order to not give any false impressions for probability of my "strategies".

-Also I'll be recruiting everyone even if it will take additional turns and no deaths

-No Skirmishes (i.e. retreating ASAP) or Tower for EXP


Thanks for anyone who followed this playlog and posted :):


-I restarted after chapter 3 in order buy a steel axe which I forgot to do and saved over screwing me over in chapter 4.

-Took down pictures...

-Back from China, meaning I can actually use photobucket now so I will be redoing the chapters, please bear with me

-I realize I'm not very funny, but the pictures are just there because I doubt anyone wants to read a mountain of text :):

Edit 2:

-Finally finished

-This leaves me confused, does anyone know what determines losses? I guess Seth really was a ghost ;)::


Edited by Salad Utensil
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Prologue: 2 Turns


In order to make this playlog canonical, I can prove that Seth did not survive the encounter with Valter…


If you can't trust the resident psychopath to determine life or death WHO CAN YOU TRUST?


This explains later why Seth still appears (because he doesn't realize he's dead and Sacred Stones is from Seth's point of view) :awesome:

Turn 1: Eirika has to solo this chapter.


It's really easier to just go with 3 turns, but since the chance for a 2 turn completion is not awful...

Eirika moves right 4 spaces and 2HKOs the fighter with a critical hit (she dodged the counterattack. Enemy phase she dodges the enemy fighter and counters with a critical hit getting another kill.

Turn 2: Eirika moves down onto a forest prompting O’Neil to attack her, but he missed. Finally, Eirika counters with one more critical hit thus saving a turn.


trial and error RNG magic


It just turned out this way (I actually didn't plan for this level up) :awesome:


Ghosts are really good at cursing people who have wronged them...with supernatural RN wasting powers :awesome:

I didn’t have to reset this chapter because I knew how many RNs to waste from previous playthroughs.

This chapter can reliably can be done in 3 turns however with almost no death risk…



Eirika takes one final glance at Seth's dead corpse, sadly pays her respect, and stoically continues her journey to Frelia

Chapter 1: 5 Turns



Breguet is proud of his overly phallic lance


Oh my, what is he planning on doing?!


I guess Oswin isn't the only armor knight who liked teenage girls...


Breguet looks pretty old so cut him some slack...viagra exists for a reason, Tana


Maybe Breguet is trying to overcompensating for his failure somewhere

Turn 1: Unfortunately without Seth's rescuing ability this chapter will take 2 extra turns to complete


Eirika has to do a lot of dodging this chapter if you don't want to risk death chances (fortunately the RNs are rigged for you the first player phase)

Eirika moves towards the castle. A fighter dies enemy phase

Turn 2: Gilliam attacks a soldier after moving directly south, Franz kills the soldier


Eirika is getting just a TINY bit strength blessed

Eirika kills a fighter for a level up.


I move Seth to avoid shifting the reinforcements that will appear next turn(the only time I will have Seth do any action this playlog besides talk with Franz I guess).


Ironically Seth doesn't realize he's the one who died


Franz, the kind lad, doesn't have the heart to tell him

During enemy phase a soldier attacks Franz, but dies.

Turn 3: Gilliam attacks a fighter, and Eirika finishes it off. Franz moves downward to take on the reinforcements after a heal from a vulnerary. All 3 of the reinforcements miss him and Franz didn’t kill the soldier during the counter because he missed too (stupid 86 displayed hit).

Turn 4: Eirika kills Breguet by hitting 65 twice with a rapier (both Strength Procs were required) and gained more strength on the level up :awesome:. Franz kills the soldier reinforcement. Enemy phase all reinforcement fighters died because Franz gained speed during his level up.

Turn 5: Eirika Seizes

Reset: zero times, no RNG abuse either, I just got lucky.

Interlude to chapter 2: Eirika put the silver lance into the convey (since the only user will never be used and no one will reach A lances in a long time) and takes the steel sword. Gilliam gets a vulnerary; Franz trades Eirika an iron sword and gives his iron lance to Vanessa.


Unit	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Wep
Eirika	4.46	17	7	8	11	7	3	2	D Sword
Seth	Ghost	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	
Franz	2.76	21	7	5	8	3	6	1	E Sword, D lances
Gilliam	4.19	25	9	6	3	3	9	3	C lances
Vanessa	1	17	5	7	11	4	6	5	D lances
Moulder	1	20	4	6	9	1	2	5	C staves

Chapter 2: 5 turns



Moulder is a mature, older, and potentially Catholic priest who has unusually high con for a magic-based unit



Moulder is refering to the fact that his ["staff" rank] isn't large enough to use his "staff" on the under aged boy from a distance, fortunately Moulder is gentle and reassuring so it won't hurt fortunately Moulder CAN "do it" (use his staff on Ross) when closeby.

There are no 7AS brigands :(

Turn 1: Since everyone has to be recruited, Ross's life takes priority


Sadly there is only one iron sword so far and since I don't want to waste uses of the rapier I have to buy one during the chapter

Vanessa rescues Ross, Franz moves south onto a shop to buy an iron sword, Gilliam moves southeast, Eirika moves down, Moulder visits a village for an elixir. Meanwhile Garcia attacks the brigand east of the mountain.

Turn 2: The goal this turn is to recruit Ross and get Eirika into the range of that brigand.


Fortunately, Eirika has less con than a boy who is LIKE 10

Moulder takes Ross and drops him off, and Eirika recruits him Vanessa takes out the brigand weakened by Garcia. Eirika takes Franz’s iron sword and Franz buys a new one while a rescue chain (Ross rescues, Vanessa drops) allows Eirika to counter the enemy brigand next turn.

Turn 3: This turn requires a lot of position shifting of Franz and Eirika (rescue chaining)


The fact you only have two mounted units for a third of the game is another difficulty of a Sethless run

Franz finishes off the brigand that Eirika weakened earlier and gets rescue chained into position of the next brigand, Eirika moves to a forest to counter one of the brigand reinforcements next turn, Moulder moves down to heal Ross, and Vanessa returns to the rest of the group. Ross gets a Rem Gem from Selena. Franz hits a brigand that attacks him enemy phase. Garcia hits the archer.

Turn 4: This turn requires more rescue chains in order to get Eirika (only reliable person who can deal significant damage) into the correct position


You'll be seeing a lot of these rescue chain shenanigans throughout the first few chapters

Eirika finishes a brigand that Gilliam was supposed to weaken. Another rescue chain is formed so Eirika can counter the boss and his cohort, while Moulder heals to gain some more experience. Franz gets in position to counter the reinforcements.

Enemy phase: require Eirika to dodge at least one of the two brigand attacks, but they both had under 40 hit so it wasn’t unlikely and Eirika critical kills the boss while Garcia kills the archer.

Turn 5: I gave Eirika another brigand to kill, Moulder healed Eirika. Vanessa gets pure water from a village. Franz hits the brigand reinforcement again. Enemy phase the brigand suicides on Franz.

Zero resets because playing more aggressively would require single digit critical hits on Franz’ part

Interlude to chapter 3: Bought 3 javelins, 1 iron lance, 1 steel axe, 1 slim lance

Edited by Salad Utensil
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I suggest you get a Photobucket and use it. It's better than having to enlarge all those tiny images.

So who do you think your team will be use Ross or else

Edited by Spykor
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I suggest you get a Photobucket and use it. It's better than having to enlarge all those tiny images.

So who do you think your team will be use Ross or else

Ah yes that's a definitely a good idea :mellow:

I'll probably use characters as necessary...definitely Moulder for warp, all potential Paladins, Tethys...

If Saleh, Artur, Natasha, or potentially Lute reach a good staff rank in time they will probably be part of the team as well.

Edited by Salad Utensil Robot
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Natasha can pretty easily reach A Rank in time for lategame. If you're good about having her use Barrier, she can also promote towards the lategame, which makes her a great Rescue staff user.

Getting Lute to a good staff rank is pretty much a doomed path. She only starts with D in second tier and she doesn't promote until about Chapter 11 (which forces you to forgo training Artur). However, she can still reach C by lategame, which still has uses for staves such as Restore, Hammerne, and Barrier.

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Getting Lute to a good staff rank is pretty much a doomed path. She only starts with D in second tier and she doesn't promote until about Chapter 11 (which forces you to forgo training Artur). However, she can still reach C by lategame, which still has uses for staves such as Restore, Hammerne, and Barrier.

Not to mention she has great MAG and can Mendspam, healing more damage than Moulder and Natasha can.

At level 10 she averages 11.85 in MAG, whereas Moulder averages 6.8 and Natasha averages 7.4 at the same levels.

Also, for note, she caps Mag on average as a Mage Knight at 20/9. 20/18 for Sage. Irrelevant, I know.

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Chapter 3: 5 Turns


Turn 1: The first turn needs to played aggressively in order to get Garcia (who starts furthest out) to hit the second wall


Fortunately due to my Eirika and Franz's strength and speed blessing I can finish this chapter with less difficulty (there is however a strategy involving Colm if your level ups were bad)

Gilliam and Vanessa broke the wall, Eirika attacks the brigand waiting behind the wall and Franz finishes it off (54 hit though Garcia could have done it as well), Moulder heals Eirika since she didn’t dodge. Neimi moves north to recruit Colm. Everyone else moves forward as Garcia attacks a wall and then counters a brigand with the hand axe enemy phase.

Turn 2: Colm gets recruited and heads down and gets rescue chained toward the throne; another wall gets broken by Vanessa. Franz finishes off the brigand that was countered last round. Garcia moves outward and counters a brigand; Garcia gets a vulnerary stolen by the thief on enemy phase.

