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Low-Tier Playlog

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This playlog has been inspired by Core's topic in the General FE forum, and by Whase who gave this idea to Core. The idea is what he called a "low grade PT", where only "units that are considered bad units" will be used. Here are the "rules" for my PT:

1: Hard Mode(considering I'm using the "worst" characters, it should be especially hard)

2: The "worst" characters will be chosen using the No Seth Tier List located on the Sacred Stones forums page.

3: Characters in the lowest tiers will be focused on the most. Once I have recruited a character in the lowest of the tiers, that character will be forced. If no specifically low tier units are available, then I will use the lowest tier unit available.

4: No meat shielding with higher tier units will be allowed. (i might change this for early chapters)

5: No tower/ruins/arena abuse

6: Ephraim route

7: If a character is forced and I dont use them, I'll list them in the "units out" but strike through their name(like i will for Seth the first couple chapters)

8: Low turn counts, while keeping integrity of the PT, is preferred

(apparently I just suck, so this isn't a question anymore.)

9: Promotion to the accepted "worst" class is a must.

...thats all I can think of right now. If anyone has questions, then just ask. If anyone has suggestions to make it harder funner then just comment...


Units out: Eiraka, Seth

Turn Count: 5

Eirika ORKOs the first fighter with the help of a critical hit. Eirika levels up after defeating boss:

Name   Lv Class HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank
Eirika 2  Lord  17  5   8   10  6   3   1   Sword: E

Chapter 1:

Units out: Eirika, Seth, Franz Gilliam

Turn Count: 14

Attempted to use Gilliam more than Eirika, but proved difficult. Eirika killed boss because Gilliam kept missing. Had trouble with Eirika killing boss because she kept missing too. Eirika received 3 level ups, Gilliam received 1:

Name    Lv Class  HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank
Eirika  5  Lord   19 6   10  11  9   3   3   Sword: D
Gilliam 5  Knight 26 10  6   3   4   9   3   Lance: C

Chapter 2:

Units Out: Eirika, Ross, Gilliam, Moulder, Seth, Franz, Vanessa, Garcia

Turn Count: 8

Used Vanessa to rescue Ross/Garcia. Garcia crits the archer before Vanessa can rescue him. Moulder heals Ross and Eirika recruits. Gilliam's WTD and crappy spd/skl/lck are killing him :angry: Eirika gets hit by a bandit with 35 hit. Eirika crits another bandit, and then the boss, both prompting level ups. Eirika visits top left village, Franz visited top left. Had to use Franz or I wouldn't have gotten the Elixir. Gilliam somehow manages to deal the final blow to end the chapter.

Name    Lv Class    HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank
Eirika  7  Lord     20  7   11  13  11  3   3   Sword: C
Gilliam 6  Knight   27  10  7   3   5   10  3   Lance: C
Ross    1  Journey. 15  5   2   3   8   3   0   Axe:   E
Moulder 3  Priest   20  4   6   9   1   2   5   Staff: C

Chapter 3:

Units out: Eirika, Neimi, Gilliam, Ross, Moulder, Seth, Franz, Colm, Garcia, Vanessa

Turn Count: 35

Gilliam's WTD is really getting on my nerves now. Ross isn't a high enough level yet to be of any help, and Neimi can only hit from afar. Only used Eirika to defeat the boss of the chapter(Gilliam wouldn't land a single hit). A couple of level ups, but overall a really bad chapter.

Name    Lv Class    HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank
Eirika  8  Lord     21  8   11  13  11  3   3   Sword: C
Gilliam 7  Knight   28  10  7   3   6   11  4   Lance: C
Ross    4  Journey  17  6   3   3   10  4   1   Axe:   E
Moulder 4  Priest   20  4   7   9   1   2   6   Staff: C
Neimi   3  Archer   18  6   6   8   6   3   2   Bow:   D   

Chapter 4:

Units out: Moulder, Gilliam, Neimi, Ross, Artur, Eirika

Turn count: I killed the last enemy before I got a chance to look...

I can finally choose which units go in to battle. Also a chapter where Gilliam isn't a huge WTD. Will again try and use Eirika sparingly, but his is a wide open map without many choke points so it might be more difficult. Ross's low Res came into effect against the annoying Mogalls. Gilliam is doing quite well now that he doesn't have WTD throughout the entire map. I took considerable care to get Ross up to level 10 so he can promote. I'm promoting him to Trainee(2), as I'm planning on promoting him to Trainee(3) after that because I want him to be at his worst promotion. Completely forgot about the reinforcements that come in the top left hand corner; I had to send Gilliam and Neimi up there to finish them off. Someone attacked Artur and he killed them, but that is so not my fault. Anyway, Neimi killed the boss. That chapter was really easy.

