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FE:NM Wi-Fi Compendium

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I make this topic because our knowledge of Wi-Fi is limited and outdated. I made my mind and will do everything in one topic but with many posts. Also I have to figure out how to change my topic name

We must go farther like japanese dudes...Eeek I MEAN each time you go there ( to JAP wi-fi) ALL teams have their characters maxed out.

This topic goal is to provide us the correct methods to CREATE A WI-FI TEAM, PLAYING COMPETITIVELY, CAPPING STATS.

Later we will talk about like classes ( inventory, new durability, etc) But now lets focus on Maxing stats

Lets list FE: SD methods

1) Savepoints+RNG Abuse: The easiest method use a savepoint before multiplies of your characters (Max of three) Lv up to get Almost perfect lv ups.

Easy to do, effective, but bases itself and it is limited to how many savepoints you have... I will not count them. MOST OF MAPS have 2 savepoints, some have three and other just have one. Also use the beggining of the map as a THIRD savepoint in every map.

2) Clock Abuse: http://serenesforest...showtopic=16437.

Everything is here so enjoy if you are cappable of doing it.

3)Arena Abuse:Is to have average stats. And lots of gold you need to forge your weapons. I try to cover this ahead in topic

4) Class swap: http://serenesforest.net/fe12/reclass.html

Altering your character growths this way is awesome, this is also the key for RES TRAINING and RES is essencial in this W-Fi

5) Boss Abusing: Source of WEXP also easy to lv up characters this way... You could theaorically clear the capter first then use the RNG ABUSE+ savepoint on the Boss who is sitting in the gate.


I) In base arena:

Here lv ups are fixed to some extend BUT here you can restart to get the stats you want (Restart a lot) .

As an example: Restart for Merric to win in this Arena HP, DEF, and RES... it is possible but takes a while of restarting of course. Combine this with class swap...

(This is How i am going tomax Marth Res) Cost money but it WILL make your units more powerfull with little or no backdraw

II) Maturity Drop: An One time-use-Item used to increase character growths +20%HP and +10% everything else. Use it on a trust-worthy unit so it will not need statboosters anymore.

III) Extra stats boosters: These are the reward for clearing Lunatic Dificulty mode. After you clear Lunatic extra statbooster will be avaliable in Preparations menu shop. They are basicaly to replace the statbooster shop in Chp 21, since it is no posible to have the stats shop and a Real competitive team with Spheres and Shards

IV) Male Class limits removed: After clearing Hard mode or above Both of male sets will be merged into one giving some units less Unique characteristics than before... this reduces to pick characters to best Growths and Supports.

Capping stats advanced strategies

For finishing IN Chapter 14

Only one strategy. It may show variations to your necesities

1) Get godly lv ups in the prologue this require a little restarting (this only aplies to My unit team)

2) In chapter 1 reclass the units you are going to use in wi-fi to clerics and mages Do this to Achieve high RES to your units as Well Mag to your thunder Sword user(s)

3) Do the above step and swap to offensive sets to win weapon exp and STR and DEF too.

4) Once in Chapter 9 KILL ASTRAM AND HIS HEROES (no much choice here), sell things lots of things, buy master seals, use base arena for your last few good lv ups

use the arena to lv up your characters, promote them and lv up to 15/20 . Try to use

Get 999,999 in Gold

5) FROM NOW ON. Forge 7 weapons you have CHP: 10,10x,11,12,13,13x, and 14

6) Use the last of your save points chp 10-13 for maxing stats like DEF wich should be lacking

7) Also to train your Weapon ranks use the Ice dragon in Chapter 13 combined with the JOKE weapons

8)Sell the last of your weapons to use the arena in the base at chapter 14

This strategy without res training is easier and with Res trauining is the Hell.

Have fun in wi-fi

For Finishing IN Chapter 20

This is your normal finishing limit, you will have here plenty of time to finish your teams you no longer need to use arena to lv up your Wi-Fi characters due to the abundance of savepoints and money from the arenas.

and even use some late game characters if you wish... Everything From above is still valid

1)Make sure you still kill Astram again... you will be able to forge 14 weapons in total. but I recomend forging 11-12

Also collect the 12 starshards or you won´t be getting the starsphere

2) Your money will probably run out in Chp 15 so make sure you again win up to 999,999 gold

3) Don´t forget the geosphere this is the only rason you are probably using this time limit

3) Chapter 19 arena is next to useless use it to your last an ultimate forge in chapter 20 and to get funds in the arena

4) You cannot clear Chapter 20.

