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(FE7) FE7 HNM Auction Draft


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Here are the teams and results.

Radiant Kitty

Farina (12), Erk (10), Fiora (25), Wil (4), Raven (20), Serra (22), Matthew* (7)


Priscilla* (25), Dorcas (5), Lowen (29), Louise (6), Vaida (7), Oswin (6), Legault (7), Renault (1)


Lucius (24), Dart (10), Rebecca (15), Florina* (50), Wallace (1)

General Horace

Ninian/Nils (10), Kent (21), Eliwood (1), Isadora (20), Hawkeye (6), Pent (14)


Harken (12), Sain (26), Rath (10), Jaffar (16), Bartre/Karla (1), Canas (7), Lyn (1), Heath (21), Nino (1)

* = Won on a random tiebreak


Guy, Karel

Want to see the whole list of bids? I'll either format it or just offer the spreadsheet for download. I just pray that I was careful enough and made no mistakes. I am quite confident but you never know. I don't want to have screwed someone.

Fun facts:

Both Lords went for 1 point.

There were 3 random tiebreakers. (Priscilla, Florina, Matthew)

The most expensive unit was Florina, at 50 points.

The most successful bidder was Shibeebaba, who won 9 bids (and 10 units).

Radiant Kitty was the first to run out of points, only ~4 units past the halfway point.

Quintessence had 1 point after getting Florina, and bid 1 point until no one else bid for poor Wallace.

This was very exciting and I'm glad you all stuck with the bidding even though it did take a while. For the most part I received timely bids and I appreciate your effort.

This gives Horace the tiebreaking edge if there is a tie for turncounts

General Horace -> Janissary -> Shibeebaba -> Quintessence (fewer units) -> Radiant Kitty

I also thank you for not tying very often. 3 times in nearly 200 bids is miraculous. I was worried it would be terrible.

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He was later in the draft, so I got him for cheap. Probably because people wanted... Pent

Nope. I figured I'd let everyone else save their points for Pent and go for the other good, earlier auctioned units.

Farina - 12 points: This seemed kind of cheap for a flier, but I guess her slight availability disadvantage turned people off.

Erk - 10 points: Good availability, and he should ORKO pretty much everything pretty quickly. I wanted Lucius, but someone outbid my 24 points for him...

Fiora - 25 points: I wanted to get Florina too, just because, but I only had 29 points left at that point so I came up short.

Wil - 4 points: I figured I'd grab him since I knew he'd be really cheap, and I was right.

Raven - 24 points: Great offense, although I probably would've preferred Sain, who was being auctioned at the same time.

Serra - 22 points: I wanted Warp. She should be able to get up to speed quickly enough after promoting.

Matthew - 7 points: I had seven points left after getting Serra, so I asked Whitefang to just bid 7 points for every unit except Wallace, Karel, Renault or Geitz until I got one. 7 points for Matthew is pretty good, in my opinion.

Overall, not bad. Aside from Wil, they're all great units, and it's not like he'll be completely useless.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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Well, I'm not permitted to upload spreadsheets, so, I will present all the bids here.

		Radiant Kitty	Janissary	Quintessence	General_Horace	Shibeebaba	Winner	Cost
Farina		18		2		8		1		12	Radiant Kitty	12
Priscilla	22		25*		25		0		10	Janissary	25
Lucius		24		7		45		0		10	Quintessence	24
Dart		10		7		15		3		10	Quintessence	10
Erk		22		7		10		3		10	Radiant Kitty	10
Fiora		32		25		23		21		22	Radiant Kitty	25
Wil		10		2		1		0		4	Radiant Kitty	4
Harken		12		7		11		0		15	Shibeebaba	12
Sain		25		25		26		21		28	Shibeebaba	26
Raven		24		9		20		0		18	Radiant Kitty	20
Rath		0		10		6		5		27	Shibeebaba	10
Jaffar		0		10		16		0		20	Shibeebaba	16
Rebecca		0		5		16		0		15	Quintessence	15
Florina		29		50		50*		30		28	Quintessence	50
Bartre/Karla	0		0		1		0		8	Shibeebaba	1
Dorcas		0		10		1		5		1	Janissary	5
Lowen		29		41		1		16		23	Janissary	29
Louise		0		10		1		6		5	Janissary	6
Serra		29		9		1		5		22	Radiant Kitty	22
Vaida		7		10		1		6		4	Janissary	7
Canas		7		0		1		6		18	Shibeebaba	7
Matthew		7*		7		1		2		4	Radiant Kitty	7
Ninian/Nils	0		10		1		36		10	General_Horace	10
Lyn		0		0		1		1		8	Shibeebaba	1
Kent		0		0		1		40		21	General_Horace	21
Eliwood		0		0		1		15		0	General_Horace	1
Isadora		0		20		1		35		13	General_Horace	20
Wallace		0		0		1		0		0	Quintessence	1
Guy		0		0		0		0		0	No Winner	0
Heath		0		15		0		21		27	Shibeebaba	21
Karel		0		0		0		0		0	No Winner	0
Oswin		0		7		0		0		6	Janissary	6
Hawkeye		0		0		0		16		6	General_Horace	6
Legault		0		7		0		0		0	Janissary	7
Renault		0		1		0		0		0	Janissary	1
Nino		0		1		0		0		6	Shibeebaba	1
Pent		0		14		0		42		5	General_Horace	14
Geitz		0		0		0		0		0	No Winner	0