Name    Lv Class    HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank
Gilliam 9  Knight   29  11  8   3   6   12  5   Lance: B
Ross    10 Journey  20  11  4   6   12  5   4   Axe:   D
Moulder 5  Priest   22  5   7   9   1   2   6   Staff: C
Neimi   6  Archer   20  8   8   11  9   3   2   Bow:   C   

Edited by StinDuh
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You should try to start again. A little bit of luck and you'll have a lot lower turn counts.

Turn counts aren't really of interest to me that much to completely start over. It's just something that will help showcase the playlog.

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I'm promoting him to Trainee(2), as I'm planning on promoting him to Trainee(3) after that because I want him to be at his worst promotion.

So is everybody else going to their worst promotion as well?

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So is everybody else going to their worst promotion as well?

Yeah I stated that in the rules somewhere. It's actually gunna be tough deciding what the "worst" promotion is. I don't necessarily consider any of the promotions "bad". Looking ahead, I think Gilliam will go to Great Knight, Ewan will go Mage Knight, Marisa will go Swordsmaster, and Amelia will also go Trainee(3). For now that's all I have planned. If anyone wants to suggest what they consider the "worst" classes in the entire game, I'm all ears.

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3rd tier Recruit gets Crit bonus, which can be quite sexy. The best/worst option for Amelia, I reckon, is Paladin or Great Knight.

Hm... I'll look into it more when that time comes around.

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Looking ahead, I think Gilliam will go to Great Knight, Ewan will go Mage Knight, Marisa will go Swordsmaster, and Amelia will also go Trainee(3).

...As contrarian as this is, I'd honestly say Gilliam's worse as a General and Marisa as an Assassin. And there is a limit to how bad a mounted mage can be, although I'm uncertain what Ewan should then promote to beyond not Summoner. Both Amelias I've trained have been screwed, so I can't really offer useful input there.

Neimi should become a Sniper, though I hate to admit it, and Moulder...well, first off, Moulder is bad? Secondly, I'd say Sage is probably worse, just for Slayer vs. better magic.

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...As contrarian as this is, I'd honestly say Gilliam's worse as a General and Marisa as an Assassin. And there is a limit to how bad a mounted mage can be, although I'm uncertain what Ewan should then promote to beyond not Summoner. Both Amelias I've trained have been screwed, so I can't really offer useful input there.

Neimi should become a Sniper, though I hate to admit it, and Moulder...well, first off, Moulder is bad? Secondly, I'd say Sage is probably worse, just for Slayer vs. better magic.

Both General and Assassin I ruled out for their often greatly useful skills, however I'm not against the debate. I was in between on Mage Knight and Summoner with Ewan. As for Amelia, she's probably worst as a Great Knight. Sniper Neimi was my idea because of less weapon option and because of less movement. Moulder is, by no means, bad. I'm merely using him as a healer until I get a crappier one, such as L'Arachel, and I'm only using him when it's completely necessary. I don't plan on using him much at all. Nor Natasha, whom I am also only using for the healing procedures when needed. Whenever I get a worse healer, I'll instantly start using them.

EDIT: Finished chapter 5, but no time to show more than this:

Ross was promoted to Journeyman(2) before Chapter 5:

Name    Lv Class       HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank
Ross    1  Journey(2)  20  11  6   6   12  7   6   Axe:   D

Chapter 5:

Units Out: Gilliam, Ross, Neimi, Garcia, Natasha, Eirika, Joshua, Moulder, Artur

Turn Count: 12

This is a harder chapter because I want the guiding ring, in which case I have to try and do it fast. Garcia, Eirika, and Artur are coming along to help in this chapter, and once Joshua is recruited I'll use him, but I'll try to not use him much. Gilliam wont suffer from WTD too much, so this won't be bad. My main objective in this battle is get to the houses as quickly as possible, and then defeat the boss as quickly as possible. Ross, Garcia, and Moulder were sent up the western path, while the rest were sent East. I'm having terrible luck on this chapter. Eirika has been getting hit by multiple people with <40 hit. The mercenary up the west side gave Garcia and Ross some trouble. Eirika, with some risk, was used to bait Joshua into Natasha's range. All houses successfully visited. Arena was not touched(as per stated in the Rules). I got a good amount of level ups this chapter, but those will have to be shown later, I have no time now for I'm leaving my house. I'll edit more info in later.