This easier to do with res training and gives you the awesome geosphere, the Starsphere, and the other two less impotant orbs

Keep in mind, in the very begining you can only use a Max of two curate/clerics.

The next post Will include an Arena abuse miniguide.

Edited by LeaderR Elliot
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Thanks, I think this information might be quite useful. I'm kind of interested in creating a Wi-Fi team by Chapter 14, but not sure how tough it will be in practice.

BTW, I think it might be better to include all your topics in a single thread, so that they don't become scattered across the subforum. You could add some links in your first post to later posts that contain new topics. It's up to you how you manage things though ^^

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Thanks, I think this information might be quite useful. I'm kind of interested in creating a Wi-Fi team by Chapter 14, but not sure how tough it will be in practice.

BTW, I think it might be better to include all your topics in a single thread, so that they don't become scattered across the subforum. You could add some links in your first post to later posts that contain new topics. It's up to you how you manage things though ^^

I made my mind I will make this in a single thread...the only thing I need to know is how to change the topic title name...

On topic:

There is no reason for it to be easy. However now it is easier than in FE:SD

Thanks to good growths (and my unit), lv ups will require less time reseting...However Vincent what will take more time is Arena Abusing.

For Arena Abuse you might want to get max gold or at leat something close to it. For Chp 14 finishers they want no less than max gold. For Chp 20 fiishers 800,000 should be enough because you may not need forge 7 forges inmediatly.at MAX you may want 6 and for Endgame finishers they will likely going to get at least 700,000gold in each arena However if they choose not to kill Astram they are likely going to struggle on the later Arenas for enough money.

Arenas only comes in Chapters 9*,15 ,19,and 21, that means there are only 4 Arenas in game maps if you wish to go to the endgame. 1 Arena For Chp 14 limit. 3 Arena For Chapter 20 limit

*Astram appears and chase you, You may kill his heroes and him to use this arena.

Going to the arena is not a cheap business. Try to use good units and the clases I will provide. In this Arena

In FE:SD arena as long you have maxed stats in Str, Skl, Spd and High Skill, Def and Luck ANY class could go to the Arena Sadly this time enemies have BETTER stats here.

-You are only provided Iron weapons in the arena, and magic users are providedwith Fire and thunder sometimes.

-However your enemies depending on your RES and DEF are provided with Silvers and thoron.

-Enemy units have LUCK this time as a maximum of 3-9 in Normal mode.

-Rainbow potion, Star shards and Starsphere donot work in the map arena so it is useless to give them to a character.

-Hardly the highet bid in the Arena I recieved in Normal mode was 1600.

-Also restrain yourself from doing more than 3 rounds in the arena for each turn. Everything farther than that could result in a unit dying (In casual mode do not worry much however you will still lose the game if My Unit dies) or you losing money for having to quit.

EDIT:-How this Arena works

I started looking at Chp 9 How arena really works. It is really different from FE:SD because battles are less fluid... what I want to say is:

* From simple sight you can see How the battle goes in Rounds: YOU ALWAYS START THE ROUND!! try to never forget that. Also if the battles goes too long (Still do not know How many rounds) The Battle will be stopped and I believe this counts like quitting in the arena.

The battles go this way.

-If you double the rounds go in this way;

First You, then the Enemy, then You... then the next round will start. This is the reason why you cannot see the awesome double animation from your Unit.

-If neither you nor your enemy doubles;

First You, then the Enemy... A normal battle actually and quite predictable too.

-If your enemy double...;

First You, then the Enemy, then your Enemy again... Try to avoid this one and be carefull. Your enemy will unleash his awesome double animation And in this game they are super fast.

As a Final note here if you try to quit YOU MUST DO IT BEFORE A ROUND STARTS, keep pressed the B button once (or press twice if you are unsure) at the end of the Round or keep pressed the upper middle part in the touch screen to quit (where the B button in the touch screen appears).

