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(FE10) KP FE10 HM Draft

KP 2010

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Thanks :). It definetely wouldnt have been posible without reyson though. He should get mvp not rolf xd. Man, most annoying chapter EVER! I did it as fast as i deem posible with this team and i still lost the BEXP :/. 4-3 tomorrow im definetely not in the mood after playing 4-2.

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Ur probably right lol. My micaiah sucks, sothe sucks. Edward has like 10-15 res (dont remember but its in that range and marcia probably cant dodge enough to survive. Btw, how does sleep staff accuracy work? I know it has to do with res and mag but dont know how to calculate it.

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Ur probably right lol. My micaiah sucks, sothe sucks. Edward has like 10-15 res (dont remember but its in that range and marcia probably cant dodge enough to survive. Btw, how does sleep staff accuracy work? I know it has to do with res and mag but dont know how to calculate it.

Every square away, hit rate is reduced by two.

I'm fairly sure someone could make something out of it, there is enough information except none have bothered to actually do it. I was thinking of doing it, but i forgot to take the information needed (stats from different enemies, spaces away, stats from miccy, whether best or worst bio, etc, etc.

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Ah alright. My strat for 4-3 is to rescue drop edward (with a bunch of wind edges and 2 storm swords) in the center. While marcia flies around and kills stuff. Mic and sothe will try and get dragonfoe and vague katti ofc. Iirc my micaiah has 16 spd lol but she should be able to do stuff with sothe by her side and resolve. Btw i have a speedwing still. My ike has 34 spd so maybe i should give it to micaiah...

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@KP yes Leo's move was actually very helpful ^^', he helped alot in 1-E by ferrying Micaiah.

2-P: 9 turns

MVP: Nealuchi

Elincia and Marcia stay in the top left corner to avoid being attacked. Nealuchi attacks an enemy and is refreshed by Leanne, then he rescues her and moves into a cloud. I had trouble finishing this chapter without having Leanne kidnapped so I had Nealuchi rescue her since Elincia/Marcia can't without a penalty. It worked out better this way anyway, he dodges well and would fill up his gauge quick. Wrath really helped him alot too. His rank was more than halfway before finishing this map iirc. Haar wasn't recruited, he flew away by the time I realized, it helped since he served as bait and Nealuchi wasn't overwhelmed.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support    
Nealuchi 22.29   53       10       4       9      18      24      10      10    
Leanne    5.10   25        0       3       1       6      27       2      11 

2-1: 8 turns + Neph and Brom = 14 turns :(

MVP: Nephenee

I hate this chapter, not only does Nephenee have to get lucky but she has hit issues on the boss and doesn't double. I decided to follow dondon's strategy ^^' if i'm taking long I might as well grab everything I can :lol: and I did just that, except the javelin. Nephenee recruited Heather ^^'.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support    
Heather   7.14   32       15       9      21      25      16      10      14    

2-2: 6 turns + Lucia = 10 turns

MVP: Lucia

I wanted to avoid using Lucia for this map but Nealuchi and Heather can't handle everything so I took the penalty and stole the secret book while I was at it. This chapter was pretty sane compared to the previous chapter. I wish Nealuchi would gain more CEXP though.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support 
Nealuchi 22.43   53       10       4       9      18      24      10      10    
Leanne    5.72   25        0       3       1       6      27       2      11 
Heather   7.49   32       15       9      21      25      16      10      14    

2-3: 7 turns + Geoffrey = 10 turns

MVP: Geoffrey

This chapter was insane! I hated it lol. Geoffrey finally got lucky on dodging and he obviosly did most of the work. Astrid found the ams scroll and got the speedwing which was sent to convoy becuase of inventory purposely full. That annoyin healer ruined my plan to feed boss kill to Astrid because he healed the stupid boss. Astrid was kept safe by going left on the onager area, and those onagers never got her. Thanks to the NPCs she got plenty kills, and thanks to them too Kieran didn't get attacked :D. I didn't feed Astrid BEXP because she gains alot of CEXP anyway and I need the CEXP for Nealuchi, she did get both crossbowmen though.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support 
Astrid    4.48   33       14       8      17      16      18      11      15

