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Chocolate Kitty

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Yeah the mugs in the last shot look like they're different brightnesses emanating aura's of different intensities. Far right looks like Geoff. And where's the text background from?

lol at black guy being too dark

Edited by deranger
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@Kai: Lee is with FE8 colors because I derped and such lol

@Deranger: Still messing with the colors, some need to be fixed, and the background is from FE7...

@GJC: I don't exactly know what you mean, new weapon icons or new weapons in general?

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I'm talking about the pallettes for weapons. They're usually the same as the basagame (then again, nobody really does generic enemy pallettes, you and Arch are some of the first I've seen), even on PC's and major bosses they tend to stay the sane.

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That's because they're part of the sprite. And use the same sprite's palette.

The weapon colors usually start to look very different when you use palettes of a darker shade and little contrast, like this guy's doing. It was the main style I used years ago while working on a few projects. When the palettes are lighter and the contrast a little more completely not shot out the window balanced, you can't really tell the different colors on the weapons much. The intensity of the color wouldn't be there.

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that's how the fighter animation dodges. Wtf are you on? xD

You don't want to know.

Okay...I was just questioning Gonbal's positioning, it seemed abnormal, but I guess not then.

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Yeah, the fighter animation's been dodging like that in every GBA FE game. I don't see how you could've missed it, unless you've just never had any of the fighters dodge anything xD

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