Classes I recomend in the Arena

Berzerker: Using these guys warrant you to win 2 battle at least

PROS: +They can easily max HP,Str,Skl,Spd, maxing their luck and Defence will be nice

+They certainly own Generals, Warriors, Dracoknights, some Bishops, Sages and Sorcerors( as long they Don´t max Spd they are not trouble)

+ Their high natural Critical of 24 at max skill, and they score critical often, and that is a condition to make multiples rounds.

+Axes are cool, Powerful, and with max skl and Lck you may hit often agaisnt oponents even to swormasters

CONS: -- Berzerkers have problems agaisnt palladins if they cap SPD...

-- Never expect doubling enemie especially at high bids where Zerkers and Swordmasters spawn

--They have problems with Heroes because they can double...

--Expect some misses if you face Swords...

--Sages and Bishop will do more damage than any other opponent...

--Anything from the above can end your winning streak.


PROS: +They max SPD and SKL depending on the Characater they will have max Str, Def and Luck wich is always good.

+They have the Highest dodge rate in game if Max Lck and Spd they can score a whooping 55% they stay alive many time thanks to that

+ Berzerkers, Heroes and Warriors are a free kill however you may quit if you are depending a lot in their dodge rates

+ In Normal most enemies Defences are low granting them a decent offence in Normal mode

CONS: -- Swormaster real enemy is another swormaster, they can definitely damage you

--GENERALS I mean you at best will do 4-6 damage at them, probably ending the battle in like 7 rounds

-- Any other lance user weakens swormaster damage input.


PROS: + They easily cap Spd, Skl, Lck for girls, Str , and require little Def.

+ They will only fight in the Arena: Warriors, Hroseman, Magic users, Snipers and General...in a worst to best order

+ They barely fight General enemies

+Natural critical Hit 25% and always will hit their opponent

CONS: --Fighting Sages can cut your winning streak and they do not dodge as Swormasters.

-- Fighting a General with Bow may hurt

-- Sniper enemies have more durability than others Arena enemies (not counting horseman)<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

Edited by LeaderR Elliot
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Editing topic titles is possible, but it seems to be bugged for normal users. You can use this link to edit the topic title specifically for this topic.

Yeah, I'm mainly worried about the arena abusing. Getting max gold in one chapter is going to be pretty boring and I already get bored after reaching 200K in one chapter : P

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For the arena, are Horsemen any good? I know Berserkers are good in both games, but I recently found Horsemen pretty good in SD's arena. Well, I guess they're more or less the same as Swordmasters in terms of potential, can't remember if they fight different opponents (this is when they wield swords).


Also, for completion by Chapter 14, what forges would you recommend having? At least one Brave for each physical unit is a non-brainer, but should I bother with forged Thoron or forged Hand Axes/Javelins?

Edited by VincentASM
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I updated the first two posts. Also Vincent it also depends on your team classes,

Horseman are almost the same as swormaster BUT there are 2 differences:

1 DEF point favor the horseman and 1 Skl point less for Horseman wich definetely mean nothing.

10 points in avoid Swordmaster bonus is what horseman want, because Swordmasters can dodge more often and even with Swords, Horsemen are likely less capable to dodge in the arena so their winning streak will wnd sooner... unless you like the +1 in Def and you donot rely much in dodge you could use one... if you are going to train one in Chp 9 Arena in that case It is fine

Also Above classes similars are good but above ones win for having their class bonus and their high SPD. Just pointing who classes are better at it

Finishing Arena section

Magic Users (Bishops/Sages/Sorcerers) *The condition is they have capped HP/MAG/SKL/SPD/LCK/DEF/RES. +with this they can win 4-5 Arena rounds every time.

PROS: + They use magic that means they will be ORKOing every physical unit due to Low Res in Normal mode

+ The magic enemies generally do not have high res and bishop generally do less damage than many enemies

+ Even if they fight a magic user they will be equiped with Bolganone 60% of the time so your units may dodge as much as Swordmaster (the other 40 is Thoron

+ The only classes who are given to possible tomes... Fire and Thunder.

CONS: --Swordmasters are the only class who double your casters.

-- It is less likely for them to cap at the proper time do not bother if they are not near of their caps.

Unpromoted units.

PROS: +You only need to cap stats at 20 and have high health. A good strategy would be before promoting one of your units if give them a seraph robe so they could win more and more in the arena.

+You will not fear any enemy because you know their caps...

