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[FE11] Random Reclass Roundup!


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Chapter 5


Well good, with a max might forged Iron Sword Norne can damage things. Marth had to delay to get the Firestone for Bantu. <_<

Lena killed the boss, and damn, Merric is awesome.

As always, my progress goes one chapter at a time due to an unfortunate mishap (Marth dying by Fire)

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Due to Curate!Hardin avoiding death until Chapter 23 (What in Heck?), I managed to miss 12x, 17x, and 20x. But I finished.

C7:9 turns.

C8: 7 Turns

C9: 6 turns

C10: 9 turns

C11: 12 turns

C12: 12 turns so Marth could be Bootsed.

Total thus far: 30+41+24+39=134

C13:5 turns, Marth solo

C14: 11 turns, also Marth solo

C15, 7 turns. Snipers beat Dracos.

C16: 10 turns, skipped Arran for Xane, Boah died

C17: 5 turns.

Total so far: 134+38=172 turns

C18: 9 turns. Once again, Marth almost solos with some sniper and swordmaster support.

C19: 8 turns, 2 thieves going looting, nabbing Geosphere, and some statboosters

C20: 11 turns, Gradivus obtained despite lack of lance guy. Caeda began the Starsphere+Parthia.

172+28=...200 exact.

C21" Not fun. 21 turns. Waited out the stupid reinforcements.

C22: 11 turns. Caeda and Marth basically solo.

C23: 7 turns, death of all remaining characters not named Ogma, Marth, and Caeda, due to using the Geosphere up turn one and using vulneraries on Caeda and Marth. Ogma had like 40-something HP.

C24: 8 turns.

C24x: 14 turns. Nagi. Falchion.

C25: The end with 12 turns. Nagi deals 48 damage to Medeus. Twice.

Final total: 259 turns. C21 killed me.


Marth: Definitely MVP. Level 30 with 15 defense

Caeda: Other MVP, thanks to Parthia.

Nagi: The most useful

Everyone else: Did what they could.

Matthis and Tomas were absolute GARBAGE.

Edited by 13thshadow
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Wh..wha...what the?? I guess it took you almost two or three days to finish the draft unless you've saved your turncount. Well, I'm near to the end.

Chapter 19: 6 Turns (215)

Boah warped Bantu to Tiki. Radd and Minerva were MVPs of this chapter. Just got spirit dust, angelic robe, starsphere, pure water and XL bullion.

Chapter 20: 7 Turns (222)

-Promoted Radd and Maria in lvs. 16 and 13, respectively,

Boah warped Marth to Hammerne village and attracted three of the four Paladins. Sedgar and Catria crossed the river to have fast access to Camus; Maria, Minerva, Radd and Cord followed as Julian fixed the bridge. Dolph and Est stayed still. Cord ORKO Camus with Silver Bow.

Name           Class      Level   Hp  Str  Mag  Skill  Spd  Lck  Def  Res   WEAPON LEVEL

Marth           Lord      22.88   33   19    0    18    24   24   17   1      Sword A
Frey            Sage      11.13   44   14   18    28    25   18    6  13    Tome A, Staff C
Cord        Horseman       7.96   30   21    1    21    23   19   15   3   Sword E, Bow A
Julian         Thief      16.39   27   12    0    14    21   20    9   1      Sword C
Sedgar     Berserker      11.29   44   17    0    12    16    7   14   0        Axe A
Radd     Swordmaster       3.29   39   18    1    19    23    8   16   3      Sword A
Maria         Sniper       1.39   31    9    3    16    16    8   12   7        Bow B
Minerva      Paladin       9.48   30   13    0    14    16   12   13   6   Sword E, Lance C
Dolph         Knight      11.81   27   12    0    10    10    3   17   0      Lance B
Boah          Bishop       10.4   24    1   11    10    12    7    5  14    Tome B, Staff B
Catria   Peg. Knight      15.57   27   10    2    15    20   13   15   6      Lance C
Xane      Freelancer       1.10   18    2    1     2     8    9    4  10
Est             Mage        4.6   19    2    4     3     9   12    4   4       Tome E
Tiki        Manakete       4.55   21    4    1     4     7   15    6  10

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Wh..wha...what the?? I guess it took you almost two or three days to finish the draft unless you've saved your turncount. Well, I'm near to the end.