Turn 3: This turn requires Eirika to be rescued in order to reach the throne faster.


Another important skill for efficiently completing a Sethless run is manipulating the AI to attack specific units you want it to

The archer and a thief is cleared with help of Gilliam, Garcia, and Eirika. After the enemies are cleared Franz and Vanessa (after rescuing Eirika) can head to the throne. Colm unlocks the door to the chest key brigand. Vanessa needs to get hit by the hand axe during enemy phase in order to manipulate the enemy AI during the next turn and Franz get attacked by a steel axe brigand. Colm gets attacked by the chest key brigand.

Turn 4: If Vanessa wasn't damaged last round, the mercenary would attack Eirika instead and if he hits, Eirika would face death chances from the boss but more importantly the boss would use his hand axe to attack Eirika, preventing Franz from doubling for the kill.


The AI likes to target characters with low HP and defense, but can't think far enough to calculate a strategic way to stockpile damage

A brigand gets cleared out of the way for Vanessa to drop Eirika next to the boss with Garcia. Eirika is now in position for a counter with Franz ready to finish off Babza on turn 5 while Vanessa baits the mercenary (because she’s damaged) and Moulder baits the final hand axe brigand to prevent him from getting in the way. Eirika deals 16/26 to Babza on the counter.

Turn 5: Franz gets the boss kill. Neimi supports Colm, Colm steals an iron sword, Gilliam kills the chest key brigand, Moulder heals a final time, Garcia kills the hand axe brigand, and Vanessa hits the mercenary with a javelin for exp.


This is the last chapter where you have to face death chances in awhile thankfully

Eirika seizes.

Resets: 1 because Franz missed one of his hits the first time and Eirika didn’t critical the boss, missing the 5 turn clear :(

Seth is now permanently benched

Chapter 4: 3 turns






Lute either has schizophrenia or hasn't realized that she's too old to still believe in imaginary friends

Deployed: Eirika, Franz, Vanessa, Gilliam, Garcia, Artur, Moulder, Colm, Neimi

Turn 1: Artur critical hits the revenant, Franz rescues Garcia (after taking pure water) and heads toward the southeast island, Gilliam will handle the northwest revenant reinforcements. Colm moves southward. Eirika handles the center area. Revenant gets killed by Eirika enemy phase, Bonewalker is weakened by Eirika and Franz weakens two mogalls that attacked him. Vanessa critical kills a bone walker.

Turn 2: Since Garcia is the only one who can 1RKO the emtombed, he was the one had to be rescue dropped.


With a hand axe and the strength proc last chapter Garcia is able to 1RKO all the revenants

Colm and Artur each kill a Mogall and Moulder heals Artur. Vanessa recruits Lute and she kills the nearby bonewalker. Gilliam takes on the fetid claw reinforcement revenant because it doesn’t move for some reason. Neimi visits a village for an iron axe (Neimi is awesome like that). Garcia gets dropped off near the boss, near a bunch of revenants. Tons of things die on enemy phase, including a bonewalker that Artur kills with a critical hit.

Turn 3: Sadly, Gilliam has only around 75 displayed hit on the revenant reinforcements on forest tiles, so I have to make sure that most of his hits end up hitting them during player phase(since he 2HKOs)


I'm not allowed to miss a single hit during this enemy phase (because Gilliam didn't gain speed in his potential 1-2 level ups)

Artur weakens a bonewalker since Franz can't 1RKO (it would have 1HP remaining). Franz kills a bonewalker after being healed by Moulder. Vanessa kills a Revenant that was left alive by Garcia last enemy phase. During enemy phase Artur finishes off the last bonewalker reinforcement. Garcia kills the boss with a counter attack from his steel axe. Gilliam and Eirika take out the revenant reinforcements (Gilliam took out 3, Eirika only 1).

Resets: 1 times, a lot of vital imperfect hit rates have to hit in order to clear in 3 turns (in the 70s displayed from Gilliam and Garcia).


Unit	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Wep		Supports
Eirika	7.66	20	8	11	13	9	3	3	C Sword		
Franz	6.31	24	8	8	12	4	8	2	D Sword, D lances		
Vanessa	2.49	18	5	8	12	5	6	6	D lances		
Moulder	3.78	21	4	6	9	1	2	5	C staves		
Garcia	7.64	31	9	7	7	4	6	1	C Axes		
Colm	2.84	18	4	4	10	8	1	2	E Sword		C Neimi
Artur	3.31	19	6	7	8	2	2	7	E Light		
Lute	1.44	17	6	6	7	8	3	5	C  Anima		

Gilliam, Neimi, and Ross are now permanently benched

Chapter 5: 4 Turns




Natasha is a screamer <3


Deployed: Eirika, Natasha, Artur, Franz, Colm, Vanessa, Moulder, Garcia, Lute

Turn 1 Garcia is rescued to tank those enemies near Joshua during enemy phase, Eirika is sent to counter the fighter and the archer near the starting area. Colm moves toward the village while everyone else moves up.




Artur and Lute are brought along for their accurate and strong 2 range to finish off the enemies that Garcia baits downward without causing Joshua to kill someone

During enemy phase Franz and Garcia each counter a fighter, Eirika takes out a fighter with her rapier (barely). Eirika got hit by an archer however (faces a death chance if the fighter had hit her).

Turn 2: Eirika takes out an archer



Eirika <3

Franz takes out a soldier, Artur takes out a fighter, while Lute takes out another fighter. Colm moves toward the dragon shield village. During enemy phase the brigand reinforcements split up to attack Garcia and pilfer the villages.

Turn 3: Unfortunately enemies like to get in the way of Natasha during this turn.


I need to get rid of the archer and kill the soldier blocking Natasha from Joshua, at the same time I need to get the armor slayer to Joshua during turn 4

Lute visits a village for an armorslayer, while Garcia and Franz team up to defeat the archer. Artur hits a soldier to set up a kill for Eirika...


This better not miss...

Fortunately, it didn't and Joshua gets recruited by Natasha's amazing persuasion abilities:



Watch out Joshua! It's a honey trap...


Natasha can be very persuasive at times



...and it actually worked :facepalm:

Vanessa moves up toward the torch village by grabbing a secret book from the village. Colm visits the village for the dragon shield. Joshua moves upward to slay Saar turn 4. During enemy phase, Joshua has to dodge at least 1 of 3 attacks (he dodged all 3 :): ). Garcia gets attacked by that annoying brigand with a portrait and hits back for lots of damage. Vanessa puts a soldier into KO range for anyone to pick up a kill.


Joshua has over an 80% chance of dodging at least one of those attacks (yes, I realize it's risky), don't be too surprised if you get a LOSS here

Turn 4: Vanessa receives a torch from Amelia. The armor slayer is given to Joshua through trading (Lute trades Franz the armor slayer who trades it Joshua) meanwhile it takes a combined effort from Lute and Garcia to take out that portraited brigand, while Artur kills a weakened soldier.


Joshua kills his employer for a girl he met five minutes ago

I get a Guiding Ring!

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Not to mention she has great MAG and can Mendspam, healing more damage than Moulder and Natasha can.

At level 10 she averages 11.85 in MAG, whereas Moulder averages 6.8 and Natasha averages 7.4 at the same levels.

Also, for note, she caps Mag on average as a Mage Knight at 20/9. 20/18 for Sage. Irrelevant, I know.

Mend rarely fails to heal enough HP. It would be nice if she could reach A Staff Rank for Rescue and Warp, since she'd have good range with them, but she won't.

Edited by Anouleth
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Wow your Eirika convinces me she's a high tier unit, she seems very useful.

I have a few questions, in your run will Vanessa be ferry bot, combat machine, or both?

What about Tana and Cormag, they seem easy to fix.

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Wow your Eirika convinces me she's a high tier unit, she seems very useful.

I have a few questions, in your run will Vanessa be ferry bot, combat machine, or both?

What about Tana and Cormag, they seem easy to fix.

Yeah, Eirika is really vital to low turn all the early chapters since no one else is able to significantly damage, double, and hit the bosses with accuracy. It helped a lot that she proc'd strength on her first level up though, although speed probably would have been nice too.

Vanessa will probably end up being just a ferry bot since shes not turning out that well, unfortunately it's really hard to get her kills :(: . Without Seth you only have 2 mounted units until chapter 8 (where Kyle and Forde are too far away to be helpful) so Vanessa is still really useful. I'm definitely going to use Cormag and Tana, though I haven't exactly planned out any roles yet...

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Mend rarely fails to heal enough HP. It would be nice if she could reach A Staff Rank for Rescue and Warp, since she'd have good range with them, but she won't.

Makes sense because after C9 they can be purchased in the Vendor, and every healer will be able to use Mend by that point.

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Chapter 5X: 7 Turns



It's too bad Orson never joins, because a second paladin with good bases and growths would make life easier on non-challege runs

Turn 1: Ephraim kills a soldier (The RNG is fixed that Ephraim will dodge if you don't waste any)


The key to this chapter is proper use of rescue tactics

Kyle rescues Ephraim at the end of a rescue chain and weakens a soldier, (some trading occured between Forde, Ephraim and Orson while making the chain), and Kyle kills the soldier on enemy phase.

Turn 2: The non-soldier enemies on this map are annoying to take down without Orson, I'm so glad I have him. The fighter and mercenary shown here came down last turn.