+You will double Mages, Fighters, Pirates, Cavaliers and the units you will not double lack defense or offence

+You will often win when you have the WTA

CONS: --The slowest method One match per turn, two if you are lucky

-- The units you will not double can be nasty with silvers and the WTA

-- Not so high bids so you will earn less money

That is for arena... YAY! I finished a section

Well I would like to move to Classes now, individualy speaking I will try to give them a possibly inventory, I´ll try to give a possibly Star Sphere/Star shards inventory and comments and later will be teams building... I don´t know if I could rate characters because I don´t want hate from anyone. It is important to Sage MAX EVERY STAT (with the obvius Str exception) becuse that sages durability hurts and the borderline have moved up.

Common classes in Wi-fi

Sage/ Sorcerer

Stats Caps

          	HP  	Str  	Mag  	Skl   	Spd      Lck   	Def  	Res
Sage   		60      ---      30  	28      25    	30    	20 	25

Bassicaly a necesity on wi-fi due to the variety of staff and their usefulness. They no longer have swarm for long range.

that means they would be dead weight if it weren´t staves... Their preference weapon for wi-fi is Thoron, the most powerful item ingame when forged. You can also replace that book (if you don´t have the funds) with Merric´s Book or Katarina´s Book they both work the same with little or no difference.

Weakness: These guys in this game gets ORKOed by Berzerkers. Brave Axe+ 30 Str+ 1 in str shard 50 of atk enough to deal 30X2 damage. This is their biggest flaw.

Remember after using Silence all tome user get defenceless. Get your tome user out of the action.

These guys 25 Spd is lame they get 2RKO by Most speady enemies

Sage with Starsphere or Starshards: Sadly staff users need the starsphere to make up for their paper durability. But Sages are not weilding starsphere or any of the starshards Because their inventory consist in one tome and 4 staves. They simply don´t have the space.

Based on the above paragraph a Sage have no space for star shards or spheres, they only are allowed to wield their utility staves

BTW I will list staves the Best Staves.

Fortify: A wi-fi necesity restores 26 health to all units and that is a lot of health. This nullifies judment card players and restore a decent amount and is to all units.

Again: Bassicaly lets another unit move again in the same turn allowing an overpowered unit to kill twice specially when your sage is not enough powerful to deal real damage.

Silence: A special staff stops from using magic for one full turn... it is actually part of a real strategy to know when to use it... For example after scouting and killing an enemy unit you would like to try to stop their sages from healing or casting Again, or even preventing them to warp a character next to you, and even rescuing units

this staff also leaves all tome users defence-less so they are bassicaly free kills.

Warp: This staff warps an unit to a traversable tile. It can be used to move faster, positioning your units in strategicaly positions, reaching the gate without giving your positions and to send an unit to your opponent side if they can´t reach the action site. However it is limited to your sight in FOW.

Rescue: An interisting staff... seriusly, you can use a high move unit and scout to its max range, and if this unit went to a dangerous zone, just recue him instead of facing fate. also you can rescue units who are in another side of the map (MAP 6 Corner´s map comes to mind) or the ones who took another route.

Recover?: Well it is used to...heal Xane and a heavy damaged unit ... however if using long movement units your sage will not keep up and cannot use this staff. Useless now, since your characters can cap stats easily, Xane is not required beause there is not a stat deficit.

Let see you have 5-6 staves here and you can only choose 4 per sage. This means you have to be selective with your staves or bring to wi-fi 2 sages... but that doubles their weakness.

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Sorry for no updaes in 3 days but I have been busy


Stat Caps

        HP    Str	Mag	Skl	Spd	Lck    Def	Res 	Mov
Bishop   60	--    25 	26 	25 	30 	22 	30     6   

Their description is basically the same to sages but with some important differences 25 in Mag means they are only healing 23 with Fortify (that is still a good amount of healing 25 in Mag also lower their atack power to a Max of 50... it is still enough to kill thing with a crit

22 in Def ensure them from being OROKed by any class with starsphere. This is the only reasonable reason to use a bishop instead a sage/sorcerer:

30 Res is maybe helpful when facing levin sword users or other magic users.

Possible Forges: Thoron only. Due to their low magic cap

Weakness: Everything from sages remain the same except...