2-E: 5 turns + Elincia = 10 turns

MVP: Nealuchi

I decided to take 5 turns to get the nullify ^^'. Nealuchi eats a stone and Elincia rescues Heather, Leanne refreshes them and Elincia drops Heather on midlayer and Elincia lands on the space above the nullify guy. Nealuchi clears out the enemies on that layer (Elincia helped). Heather got lucky by dodging alot. Elincia gets the nullify with help of Leanne, Heather blocks the chokepoint. The bolting mage helped me since he critkilled two enemies :D: it was very rare since I've never even seen him hit an enemy. Nealuchi faced 50% hit rates on crossbowmen so I had him kill the one near the energy drop guy. The rest of the enemies died on Wrathluchi. Energy drop was traded to Heather as well as Nullify. Elincia stuns Ludveck and kills him on turn 5 EP. I had BEXP'd Nealuchi 3 levels and he proc'd str those three times :D:, the rest of the BEXP was given to Heather. Nealuchi reached S strike on one of his first kills, right now he's like 1/3 to SS strike.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support 
Nealuchi 25.32   55       13       4       9      18      27      11      10    
Leanne    6.32   26        0       3       1       6      28       2      12 
Heather   8.59   33       15       9      22      26      17      10      15    

Total P2 turns: 53

Total Turns: 144 I'm screwed! ^^'

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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I had to redo chapter 1-8 because I deleted my previous file accidentally (was trynna clear space) so I amended my previous post as necessary.

1-9: 8 turns

I copied the strategy I found on this forum (oval's). There were two opportunities for Micaiah to attack and I used them and she gained a level.

1-E: 8 turns

This chapter was really easy, surprisingly. Aran gained a level at the start and I promoted him early (I think he was level 17 when I promoted him but he could've been 18). Aran and Meg spent most of their time shoving Micaiah/Rafiel whilst BK fought and Sothe went to grab the treasure (unfortunately, he didn't actually manage to get anything from the chests as he was too slow but he did manage to Steal Parity from one of the thieves on the penultimate turn). BK killed one of the thieves and netted me the Speedwing (which I remembered to trade to Micaiah on the last turn).

Micaiah ended the chapter at level 14 (I think) and she managed to gain 2 speed-ups in both her levels. Lucky.

Meg is still at base level lol.

Ilyana is transferring Blue Gem, Energy Drop, Savior, Pass, Imbue and other stuff I've forgotten.

P1 TOTAL: 100 turns.

2-P: 9 turns?

I picked Marcia as my extra unit.

This chapter went pretty smoothly. One of the dracoknights managed to pick up Leanne on the second enemy phase but because I had a blockade around her, he didn't get very far with her and Marcia killed him. I then sent Marcia south so she could weaken the 2 advancing dracoknights. When Haar came, the chapter became super easy and I managed to rout all the enemies and get the Short Axe.

I wish I drafted Ilyana so I could transfer the Speedwings over for Haar.

Edited by KP 2010
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maybe i'm not a good tactician but I doubt Nealuchi could handle all the heat ^^' with his gauge and all, besides I really wanted the nullify. I trust Nullify will help me save turns later ^^', and taking longer also helped Nealuchi fill up his strike a little more.

Nealuchi is at 13 str and S strike is that good enough for P4? ^^'

I want my laguz to be as good as Skrimir by then (Probably Ulki and Volug will be the only ones to match Skrimir lol)

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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4-3 8 turns

eddie eats a pure water. Marcia saviors and flies with him then drops him. Marcia flies to the east and kills dracos, an archer and a wind mage i think (best bio). Then imbue heals her. Eddie makes his way to the pacifist priest while mic and sothe recruit vague katti. Marcia then headed to the west and killed stuff including a crossbow warrior that she stunned <-this was nerve wracking and i actually had to restart once cuz she didnt the first time lol. Bk appeared on turn 5 and killed a remaining archer that eddie didnt kill. Vague katti runs as soon as hes recruited. Then marcia finished the chapter by killing the generals.

4-4 bexp tormod to 11 then crown. And i turned it off.

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maybe i'm not a good tactician but I doubt Nealuchi could handle all the heat ^^' with his gauge and all, besides I really wanted the nullify. I trust Nullify will help me save turns later ^^', and taking longer also helped Nealuchi fill up his strike a little more.