Nope. I was on chapter 9 about Monday, had to take a break, started and finished a Normal-Mode Navarre solo, then sat down and did it yesterday. Didn't have time to post last night, so posted today. So I'm just a guy with no life.

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I started. . .this will be amusing. . .

Prologue 1: 5 (standard)

Prologue 2: 4 (that's what happens when Marth gains Strength and Speed)

Prologue 3: 7 (Jagen is so very useful)

Prologue 4: 7 (see above)

Total so far: 23

Chapter 1: 5/28 (Caeda gained Strength!)

Chapter 2: 4/32 (Jagen critical)

Chapter 3: 6/38 (Ogma + Jagen is so very wrong)

Chapter 4: 7/45 (got Merric for Excalibur)

Chapter 5: 5/50 (delayed a turn because I was in an unfortunate position)

Chapter 6: 9/59 (the only run where I got all the treasure I wanted; extra turn was to get to 6x)

Edited by Clipseykitty
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I started. . .this will be amusing. . .

Prologue 1: 5 (standard)

Prologue 2: 4 (that's what happens when Marth gains Strength and Speed)

Prologue 3: 7 (Jagen is so very useful)

Prologue 4: 7 (see above)

Total so far: 23

On this one... I was 16 turns behind this total BECAUSE I played that Prologue was free, like normal. But While I Wasn't Online, Hippoman made it Prologue is NOT FREE. So I have that 16 turn boost from Prologue with 5-5-13-13 for turecounts.

Chapter 1: 5/28 (Caeda gained Strength!): Awesome.

Chapter 2: 4/32 (Jagen critical): Same

Chapter 3: 6/38 (Ogma + Jagen is so very wrong): Yep. Exact tactic I used.

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Uhh...where was I. Oh...

Chapter 20x: 12 Turns (222)

Marth, Frey, Cord and Dolph went south west, the Macedonians along with Boah and Radd went to the center isle to attend generals and paladins, and Julian and Sedgar went to north east. Ymir commit suicide.

Chapter 21: 5 Turns (227)

Boah warped Julian to the S. S. to buy some, if not all, items. Sedgar, Est and Tiki from the west, the other Macedonian from the forest of the east part, and the rest from the south. Dolph SUCKS!!! Had to reset tons of times. Javelin Dracos with 50 hit% landed hits on Julian...

Chapter 22: 6 Turns (233)

- Promoted Dolph at lv. 14

Boah and Frey warped Marth, Sedgar and Maria to the Starlight village. Sent, uselessly, some units to the left. Frey, Cord, Catria, Radd and Minerva to the right. Catria killed Michalis... :awesome: Maria dealt 2dmg with longbow

Chapter 23: 7 Turns (240)

Warped Marth near the first Sniper, Maria, Minerva and Frey went to the south east part of the map. Killed Bishops, mages and Gharnef. Later on, they were warped by Boah to help Marth, Catria, Cord and Radd up there in the upper floor of the tower. Julian did his thieving job. Dolph, Est and Sedgar stayed still in there initial positions.

I'll post the stats table after endgame. Need to charge the DS.

Chapter 24: 8 Turns (248)

I was totally fucked...At first I made Sedgar be frontliner and cross the mountains, but holy shit, the manaketes, bishop and sniper killed him...*sigh* Finally Radd stood up for the job and he did it awesome with killing edges and woah dao. But I had to spent two fucking turns because I had to make the steel bow sniper kill Tiki (at least I removed her stone and was ORKO'd) and had the thief steal Aum staff. Hopefully Catria made his path to Heavens less tortuous and suffering.

- Note: I've removed stats table to update it for Endgame.

Chapter 24x: 15 Turns (248)

A map to train units. Left side: Marth, Frey, Cord, Julian, Radd and revived Tiki. Right side: Maria, Minerva, Catria, Dolph and Boah. Elice stood in the basement floor and Est was destined to save at checkpoints.