They only get ORKOed by Berzerkers with +3 in Str

Bishop With Starsphere/ Star Shards: See above, same to sages. None


Stat Caps

             HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res	Mov
Berzerkers    60    30 	--     24     28 	22     24     20     8

Oh... the berzerker argueably the best Wi-fi class, also one of the classes who get more benefits from starshards/starsphere.

Basically Wi-Fi powerhouses.  Their High Str, Good Spd, the 2nd Highest Crit 24, and 24 Def! is nearly broken...If this class isn´t your type or you do not like axes... your Wi-fi life is going to hurt. They are also one of the best boots candidates.

*Berzerker with Starsphere:

32 Str is capable of OHKOing a Lance palladin with 30 in Def with a forged poleaxe *AND ORKO every 20 Def enemy with their Brave axe avoiding these classes counters

*(19 Def to Sword wielders and 21 Def to lance wielders due to WT)

26 Skl give them 2 more points in Crit and Hit...obviously

30 Spd give them the capacity to double enemies with 25-26 spd... and with braves enough to 2RKO these enemies

26 Def is...too much for them.


* Berzerers with Starshards: Thay could be mortal if given the right shard. Let asume you give them Taurus, Gemini and Leo shards... This is their best set up

- But you always can give them only Leo and any of the two<BR><BR>This give them +4 Str, +1 Mag, +1 Def, +1 Res.

34 Str is capable of OHKOing a Sword Palladin with 30 Def with a forged poleaxe *AND ORKO every 23 Def enemy with their Brave axe avoiding this classes counters

*( 22 Def to Sword wielders and 24 to lance wielders due to WT) this kills alot

25 Def is still nice...

+4 in Str recover the lost hand axe might between games, however it doesn´t allow you to kill a real treat.

Possible Forges: Poleaxes, Brave Axes, Hand Axes...

If you are using a starshard team you can choose to forget the hand axe forge.

Weakness: The lack of an strong range weapon, However the hand axe can still normally kill with a criT


          HP    Str    Mag    Skl    Spd    Lck    Def    Res    Mov
Paladin   60    25     21     28     25     25     30     25     10

Ahh the paladin a very controversial class, argueably one of the bestwi-fi classes. Great caps and stats overall.

However the caps are hard to reach, javelins were nerfed, leaving Levin Swords the only reasonable ranged choice.

(A ranged javelin Crit kills nothing above 20 Def) They can survive the highest powered poleaxe without including starsphere/starshards. High movement, great class for scout. However they fear criticals with that 25 luck. And if they ever encounter a Berzerker with starsphere they are dead.

*Paladin with starsphere: They become unbelievable more durable than ever.

27 Spd is enough to avoid the double from the most speedy classes.

32 Def lower the damage even more than 30Def and let;uncapable to OHKO them from Berzerkers with 34 Str and for the best results stand on a Fort/Gate.

23 in Mag is enough to deal 46 damage with Levin Sword equiped. almost as a magic user and better

27 in Res is enough to really half most of magic damage.

Paladin with starshards: If berzerker set up is the offensive, the paladin is the defensive one...

Scorpio,Pisces and Taurus/Cancer shards;(Is better cancer, because 34 Def is great and 33 Def is also good but you have already used taurus in your berzerker) We have +3 Def, +1 Res, +2Spd or +4 Def, +1Mag +1 Res

Let assume you Have the Levin Sword equiped.

34 Def is will nulify most braves from 14-15 damage from Brave Axes, 11-10 damage From sword users. Bows should do 10-9 damage. You should be capable of resisting three units with braves specially on the Fort/Gate.

Keeping the +2 Spd(Cancer shard) to the palladin still is a good Idea. Also activating apotrope for endurance is good since this is surely for the Berzerkers in Wi-fi.


The obvius weakness is the Poleaxe Berzerkers...you can endure a hit but the idea is to not die in two hits.

Berzerkers with starshpere can kill a lance paladin and with 34 str they kill a Sword paladin....SO give them at least one or two defence shards.

They can die if quadrupled by braves due to crits. Cancer shard help you there.

They 25 Lck is troublesome they are the best candidates for 4 supports.

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Updated the last post now includes paladins.

I have really no ideas on other wi-fi classes but the ones wich are left should only be: Horseman, Swordmaster, Sniper if anyone could do those...please show a little bit interest... or I will lose interest too :facepalm:

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Stat caps

         	HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res 	Mov
Horseman 	60  	24  	20  	28  	30  	30  	23  	23  	9

Horseman is another Great class for Wi-Fi, Capable of wielding Swords and Bows, you want to train magic so you can use Levin Sword

Look that 30 spd is enough to double a lot of important things. Thay also have that beatiful mov of 9 to keep up with your army.