Nealuchi is at 13 str and S strike is that good enough for P4? ^^'

I want my laguz to be as good as Skrimir by then (Probably Ulki and Volug will be the only ones to match Skrimir lol)

The only place I see it being useful is at 4-3. I got it in one of my other drafts and it hardly saved me any turns. Heck, I didn't even have to use it. =/

13 Str/S-strike Nealuchi could 1RKO Ludveck if he were under Wrath's influence. You should BEXP his Str to his cap by Part 4. That way he can cleanly 1RKO enemies. By 4-3, he can still 1RKO.

4-3 8 turns

eddie eats a pure water. Marcia saviors and flies with him then drops him. Marcia flies to the east and kills dracos, an archer and a wind mage i think (best bio). Then imbue heals her. Eddie makes his way to the pacifist priest while mic and sothe recruit vague katti. Marcia then headed to the west and killed stuff including a crossbow warrior that she stunned <-this was nerve wracking and i actually had to restart once cuz she didnt the first time lol. Bk appeared on turn 5 and killed a remaining archer that eddie didnt kill. Vague katti runs as soon as hes recruited. Then marcia finished the chapter by killing the generals.

4-4 bexp tormod to 11 then crown. And i turned it off.


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2-1: 8 + 3 (Brom)

Pretty straightforward. Managed to get everything but the Javelin (which would've been quite useful in 2-2).

2-2: 7 + 4 (Lucia)

It took me quite a few tries to get this right because I couldn't remember where the enemies were. The only way I could've cut down to 6 turns on this chapter is if I had crit-killed more in the beginning with Lucia but with a 10-15% chance of critical hits, it wasn't gonna happen.

I stupidly used a Laguz Stone on Leanna because I thought it'd allow her to do a 4-way vigor (which would've made for more flexible positioning) but she isn't capable of that lol.

Nephenee did get 2 good level-ups though which was good.

TOTAL: 122

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Wow MarciaxRolf 4-3 was a breeze for you ^^' Marcia/Eddy rock.

It wasnt as easy as it looks tho lol. Eddie kept on getting slept so that's why i bought the pure water and it helped :D. Tempest blade's MT helped a lot as did resolve. At best bio eddie had like 150-160 avo lol. Most enemies couldnt hit him. Marcia's javelin forges were very useful too. She had a killer lance but i used it on the crossbow guy and didnt crit.

I forgot to mention that sothe got dragonfoe.

Anyway going to try 4-4. Tormod is so bad :/

Edited by Marciaxrolf
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It wasnt as easy as it looks tho lol. Eddie kept on getting slept so that's why i bought the pure water and it helped :D. Tempest blade's MT helped a lot as did resolve. At best bio eddie had like 150-160 avo lol. Most enemies couldnt hit him. Marcia's javelin forges were very useful too. She had a killer lance but i used it on the crossbow guy and didnt crit.

Anyway going to try 4-4. Tormod is so bad :/

If you have a resolve around, i'd say give it to him. He'll need it and it will help him flare and dodge, and double.

Edited by Jhen Mohran
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Managed to get everything but the Javelin (which would've been quite useful in 2-2).

A tip for the future: Have Marcia and Haar give their Javelins to Nealuchi or Leanne right before the end of 2-P. That way, Nephenne can trade for them when 2-2 rolls around.

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Never thought of that. ^

Anyways, i had tormod eat an arms scroll and get paragon so he could rexflame till hes got enough speed to double with just the fire forge. Im obv not gonna break it. He gets critkilled a lot though. And ike gets hit by sleep too much even with a pure water. Ugh. Its causing me to reset a lot and frustrates ME. RAGE #2.

Almost did it in 10 turns. But mist decided to take hits instead of dodging with best bio 30 spd and 33 lck. And she didnt proc miracle. I swear if she wasnt important in my plans for this chapter i would just let her die. And after tormod had gr8 lvlups too...meh ill try again tomorrow or some other day. Btw how much str does ike need to ORKO BK with a hammer? Also, what is the best position to beat all those stationary enemies in oliver's room quickly? Maybe it could save me a turn or 2.