Having Orson around is awesome

Orson clears out the fighter that came down (silver sword is ridiculous) and Forde trades him a Javelin (so Orson can counter the mage behind the wall.


It's hilarious to watch Ephraim 1HKO enemies in this map

Kyle puts Ephraim into the range of the cavalier and archer after the fighter stops blocking my path. During enemy phase Ephraim kills a cavalier and Orson gets a chest key from a mage that attacked him through a wall and the mercenary and archer attacked Kyle.

Turn 3: The archer dies to Ephraim for attacking Kyle last enemy phase.


As a result Ephraim got an acceptable level up.


I made a slight mistake here and forgot to have Orson equip the steel lance instead of the javelin

Ephraim gets rescued into the range of a knight. The mercenary dies to Orson and the knight dies to Ephraim enemy phase.

Turn 4: The fighters are annoying in this chapter because they like to block your path (fortunately we have Orson)


It's hilarious to watch Orson 1HKO enemies on this map too


I feel slightly bad that Forde hasn't entered combat at all this chapter

Kyle and Forde rescue drops Orson into the range of the enemy shaman after trading him the javelin again. Ephraim heals and puts himself into the range of two soldiers and two cavaliers. Enemy phase Orson kills the shaman.


Ephraim kills everything that attacked him and leveled up again.

Turn 5: This turn is the start of the desperate rush to throne. Ephraim heals and he gets rescued downward by Forde, while Kyle heals.


Ephraim is done fighting this chapter

Orson gets into the range of a fighter and an archer while equipping the javelin, he has to at least kill one of the enemies and weaken the other (83 displayed on the archer and 67 displayed on the fighter) since they would block your path to the throne otherwise. Enemy phase the archer gets weakened and the fighter killed.

Turn 6: Kyle clears the archer out of the way and Forde gives Ephraim to Orson.



Ephraim can survive the shaman, monk, and soldier enemies at base level, as long as Orson's path to the boss isn't blocked there is no problem

Orson drops Ephraim 5 steps from the throne and Ephraim barely survives the enemy phase (I took away his weapons so he would not be exposed to more enemies). During enemy phase Forde gets attacked by a fighter and Kyle by a mage, while a soldier and armor knight suicides on Orson while Ephraim is hit by potshots from a soldier, a shaman, and a monk.

Turn 7: This last turn in the chapter is the least reliable in my strategy due to how awful steel lances are.


It's hard to express how frustrating this is since you have to redo the entire chapter again if you miss one/both of the hits (BTW I don't use save states because I'm a masochist)

Unfortunately Orson has to hit the boss twice at 68 displayed hit which is admittedly just over a 60% chance of happening factoring true hit. Kyle and Forde take potshots at enemies for last moment exp.


Hilariously, Orson missed gaining a level up by 1 exp

Ephraim seizes the throne after getting his weapons back from Orson. Two resets due to turn 7, I missed all the items except a chest key from the mage :(:.


Step 1: Move Orson into the range of enemies, Step 2: End turn, Step 3: Enemy phase, Step 4: ???, Step 5: Profit

Chapter 6: 4 Turns



Novala knows the first step to beat your enemy is by dropping their guard...by hitting on them.


The second step is hold someone hostage so they must comply; Eirika is savvy enough to not comply by not looking


The third step is confusing your enemy by spouting gibberish


Bought a steel sword, a heal staff, and two torch staves, prior. I’m going to hold off on using my stat boosters for now…


Deployed: Eirika, Franz, Vanessa, Moulder, Natasha, Lute, Artur, Joshua, Garcia. Arranged to my liking

Turn 1: A rescue chain involving Vanessa and Franz has Garcia onto a mountain to counter the fighter with the halberd (wielding the hatchet), an archer, and an iron blade cavalier (if all 3 hits he is left with 3HP so no death risk). Lute is rescued up by Colm, Natasha, and Eirika.


Rescuing is awesome

During enemy phase Garcia hits all the enemies despite the odds (he only HAD to hit the archer and the fighter). Joshua kills the cavalier that dared attack him during enemy phase.

Turn 2: Lute chips the fighter and Artur finishes it off and the archer killed by a critical hit from Vanessa and Garcia moves into the range of the thunder mage. The mage will ahve 2 critical on Garcia. Franz rescues Joshua and moves toward the boss.


Natasha will always be prioritize over any other unit by the iron blade cavalier since she can't counter and has the lowest durability, meaning Vanessa only has to survive one hit from the iron lance cavalier and a hit from a soldier with a javelin (which she does with a single HP proc)

Because I don’t want Franz attacked by the iron lance cavalier while rescuing Joshua so he can fight Novala at full health, Vanessa acts as bait, while Natasha baits the other iron blade cavalier (who will move first). During enemy phase Vanessa magically dodges the iron lance cavalier (despite 60 displayed hit), Garcia dodges the thunder mage (despite 72 displayed hit), and Natasha gets hit to 1HP by the iron blade cavalier.

Turn 3: Eirika kills the iron blade cavalier with an unnecessary critical hit and the iron lance cavalier that attacked Vanessa will get to live another turn. Moulder heals Natasha. Natasha, who will act as bait again for the iron lance cavalier this time, uses a torch staff to reveal Novala. Garcia kills a soldier so Natasha doesn’t have to face two enemies. Franz drops Joshua close enough to Novala that both of them can reach him next turn.


I'm not sure how the troubadour decides to move, but I can still steal the elixir if she doesn't

During enemy phase a fighter attacks Franz and hits him (it only had 38 displayed hit too) and Natasha gets hit by the iron lance cavalier.

Turn 4: Before Novala gets killed, Eirika kills the iron lance cavalier for experience with assistance from Lute and Artur, Garcia and Colm kill the troubadour for the elixir, and Moulder and Natasha spam torch one more time for some WEXP. Joshua weakens Novala.


Franz must hit Novala twice (at 88 displayed hit) to finish the chapter.


He's gained speed on every single level up so far :awesome:

4 resets because the strategy for this chapter is very confusing and relies on manipulating the enemy AI a lot.


Unit	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Wep		Supports
Eirika	9.91	21	9	12	15	9	5	3	C Sword		
Franz	7.73	25	8	9	13	4	8	2	D Sword, D lances		
Vanessa	4.31	19	6	9	12	7	6	6	D lances		
Moulder	4.52	20	5	7	9	2	2	5	C staves		
Garcia	8.79	32	10	8	7	5	6	1	C Axes		
Colm	3.43	18	4	5	11	8	3	2	E Sword		C Neimi
Artur	4.66	20	6	7	8	2	2	7	E Light		
Lute	2.20	17	6	6	8	9	3	5	C  Anima		
Natasha	1.57	18	2	4	8	6	2	6	D Staff		
Joshua	7.06	26	9	14	14	7	6	2	C Sword		

Chapter 7: 5 Turns


Bought a lightning tome and a steel lance, prior the chapter Franz uses a dragon shield.


Deployed: Eirika, Franz, Vanessa, Moulder, Natasha, Lute, Artur, Joshua, Garcia

Turn 1: Franz gets rescued upward by Vanessa, Garcia moves in range of two soldiers and rescues Lute Eirika, Moulder, and Joshua moves upward (with Eirika rescue chained to the top), while Artur, Natasha, and Colm hide behind Garcia.



This is why Vanessa is awesome


I split up my units to ensure I can get all of the items

Enemy phase Garcia weakens a few soldiers.

Turn 2: Natasha heals Garcia, while Artur and Colm each kill a soldier, Garcia gets into the range of a steel axe fighter, an archer, and a mage and drops Lute. Eirika kills a fighter. Vanessa drops Franz into range of two archers and two soldiers and then flies away to safety.


It was really fortunate that Garcia had just enough HP to survive a hit from the mage, archer, and fighter :awesome:


Franz is in the only space that is safe from the thunder mage, but his hit rates with javelin are terrible :angry:

During enemy phase, Franz damages the soldiers and archers, and Garcia counters the mage (and misses), the archer, and fighter to low health. The pure water mage zaps Moulder with a bolt of thunder.

Turn 3: Lute kills the archer after Colm weakens it and baits an attack from the energy ring mage, and Artur kills the fighter. Natasha heals Colm. Joshua kills a mage for pure water, and Eirika gets rescued by Vanessa. Garcia moves rightward toward the other fighter.




Vanessa airlines is very popular today


Unfortunately when you only have 2 mages, a thief, and a fighter it's hard to kill all the enemies around you

During enemy phase Lute is left with 8HP by the energy ring mage and Colm is left with 8HP by the mage that was left alive last round. The soldiers and archers die for the most part to Franz equipped with a Javelin.


Franz finally gained strength again

Turn 4: Franz kills the last archer with an iron lance, Vanessa is now free to safely drop Eirika in front of the boss (with a rapier equipped)


I made a huge mistake here and placed Vanessa into the range of the Bastille (who ended up targeting Franz so it didn't end up mattering)

Colm moves into range of the energy ring mage and eats a vulnerary. Garcia gets into the range of the iron axe fighter after hitting the mage with a steel axe. Artur and Lute kill the mage and the fighter respectively. Natasha heals Garcia for some experience.



I had to land 51 displayed hit (Garcia with a steel axe) and a 62 displayed hit (Artur with lightning) to kill that mage, Lute of course had no trouble with that fighter :awesome:

During enemy phase the iron axe fighter misses Colm, although the energy ring mage did hit (Colm had a 95% chance of dodging at least one of the attacks), and the boss suicides on Eirika.



Nice level up there Eirika...

