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Bad Online Social Habits


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I've noticed every time I go into chats, I spam emotes. Every line I type.

Some wouldn't consider it a "bad habit" per se, but it really bothers me when other people do it... It results making me feel like a hypocrite.

I am also a bit of a perfectionist. Usually I read things over before I post them, but end up missing a few words or punctuation/grammatical errors. I end up editing most of my posts almost immediately after I type them.

It looks especially bad in forums like this one, which put a little message under your post, notifying others it had been edited. Even if it was a few seconds after it was typed.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one with bad habits like these though. How about you guys?

Edited by Maki
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Lol Nightmare.

=o I will usually say why I edit because I don't like leaving people curious xD I suppose.

Though sometimes if it's real quick I won't explain, but for the most part I do. =]

I always spam emotes. =DDDDDDDDDD I don't really mind, like if I say something sarcastically I would need an emote to help out with that. And it just emphasizes just how happy I am. =) Or how sad I am =(

Any other habits?.... Hmm I'll have to think. Hmmmmmm.......

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Wellllll I've I been trying to get out of the habit for a while. :< I used to really like emotes. Always thought it added something special to the end of every sentence...

Then people on other forums pointed out I sounded like a tard or something, so I tried to limit them. You guys seem much more friendly though~ :D

Edited by Maki
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I really only dislike excessive emotes. Like a row of emotes, or like...this guy on a military vehicle model forum. He used like, an emote every two or three words, and it was usually an unrelated emote. To make matters worse, they were those huge, dumb and ugly emotes that are advertised on every shady website.

So no, I don't think I'd be annoyed by an emote at the end of every sentence. I don't think anyone here would.

EDIT: Oh who am I kidding, it was ALWAYS an unrelated emote.

Edited by Lagiacrus
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A couple of things. Sometimes my words sound robotic--I mean, without the aid of a tone, my words can sound boring.

The other thing is a weird habit of mine. It mostly happens on IMs.

"[Message that sounded weird]

[three periods]

[Points out something strange about message]"


"I wake up with him!


Okay, that sounded weird. That's not what I meant..."

I actually said that once.

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I really only dislike excessive emotes. Like a row of emotes, or like...this guy on a military vehicle model forum. He used like, an emote every two or three words, and it was usually an unrelated emote. To make matters worse, they were those huge, dumb and ugly emotes that are advertised on every shady website.

So no, I don't think I'd be annoyed by an emote at the end of every sentence. I don't think anyone here would.

EDIT: Oh who am I kidding, it was ALWAYS an unrelated emote.

ets verty anoying rite :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

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ets verty anoying rite :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome: :awesome:

But doesn't that relate?...

You got it half annoying D=

Edited by Agnaktor
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I will type out a very long and thought-out post...and then delete it all. My next post will be of drastically reduced quality.

Apart from that, I have a twitch. More than once has a 47-minute video fully buffered, and then I've accidentally double-clicked and had the damn thing go into fullscreen.

Needless to say, I was very cautious with regards to the FEE3 video.

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Nightmare I find your use of "massage" instead of message highly disturbing.

My worst habit is to reply to a bunch of different points from different users at once, instead of just answering the topic or answering one or two people. This is an attempt to show that I care about what other people have to say, and I DO, but I feel sure that no one else will believe I give a shit about what they think, and in the end I always end up getting ignored when I pull shit like this.

I am also a bit of a perfectionist. Usually I read things over before I post them, but end up missing a few words or punctuation/grammatical errors. I end up editing most of my posts almost immediately after I type them.

It looks especially bad in forums like this one, which put a little message under your post, notifying others it had been edited. Even if it was a few seconds after it was typed.

I also have this problem, not for grammar but for meaning. That is to say, if I feel something I said could be grossly misinterpreted I tend to revise revise revise. But I don't pay attention to punctuation.

And let's not forget your use of "kkk".

I just want to say that I use kkk too, and I am always horrified when I use it, but I don't care when others do, usually.

Then people on other forums pointed out I sounded like a tard or something, so I tried to limit them. You guys seem much more friendly though~ :D

Flamers will flame and trolls will troll. I am a flamer and a troll, but usually I am not trying to be either.

EDIT: Oh who am I kidding, it was ALWAYS an unrelated emote.


I will type out a very long and thought-out post...and then delete it all. My next post will be of drastically reduced quality.

IMO that is kind of pointless here on SF but I don't see why it is a bad habit.

I have a very bad habit of being dumb.

You have always struck me as quite intelligent, which is admittedly a form of stupidity.

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