Edited by Marciaxrolf
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3-P: 9 turns

MVP: Ike

This chapter was simple, Ike and Boyd make their way to the boss and I can't remember who got the kill but I think it was Boyd. Idk if I could of saved a turn but I liked it so far because Boyd proc'd speed and I don't like restarting long and boring chapters. Undraftees rescue each other and move right towards laguz starting area.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support  Skills   
Ike      12.64   44       24       2      29      24      14      21       7              Provoke, Adept 
Boyd      9.57   46       22       1      20      19      14      15       8              Vantage, Miracle   

3-1: 9 turns + Titania = 14 :(:

MVP: Ike

Difficult and annoying chapter, I hated it so I decided to take a penalty. Ike goes up to deal with Boss, Titania gets blue gem and deals with generals and reinforcements down there (she also visited angelic robe house and helped Boyd for a turn. Lyre and Lethe weren't too helpful but they did help Boyd survive. Boyd was a bit underwhelming with his ranged axes due to no doubling, but it helped. Titania had adept.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support  Skills   
Ike      14.07   46       25       2      30      25      14      22       7              Provoke 
Boyd     11.26   48       24       1      21      19      15      16       9              Vantage, Miracle   

3-2: 4 turns

MVP: Ike

Finally a bigger team :)! I bought alot of stuff like hand axes, wind edges and forges. I made plenty of MAX MT+MAX CRIT Forge knives for Heather. The other forges were a MAX MIT+HIT+MAX CRIT Wind forge for Ilyana, a MAX MT+MAX CRIT steel bow for Astrid, and a MAX MT+MAX HIT+MAX CRIT forge for Boyd. Ilyana and Heather got alot of CEXP for self improvement, Boyd helped clear the way or shield Ilyana while Ike made his way to the boss with his Wyrmslayer. Boyd ate a speedwing, and i wasn't sure to give him 2nd one or give it to Ilyana so I saved it.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support  Skills   
Boyd     12.29   49       24       1      22      22      16      17       9     C Ike    Provoke, Adept   
Ilyana    3.95   33       10      17      19      20      10       9      12              Counter, Wrath           
Heather   9.40   33       15       9      22      26      17      10      15              Vantage, Wrath  
Ike      15.14   47       26       2      30      25      14      22       7     C Boyd   Celerity, Disarm 

3-3: 10 turns

MVP: Boyd

I decided to give Boyd the 2nd speedwings so he could double more enemies, Ilyana will have to catch up later. Energy drop was fed to Heather so she could deal more damage, since her damage output was pretty crappy. Heather is like Mia 2.0, she activates adept alot except she's dealing less damage. Ike goes right and deals with that area, Boyd goes left with Ilyana and Heather trailing behind him. Boyd with hand axe kills boss and he gets to burn the last supply since he was going that way and Ike was trapped. Heather got blossom, killed both Senators and got everything except hammerne. Gatrie was deployed but he wasn't moved until turn 2, so Ilyana could get the halb kills.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support  Skills   
Boyd     15.01   52       26       1      23      25      17      18       9     C Ike    Provoke, Pass   
Ilyana    5.99   34       10      18      21      21      10      10      13              Counter, Wrath           
Heather  11.58   34       19      10      24      28      19      11      16              Vantage, Adept  
Ike      16.08   48       26       2      30      25      14      22       7     C Boyd   Celerity, Disarm 

3-4: 7 turns

MVP: Boyd

Idk if its smart but I'm training Lyre via BEXP+Blossom (.99), she actually helped since her barely chipping got some scrap kills and she doubled some enemies due to spd proc. Everyone kept up including NPC tiger, only Ilyana couldn't keep up but she did get to self improve shooting at the mage or down the ledge. Heather's combat seemed alot better in this chapter, she had the same str but somehow she seemed to get more kills (thanks to the +crit I gave to forges and adept). Boyd stompted the boss and he didn't even need hammer, his forge had enough MT to 1RKO him. I did buy a card so Lyre could attack untransformed and she did on turn 1. I hope Lyre is trainable so she can help by Part 4.

Unit     Level   HP      Str     Mag     Skl     Spd     Lck     Def     Res     Support  Skills   
Boyd     16.57   53       26       1      23      25      18      18       9     C Ike    Provoke, Pass   
Ilyana    6.90   34       10      19      21      21      10      10      14              Counter, Wrath           
Heather  12.32   34       19      10      25      29      20      11      17              Disarm, Adept  
Lyre     18.23   48        8       6      12      12      17       8       9              Blossom, Miracle   
Ike      17.07   48       27       3      30      25      15      23       7     C Boyd   Celerity, Vantage 

Am I doing ok? ^^'

Edited by Queen_Kittylincia
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You're doing pretty great.