Turn 5: Lute sets up another kill for Artur and Vanessa attacks a bastille for kicks, while Colm steals the energy ring from the mage and after a last minute heal from Moulder and Natasha, Eirika seizes.


Buffer Franz's strength or more warp range...decisions, decisions...

Resets: zero, the strategy required for this chapter is very straightforward except for getting the energy ring without anyone dying

I realize that 4 turns is possible, but given the stats of my Eirika, Franz, Vanessa, and Ross...it would require too much abuse...hopefully getting the energy ring will compensate for a this higher turn count.

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Chapter 8: 7 Turns



Is Lucius in this chapter?

Franz uses an energy ring and secret book prior to this map


Deployed: Eirika, Franz, Vanessa, Moulder, Natasha, Artur, Joshua, Garcia (I wish I had another spot for Lute too, she would have been helpful :(: )

Turn 1: Franz kill the right soldier, Artur and Eirika kills the left soldier, Natasha is rescued upward by Joshua and Moulder.


This chapter is very similar in style to chapter 3 rush Eirika to the boss, while clearing all the enemies out of the way; except many more things can go wrong

During enemy phase, Eirika gets hit by the steel sword mercenary and dodges the steel bow archer, and Colm dodges knight with a door key.


Ephraim’s gang arrives.

Turn 2: Garcia and Artur kill the knight while Eirika finishes off the mercenary and Joshua kills the archer. Eirika gets rescued upward by Vanessa and dropped by Moulder (Natasha heals), and Franz moves into the room with 5 armor knights after Colm unlocks the door. Forde and Ephraim get into the range of an enemy soldier and archer wielding a steel lance and javelin respectively.



Sometimes it's hard to remember to move everyone because they are all over the place

During enemy phase Franz wields a steel lance to counter the armor knights, a shaman attacks Artur, and Joshua counters a myrmidon. To the west Forde kills the soldier that attacked him and Ephraim weakened the archer.


Sadly Franz can only take 3 hits from the knights before dying so I'm actually praying he doesn't get a "lucky" critical hit

Turn 3: Artur kills a knight, Garcia kills a knight, Franz kills knight, and Eirika hides behind Moulder. Thus, all but 2 of the knight are kept alive while they 2 hit KO everyone except for Garcia and Franz so I use Moulder as bait, Forde kills the archer while Ephraim eats a vulnerary and Kyle moves into the range of the fighter. Only one knight can reach Moulder who will be targeted first.


The key to surviving this enemy phase is realizing which knight will move first and blocking off the other from finishing off Moulder, so it would pick the next weakest unit on your team (Artur in this case, though anyone who could counter well would surfice)

During enemy phase, Kyle kills the fighter, the shaman suicides on Franz, the myrmidon suicides on Joshua, and the knight attacks Moulder and Artur.

Turn 4: Franz moves forward to bait a soldier in front of the throne and uses some pure water, Garcia kills the longbow archer, while Artur and Eirika finish off the knights. Colm grabs the Angelic Robe.



1-2 range is used to the fullest extent in this chapter to counter enemies

Vanessa rescues Eirika and flies toward the throne; everyone else moves toward the throne, Ephraim’s group does his best to pick off enemies for experience (and continues to do this for the rest of the chapter). The soldier dies to Franz during enemy phase and some reinforcements appear.

Turn 5: Franz picks off another soldier while equipping a javelin to counter the mages next to the boss. Vanessa drops Eirika in range of the enemy armor knight, while everyone else moves forward. The mages and armor knight die during enemy phase, thus clearing the throne room (Franz only has 80ish displayed hit on the mages missing just one hit here is disheartening).


Meanwhile...Ephraim, Kyle, and Forde try to gain experience off of weak enemies

Turn 6: Eirika is rescue dropped next to the boss by Vanessa and Franz and with the throne room clear of mages.


Eirika can barely survive a hit from his silver lance :awesome:

Everyone else tries to prevent the reinforcements from doing too much damage. Eirika counters the boss for about half his health.

Turn 7: Franz finishes the boss and Eirika seizes.


I probably could save myself a large amount of grief if I accept an 8 turn clear :awesome:

Reset: 17416431941947812 (I lost count) times for turn 7 (occasionally Eirika would miss one of her 70ish displayed hits too). Yes, I know that's only a ~15% chance to kill the boss in time for Eirika to seize on turn 7 :(: . In retrospect I should have brought Lute instead of Garcia this chapter since she would have served the same purpose, but has more potential later in the game :facepalm: .

Chapter 9: 8 Turns



Two questions: WHERE is the blood rushing? Do I even want to know?


Deployed: Eirika, Franz, Forde, Kyle, Artur, Lute, Moulder, Natasha, Joshua, Tana, Vanessa


Franz promoted before starting this chapter at level 12

Turn 1: Franz eats a pure water and Vanessa rescues him downward over the water after trading him a vulnerary.


I just realized that Franz's res is really bad, but it also frees up an inventory space for anything else




Vanessa rescues Franz and moves just out of the range of a pirate

Kyle kills a soldier with a javelin and Forde moves next to him, while everyone else moves forward as well. Joshua is left behind to deal with the pirates. During enemy phase Tana gets attacked by a soldier and Kyle by a mercenary and archer while Joshua gets attacked by pirates.


The pirates are really annoying because are always out of range to suicide on my units so Joshua has to stay behind to lure them so they don't cost me more turns

Turn 2: I have to get the enemies out of the way of the main army


Unfortunately without Joshua the mercenaries are really hard to kill...

Joshua kills the pirate that attacked him last round and gets an ocean seal.


Vanessa rescue drops Franz to the south portion of the map near Binks.

Forde kills the soldier, Kyle and Lute weakens the mercenary, for Artur to get the kill, and Eirika kills the soldier. Tana heads toward the dragon shield village. During enemy phase a mercenary attacks Kyle and the other Forde, the sniper attacks Kyle, and an archer is killed by Franz.


Turn 3: The sniper is killed by Eirika and with a critical hit from the killer sword. Kyle and Forde each weaken a mercenary with a javelin and Lute and Artur gets the kills. Franz kills a Shaman and Tana gets into the range of the killing edge myrmidon who has about 50 displayed and 30 critical on her. Vanessa grabs the rapier from the village. During enemy phase Franz massacres the enemies around him. Tana tanks a hit from the myrmidon and prays that it doesn't score a critical hit.

Turn 4: Tana visits the village for a dragon shield, Kyle weakens a mercenary for Artur to kill, a mage is killed by Eirika, Forde and Vanessa kill the myrmidon with the killer sword. Franz eats an elixir and moves into the range of more enemies.


Everything in range of Franz died during enemy phase

Turn 5: Franz hides on a forest (because the mages hit hard) and uses an elixir after getting hit down to 4HP last enemy phase, everyone else finishes off the reinforcement that appear up north.


If all the enemies in this picture manage to hit Franz he would die so I had to hide in the forest even though this risks complications during enemy phase

Enemy phase everything that attacks Franz dies except a pesky mercenary who proc’d HP :( Lute gets targeted by a pirate who suddenly decided to become aggressive and a fighter, but dodges one of the hits.

Turn 6: The main army takes out all the enemies around them and Franz kills one of the archers with a javelin which breaks and causes him to switch to the axe reaver.


It not shown, but Lute dodged a 50ish displayed hit attack from an iron axe pirate that would have killed her because I was being idiotic with positioning



It's a good thing this game uses a 2RN system otherwise this would be somewhat risky

So basically all that's left is Amelia, the 3 soldiers that appear with her, Binks who will die very soon, and the archer that I can't kill because killing Binks is first priority. During enemy phase Binks dies to a very unnecessary critical hit from Franz and the mercenary that survived last enemy phase only prolonged his death.

Turn 7: All that's left is to recruit Amelia, kill the soldiers around her and that one archer next to Franz, which is so trivial I let it get an extra pot shot on Franz for a point of EXP.


So Eirika gets rescue chained southward since Franz is too far away to recruit Amelia

During enemy phase, two of the soldiers attacked Eirika (one of them died to a critical hit) and the last one attacked Tana. The remaining archer attacks Franz.

Turn 8: Eirika recruits Amelia and the last two soldiers are killed by Forde and Tana.


Franz ends up having to waste two more uses of the axe reaver on the archer because all his other weapons broke

Seth's "ghost" inquires upon our next destination



Even as a ghost Seth is rather intimidating

This chapter was retried once because I ran out of javelins the first time through...and Tana kept dying to that myrmidon with the killer sword


Unit	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Wep		Supports
Eirika	14.57	26	10	15	19	12	6	4	B Swords		
Franz	12/3.46	34	13	16	16	6	13	3	C Swords, B Lances		
Vanessa	5.38	19	6	10	13	8	6	6	D Lances		
Moulder	5.66	21	5	8	9	2	3	5	B Staves		
Garcia	10.22	34	11	9	9	6	6	1	B Axes		
Colm	4.40	18	4	5	11	9	3	2	E Swords	C Neimi
Artur	9.51	24	6	9	9	4	4	9	D Light		
Lute	4.35	18	7	6	10	9	4	6	C Anima		
Natasha	3.32	20	4	5	8	7	2	6	C Staves		
Joshua	9.33	28	10	14	15	7	6	2	C Swords		
Kyle	9.08	28	11	6	9	6	11	4	D Swords, C Lances		
Forde	8.24	26	8	9	8	8	9	2	D Swords, C Lances		
Tana	4.97	20	7	9	13	8	6	7	D Lances		

Amelia is now permanently benched

Chapter 10: 6 Turns




Innes is a bit melodramatic


And also pessimistic (and wrong due to the power of plot)


Deployed: Eirika, Tana, Natasha, Artur, Franz, Vanessa, Moulder, Joshua, Lute, Forde, Kyle, Garcia

Turn 1: Franz equipped with pure water (since Pablo has a significant chance of KOing him with a critical hit) gets rescued by Vanessa who flies over some of a mountain range. Tana moves down and left toward Innes’ group. Artur moves into the range of a mage and a fighter. Eirika moves into the range of the two mercenaries (since no one else can double them). Everyone else moves downward a bit in anticipation for enemy phase next turn. I can play this chapter somewhat defensively since I’ll be wasting turns getting Marisa anyway. During enemy phase Artur survived with 3HP after being hit by a mage and a steel axe. Eirika also is heavily wounded by the mercenary.


