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Gaming Bus Live Chat - Thracia 776

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(Joshua gave me permission to make this topic, and he was the one who directed me to this forum.)

Hey all, I just wanted to let everyone know that the new gaming website Gaming Bus (run by Superbus of FESS) is going to have a live chat of Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 on July 29 at 9:30pm EST (6:30pm PST). If you wanna see what a live chat looks like, you can see their recent run-through of Oregon Trail (the original); seeing what it is would probably help a lot better than me trying to explain it.

Anyway, I don't know how many of you would be interested, but since you're Fire Emblem fans, I figured I'd mention it. They're pretty fun but they can only be fun if people show up. So if you're interested, you should show up! I'll be there (bar an explosion or something), as well as some members from here and some former FESS members, so it'll be a grand time full of Fire Emblem goodness.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to include any other information, so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

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Wow, he actually made it to Oregon. Color me very impressed. Also, I have nothing better to do on my Friday nights really, so I can combine this with drinking away the frustrations of the week for a good old time.

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Is it bad that I wish there was a like button on these forums?

Yes, you should feel ashamed, you social networker, you. Next you'll be asking for the ability to quote message (or @re-post as I like to call it), and maybe even a character limit.

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Is it bad that I wish there was a like button on these forums?

There actually is a "like" system, it's just not turned on :P:. Maybe not the same kind of system as you wish for though!

Yes, you should feel ashamed, you social networker, you. Next you'll be asking for the ability to quote message (or @re-post as I like to call it), and maybe even a character limit.

No more! You're tearing me apart Li-Balcerzak!

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Would be interesting. You playing with or without English patch? Also, I'll try to be there, but if not, I'm going to post this on other places like Gonintendo and stuff. I sent a tip to my friend, the guy doing the Fire Emblem Retrospective so maybe we'll both be there.

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I'm having problems with the patch. The actual units are all in black unless I select them, and some of the text is garbled. Chances are good I'd be going patchless unless conditions improve.

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And it confuses the everliving fuck out of my non-Fire Emblem readers.

Eh, there's not much you can do though since you have problems with the patch. Besides, chances are, people going to watch it are already Fire Emblem fans.

Listen to TF.

And besides, Japanese menus mean you're more likely to commit mistakes, which will add to the hilarity.

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Maybe the patch is being applied to the wrong version of the ROM? There's like, four versions of the game, and that's before you get people fucking around with the files before upload. I'm gonna guess the problem isn't with the emulator D:

just make someone send you a working one

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Listen to TF.

And besides, Japanese menus mean you're more likely to commit mistakes, which will add to the hilarity.

I don't know, when you play Fire Emblem for a long time, the language barrier really doesn't mean a thing anymore. The only reason you'd make mistakes with the menus probably has nothing to do with not being able to read them, but just carelessness. That and getting used to a certain menu setup and scrolling down due to force of habit thinking that's how to set a unit.

Edited by Super Mecha Death Christ
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Yes, you should feel ashamed, you social networker, you. Next you'll be asking for the ability to quote message (or @re-post as I like to call it), and maybe even a character limit.

A character limit... that's BRILLIANT! I'll get right on implementing that.

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A character limit... that's BRILLIANT! I'll get right on implementing that.

B-B-but I hate character limi--THANKS, BalcerDICK.

Also I'm not really sure why I'm showing up 'cause I really don't like Fire Emblem all that much. Oh well! I'll be there for the lulz.

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I've only ever heard good things about the Princess Maker series in general. I don't remember whether it was 2, 4, or some other specific entry, but I'll see if I can swing by for at least part of it.

Also, I may have to make a ticket now begging the staff to realize a bad joke when I make one. Ugh.

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Just a reminder that Princess Maker 2 starts in about 45 minutes for anyone interested. I'm sorry to advertise this, but I'd really like the Fire Emblem chat to succeed, so I'd like people to see what we do and add suggestions (other than "stream the video!", which I don't have the hardware to do right now). Bear in mind, this is fairly interactive, if the (exceptionally poor) decisions that people had me make in The Oregon Trail are indicative.


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