Endgame: 6 Turns (254)

Marth's main combo near him, Macedonians at the left room, Akaneians at the southwestern room, Radd, Tiki and unarmed generics at the northeastern room. Boah fortified the team from turn 3 to the last one. Medeus was really easy, Marth dodged his attack and ORKO'd him.

Total Turns - 254

Stats and Notes

Name           Class      Level   Hp  Str  Mag  Skill  Spd  Lck  Def  Res   WEAPON LEVEL

Marth           Lord      28.74   45   25    0    25    25   28   18   1      Sword A
Frey            Sage      16.59   46   14   29    28    25   23    8  25    Tome A, Staff B
Cord        Horseman      12.32   39   24    1    24    26   22   18   3   Sword C, Bow A
Julian         Thief      18.20   35   13    0    15    22   22   10   1      Sword B
Sedgar     Berserker      13.61   48   21    0    16    21   10   16   0        Axe A
Radd     Swordmaster      13.87   48   24    1    26    28   15   17   3      Sword A
Maria         Sniper      10.67   42   16    3    19    21   16   16  10        Bow A
Minerva      Paladin      14.60   40   19    0    18    21   16   18   6   Sword E, Lance A
Dolph        General        4.6   42   17    1    14    16    7   23   3     Lance A, Bow E
Boah          Bishop      16.71   24    1   11    10    14    9    5  18    Tome B, Staff A
Catria   Dracoknight      11.40   39   22    1    26    23   17   24   5     Lance A, Axe C
Xane      Freelancer       1.40   18    2    1     2     8    9    4  10
Est             Mage       8.19   19    3    5     6    12   13    4   5       Tome D
Tiki        Manakete       9.99   26    8    1     9    12   19    7  10
Nagi        Manakete      15.71   32    8    2    12    14   10    6  10


Marth: MVP, excellent gains. A reliable unit. He never died, except when I warped him to open chests having Gharnef at the tip of his nose.

Frey: Worth training unit definitely. Despite having not so good magic nor res, he is at the level of Merric. Also a reliable unit. 2nd MVP.

Cord: Good unit but too much effort to train and have good level ups. Worth training but not an exceptional unit.

Julian: Good thief, good combat unit. Despite not being leveled up so good, he did a good job.

Sedgar: Definitely just for arena abusing, imo. Awful bases and exp drainer, outstanding growths weren't enough...never!!!

Radd: 3rd MVP. In spite of joining at a low level, he's worth training when having good gains. A killing machine, THE UNSTOPPABLE WRATH, err...I mean't Radd.

Maria: Not worth training, don't even consider her unless as a staff user. She has almost no use as physical combat unit. I'll consider her as a low-average unit. *What was I thinking?*

Minerva: Too average for me, but handles some situations slightly well. To be considered...

Dolph: WHAT WAS I THINKING!??!!!? I guess it was only to accompany Boah... :lol:

Boah: ... :facepalm: ...

Catria: She's fighting for 3rd place along with Radd. Her initial Strength sucks and she came to a point that needed some RNG treatment. Colossal Defense, she became a tank and machine gun when Draco.

Est: :facepalm: I admit I was on Heavens when I chose her, I wasn't conscious of my decision.

Tiki: Nice support unit, she lacked speed though.

All in all, I could have reduced the turn count, but ok, for the next one. :newyears:


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I'm gonna use this post to expand on one thing: the entirety of Chapter 6. And log counts for the rest of the chapters.

For this chapter, I had the Altean Trio, Merric, and Navarre as horses, and Wendell as a Sage (I recruited him so that I wouldn't have to fight him). My slow little group surged forward, and Bord went nuts with a Hand Axe. The only reason why I didn't have to restart was because he dodged both Knights. Jagen patched people up as needed, and I forged a +3 MT Iron Sword for Roshea called Steel Needle, so he could ORKO the thieves. Caeda wasn't able to do much, because she was always behind. Most of the work was done with Bord and a Hammer, Ogma (when he could hit stuff), and Marth. In the process, Roshea and Bord each gained Speed, and Matthis gained Magic. YIPEE!!