The main strategy: Franz: kill boss, Tana recruits: Innes' gang->recruit Marisa, everyone else: get Artur to promotion




Yes...killing the heir to the throne of your neighboring country will do that


Some aid would actually be nice




This guy doesn't seem to get that THE FATE OF THE WORLD is resting on Innes' shoulders

Turn 2: Tana continues to move toward Innes. Lute finishes off the fighter, Forde finishes off the mercenary, Eirika weakens a mercenary for Artur to kill, Garcia and Kyle take pot shots at the local mercenary, and Vanessa drops Franz closer to the boss. During enemy phase Garcia kills a mercenary that was weakened earlier; another mercenary and a mage also reduce Garcia to critical HP. Franz kills two myrmidon and misses the kill on the lance-reaver mercenary. During NPC phase Innes and Gerik each kill a soldier.

Turn 3: Franz kills one of the archers with the bastille, Eirika kills a mage, Kyle and Garcia kill the killer axe fighter with some teamwork. Forde and Artur kill another mercenary together. Vanessa rescues Eirika to drop her near the throne next turn and Tana recruits Innes, who recruits Tethys, who recruits Gerik who attacks a soldier.

Turn 4: Franz kills the other archer thus clearing the way for Eirika to be dropped by Vanessa and equips a javelin to counter Pablo. Lute and Artur finish off a myrmidon, Kyle gets into position to take on enemies. During enemy phase a disappointing number of misses occur and Kyle gets critical hit by a myrmidon for 0 damage. Miraculously, Franz hits both times with the javelin.

Turn 5: Eirika kills the lancereaver mercenary and Franz equips a killing edge, moves in front of the boss, and uses an elixir. Meanwhile Gerik and Innes move to positions that would make recruiting Marisa convenient. During enemy phase, Marisa is blocked by two myrmidons and an archer. The priest likes to target Gerik with the sleep staff which is really obnoxious since it would seriously hinder your progress (though 30 hit isn’t too difficult to dodge). A soldier attacks Gerik, but dies to the counter.

Turn 6: Innes and Tana kill one of the myrmidons, Gerik kills the archer, Tethys dances, and Marisa gets recruited. Before Eirika seizes Artur gets a promotion since his stats are now unsalvageable, he might as well take advantage of the fog next chapter and grind his staff rank. The units I will be using long term gets some last minute kills. Eirika seizes at last.


10/1 Artur: +1.6HP -3Mag -1Skl -2.2Spd +0.8Luck +1Def -0.4Res :facepalm:


Right...Innes' face says it all

Reset: 5 times because apparently 30% displayed for status staves means 90%

Joshua, Lute, Marisa, and Garcia are now permanently benched

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Why didn't you just really kill Seth? I'm sure it could have been done in 4 turns or so, just nab his weaps and throw him at the boss/thugs

A couple reasons:

1) It would actually take turns to kill Seth causing my turncount to be higher (i.e. inefficient)

2) It cancels out everyone being recruited

3) Trying to kill Seth redirects the enemy AI to attack the unarmed Seth, the intent of this run is to simulate a quick completion of the game assuming Seth never existed (except plotwise)

4) It was just a joke (or my awful attempt at a joke) to make this run seem more interesting since just reading my descriptions for chapters and turns may be tedious

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 11: 6 Turns



Deployed: Eirika, Tethys, Artur, Gerik, Forde, Kyle, Natasha, Moulder, Vanessa, Tana, Franz

Turn 1: Artur moves downward uses a torch staff, gets a dance from Tethys, and one shot the bow using bone walker allowing my Pegasus knights to traverse safely.


Slayer makes Artur surprisingly good at combat

Kyle, Forde, Natasha, and Gerik head left, Eirika stays behind, and Tana and Vanessa rescue Artur downward a bit more while Franz and Moulder move downward. During enemy phase 2 revenants suicide on Artur and some bone walkers suicide on Gerik and Dozla


Though it could be that the enemies on this map are just really weak

Turn 2: Kyle and Forde kill a bone walker that Gerik failed to kill during enemy phase. Artur kills a revenant that didn’t move last enemy phase. Franz gets dropped into the range of the boss and some cohorts. Gerik kills another bonewalker. During enemy phase Franz kills the boss with a critical hit and clears some more bone walkers out of the way.


Thanks for saving a single use of the silver lance, Franz...

Turn 3: Artur is dropped into the range of two Mogalls who barely can damage him and a bonewalker and after Tana kills one of the revenants he doesn’t have to face death chances despite only having 14HP left. Forde, Kyle, Natasha, and Gerik struggle to hit their enemy bone walkers and mauthe dogs. During enemy phase all the enemies in the lower right of the map targeted Artur who was able to defeat them thanks to effective might and just enough AS to double them all.


I'm glad the AI doesn't make logical decisions in this game :facepalm:

Revenant reinforcements arrive for Eirika to do something this chapter…

Turn 4: Franz moves toward the group of enemies in the lower left part of the map, Gerik moves into the range of the enemies in the upper right section of the map, Forde and Kyle clean up enemies Gerik weakens.


This side of the map is being held back by the fact that Kyle and Forde are really bad at killing things

Moulder heals Artur after the many beating he has taken throughout this chapter and Artur unlocks the door hiding an entombed and another bonewalker. During enemy phase Gerik counters a mauthe dog and Artur counters an emtombed. Eirika gets surrounded by revenants because I didn’t want her to waste better weapons on them.

Turn 5: Franz moves into the range of all the enemies in the lower right area of the map and equips the silver lance he finally reached rank for; at least one of the gargoyles/deathgoyle have to miss (all have around 50 hit) in order for Franz to not face death chances. Gerik moves into the range of two gargoyles and another Mauthe dog.


Since sadly I can't rely on Kyle or Forde to do much...

My Pegasus knights take out the emtombed and start to work on the bonewalker. During enemy phase Eirika kills two revenants and severely weakens three more leaving four enemies in the upper right area.


Eirika is stealing all of Artur's good level ups :(:

Gerik kills two Gargoyles and weakens one Mauthe dog leaving one enemy in the upper right area. Franz kills two gargoyles, a bonewalker, and weakens the deathgoyle leaving three enemies (deathgoyle, sword bonewalker, and a bow bonewalker) in the lower right area. The bonewalker near the chest doesn’t always move for some reason so there is one enemy left in the lower right area.

Turn 6: Gerik kills the last enemy in his area and Forde grabs the secret book from a chest. Vanessa kills the bonewalker and Tana grabs the chest for a restore staff. Eirika equips a killer sword and kills one of the revenants. Franz kills the deathgoyle with a javelin. During enemy phase Eirika and Franz clear the upper right section and the lower left sections of the map respectively thus ending the route map.


For your nice elixir, torch staff, and mend

Chapter 12: 8 Turns



Deployed: Eirika, Saleh, Innes, Kyle, Forde, Franz, Vanessa, Tana, Artur, Dozla, Gerik, Tethys

Turn 1: Kyle goes downward to kill the revenant, Innes takes a potshot at the Bael with a longbow, Gerik gets rescue dropped over the mountain with Vanessa and Tethys. Tana rescues Saleh and moves over the mountain. Everyone else moves forward.



Units are basically divided up into 3 groups since enemies are spread out so much: 1) Gerik and Saleh 2)Franz 3)Everyone else

Enemy phase: Gerik kills two revenants, a bael. Franz kills a revenant and counters a gargoyle, while Kyle counters a gargoyle as well.

Turn 2: Kyle kills a gargoyle, Gerik and Vanessa kill a mauthe dog, Inne kills a gargoyle, Franz moves into the range of a gargoyle, and Tana drops Saleh into the range of two gargoyles and a revenant. During enemy phase Saleh kills the revenant and two gargoyles while Franz kills the other gargoyle. Some mauthe dogs attack Dozla, but he misses them on the counter. A ton of reinforcements arrive.

Turn 3: Eirika runs into the range of the mauthe dogs which she can 1RKO thanks to her capped speed. Artur and Inne each kill a mauthe dog that Dozla failed to kill last enemy phase. Saleh moves into range of three mauthe dogs and two mogalls. Dozla kills a bael during enemy phase while Artur severely weakens a gargoyle. Eirika kills three mauthe dogs during enemy phase, Saleh kills three more that targeted him as well as the two mogalls.



Mauthe dogs are the main cause of resets due to their high evade and AS. Eirika and Saleh are the only ones who can reliably 1RKO them.