28 in Skill is decent reliable amount to have 18% crit. 20 in magic is normal, so you have up to 43 attack with levin

Also look at those defences 23 in Def and Res are impressive, as long you wield Swords you are UN-ORKOable by Berzerkers.

They need apotrope card otherwise you must be careful with poleaxes.

Anyone not named My Unit will have terrible time reaching those caps...especially mag and res.

Horseman with Starsphere:

-32 Spd let you double 28 Spd users like Berzerkers and Starsphere holders like paladin. Quite helful at times .

-26 Str let you to with a Brave bow/sword score against a 30 Def foe 15 damage each hit... and if you quadruple you 2RKO, You also do the same to warriors but they almost do not count.

-30 Skl is nice and let you have 20 crit.

-23 in MAG let you have 45 attack and with that is enough to kill most of thing in a counter-crit.

-25 Def and Res is nice, no more fear to Starsphere Ridersbane Paladins (Quite Rare, also *Shiida counts*) .

Also in 25 Def + 2 Def from the gate and Swords will allow you to survive the Poleaxe.

Horseman with Starshards: Well horseman not really apreciate starshards. Good ones are , Capricorn, Scorpio, Cancer, Sagitarius maybe but you probably have Scorpio and Cancer on another unit. Not much really something to say here.

Recomended Froges:

Levin Sword is almost a must, also is their only ranged option

Brave Bows and Brave Sword are a good combination for catching people with single range weapon. But you are forced to choose only one if going to fiish in Chp14.


- A paladin with Starsphere can OHKO them with the ridersbane, and Berzerkers always OHKO them (except with 27 Def and gate standing)


Stat Caps

           	HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res
Swordmaster 	60  	24  	20 	29  	30  	30  	22  	23

Swordmaser for being Sword user they got two buffs (Levin Sword only and +10 Avoid) but being locked to Swords is terrible.

22 Def means they are ORKOed agaisnt 34 Str Brave Axe Berzerker.

30 Spd is not impressive anymore and that 24 Str is not impressive anymore.

29 Skl is worthless they lost one point in Def and for one in Skl!?

And their biggest flaw they get OHKOed agaisnt a 25Str With Forged Swordslayer... Shame ( But almost no one brings swordslayer to Wi-Fi)

Swormaster with Star Sphere:

-32 Spd let you double 28 Spd users like Berzerkers and Starsphere holders like paladin. Quite helful at times.

-26 Str let you to with a Brave sword score against a 30 Def foe 15 damage each hit... and if you quadruple you 2RKO only if they are wielding swords, You also do the same to warriors but they almost do not count.

-31 Skl means 21 in Crit.

-24 Def and 25 in Res is nicer, thanks to that they overcome most of their weakness.

Swormaster With Starshards: They deserve the Cancer, pieces or taurus shard, sagitariusis a wise choice, There are better options for cancer.

Recomended Forges: Levin Swords and BraveSword and a Ogma/Mater Sword Forge.


They are insanely weak to Sword Slayer but only f the enemy has 25 Str.

The 34str Berzerker with Brave Axe.

The Lock in Swords finish their good options.

Edit: My bad, Fixed Swordmaster issue pointed down. Thanks for that.

This shows as I said... I am losing interest and becoming lazy

Edited by LeaderR Elliot
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Lol what? Swordmasters can't use bows. You just got lazy and copied the Star Sphere bonus for speed and str. Also it's 25 Res for swordmasters.

Edited by JosefLior
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Just one mistake and in less than one day a correction... I must have doing things right, even then I am happy for the reply. Thanks again.



     	HP 	Str 	Mag 	Skl 	Spd 	Lck 	Def 	Res 	Mov
Sniper 	60  	24 	---  	30      29  	30  	23  	20  	7

A Sniper is an OK class, many can argue it is the best Wi-Fi class in FE:SD...

On the actual game. They still are locked to bows this means they cannot fight from 1-range but they have the exclusive use of LongBows wich let them to snipe from 3-range

Sniper 29 is the perfect borderline Spd, no class can double them and they usually double 25 Spd classes.