Chapter 6x: 20 (no more E ranks except for Julian and Rickard)

Chapter 7: 7/66 (Matthis and Roshea are turning out GOOD)

Chapter 8: 7/73 (the extra turn was because I wasn't in a good position to do anything a turn earlier; I'll need to recheck my turns, as I'm kinda tired right now)

Chapter 9: 6/79 (mispositioned my mages)

Chapter 10: 9/88 (extra turn for Master Seal; I have a lot of turn counts to recheck)

Chapter 11: 11/99 (I wanted that Energy Drop)

Chapter 12: 9/108 (hello Warp!Julian)

Chapter 12x: 20 (barely, too)

Chapter 13: 6/114 (because screw this chapter with a bunch of squishy units)

Chapter 14: 7/121 (Warp is ridiculous)

Chapter 15: 7/128 (extra turn was because of some weird Marth positioning)

Chapter 16: 15/143 (I got both Arran and Xane, somehow)

Chapter 17: 3/146 (Boah got a +3 Steel Bow; otherwise, standardish, including the shop and a Secret Book)

Chapter 17x: 20 (Bord promoted here)

Chapter 18: 9/155 (extra turn for Mercurius)

Chapter 19: 6/161 (Arran and Xane were worth the detour, and promoted Caeda)

Chapter 20: 7/168 (Ogma dodged half the Silver Lance shots, which saved him. Got Gradivus, and someone to use it)

Chapter 20x: 20 (promoted Ogma and Roger, with all other non-promotes at 17 or higher. Also, Matthis kicks ass)

Chapter 21: 5/173 (Bord got the Dracoshield; Matthis promoted, and Caeda!Xane is funny)

Chapter 22: 9/182 (Roshea promoted before the chapter began; Tomas promoted when this chapter ended. Marth gets a special convo with Michalis)

Chapter 23: 9/191 (real Gharnef was in my path, so I surrounded him with Caeda!Xane, Jagen the Magic Tank, and Roger the Jigglypuff)

Chapter 24: 5/196 (extra turn was because Roshea didn't quite have enough Strength to KO the boss on his own)

Chapter 24x: 17 (this chapter is boring)

Endgame: 7/203 (Roshea + Mercurius and Caeda + Parthia ended the game for me)

Overall thoughts:

Marth: Allergic to Strength growth for most of the game; otherwise, not that much of a liability.

Jagen: I turned him into a staffbot, and he did pretty damn well, given his growths and whatnot (something like +2 Magic, +5 Speed, and +3 Res, when all was said and done)

Caeda: Had Strength problems all the way to Endgame; otherwise pretty funny.

Bord: Gained Speed all of three times, or something like that. It was still sufficient.

Ogma: Was a massive disappointment, and that was him going above his averages. Warrior is a horrid class to grow in.

Julian: Thanks for the treasure.

Matthis: Did a lot better than I expected as a mage, since he gained a good amount of Magic.

Roshea: Another surprise, as he sacrificed his Strength growth for Speed growth (27 Speed at 19/11, or something like that, which is +7 or so above his average).

Rickard: MEH.

Roger: OMG awful Skill (didn't gain any until after he promoted), but was the speediest of the three. Ocean-walking is the only reason why I didn't take longer on Chapter 16.

Boah: Did fairly well as a Sniper, as Sniper bases rock.

Tomas: Not a single stat went above 10. UGH.

Xane: Was hilarious.

Arran: Was well worth the detour, as a third legendary weapon user made Endgame that much less painful.

MVPs: Jagen, Roshea, and Caeda, in that order.

OVERALL: If Arran came earlier, it might not have been such a headache-inducing run. Also, the MVP of Chapter 16 was Midia, for distracting something like eight enemies so I could have a clear shot to the center island.

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After a few seconds of consideration (and the fact that I want to see how a couple of units do). . .I'm doing Quint's run.

Pros: Frey and Cord in the beginning, and I get a mounted unit relatively early. Also, Boah's gonna kick some serious ass.

Cons: Maria. And Est, who will probably be shot out of the sky.

So. . .