Turn 4: Franz moves into the range of four gargoyles. Eirika is rescued to safety by Tana. Gerik and Saleh move toward the last clusters of enemies. Artur finishes off the gargoyle from enemy phase. Tethys is rescued out of range of the gargoyles that appeared from the south. Dozla faces three gargoyles while hiding on a mountain. During enemy phase Franz takes out one of the gargoyles, Dozla kills the gargoyle with the horse slayer, Artur counter kills a gargoyle with a javelin, and the steel lance gargoyle survives with 1HP. Gerik is attacked by a tarvos and bael which both miss him and die on the counter.

Turn 5: Saleh kills the bonewalker in the upper tip of the map with the killing edge and puts himself into range of two steel lance gargoyles. Gerik moves up more and attacks the maelduin boss with a handaxe.


Gerik pretty much solos the north end of the map with some assistance from Franz because he can't reach that emtombed to the east

Franz gets rescued all the way to the north section of the map with a combination of Tethys and Tana.


Eirika lures some of the gargoyles that Franz failed to kill so they won’t swarm Saleh to death. If they fly eastward group 3 can obliterate them safely

During enemy phase the boss dies to a critical hit from Gerik with the hand axe and a few gargoyle reinforcements die. Eirika was effective in luring the gargoyles to the west section of the map. The south area of the map is essentially clear.

Turn 6: Forde kills a gargoyle, Artur kills a gargoyle, Dozla and Kyle kill a bael. Franz moves into the range of a cyclops and bael while equipped with a kill sword. During enemy phase four gargoyles and one mogall suicide on Gerik as they move east. Two gargoyles that move south suicide on Saleh and a bael and cyclops get critical killed by Franz. In other words this turn is just used to mop up the remaining enemies.

Turn 7: Ewan gets recruited, Gerik kills a bonewalker next to the boss that doesn’t move for some reason, Franz tosses a javelin at the emtombed that doesn’t move either.


Why does Lute have two less con than him? :angry:

During enemy phase a gargoyle attacks Franz, and a bael slowly makes its way toward Gerik.

Turn 8: Franz kills the emtombed. During enemy phase the remaining gargoyle suicides on Franz and the remaining bael suicides on Gerik, thus ending this long chapter.


We wouldn't want him to do anything inappropriate to the great dragon, hmm?

Resets: two times due to misses on turn 2 (at 80% displayed :facepalm:)

Dozla and Ewan are now permanently benched


Unit	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Wep		Supports
Eirika	16.41	28	11	17	20	12	7	6	A Sword		
Franz	12/7.38	37	14	18	17	7	13	5	C Sword, A Lances		
Vanessa	6.90	20	6	10	14	9	6	7	C Lances		
Moulder	7.14	23	6	9	9	3	3	5	B Staves		
Colm	4.40	18	4	5	11	9	3	2	E Sword		C Neimi
Artur	10/3.23	29	10	10	9	5	7	12	B Light, C Staves		
Natasha	4.65	20	5	6	8	8	3	6	B Staves		
Kyle	11.42	30	12	7	11	6	12	4	D Sword, B Lances		
Forde	11.02	28	8	11	10	9	9	5	D Sword, C Lances		
Tana	7.43	22	9	9	16	11	6	7	D Lances		
Saleh	1.85	30	16	18	14	11	8	13	A Anima, B Light, C Staves		
Tethys	2.60	19	1	2	13	11	5	4			
Gerik	11/4.07	40	17	18	16	9	15	7	B Swords, B Axes		
Innes	1.37	31	14	13	15	14	10	9	A Bows			
L'Arachel3.00	18	6	6	10	12	5	8	D Staves			

I'm not posting people who never will be deployed again...

Chapter 13: 6 Turns





The way it was worded is not disturbing at all :mellow:



Valter is such a disturbing character




I imagine this is Eirika's that's BS face


If L'Arachel wasn't so bad, I would use her just because of this conversation


Deployed: Eirika, Franz, Saleh, Artur, Kyle, Forde, Gerik, Tethys, Tana, Vanessa, Moulder, and Natasha

Turn 1: I had Gerik move onto the fort near the mass of enemies near the boss with the help of Tethys after getting a barrier so the priest won’t make him fall asleep, Tana and Vanessa kill an archer that is mounted on the bastille and Franz kills the backup hiding behind it. Saleh kills the archer to the north and Kyle gets into the range of the three soldiers to the south after rescuing Tethys to safety.



Since I have Gerik here anyway, I might as well try to work him to S rank axes since Gerik gets 6Wexp every time something attacks him

During enemy phase and a steel axe, Gerik essentially levels Aias’ army. Kyle kills a few soldiers and Saleh dodges a mercenary with a steel sword.



To add insult to injury Gerik didn't take a single point of damage enemy phase

Turn 2: I try to create opportunities for my staff users to spam staves like letting Forde be in range of a fighter with a hand axe. Gerik switches to a ranged weapon and kills one of the archers, while Eirika and Saleh finish off the enemies in the north end of the map.


Yeah, getting hurt on purpose is hard work

Turn 3: Eirika moves near the area that Cormag will spawn…everyone else stalls near the reinforcement area to the north…

Turn 4: I stall some more and use WTD to my advantage in order to create injuries to spam staves.


Like this

Turn 5: Cormag finally shows up, everyone moves out of his range and my physical units form a wall around my healers.


Triangles are the strongest structural shape right?

Turn 6: Cormag gets recruited and everyone gets some last minute attacks and heals in and Gerik kills Aias with the halberd.


If only the next few chapters would be this easy...




Oh yeah, L'Arachel you're real cool :B):

Reset: 1 time because Gerik got put to sleep with 15 displayed hit by a priest…because I didn’t barrier him turn 1.

Forde is now permanently benched

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  • 4 weeks later...

Chapter 14: 9 Turns


Cormag gets a dragon shield prior to the start of the map





Carlyle doesn't seem to understand what the word consent means...after you put the dialog out of order :newyears:


Deployed: Eirika, Franz, Vanessa, Tana, Cormag, Artur, Saleh, Gerik, Tethys, Natasha, L’Arachel, Kyle

Turn 1: Natasha, Kyle, and Saleh head left to get the treasure after Natasha uses barrier on Saleh. Artur unlocks the door, Franz kills the armor knight and Cormag uses pure water and then trades Franz a javelin.


Franz likes to critical when I don't need one

During enemy phase Cormag kills the sword reaver fighter, weakens another fighter, and kills a shaman

Turn 2: Kyle kills the soldier guarding the left door, Natasha unlocks it, Saleh kills the knight on guard. Gerik kills the fighter that Cormag weakened earlier and is rescued upward with Vanessa after a dance from Tethys.



With a single use of barrier Saleh can easily kill all the mages in this room (needs at least Thunder to secure 1RKOs)

During enemy phase Gerik kills two fighters that attacked him(thanks to Rennac blocking the doorway), Cormag kills a shaman, and Franz weakens the myrmidon with the killer sword.

Turn 3: I clear the doorways with Eirika, Cormag, Franz, Tana, and Gerik. Saleh unlocks an energy ring and Kyle attacks one of the long bow archers. A knight attacks Franz during enemy phase and a steel bow archer commits suicide on Kyle.

Turn 4: Kyle unlocks the dragon spear and cantos near the knights and Saleh hide behind. Gerik kills the knights that attacked Franz and then gets rescued upward by the Pegasus knights. Franz gets healed and then kills a luna shaman. Everyone else gets rescued upward.


Nothing interesting to say, except that make use of rescue chains to get your Gerik and Tethys to Carlyle ASAP

One of the knights moved and attacked Kyle who was wielding an armorslayer sword…

Turn 5: Eirika kills a priest for a mend staff, Saleh and Kyle clear the room of armor knights my mounts carry my foot units toward the throne as Kyle and Saleh clear the rest of the armor knights.


This chapter is like FE4, fight large group of army, move to next army, kill army, kill boss

Turn 6: Gerik is dropped in range of the sniper and one of the fighters. Natasha opens the door the room with 10k, Saleh kills the fighter guarding and Kyle moves one space above Saleh while wielding an iron lance to counter the mercenaries. During enemy phase Gerik 1RKOs both and cause the armor knights to become aggressive. One of the mercenaries hits Kyle with a critical, but it didn’t do too much damage, Kyle also just misses the 2HKO on both of them.


I have Gerik here so he can reach S axes in time for Carlyle (the 5 extra hit might make a difference)

Turn 7: Gerik kills the nearest armor knight and is danced by Tethys; Gerik throws a hatchet at Carlyle. The last two armor knights are cleared by Cormag and Franz with a heavy spear. The last two mercenaries get wiped out by Saleh and Kyle with a steel lance and Natasha opens the chest. I do a trade chain to get the member card to Franz and sword reaver to Gerik next turn. Enemy phase, a monk attacks Cormag and a fighter attacks Vanessa.

Turn 8: Tana kills the monk and Cormag kills the fighter with an axe reaver, Gerik gets healed by Artur and attacks Carlyle with his axe reaver after Vanessa trades it to him, but misses (he has 66 displayed hit and 3RKOs Carlyle). Eirika finally is in range to seize after Franz takes her from Vanessa and runs toward the secret shop. During enemy phase Carlyle gets hit (finally)

Turn 9: Gerik hits Carlyle, gets a dance, and hits him again. Franz visits the secret shop for 2 killer lances, 2 killer swords, 3 barrier staves, 3 physic staves and sells the hero crest that was traded to him at some point. Eirika seizes.



Rapist face and disturbing moans= inappropriate rape joke opportunity


"I'm soooo jealous"

Reset: 3 times though not because of the fight with Carlyle (just making idiotic mistakes like equipping Saleh with fire or forgetting to bring the heavy lance for armor knights.