Their 24 Str is Lacking because WT bonus for bows is +2 Str and that usually ends up with 43 attack with Brave Bow.

Their 7 mov is problematic slowdown your team most of the time (good candidate for boots).

30 Skl means 20 Crit + 5 from their class bonus means they are the Class with the highest Critical rate in game (25 crit)

The Longbow allows sniper to stay in FoW while attacking also being the only class to have 3-range they cannot be countered and they have 44 in attack wich is nice.

23 Def is not enough to protect them completely from Berzerkers, but they should not be fighting directly most of times.

20 In Res is terrible due to most Levin users on Wi-fi however they will have little troubles to reach that cap but

Having Two snipers is actually a good strategy. They cover each other weakness.

Sniper with StarSphere:

-26 Str allows to back up bows might, up to horseman might...

-31 Spd sounds unimpresive but you can double 27 Spd Characters (Starsphere holders)

-25 Def puts them safe from Berzerkers not very important though

-22 Res is not enough to put them safe from Levin Swords

Sniper with Starshards: Giving them more Str is a good choice, Skl if you really want some crit, Spd if you have nooe better for the job, Defense if you really have troubles with berzerkers... In other words Taurus, Scorpio, Sagitarius, and some others of the defensive and offensive sets... crap I am running from imagination here.

Recomended Forges: Longbow is a must the only point to use a sniper, BraveBow and Kleine Bow for being a superior killer bow.


Berzerkers with Brave axes but if you play in a good way they should never encounter.

The lack of 1-range weapon is a weakness they can only overcome with another sniper.

Well that is the closing of Common Wi-Fi Classes.

I will continue now with Common Wi-Fi Teams (team with support)

Before doing these I would like to point out this.

Support page: http://serenesforest...12/support.html. Here you will see how many Chapters are needed for each character to reach the next support rank.

When I say *At Max* I mean at max rank in supports

To Chapter 14 finishers: They have 17 chapters to build supports

To Chapter 20 finishers: They have 24 chapters to build supports

To Chapter 24 finishers: They have 30 chapters to build supports

Prologue does not counts towards building supports.

This means if you read the support points for early game characters, you will notice How noone can reach A support before Chp 14.

Also you might want to use the Bond drop to have at least one Character with A suports.

7th platoon team.

My Unit. At Max. +30Hit and Avoid, +15 Crit and Crit Evade.

Luke. At Max. +40 Hit and Avoid, +20 Crit and Crit Evade.

Rody. At Max. +40 Hit and Avoid, +20 Crit and Crit Evade.

Ryan. At Max. +30 Hit and Avoid, +15 Crit and Crit Evade.

Cecil. At Max. +20 Hit and Avoid, +10 Crit and Crit Evade.

You have one of best teams in game. They have time in the prologue, they all appear in chapter one and have good growths.

The only thing they lack is a Triangle attack... Also notice How Luke and Rody eventually have the best boosts it is a good Idea to train them as something durable or Good (Levin are good choice for them too but both have 0 in magic growth). Also the best Levin Paladin here is Cecil due to her good magic and Res growth, all Her other growths are decent and with planing she won´t disapoint you.

Ogma and Crew

Ogma. At Max. +10 Hit and Avoid, +5 Crit and Crit Evade

My Unit. No supports

Barts. At Max. +40 Hit and Avoid, +20 Crit and Crit Evade.

Bord. At Max. +40 Hit and Avoid, +20 Crit and Crit Evade.

Cord. At Max. +40 Hit and Avoid, +20 Crit and Crit Evade.

Here is one of most solid and best team, if you are planning a spheres team take this guys to mind. Having Three guys with Triangle Attack and giving them the chance to reach A support within Chp 20 Limit is Nice, I find their growths a little lacking but is nothing when you are using Rng Abuse+ Savepoint Abuse properly. Just Check Their grotwhs to Select classes properly BUT everyone of them can easily be a Berzerker. It is worth of saying My Unit is likely to be Sage/Bishop here

White Wings

My Unit. No supports

Minerva. At Max. +10 Hit and Avoid, +5Crit and Crit Evade.

Catria. At Max. +30 Hit and Avoid, +15 Crit and Crit Evade.

Palla. At Max. +20 Hit and Avoid, +10 Crit and Crit E vade.

