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Newbie map topic #71519


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This topic comes pre-packaged with a "please give constructive criticism" message in its coding. Except when it's not.

Anyway, just some scenario concept maps:

Prologue 1's basically about learning movement. Young protagonist Tabotil goes to the estate of his father's long and deeply trusted friend, Glimbest Rill, to accept him as his master.


Prologue 2 is about attacking and unlocking doors. It turns out good 'ol Glimb locked himself in his storage wing (on the left). It's up to Tabotil to break a wooden box (in the form of an enemy unit) to have it drop the key Tabotil needs to open the wing. You'd then use Tabotil to "capture" the stairs. The map looks pretty empty though, so I'm open to suggestions!


Prologue 3 is all about using terrain to your advantage. Master Glimb hired an archer (stationed in the very bottom left-hand corner) to shoot Tabotil on sight with Glimbest's hand-crafted Spirit Bow (with a range of 15, an an attack power of 10, and a 50% hit rate. However, it'd have a weight of 20 and ten uses to compensate. If you guys think it's too unbalanced, please give suggestions). Also, some scattered five or six Fighters in the upper-right hand area, and one of them will drop a door and chest key. In the shed Tabotil will find a sword strong enough to defeat the archer and clear the map.


Prologue 4: As Master Glimb rationed out his food, his supplies were almost all but depleted by the time Tabotil arrived, and a trip to restock his supplies was in order. However, fate did not smile upon them that day, as troops from Ghregaria also decided to restock at the town. And I think you guys can guess what happens when a small platoon from any army meets up with the story's protagonist...

Anyway, bunches of Mercenaries, Fighters, and Soldiers appearing at the bottom and right sides of the map.


(yeah, I have a thing with lining up trees, don't I?)

Edited by Kysafen
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(yeah, I have a thing with lining up trees, don't I?)

I'd have to agree =/. You're outdoor maps are very uniform and therefore very unnatural. Nature is diverse and unique. Try adding in light grass, cliffs, some forests, or mountains to add flair to the first one. The other outdoor maps could use the same just not the mountains of course =P

For indoor maps I suggest adding a few pillars, some extra hallways, and perhaps some height variation to spruce things up. Oh, and don't forget to shade walls on the bottom and right sides where they meet the floor.

Right now, your biggest enemy is empty space. References are your friends so have a look through the chapter maps on the forum homepage or even look at some of the past mapping comps/galleries to get more ideas.

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Tell me if these revisions need revising. To which I'll promptly revise them. Revisions FOR THE WINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

At this point I wonder if anything else would be overcrowding it.


I'd pictured Master Glimb to be someone to tend to his garden when he's not busy, and thus the aligned trees. But alas, I went out and "randomized" them anyway. I tried to keep the trees near the bow's range, and I just might revise it again to have NONE out of the bow's range. (come to think of it, this style is pretty reminiscent of Gaiden's maps, aren't they?)


Same went for the original town, but that made me rethink its status, and then revised it to be a pretty low-class, yet endearing little trading market village.


Edited by Kysafen
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