Prologue 1: 5 (derp)

Prologue 2: 3 (you need either Frey or Abel to pull this off)

Prologue 3: 9 (I wanted experience)

Prologue 4: 10 (extra turn to kill Cain)

Total: 28

Chapter 1: 7/35 (extra turns because Frey didn't do enough damage, oddly enough)

Chapter 2: 6/41 (same)

Chapter 3: 6/47 (because Steel Swords rock)

Intermission: Frey is at level 9. He gained a ton of Skill and Speed, so he should do fine as a mage. Cord got all of a level, so yeah. . .

Chapter 4: 8/55 (extra turn because nothing could kill that armor in good time)

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Roger the Jigglypuff)
Endgame: 7/203
Thanks for blowing my turncount out of the water.
Total Turns - 254
COULDN'T YOU HAVE TAKEN 6 MORE TURNS!?! Edited by 13thshadow
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Roger was just fast enough to avoid being doubled, and had a ton of HP to spare (even if his defenses sucked), so Jigglypuff was a nice way of describing him.

As for my turn counts. . .ehehe. . .thanks to Jagen being a staffbot, I was able to use my usual Geosphere strategy without a hitch. I took the time to recruit both Arran and Xane, and this helped me immensely. Arran was able to wield Gradivus, and Xane was able to mimic Caeda, and use himself as a dodgetanky wall. On Chapter 24, Xane mimicked Roshea with Wyrmslayer, and we all know how that usually ends.

EDIT: Turncounts.

Chapter 5: 7/62 (I had Marth recruit Wendell, since Merric had already died)

Chapter 6: 10/72 (Sedgar got a +3 axe, and Marth didn't do enough damage to ORKO the boss)

Chapter 6x: 17 (mostly for Julian and Sedgar)

Chapter 7: 8/80 (more recounting, yay)

Chapter 8: 6/86 (I think?)

Chapter 9: 5/91 (Marth and Sedgar got perfect levels, with Radd not far behind)

Chapter 10: 14/105 (on the bright side, recruiting Minerva kinda ends the map)


Frey's doing bleh as a mage. Not gaining much in the way of Magic. Cord is awesome as a Hunter, Julian's doing pretty good, and Sedgar's sexy. Time to see what my three redheads can do!

Chapter 11: 10/115 (Frey dodged a lance to save his life)

Chapter 12: 10/125 (major miscalculations, sucky levels, but I don't think Marth's gonna be that godly again)

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I didn't even take Geosphere, just a shitload of statboosters, maybe that's why my units have some stats capped. Err...as my first draft I need to see the final turncount of the other drafters, I'm just prepared to be rolled over by a catapult. :awesome:

@Clipsey Kitty: I hope you love Maria, her face is so innocent and adorable that she inspires me the highest of rage - enough to leave her without teeth- when I don't hear any beeps at level ups. :awesome::lol::awesome:

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More chapter counts.

Chapter 12x: 20 (barely)

Chapter 13: 6/131 (Minerva couldn't damage the boss)

Chapter 14: 8/139 (extra turn for Catria)

Chapter 15: 6/145 (Marth killed the boss for a level)

Chapter 16: 6/151 (see below)

Before the chapter started, I forged a +5 Steel Sword for Julian, so he'd ORKO the Heroes. Alternately, I could've simply used an Arms Scroll to get him to B Swords and saddle him with a Silver Sword, but Maria needs that Scroll more (Longbow). The most important move was Turn 2, outlined below:

- Marth opens the cell door.

- Julian runs in to ORKO the Hero

- Catria uses herself as a barrier to give me some breathing room

I kinda wanted to recruit Xane, but he was in my way. In retrospect, it would've been possible (two Minervas on the field would be amazingly funny), but oh well. Sedgar killed the boss on turn 6 with a critical Hammer, and hit his dynamic growths (+2 DEF level-up!)

Dolph's lagging behind a bit, because he's having problems getting to the kills before someone else steals them. Maria's doing surprisingly well, Radd's developing into a tank, Marth and Julian are absolutely amazing, and Frey and Cord are still solid. If I play things right, I should end with a slightly lower turn count.

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Whatever it is, it doesn't sound good.

I'll be using this post for the rest of my turn counts. I will not be getting Est or Tiki.

