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Longest Possible Enemy Phase?


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In what game (and chapter) do you think the longest possible enemy phase can be achieved? Note that I'm assuming you can disarm all your units and wait as many turns as possible to trigger all reinforcements.

Tentative candidate: FE10 4-4 has over 100 enemies. I'm not sure if FE1-8 can compete with that, but who knows.

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In what game (and chapter) do you think the longest possible enemy phase can be achieved? Note that I'm assuming you can disarm all your units and wait as many turns as possible to trigger all reinforcements.

Tentative candidate: FE10 4-4 has over 100 enemies. I'm not sure if FE1-8 can compete with that, but who knows.

FE4 might be able to have a long long enemy phase because the game plays kinda slowly (in my opinion). I'd also wager 4-4 has the longest EP ever.

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But a lot of the 4-4 enemies don't move until you're close. 2-E has a long enemy phase as well.

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was gonna say FE10:3-E, but than remembered most time goes to other phase too.

and do the ruins in FE8 count? maybe 2nd ruins chapter?

otherwise, FE10 4-E-4. all those spirits attacking, it never seems to end sometimes...

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Depends, are we gonna do things like turn on animations to artificially lengthen the time?

I think FE4 has the potential to be longer due to the nature of the maps--something like Hannibal's army, the 3 sets of wyverns Arion sends out to reclaim the castles, Arion and friends himself, plus the Grandbell reinforcements moving and attacking all in one turn? I think one of those is mutually exclusive though or something, it's been a while

Edited by Paperkitty
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SRT W chapter with infinite reinforcements being 1HKO by an 15 FUB GaoGaiGar.

I can see chapter 22 of FE5 having a ridiculously long enemy phase if you can get a powerful enough enemy in range of the Bow Knight and Reinhardt's squad once the reinforcements have showed, one unit in range of all the southern ballistae, Merc and Sniper and another unit in range of the sword armors.

There's also chapter 19 of FE5. You could wait up until the enemy limit's been reached and it's just the cavalier reinforcements chasing you. There should be a way to get at least 90% of the enemies to attack you.

Edited by Sirius
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I can see chapter 23 of FE5 having a ridiculously long enemy phase if you can get a powerful enough enemy in range of the Bow Knight and Reinhardt's squad once the reinforcements have showed, one unit in range of all the southern ballistae, Merc and Sniper and another unit in range of the sword armors.

Don't you mean Chapter 22?

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SRT W chapter with infinite reinforcements being 1HKO by an 15 FUB GaoGaiGar.

Fuck yeah Broken Magnum

If I recall correctly, there's a few parts in FE4 where you can get like three armies going at once. I'm pretty sure that a lot of them are mutually exclusive, but here's what I can remember:

- Chapter 1, you can have Gandolf's Army, Kinbois's squad, and Heirhein all at once if you play your cards right. (I have a vague memory of Kinbois and Elliot being mutually exclusive, though)

- Chapter 6, you can get Schmidt, Brohan and Brohalva all charging you at once. This is assuming that you can lure the former out with Fee before getting either of the brothers' castles

- Chapter 7, not sure if this really counts, but Ishtore and Liza's squad is just fucking huge, and you can get the group attacking Lenster to go on for a long time. IIRC.

- Chapter 9 can get Trabant's squad, Hanniballs' squad, that guy who shows up after you seize that place where Corpul was, and that long-ass line of ballista to all attack you at once if your army is sufficiently spread out (this is the only one I'm more than 60% sure of).

- The final is pretty straightforward, and most of the bigger armies are mutually exclusive but I think Burian and a bunch of axe knights both attack you after you seize Edda (holy holepunch!), and you can have both Hilda's baron army and Scorpio's ambush squad rush you at the same time.

- Same chapter as above, if you count sheer time as "length", you can get Yurius to use Lopto's long-ass battle animation (up to three+ times if you're sufficiently [un]lucky), all twelve warlords (including that healer, as the staff animation is far from short), all of those guys at Manfloy's castle (the hell animation is pretty fucking long), and all ~6(?) of Arione's dragon lords taking potshots at your castle guard at once.

Edited by CT075
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry so slightly necrobump, but it should be possible to get infinte length turns with the right luck using charge (e.g. Julius Charge Meteors, misses, charge Meteors, misses, ad infinatum). But I don't know how the FE4 RNG works, so it probably isn't actually possible. How much chance of charge can a unit actually get?

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  • 2 months later...

Sorry so slightly necrobump, but it should be possible to get infinte length turns with the right luck using charge (e.g. Julius Charge Meteors, misses, charge Meteors, misses, ad infinatum). But I don't know how the FE4 RNG works, so it probably isn't actually possible. How much chance of charge can a unit actually get?

Based on the main site, the maximum number of turns from Charge is 20. And that may not even be possible to reach, because of FE4's buggy RNG running out of RNs if battles go on long enough. Or it may be the only way to force it to activate all those times; I can't remember the details of what happens.

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