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Great Shield and Silencer are not useful skills, at least not as useful as +1 move and +15 crit. Amelia's worst class is also General, for the same reasons (+15 crit and +1 move >> Great Shield).

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Great Shield and Silencer are not useful skills, at least not as useful as +1 move and +15 crit. Amelia's worst class is also General, for the same reasons (+15 crit and +1 move >> Great Shield).

If great shield activates, your general is doing something wrong.

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Honestly I feel that Amelia is worst as a Great Knight because of meh to bad caps, and no real advantages at least Paladin Amelia has 8 move and General has Great Shield and better caps, and Recruit (3) has +15, and BTW if you wanna make her the worst off have her go Armor -> Great Knigh

P.S. I would honestly make Ross a hero because he isn't built to be a hero

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I'll take the Low and Bottom Tier characters and list what I think is the worst promotion for each of them:




Ross-Trainee or Warrior

Neimi-Sniper, duh


L'Arachel-Mage Knight because of the WT, I guess


Innes-duh, although he probably shouldn't be here



Ewan-Druid or maybe Trainee, I dunno


My two cents on that matter.

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Might as well throw in my opinions too.



Gilliam - General

Ross - Journeyman

Neimi - Sniper

Knoll - Druid

L'Arachel - Valkyrie


Innes - should not be here.


Marisa - Assassin

Ewan - Mage Knight

Amelia - Recruit

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General is bad for Gilliam? Hmmm...I would make him a Great Knight. Marisa as an Assassin is rather dumpy so yeah, have at it! Neimi is awful as a Sniper. Truly awful.

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Why is GK worse than General? I think it has better weapon ranks and it has better movement. General has an almost useless skill. Oh, right, that one remaining enemy in the game with an anti-horse weapon will do less damage to him because he won't be able to reach it to take damage.

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Gilliam - General

Ross - Journeyman

Neimi - Sniper

Knoll - Druid


L'Arachel - Valkyrie

I don't know, Valkyrie has one advantage: faster exp gain. So I don't think either promotion is definitively better than the other.

Innes - should not be here.

Innes really is awful in Ephraim Route.

Marisa - Assassin

Like Valkyrie, Assassin gets accelerated exp gain, which is amplified by Silencer. Swordmaster gets a larger strength boost, though.

Ewan - Mage Knight

I think Super Pupil is worse than Mage Knight. Light and Dark magic that is too heavy for him to use anyway, against movement and Staves? In addition, Mage->Mage Knight just has better bonuses for 1st tier than Pupil 2->Pupil 3, having a total of 3 more AS with Thunder against Pupil's 1ATK.

Amelia - Recruit

Agreed. General is a lot faster than Recruit, having a whopping 6 more AS when both are wielding Javelins. Ordinarily, I wouldn't argue that combat leads are more important than mobility leads, but I think it's true in the case of General vs. Recruit.

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I don't know, Valkyrie has one advantage: faster exp gain. So I don't think either promotion is definitively better than the other.

Innes really is awful in Ephraim Route.

Like Valkyrie, Assassin gets accelerated exp gain, which is amplified by Silencer. Swordmaster gets a larger strength boost, though.

I think Super Pupil is worse than Mage Knight. Light and Dark magic that is too heavy for him to use anyway, against movement and Staves? In addition, Mage->Mage Knight just has better bonuses for 1st tier than Pupil 2->Pupil 3, having a total of 3 more AS with Thunder against Pupil's 1ATK.

Agreed. General is a lot faster than Recruit, having a whopping 6 more AS when both are wielding Javelins. Ordinarily, I wouldn't argue that combat leads are more important than mobility leads, but I think it's true in the case of General vs. Recruit.

I had never taken Con into account... I think it would make most sense for both Ewan and Amelia to stay trainee(3) because of their awful Con. So again, I'll list the planned promotions for each character:

Syrene: duh

Gilliam: Great Knight (average 20/20 stats are worse)

Ross: Journeyman(3)

Neimi: Sniper (lower average stats, less Con, less mov, one weapon)

Knoll: can't decide. His averages are about the same. He receives +1 con for both of the promotions. Currently leaning on Summoner because of less weapon usage.

