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I want Nu to shove her sword through my mouth >W<

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Mostly about getting tortured by Cyborg women, it would appear. :/

Far better than to think about larger and more useless issues which no one on this forum should be trying to solve yet. In my humble opinion.

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Anything you referring to in particular?

I hate reading current events. Because I think science and tech is the best way to solve the problems and I have no facility with either anymore. But I still partake in their discussion from time to time, jus tto pass time, which is why you sometimes see me in srs discussion. Moreover, current events arouse my paranoia, or at least sense that everything is in reference to my actions, words etc.

I don't mean to cast stones at others who take part in making this a better world, I am just pessimistic about my ability to do stuff in a larger sense right now even though my parents once seemed to expect that of me, in a weird way. It is really the result of imagined peer pressure XD

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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Platinum isn't OP. Stop being a noob.

Platinum IS OP in the damage output field... but only that.

I know because shes one the characters I play for fun a lot.

Of course, she stops being OP when you know exactly how to block all of her attacks.

She has literally 5 Overhead attacks, and 4 of them are aerials. The last is slow. Just block low. =)

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