Although yuo should try promoting Heather as quick as possible, that way she gets a shot at combat and doesn't lag behind later on. Lyre shouldn't be seeing combat considering how much she can hurt your team's resources. I used her for Shoving in my first HM draft, and that's about it. However, in the end, it's your choice.

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Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		8.61	24	03	13	11	13	17	02	11	A Sothe
Sothe		6.21	37	22	06	22	23	18	16	10	A Mic
Zihark		7.47	32	20	07	25	26	14	15	13

Part 1 Chapter 7

Units: Micaiah, Sothe, Zihark

MVP: Zihark :D

Sothe was assigned Savior and Resolve while Zihark got Paragon and Cancel. This chapter went really smooth with Zihark being able to ORKO almost every enemy with Wind Edges. Sothe picked up Micaiah and followed behind. I didn't have time to recruit Vika since Sothe had to move quickly and help Zihark kill the boss in time for Micaiah to arrive on the last turn.

Turns: 6

Part 1 Chapter 8

Units: Micaiah, Sothe, Zihark, Vika, Rafiel, Tormod

MVP: Zihark

God, this chapter...

Zihark and Sothe kept all their skills from last chapter, Micaiah got Celerity (to shave a turn off the next chapter), and Tormod got Renewal. Dang Vika can't equip ANY skills. :/

Basically, Zihark went north to kill the first four enemies, then east to deal with the stray Bandit and Soldier, and then west with Rafiel's help to dispatch all those misc. enemies. Vika transformed on turn 3 to help save the captives on west side, and then to help Zihark. Tormod dealth with the southern area using a forge Fire tome. Sothe went east into the swamp to kill the boss. There was a moment on turn 2 where I came to the sad realization that Sothe only does 14x2 damage to the wyvern knight with 31 HP, using a max forged knife and 22 Str...however, Micaiah with Celerity managed to get just in support range and help Sothe achieve that ORKO. It was pretty awesome. The only luck-based thing that happened in this chapter was Vika getting a crit on her first bandit, but I don't think that mattered in the long run. Manged to save 4 prisoners.

Turns: 6 + 3 (Tormod)

Part 1 Chapter 9

Units: Micaiah, BK


Oval's strategy with the early clear to due to Celerity on Micaiah.

Turns: 7

Part 1 Endgame

Units: Micaiah, Sothe, Zihark, Vika, Rafiel, BK

MVP: Dunno yet, probably Sothe

Zihark got Resolve and Cancel, Micaiah got Shade, I forget what I gave Sothe...

Ilyana is transfering Paragon, Celerity, Blue Gem, Hammer, Renewal and some other junk

This map is brutal on Hard Mode, so I took it easy up to the seize point. The Black Knight didn't really do that much, but he's a nice safety net just in case things get messy. He cleared the way up the ledges for everyone to climb up. Zihark took the stairs to get more experience. Rafiel was super helpful for getting the BK and Sothe moving as quickly as possible, and to help Vika stay transformed as long as possible (her Olivi Grass was down to 2 uses by the end of the chapter). Sothe, BK and Resolve!Zihark tanked the top portion with little difficulty; Zihark and Vika took out the boss. Both of them came really close to a level up, but no dice. :(

Turns: 10

Stats from before chapter's end:

Unit		Level	HP	Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck	Def	Res	Support
Micaiah		9.87	24	03	14	12	13	19	03	11	A Sothe
Sothe		8.67	37	22	06	23	24	19	16	10	A Mic
Zihark		9.88	33	21	07	27	28	14	15	14
Vika		13.94`	Base
Rafiel		12.90	Base

Total Part 1 Turns: 99

Gross :3

Now, where is that strat for 2-P that someone mentioned?

Edited by Yuglyoshi
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Good job. I just realized i couldve shaved turns in 1-8 with a fire forge tormod. Oh well im not restarting for that lol. Ur micaiah was good enough that if u gave her resolve u couldve 5-6 turned 1-9. Why didnt u?

Edited by Marciaxrolf
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