Rennac: Rogue of course

Innes: Should be here since he comes in at Chapter 15 with some pretty crappy stats.

Marissa: Don't know either. Assassin stats are slightly worse in HP and Str, but nothing too crazy. Silencer is a turn-off, but how different are Silencer and +15% Crit? Still haven't decided here.

Ewan: Ewan has the worst averages as Mage Knight. So I'm going with Mage Knight. Pretty much the only thing Mage Knight has that the others don't is higher con. And actually, Druid and Summoner have the same Con as Mage Knight. So Mage Knight for Ewan

Amelia: Great Knight, but still not sure... She has horrible averages as a Great Knight.... currently thats what I'm going for...

Now back to the actual playlog!!!

Before I continue, I must say that I can't put the stats of my characters here because i didn't check them during chapter 5, and now it's 5x, so I'm with Ephraim. I'll list their stats before chapter 6.

Chapter 5x:

Units: Orson, Ephraim, Kyle, Forde

Turns: 21

Okay. So I decided to use only Orson on this one because 1) I know he can solo it, and 2) he goes away after this, therefor keeping the integrity of the playthrough most intact. Alright. So, in my best effort, this will be an Orson solo! Orson actually doesn't even exist on the tier list since he is only playable for one chapter. But of course, he would have a tier to his own otherwise(at the very bottom) :P: There wasn't much to this chapter. Orson solo-ed it I'm not even going to list the stats. That'd be pointless.

Edit: And here's the after chapter 5 stats:

Name    Lv Class       HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank
Gilliam 10 Knight      30  11  8   3   7   13  5   Lance: B
Ross    5  Journey(2)  26  12  8   8   15  8   8   Axe:   C
Neimi   8  Archer      21  10  10  13  9   4   2   Bow:   C   

No one else is really of interest since I don't plan on using them.


Stat increasing items; To use, or not to use?

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I think it's incorrect for you to pick promotions entirely based on stat averages. Much more than stat averages goes into making these units bad.

Knoll: can't decide. His averages are about the same. He receives +1 con for both of the promotions. Currently leaning on Summoner because of less weapon usage.

The thing is that Knoll's combat is awful either way because of his luck.

Marissa: Don't know either. Assassin stats are slightly worse in HP and Str, but nothing too crazy. Silencer is a turn-off, but how different are Silencer and +15% Crit? Still haven't decided here.

Assassin gets +20 exp per kill, and experience is doubled when Silencer activates. When Marisa wields a Killing Edge, Silencer is approximately equal to +15% crit, only there are some enemies that Marisa won't kill even with a crit, so I think it's better.

Ewan: Ewan has the worst averages as Mage Knight. So I'm going with Mage Knight. Pretty much the only thing Mage Knight has that the others don't is higher con. And actually, Druid and Summoner have the same Con as Mage Knight. So Mage Knight for Ewan.

I personally think that the staves and movement make Mage Knight better than Super Pupil, and Shaman is inferior to Mage as well.

Amelia: Great Knight, but still not sure... She has horrible averages as a Great Knight.... currently thats what I'm going for...

Actually, her averages as a Great Knight are comparable to Recruit... except that Great Knight gets complete WTC and much more CON.

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I think it's incorrect for you to pick promotions entirely based on stat averages. Much more than stat averages goes into making these units bad.

The thing is that Knoll's combat is awful either way because of his luck.

Assassin gets +20 exp per kill, and experience is doubled when Silencer activates. When Marisa wields a Killing Edge, Silencer is approximately equal to +15% crit, only there are some enemies that Marisa won't kill even with a crit, so I think it's better.

I personally think that the staves and movement make Mage Knight better than Super Pupil, and Shaman is inferior to Mage as well.

Actually, her averages as a Great Knight are comparable to Recruit... except that Great Knight gets complete WTC and much more CON.

I wasn't using just averages to decide. It was compiling what everyone else had said, and then looking at averages to look more into it. I agree that it doesn't matter with Knoll.

Silencer actually gives LESS exp. If silencer is activated, the EXP is multiplied by -1.8, so it effectively gives 1/5 normal EXP.

...Seriously, go look at the Average Stats for Pupil(3). They're pretty good. Compared to Mage Knight, they're so much better, it really isn't even a question. Ewan will double with most things anyway, so the Con probably won't even make a difference.

You're right with Amelia. I switch her to Recruit(3).