L'Arachel is permanently benched

Chapter 15: 7 Turns


Artur uses the two energy rings saved up as I’m confident he will reach A staves easily and Cormag uses a goddess icon and secret book. I still have two robes and a speed wing saved for later as needed.


Yet again...I get it game Eirika=hotness



Considering she has only 5 move and suffers desert penalties I don't think she will


Deployed: Eirika, Kyle, Saleh, Artur, Natasha, Tana, Vannessa, Cormag, Gerik, Tethys, Rennac, Colm

Turn 1: Kyle critical kills the mercenary at the top. Tana and Vanessa rescue Rennac and Tana is placed in range of luna shaman. Cormag kills a mercenary to the south after it was weakened by Saleh and places himself into the range of 4 wyvern riders. Colm moves down a bit and Natasha uses barrier on him. Artur uses barrier on Gerik and reaches A staves.


8 range warp :D:

Gerik moves one space left gets a dance and kills a mercenary as he works his way toward Caellach. During enemy phase Eirika is attacked by the remaining mercenary in her area.


Gerik kills all but the mages and myrmidons in Caellach’s army, and reached A just in time to silver sword Caellach to death


Cormag obliterated the squad of wyvern riders


The luna shaman is dealt with by Tana

The berserker tries to attack Eirika with his hand axe (but fails with only 26 displayed hit)

Turn 2: Eirika critical kills the berserker for a dragon axe. Kyle finishes off the last mercenary. Rennac is rescue dropped into the body ring area, Artur is danced to kill a myrmidon and Gerik kills the other myrmidon with a hatchet. Saleh and Cormag finish off the remnants of the wyvern rider squad near the starting area and Colm picks up some swift soles. During enemy phase Ephraim’s gang arrives and the mages near Caellach choose to attack Gerik over Artur (maybe the AI doesn’t account for barrier boosts).

Turn 3: Gerik attacks Caellach, Rennac gets the body ring, Vanessa rescues him upward, gets a dance and then moves downward with the halberd and Saleh kills one of the fighters. Kyle moves into the range of the Pegasus knights reinforcements with a javelin. Duessel moves to the nearby fort and Knoll and Ephraim hide behind. Enemy phase has myrmidons and a cavalier attacking Duessel and dying. Saleh counters the last fighter on the map and some Pegasus knights get killed by Kyle. The devil axe berserker is killed by Cormag. Caellach attacks Gerik hoping to dodge one 79 hit attack, but doesn’t and dies for it.

Turn 4: Duessel moves toward one of the steel lance cavaliers and KOs it with a halberd curtsey of Vanessa and Knoll trade chain.


Ephraim 1HKOs the rangers=hilarious

Eirika makes her way downward to kill the lone mercenary in the middle of the desert. Cormag promotes. Enemy phase has Ephraim dodge a silver lance to the face from the paladin and 1RKOs it in return, while the ranger and the unexpectedly aggressing wyvern knights attack Saleh and Natasha. For some reason all the steel lance cavaliers decide to target Duessel instead of Artur (though I’m not complaining). Rennac grabs the warp staff and trades it to Gerik after Tethys dances. Gerik moves downward and Artur warps Gerik south to help out Ephraim’s gang.

Turn 5: The turn is mostly just cleaning up. I move Artur downward and warp Gerik again to the east since his movement is bad. Ephraim moves forward to kill a troubadour that tries to put everyone to sleep. Gerik kills a steel lance wielding cavalier. Duessel kills another cavalier. Saleh finishes the ranger that attacked him last round (he 2HKOs, but doesn’t double) and Cormag kills the wyvern rider that attack Natasha. Kyle and Rennac deal with the Pegasus knight reinforcements. Artur moves upward to help out with the Pegasus knights since he has nothing better to do. As for trading Tana moves eastward and takes the dragon axe and Hoplon Guard for Gerik and Cormag respectively to help kill Valter. The enemy phase is basically the last wyvern rider attacking Natasha and some cavalier reinforcements killing themselves on Duessel.

Turn 6: Tana trades Cormag the Hoplon guard. The rest of Valter’s army is more or less decimated thanks to the efforts of Cormag, Gerik, Saleh, Duessel, and Ephraim with support from Tana with the horseslayer and healing from Natasha. Rennac grabs the silence staff. Artur kills the last Pegasus knight. There really isn’t an enemy phase since all that’s left is the troubadour with the physics staff and Valter.

Turn 7: Cormag and Gerik kill Valter after Tana trades Gerik the dragon axe, Knoll grabs the master seal. The troubadour is killed by Ephraim.


There is no better kill than overkill (if anyone cares Gerik got a critical hit)

I missed the silver card, ellipse, Metis’s tome, and killer bow.




1. Having or exerting a malignant influence.

2. Evil; malicious.



1.noxious exhalations from putrescent organic matter; poisonous effluvia or germs polluting the atmosphere.

2.a dangerous, foreboding, or deathlike influence or atmosphere.

Thanks for the vocabulary lesson L'Arachel

Resets: 3 times to figure out how to get that critical for Kyle turn 1 (It really doesn't matter much)

Colm is permanently benched

Unit	Level	HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Wep		Items				
Eirika	17.87	28	11	18	20	13	8	6	A Sword						
Ephraim	14.70	30	15	17	18	13	11	3	C Lances						
Franz	12/8.01	38	15	19	18	7	14	5	C Sword, S Lances	     +2 Str, +2 Skl, +2 Def				
Kyle	16/1.00	37	16	10	13	6	16	7	C Sword, A Lances						
Duessel	10.43	42	18	13	13	8	17	9	A Sword, A Lances, A Axes						
Cormag	15/1.28	39	19	15	17	6	16	3	B Lances		     +2 Skl, +2 Luck, +2 Def				
Tana	10.46	24	10	10	17	14	7	7	C Lances						
Vanessa	7.49	20	6	10	14	10	6	7	C Lances						
Saleh	4.41	31	17	18	15	12	9	13	S Anima, B Light, C Staves						
Artur	10/6.02	30	17	11	10	5	8	15	B Light, A Staves	     +4 Mag				
Natasha	7.96	22	6	6	8	10	3	7	A Staves						
Moulder	7.82	23	6	9	9	3	3	5	A Staves						
Knoll	10.00	21	13	10	9	0	2	10	C Dark						
Gerik	11/10.67	45	20	21	20	12	16	9	A Swords, S Axes						
Innes	1.37	31	14	13	15	14	10	9	A Bows						
Tethys	2.60	19	1	2	13	11	5	4	-						
Rennac	1.30	28	10	16	17	5	9	11	B Swords						

Chapter 16: 4 Turns

Myrrh gets the swift soles prior to the start of the chapter




You can never love your wife too much...I guess


Deployed: Eirika, Franz, Kyle, Cormag, Tana, Myrrh, Artur, Moulder, Natasha, Saleh, Gerik, Tethys

Turn 1: Myrrh kills the mercenary in the upper right with a critical hit.


Unfortunately this critical is entirely necessary in order to facilitate Kyle reaching Purge in time, training Myrrh, and getting a four turn clear

Kyle is free to move up his full range and weakens the other mercenary. Everyone else moves upward. During enemy phase Myrrh kills the mercenary that Kyle weakens earlier and Kyle counters two fighters (he only kills one).


I feel like it's worth it to train Myrrh since a flying boss killer (not Cormag) would be very helpful

Turn 2: Myrrh kills the fighter Kyle didn’t 1RKO gets a dance and KOs a mage.


Early on mages are free experience for Myrrh since she can't one shot human physical units reliably...yet

Kyle kills the other mage. The remaining fighter is killed by Gerik.


Everyone one else moves toward the throne.

Turn 3: Myrrh kills one of the armor knights she gets rescued back by Franz and chained back to get a dance from Tethys, then she kills the other armor knight. Kyle makes his way toward the throne. Eirika, Gerik, and Cormag move into their specific positions for turn 4 against the wall.


This formation is very important because it facilitates three uses of warp, a dance, a repair and easy trading access (also 16 magic on one of the warpers is necessary)

Turn 4: Eirika gets warped to the space below the Bolting sage. Artur gets a dance and warps Gerik next to Eirika. Saleh repairs warp. Moulder warps Cormag over the wall and leaves him just enough range to attack the hero blocking Orson.



I hope I don't regret burning 5 uses of warp already



So it's a good thing that middle hero just happens to have 13AS...

Kyle kills a sage for purge.


Cormag kills the hero in the way of the throne for a hero crest (he has to pierce or get a critical hit).


Orson gets killed by Gerik’s halberd.

Franz helps Myrrh kill a swordmaster, but missed with 90% displayed hit (98% true hit), so Myrrh settles for killing a shaman instead (for a bit less experience). Eirika seizes.


3 turns is theoretically possible, but you miss purge which is important...maybe

Reset: 5 times to get that critical for Cormag and to figure out that 8 range warp is just enough for this strategy to work if Eirika/Gerik is in that corner in the corridor. Myrrh gained 5 level ups of strength and needs at least 9 more level ups in order to get enough strength to 4HKO Lyon for the finale (more is better of course).



Yeah...you do that

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Chapter 17: 1 Turn



Deployed: Eirika, Franz, Kyle, Cormag, Vanessa, Tana, Myrrh, Saleh, Artur, Natasha, Moulder, Tethys

This is easier to explain with pictures:



Three warp users are necessary in order to achieve 1 turn (or 1 really high magic Sage...like Lute at 20/14 with A staves...yeah...)