Chapter 17: 3/154 (standard fare, with the Dragonpike I pilfered on Chapter 12 coming in handy)

Chapter 17x: 20 (leveled Radd, Maria, Dolph, and Catria quite a bit)

Chapter 18: 8/162 (I delayed for a turn for Mercurius; otherwise, I'd have finished in 7 turns)

INTERMISSION: Marth has 15 Defense at level 21, and Julian has 9 at level 15. Back to the game!

Chapter 19: 5/167 (hello Wyrmslayer)

Chapter 20: 6/173 (too many good levels to pass up)

Chapter 20x: 20 (promoted Frey and Cord; will promote Radd and Catria shortly, and maybe Maria, since she's doing insanely well)

Chapter 21: 3/176 (usual/10)

Chapter 22: 7/183 (more usual stuff)

Chapter 23: 7/190 (Catria hit A lances, and yeah. . .)

Chapter 24: 4/194 (Catria's self-improvement map, with everyone else getting leftovers)

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I think the last two chapters deserve their own post. Especially after what happened to those stats. . .

Chapter 24x: 19 (same old, same old, etc.)

Stats before going into Endgame (no stat boosters used):

Name     Class     Level  HP  Str  Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res
Marth    Lord      24.89  37  19    0   14   23   25   16    0
Frey     Sage       4.15  36  10    8   15   17   13    4    8
Cord     Horseman   7.46  29  18    1   14   22   13   11    3
Julian   Thief     20.11  32  13    0   18   26   21   11    0
Sedgar   'Zerker   13.45  48  19    0   14   15    6   16    0
Radd     Swordity   4.12  42  13    1   16   23   10   16    3
Minerva  Pally     12.03  29  12    0   11   16   12   13    6
Dolph    General    2.14  42  16    1   12   17    4   23    3
Boah     Bishop     9.52  22   1    5    9   12    7    5   14
Catria   Drakky    12.59  42  20    1   26   23   22   26    5
Maria    Sniper     5.02  31  10    2   19   21   14   10    5

The biggest surprise of this draft, by far, was Maria. She always gained a stat on leveling.

Endgame: 4/198

Between Catria and Cord (after the latter got three Energy Drops, three Seraph Robes, three Dracoshields, four Speedwings, and a prayer), Medeus didn't have a chance. His goons were beaten by blatant Geosphere abuse. The end.


Marth: MVP number 1, for being ridiculously good. Nothing came close to killing him.

Frey: Biggest disappointment in this draft, which isn't saying much. Everyone else more-or-less outclassed. him.

Cord: His early gains were good enough to keep him going to the end.

Julian: MVP number 2, for being slightly less ridiculous than Marth.

Sedgar: Was solid throughout the game.

Radd: Forgot how to gain Strength, but remembered how to gain Speed. Not sure what to make of that.

Maria: Was a huge surprise. She managed to hold her own, and became outright ridiculous with some light forging (I'm talking OHKOing Dracoknights with a slightly boosted Steel Bow)

Minerva: Remembered how to gain Speed, and helped out quite a bit for her one flying chapter.

Dolph: Did fairly well, for not being able to keep up. That's more the General class' fault than anything.

Catria: Suddenly remembered how to gain Strength in Macedon (she promoted with 10 Strength or something stupid like that)

Est and Tiki: LOL

Which means that I did better with Quint's team than with 13th's one. I suspect it's a combination of getting a mount five chapters sooner and having much better RNG luck with the former.

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Wanna try with Spykitty's, Furetchen's and Hippo's team, make a table comparing the results and drawing conclusions on who are the best characters for draft?

-Poor Est/Tiki :lol: , good for Maria, bad for Frey, he got RNG blessed in my play through.

Besides, goo turncount. 50 less from mine. :facepalm: Oh well, I'll have tons of draft to polish my drafting skills. :awesome:

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The best this run can do is give a rough idea on how certain class combinations work, as well as what the RNG does. For example, Matthis and Maria were well above expectations, while an average, magical Frey was not.

I'll be happy to take on someone else's run next! Hmmm. . .Darros, I choose you~!

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