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(FE10) KP FE10 HM Draft

KP 2010

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Forced Character Penalties

1-P: Edward(3) Leo(2)

1-1: Edward/Nolan (3) Leo(2)

1-2: Edward/Nolan/Laura (3 ) Leo(2 )

1-3: Edward/Nolan/Laura/Illyana (3) Leo/Aran(2)

1-4: None*

1-5: Volug(5) it's a defend map so don't let him attack

1-6-1: Tauroneo(5) Volug(4)

1-6-2: Same as above^

1-7: Volug/Muarim/Tormod(4) Vika(3)

1-8: Nailah (6), Rafiel/Tormod/Maurim, Volug/Vika(3)

1-9: None*

1-E: Volug (3)

2-P : 3 for everyon. However, you can use 1 unit free of penalty.

2-1 : Neph/Brom(3)

2-2 : Lucia (4), The rest(3 each)

2-3 : Kieran/Geoffrey(3)

2-E : Elincia(5) Marcia/CRK(3)

3-P : Titania(5) Gatrie/Shinon/Oscar/Boyd/Mia(4) Rhys/Mist/Soren/Rolf(3)

3-1 : Titania(5) Gatrie/Shinon/Oscar//Boyd/Mia(4) Rhys/Mist/Soren/Rolf(3)

3-2 : None*

3-3 : None* You can deploy one undrafted 6 move unit to 3-3 without penalty.

3-4 : Ranulf(4)

3-5 : None*

3-6 : None*

3-7 : Ranulf/Zihark/Janaff/Ulki(4), Jill (2)

3-8 : Ranulf(4)

3-9 : Geoffrey(3)

3-10 : Ranulf(4)

3-11 : Ranulf/Leanne/Sigrun/Tanith (4)

3-12 : Tauroneo (6)

3-13 : Same as 3-12

3-E : Ranulf/Sigrun/Zihark(3), Jill (2)

4-P : Skrimir/Naesala(5) Sigurn/Sanaki(2)

4-1 : None*

4-2 : Tibarn (7) Elincia (3) Pelleas (2)

4-3 : Naesala (5), Skrimir(4) Sigrun/Stefan(3), Sanaki (2)

4-4 : Muarim (3), Vika/Tormod (2)

4-5 : Tibarn (7) Elincia/Volke (3)

* The chapters with no penalties do NOT mean you can use anybody in that chapter. They just mean that no one besides Ike/Micaiah/Sothe are forced, and therefore the only people in play should be them and the people you drafted.

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Where are all the usual people who sign up for drafts? These things usually fill up super fast.

I would have signed up if I didn't have three other pendant FE10 drafts, and then another 8 drafts. I'm very close to finishing all of my drafts, though (check my sig for more ingo ;p)

Then there's the fact that there have been three HM drafts prior to that, and two NM ones, meaning most common FE10 drafters are kept busy.

Ulki, QE and rfof are the only ones who are expected to finish. That puts Over/Under at 3, anybody wanna place a bet :awesome:

Yuggles, d00d. He actually finished the second draft you hosted.

So i pick first? Edward then.


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You know, I was hoping to get someone like Edward or Nolan as my DB unit this time around because I've done both the other HM drafts with Jill, as much as I really do love her. Unfortunately, Zihark will probably not be durable/mobile enough, Volug will probably have too many gauge and 1-2 range issues, and Aran will have Spd issues, so once again, I take Jill.

Jill and Elincia for me.

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Lulz go easy on me im a noob. I know edward is hard to use in HM when playing efficiently but ive been able to do it before and will do it again...hopefully. Just gotta get those spd procs and str procs early on. >_>

EDIT: i was gonna pick jill but like that guy up there, i always use her out of all the db guys in my playthroughs. So i went with edward.

Edited by Marciaxrolf
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I'm just saying, if you really aren't so good, you could have gone with Haar, the best unit in the game, right there. I would understand if your reason would be to give yourself a little challange, or simply drafted him because you like him as a character.

I had to deal with Edward in one of the current HM drafts I am attending to. He turned out decent.

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Why Elincia :sob:

She's a great draftee and I've never drafted her before. Plus I figured I wouldn't get another shot at her, haha. I actually expected you to take her as your first pick.

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Guess I'm stuck with the worst good DB unit. Hopefully with paragon + bexp + Seraph Robe + Master Crown, I'll be able to make him durable enough for Part 3. Actually, pulling that off sounds pretty fun. And besides, I haven't used him in a looong time.

(so yeah, Zihark.)

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Call me crazy but I was going to pick Aran over him due to 2range but I don't really know how to use Aran so I decided for Volug since he's like Lethe, and ive used her once. Besides I like fast units :P. Wow 11 characters? Nice!

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Guess I'm stuck with the worst good DB unit. Hopefully with paragon + bexp + Seraph Robe + Master Crown, I'll be able to make him durable enough for Part 3. Actually, pulling that off sounds pretty fun. And besides, I haven't used him in a looong time.

(so yeah, Zihark.)

No, this is HM, and Zihark is actually one of the best earlygame DB units. 8]

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I'm just saying, if you really aren't so good, you could have gone with Haar, the best unit in the game, right there. I would understand if your reason would be to give yourself a little challange, or simply drafted him because you like him as a character.

I had to deal with Edward in one of the current HM drafts I am attending to. He turned out decent.

I just wanted to see how i do without jill. Shes been my #1 char in almost every playthrough. I admit i shouldve picked a better unit and play it safe in my first draft >_>.

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No, this is HM, and Zihark is actually one of the best earlygame DB units. 8]

Yeah, but he's the most fragile unit come part 3 out of Jill, Volug, Nolan, etc. I'm not complaining though, and I hate Volug so it was either Zihark or Jill anyway. :3

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