You might want some mounted units to help you trade the warp around/rescue people in the way out of the way


Warp Cormag 8 spaces, and pray for a level up with magic


Tethys :):



Saleh is here since warp only had 4 uses when the chapter started


Warp Myrrh with the swift soles 9 tiles


Clear the loser druid out of the way with Cormag


Pray for a critical hit

Reset: 4 times, Artur has to proc a point of magic after warping Cormag, Myrrh has to critical Lyon and only has ~20% each hit. Only 8 uses of warp left :(:



Yeah, considering I didn't even need to recruit her


Eirika is just jealous that she didn't do much this chapter :angry:

Chapter 18: 6 Turns


Deployed: Eirika, Saleh, Artur, Moulder, Kyle, Franz, Tana, Vanessa, Syrene, Cormag, Myrrh, and Tethys

Turn 1: Saleh moves up to barrier Cormag who will act as bait for the demon surge Gorgon. Cormag kills an egg and Kyle kills an egg. Myrrh moves up for a dance and KOs the gargoyle. Everyone else moves upward. During enemy phase the gorgon snipes at Cormag.


Cormag is targeted over Myrrh so force the Gorgon to move as far down as possible to kill it next player phase

Turn 2: Moulder promotes. Vanessa rescues Moulder and Tana rescues Saleh. Cormag, after a dance from Tethys, KOs the gorgon in revenge. Syrene reaches an egg enclosed by the cliffs. Artur kills an egg as well and gets rescued upward. Myrrh moves left toward the gorgon and mogall and gets stoned during enemy phase.


Myrrh's incredible resistance is invaluable for luring down gorgons surrounded by bael

Turn 3: Artur uses restore on Myrrh, Cormag uses pure water and moves into the range of 2 mogalls and a gargoyle. Syrene breaks more eggs, Saleh and Moulder are rescue dropped next to the gargoyle to face reinforcements later. Eirika heads up to help Syrene clear eggs. Myrrh lures down the Gorgon boss. Kyle takes out the mogall and Franz takes out the gorgon. During enemy phase Cormag kills the gargoyle and mogalls.

Turn 4: Franz kills the Gorgon boss, Myrrh kills one of the many bael reinforcements that appeared after the boss moved, Kyle moves up. Cormag weakens the gargoyle reinforcement. Eirika kills an egg, Saleh and Moulder each kill one of the Bael reinforcements to the south. Tana and Vanessa kill eggs Artur heals Myrrh. Enemy phase Myrrh kills four bael and a horseslayer gargoyle. Syrene kills a gargoyle that Cormag failed to kill and Moulder kills a mogall.


Unfortunately the boss is difficult to OHKO unless you're Myrrh, but she is needed at the top of the map to clear away all those dangerous bael reinforcements


Myrrh with 8 move is a really nice tank as few enemies can even hurt her

Turn 5: The only enemy left is a bael and a lot of egg. The bael suicides on Myrrh and everyone else focuses on killing eggs.


Myrrh prevents the bael from attacking Franz who hasn't had a chance to recover from the hard hit from the gorgon boss

Turn 6: With only 6 eggs left I let my main fighters and mages take the kills. This means Myrrh, Franz, Artur, Saleh, Cormag, and Eirika.

Reset: This chapter is difficult until you figure out a strategy and the AI (took me 10 tries)


This can be interpreted in a very disturbing way


Unit	Level	 HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Wep		             Items				
Eirika	17/2.5 	 33	13	20	22	14	12	11	S Swords						
Ephraim	14/1	 34	17	22	20	13	13	8	B Lances						
Myrrh	13.32	 29	15	12	11	7	16	10	Dragonstone		     +2 Move
Franz	12/10.65 38	17	20	19	8	14	6	C Sword, S Lances	     +2 Str,+2 Skl,+2 Def 	
Kyle	16/3.03  39	17	12	15	6	16	7	C Sword, A Lances						
Duessel	10.43	 42	18	13	13	8	17	9	A Sword, A Lances, A Axes						
Cormag	15/4.36  42	20	16	20	9	17	3	B Lances		     +2 Skl,+2 Luck,+2Def	
Syrene	3.13	 29	13	15	17	12	10	14	C Sword, A Lances						
Tana	10.96	 24	10	10	17	14	7	7	C Lances						
Vanessa	8.49	 21	6	11	14	11	6	7	C Lances						
Saleh	5.88	 32	17	19	16	13	10	13	S Anima, B Light, B Staves						
Artur	10/9.61  31	19	11	11	6	8	17	B Light, A Staves	     +4 Mag			
Natasha	9.54	 22	7	6	8	11	3	8	A Staves						
Moulder	10/1.93  28	8	11	10	4	6	8	D Light, A Staves						
Knoll	10	 21	13	10	9	0	2	10	C Dark						
Gerik	11/11.52 46	21	22	20	13	16	10	A Swords, S Axes						
Innes	1.37	 31	14	13	15	14	10	9	A Bows						
Rennac	1.3	 28	10	16	17	5	9	11	B Swords						
Tethys	5.71	 22	1	3	15	13	6	7	-						

Chapter 19: 1 Turn


Deployed: Eirika, Ephraim, Cormag, Syrene, Kyle, Franz, Duessel, Knoll, Innes, Saleh, Artur, Natasha, Moulder, Rennac, Gerik, Myrrh, Tethys

Short chapters are best explained with pictures...


Natasha silences a mercenary


Cormag kills it to reach A lances



Myrrh moves downward, Tethys dances for her


Saleh uses torch to reveal Riev



Artur warps Myrrh and reaches S staves. Moulder uses torch to get some Wexp.


Myrrh needs to hit Riev with a critical hit to end the chapter.

Knoll and Rennac are permanently benched.

Reset: two times to get that critical

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Chapter 20: 2 Turns


Myrrh takes one angelic robe to survive a hit against her father






I really appreciate the dramatic irony in the script


Deployed: Eirika, Ephraim, Myrrh, Kyle, Franz, Moulder, Vanessa, Artur Natasha, Tana, Innes, Gerik, Tethys, Cormag, Syrene, Duessel

Turn 1: Saleh uses barrier on Myrrh and Moulder warps her over the mountain. Myrrh moves left to kill a wight.. Natasha spams barrier. Eirika trades warp and moves northward. Cormag moves next to Artur. Franz moves upward to bait the enemy wights out of the way. During enemy phase Myrrh kills 3 gargoyles and 3 wights.



Turn 2: Myrrh kills her father with a critical hit (21 displayed critical) after Saleh heals her with a physics staff. Artur warps Eirika over the mountain, Natasha repairs the staff, and Artur gets danced by Tethys. Moulder warps Artur over the mountain, Cormag trades warp from Moulder and moves near Artur and Eirika. Artur warps Eirika one last time toward the throne. Eirika seizes.










Reset: 15 times to get the critical, 3 uses of warp and 3 uses of rescue left for the finale.

Duessel and Innes are permanently benched


Unit	Level	  HP	Str	Skl	Spd	Luck	Def	Res	Wep		          Items				
Eirika	17/2.50	  40	13	20	24	14	12	11	S Swords		   +7HP,  +2Spd, +2Con				
Ephraim	14/1.00	  34	17	22	20	13	13	8	B Lances						
Myrrh	19.15	  45	20	17	12	7	20	12	Dragonstone		   +7HP,  +2Move				
Franz	12/10.65  38	17	20	19	8	14	6	C Sword, S Lances	   +2Str, +2Skl,  +2Def			
Kyle	16/3.03	  39	17	12	15	6	16	7	C Sword, A Lances						
Cormag	15/4.36	  42	20	16	20	9	17	3	A Lances		   +2Skl, +2Luck, +2Def				
Saleh	6.14	  32	18	19	17	14	11	14	S Anima, B Light, B Staves						
Artur	10/10.87  31	20	12	11	6	8	18	B Light, A Staves	   +4 Mag			
Natasha	10/1.00	  25	10	7	8	12	5	12	D Light, A Staves						
Moulder	10/2.92	  29	9	11	10	4	7	8	D Light, S Staves						
Gerik	11/11.52  46	21	22	20	13	16	10	A Swords, S Axes						
Tethys	6.01	  23	1	3	16	13	6	8	-						



Final: 2 Turns


Eirika gets the Body Ring, Speedwing, and Angelic Robe


Friends help other friends die :o:


Deployed: Eirika, Ephraim, Myrrh, Franz, Kyle, Cormag, Artur, Natasha, Moulder, Saleh, Gerik, Tethys

Final 1: Natasha uses Rescue on Artur and Artur KOs the wight in front of Lyon with Purge, Eirika moves up 1 space and Saleh uses rescue on Myrrh, Artur warps Myrrh to Lyon. Myrrh has to critical at least once to 1RKO Lyon.










Final 2:Saleh rescues Tethys, Rescue breaks. Artur warps Gerik closer to Fomortiis, Kyle trades warp from Artur and moves two spaces above Myrrh, Natasha takes warp from Kyle and warps Myrrh five spaces closer to Fomortiis. Myrrh attacks for 44 damage and takes 28 in return. Moulder uses Latona. Myrrh gets refreshed by Tethys and attack Fomortiis again. Ephraim takes Myrrh’s Hoplon guard and Gerik then takes it for himself, but misses with Garm once.









RIP warp










It’s only fair that Eirika gets the last hit in right?

Resets: Zero, surprisingly

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any time a character dies they get an "L". It keeps track of them even when you restart a chapter (Basically lets you know how many times a character forced you to reset) so apparently your Seth died twice??

How did you manage that if you werent using him at all?

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