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Syrene: duh

Gilliam: Great Knight (average 20/20 stats are worse)

Ross: Journeyman(3)

Neimi: Sniper (lower average stats, less Con, less mov, one weapon)

Knoll: can't decide. His averages are about the same. He receives +1 con for both of the promotions. Currently leaning on Summoner because of less weapon usage.

Rennac: Rogue of course

Innes: Should be here since he comes in at Chapter 15 with some pretty crappy stats.

Marissa: Don't know either. Assassin stats are slightly worse in HP and Str, but nothing too crazy. Silencer is a turn-off, but how different are Silencer and +15% Crit? Still haven't decided here.

Ewan: Ewan has the worst averages as Mage Knight. So I'm going with Mage Knight. Pretty much the only thing Mage Knight has that the others don't is higher con. And actually, Druid and Summoner have the same Con as Mage Knight. So Mage Knight for Ewan

Amelia: Great Knight, but still not sure... She has horrible averages as a Great Knight.... currently thats what I'm going for...

I haven't looked into it very much, but like Anouleth said, there's more than averages to take into account. I'd take one MOV over General's slight advantages. Marisa is sort of an either way thing. L'arachel should be a Mage Knight for worse EXP gain and WTD lategame. I don't see how 7 MOV, better CON, and D staves is worse than Super Trainee. Maybe he has slightly worse stats, they can actually come out to be better in combat thanks to CON, movement is always great, and D staves is not at all bad, especially since L'arachel is your only healer. Amelia and Ewan will never reach 10/20/20 in anything remotely resembling an efficient run, so don't look at their full averages. Super trainee is probably also Amelia's worst, maybe General. Knoll should definitely be a Druid. Druid!Knoll is easily a Bottom Tier unit. Summons are what has him as high as he is.

Edit: Derp, you replied to his post.

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I haven't looked into it very much, but like Anouleth said, there's more than averages to take into account. I'd take one MOV over General's slight advantages. Marisa is sort of an either way thing. L'arachel should be a Mage Knight for worse EXP gain and WTD lategame. I don't see how 7 MOV, better CON, and D staves is worse than Super Trainee. Maybe he has slightly worse stats, they can actually come out to be better in combat thanks to CON, movement is always great, and D staves is not at all bad, especially since L'arachel is your only healer. Amelia and Ewan will never reach 10/20/20 in anything remotely resembling an efficient run, so don't look at their full averages. Super trainee is probably also Amelia's worst, maybe General. Knoll should definitely be a Druid. Druid!Knoll is easily a Bottom Tier unit. Summons are what has him as high as he is.

Edit: Derp, you replied to his post.

You're input is still appreciated. I'm not even close to promoting anyone right now, so it won't matter until I get to that point. And I'm still up for someone changing my mind. Super trainee having WTA is what is turning me off right now, but... hm... lets assume Ewan gets to 10/20/5 by endgame... Pupil(3) Ewan would have an AS of about 9 with Excalibur, while MK Ewan would have an AS of about 12 with Excalibur.... both are sort of maybe in doubling range... I'll do more thinking here.

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The truthfulness of this statement, at the moment, reminds me strongly of DA125.

I don't really know what "DA125" is, but it's really hard to keep low turn counts in mind when you're using people like Gilliam, who get doubled by enemies more than half time, miss more than half the time, and barely do any damage anyway. So turn counts are actually at the back of my mind.


Chapter 6:

Units: Neimi, Gilliam, Ross, Seth, Eirika

Turns: 8

Okay so, Seth is only coming to rescue Eirika so she isn't killed. It might have maybe changed something because I just left them in the backside of the map to sit there and take an onslaught, but whatever. I sent Gilliam, Neimi, and Ross north. I decided that would be easiest to get to the boss fastest to get the Orion's Bolt. No one is really leveled high enough for this chapter to be in anyway easy. It's all luck. Gilliam and Ross are taking an onslaught over by the boss. The damn spider thing is one step away from killing the little girl. Ross, amazingly, managed to kill the boss without getting himself killed. Got the Orion's Bolt for later. Yay.

Name    Lv Class       HP  Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res WeaponRank
Gilliam 11 Knight      30  11  9   3   8   13  5   Lance: B
Ross    7  Journey(2)  28  13  9   8   17  8   8   Axe:   C
Neimi   9  Archer      21  11  11  14  10  4   2   Bow:   C   

Again. Should I use stat boosting items or not?

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