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I got ToS, plus random other ToS stuff.

Blue Knight

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Hey, a Tales thread.

The Namco Tales series is the best. I own all of them that were released in the states, except the PSP one (because minigame side spin offs don't appeal to me.)

Tales of the Abyss is probably the best JRPG I've ever played. Symphonia was pretty awesome, too. If you've got a PS2 and enjoy Symphonia, you're doing yourself a disservice by not getting Abyss eventually.

Also, what's this about needing Genis? Mages are boring in Tales games, IMO. I'm the kind of player that will solo most the game if I have to. I never did get to the point I could beat the uber boss in TotA using Guy alone, though. She's too hard.

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Hey, a Tales thread.

The Namco Tales series is the best. I own all of them that were released in the states, except the PSP one (because minigame side spin offs don't appeal to me.)

Tales of the Abyss is probably the best JRPG I've ever played. Symphonia was pretty awesome, too. If you've got a PS2 and enjoy Symphonia, you're doing yourself a disservice by not getting Abyss eventually.

Also, what's this about needing Genis? Mages are boring in Tales games, IMO. I'm the kind of player that will solo most the game if I have to. I never did get to the point I could beat the uber boss in TotA using Guy alone, though. She's too hard.


by MaSu.

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. . . Is ToS hard?

I always see MaSu complain about it.

It's actually a good game. I would buy it, but it is so scarce. The story's really long and some dungeons are just plain dumb, if those turn you off.

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Hey, a Tales thread.

The Namco Tales series is the best. I own all of them that were released in the states, except the PSP one (because minigame side spin offs don't appeal to me.)

Tales of the Abyss is probably the best JRPG I've ever played. Symphonia was pretty awesome, too. If you've got a PS2 and enjoy Symphonia, you're doing yourself a disservice by not getting Abyss eventually.

Also, what's this about needing Genis? Mages are boring in Tales games, IMO. I'm the kind of player that will solo most the game if I have to. I never did get to the point I could beat the uber boss in TotA using Guy alone, though. She's too hard.




. . . Is ToS hard?

I always see MaSu complain about it.

No. Tos TWO is hard. (I just beat it a few hours ago)

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Oh and Guy sucks. He dies too easily. My Luke and Jade do better melee than guy. Nice speed and combos,but is a pansy who dies in 2-5 hits. Natalia and Tear can take more than him (even after giving guy the Tutti Capacity core for the entire gameplay though)

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Guy is amazing. If his defense is low, it's because you either haven't equipped him properly or didn't EVER give him a defense-raising core. He can equip the second best armors in the game, right after the unique ones only usable by Luke. Also, Guy is actually the typical main-character unit in terms of fighting for a Tales game. He plays like Lloyd, Cless, Stahn, Reid, etc. Considering I've played every English entry in the series and had beaten all of them twice (on both difficulties, you see), I know how to abuse moves like Tempest.

That, and he's voiced by Vash the Stampede. (I'm a voice actor buff.)

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Guy is amazing. If his defense is low, it's because you either haven't equipped him properly or didn't EVER give him a defense-raising core. He can equip the second best armors in the game, right after the unique ones only usable by Luke. Also, Guy is actually the typical main-character unit in terms of fighting for a Tales game. He plays like Lloyd, Cless, Stahn, Reid, etc. Considering I've played every English entry in the series and had beaten all of them twice (on both difficulties, you see), I know how to abuse moves like Tempest.

That, and he's voiced by Vash the Stampede. (I'm a voice actor buff.)

I said in my last post i gave him the TUTTI capacity core (the one that increases ALL STATS BY FOUR)

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. . . Is ToS hard?

I always see MaSu complain about it.

Not really. I think Masu just plays on uber difficulty. I play on normal myself. I'd like to enjoy myself while playing a game.

But seriously, if you have a human soul, and an I.Q. above 45, you should totally check it out. It's an amazing game. I think it's perfect minus a few quirks of course.

My biggest criticism of it would be that sometimes the puzzles get extremely tedious, and there is plenty of stuff to miss if you don't use a strategy guide or know your way around the game. But they're usually minor stuff.

However, the amazing plot, great and loveable characters, good but not overlly dramatic gameplay, and the fact that your descisions affect the game more than makes up for it's quirks.

As for ToA. I liked it as well, but it wasn't as good as Tos. The only characters I really fell in love with were Jade, Luke and Tear. I felt like on my first playthrough they already expected me to know who everyone was whether they be bad or good.

Sometimes the dungeons in ToA are a little extensive and repetitive, but all in all the great plot again makes up for it.

Also, there's a SHITLOAD of stuff you can miss in ToA. I think that I missed half the game on my first playthrough. And while I'm certainly aware that there's a bunch of stuff that I'll miss the first time through, I don't want to miss an entire main plot of the game. It was somewhat a deal-breaker for the game for me.

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