Est. At Max +40 Hit and Avoid, +20 Crit and Crit Evade. (Chp 20 Finishers only. Candidate for Bond Drop)

Some people would say it is a weak team in supports, other would say it is terrible because they cannot access to Horseman or Berzerkers. They are good for a Sniper Only team and they all Have good growths overall, training a Levin Paladin is Possible, My Unit can to Horseman or just a Normal Sage/Bishop. Minerva won´t need a lot of training and she provide support to the white wings. It is a team worth of using if you feel some bond with the with wings

Edited by LeaderR Elliot
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I don't know if it's been said, but chapter 9's arena is easily abused, just have a General MU with defense shards. The heroes break their weapons (stand 1 space north of the bridge south of you island) That way, Astram doesn't attack you, 4 heroes do, and once they break their weapons they just stand there, just have everyone out of their range in time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know if it's been said, but chapter 9's arena is easily abused, just have a General MU with defense shards. The heroes break their weapons (stand 1 space north of the bridge south of you island) That way, Astram doesn't attack you, 4 heroes do, and once they break their weapons they just stand there, just have everyone out of their range in time.

It is true but... first to do so you are sacrificing one of your units (My unit in this case) and that unit could be used for the arena, second It is safer to break Astram Mercurius with said unit and then kill heroes for exp, but the point is Said Unit could easily kill Astram in 2 or less turns instead of waiting 20 or more turns to wait the silvers and/or Mercurius to break (And a lot of people dislike him so they will have no regrets while killing him). But I prefer this method over killing Astram. But again killing him is easier to do.

That being said. I have no idea what to write next... I have been thinking on expanding the Rng Abuse guide or I do not know whatelse

...[u][b] Help?


I would like to post in a spoiler tag my advance in my Wi-fi team so far.

I have reached Chp 9 and some units are becoming awesome. I want to give you a general Idea how your team should look by Chapter 9 and describe the routes I took.

Also I decided to train a 4 unit teams and the healer is Katarina for Sphere teams, and Doesnot matter who for Shards team because I didnot train any Healer and I am not wasting a forge in Thoron. I do recomend to train 3-4 Units for starshards team

I Hope you enjoy the stats.



[/b] CLass: L.Horseman; Bonuses: Farmer's Child, Wise, Recluse; and Maturity Drop.

I have to say I was impresed because My Unit is the first capped unit and My Arena Abuser in Chp 9 (in progress) also he is overleveded because I provoked [b]Funds Suicide[/b] leaving myself with only 1500gold to rise in The arena. Also without those growths it would be impossible. Also He has B in both Swords and bows from abusing Hardin in Chp 8 (Both of them whre at D)

Here is He(He is beauty)



[/b]Class: L.Paladin

Well Cecil is starting to get in shape, Originally though her growthswere bad, so I was putting her into Sniper... then realized her sexy Mag and Res growths and Her Lck growth was troubling at times, the same for her Hp growth as a Magic user 50%...gamble. Nevermind she will eat lots of my statboosters[b]. Her existant magic growth makes her useful.[/b] I recomend lv up as a General in Base Arena makes up for her Def

Also she has C in Swords naturally and A in Lances because I abused hardin in Chp 8

Here she




[/b]Class: L Horseman

Well... Luke maybe is one of the best characters in-game, but PLEASE!!! they could HIM at least 5% Growth in MAG...Nevermind that He will take shape later... also he is underleveled considering I am only training 4 units, Also there is no comparison with My unit. He is also Lck Screwed, He is the only man in my team who will not cap Res (He will but will need the phartia, also He will spend[s] the rest of his life [/s]13 levels as[s] [/s]bishop leaving only base arena for Weapon ranks). And his lv ups as a Curate were awful.

No comparison with My unit please



[/b]Class: Sniper

Rody originally was going to be the L.Paladin until I realized the 0% Mag Growth after that he was designed as the perfect sniper, That way he would not need ANY statboosters, only needing Res in Curate level ups was easy, and with his excellent growths he will cap Def Soon.

Almost a Filler unit


[b]So [/b]these are my units by Chp 9 I feel proud but I feel some lack, Three levin users maybe is a lot. katarina is my healer and she will eat most of my statboosters.


I would Like to Ask What to write next in this weird guide, or just ask questions like vincent did.[/b]

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