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@ Whitefang: Did your numbers were scrambled or were you tired? In the post prior to your last, says that Shibeebaba won Bartre/Karla and Lyn by 1 point!?

Ok, my little team: :facepalm:

Lucius: 45 points. Gave my soul to have a magic user since Priscy was already gone. I'll need to abuse him and promote him by chapter 19-21 because staff is a must. Instant restore access. :awesome:

Dart: my fisrt surprise. I bid and never thought on winning him. However he'll be useful defending Merlin in the Dread Isle and crossing rivers and seas in Farina's chapter, he'll be needing barrier though.

Reb: :wtf: Same as Dart, second unpleasant surprise. Well, at least she'll be helping Hector and Marcus by the first chapters and should promote by ch. 20-21.

Flory & Makar: As Lucius, I gave my soul for Flory and her good boy. She'll be doing good and saving me some turns due to rescue/drop tactics like in ch. 19x as soon as Kishuna appears. :awesome:

Wallace: :wtf::facepalm: What was I thinking? My third and final unpleasant surprise. I was hoping Bartre/Karla would be in my team but... He'll doing relatively good as a tank. This'll be my first run with him.

Of what you've seen I gave it all for light affinity units.

My team is little and is going to be solid, no one will pierce my defences, Reb, Dart and Flowery will be jets. I am thinking:

Hector-Florina & Makar A support :awesome:

Dart-Rebby A support :awesome:

Lucius..... :sob:

Wall-E..... :facepalm:

This auction was really a surprise, I expects results will be so.

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@ Whitefang: Did your numbers were scrambled or were you tired? In the post prior to your last, says that Shibeebaba won Bartre/Karla and Lyn by 1 point!?

That's correct. Is there an error that I'm not seeing?

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Chapter 12: 5/13

- Those forests are damn tricky, Hector missed many hits but fortunately Marcus the Savior arrived.


Chapter 13: 9/22

- Wasted two turns to visit Merlinus' village. Rebecca keeps getting lucky and critted an archer!! Hector went north west and then right to Boies. Marcus and Reb fooled around with the enemies on the south of the map.

Unit       Class   Level  Hp Str Skl Spd Luck Def Res       Weapon Level       Support
Hector      Lord   08.79  25  12   8   8   6   11   4           Axe B
Marcues  Paladin   01.76  31  15  15  11   8   10   8  Sword A, Lance A, Axe B
Rebecca   Archer   04.17  18   5   6   7   6    4   4           Bow D

I'm getting Res blessed. :awesome:

Edited by Quintessence
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Where in god's name did you find a HHM walkthrough in spanish O_o

Anyway, i look forward to observing how this plays out.

Sorry if I made yo guys wait before opting out/being replaced. I just had a load of shit I didn't know I would have to deal with.

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Chapter 11 - 7/7 Turns

Hector ran and killed shit. No Red Gem cuz it's against the rules.

Chapter 12 - 4/11 Turns

Marcus rush. Eliwood killed a couple leftovers from Marcus, while Hector took care of the north.

Hector      06.01     24  11    4    7    4    9    1   C Axe
Marcus   ??/01.84     31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Eliwood     01.97     18   5    7    7    7    5    0   C Sword

Chapter 13 - 5/16 Turns

Marcus rescue carry paloozah. Eliwood visited the village.

Edited by General_Horace
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Screenshot Yes, the table seems scrambled a bit.

Bad quality, but hopefully it should be readable. The columns show Radiant Kitty won Farina for 18 points, and Quintessence won Lucius for 45, etc.

I still don't see anything wrong here. You know that it's a Second-Price auction, right? Meaning that the winner of a unit pays the equivalent to the highest non-winning bid (except in cases of ties and when no one else bid for a unit).

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  • 3 weeks later...

This thread is going down to the graveyard, lol. Guys I'm going to make a one-and-only post featuring the turn counts, stats table (the smallest one lol) and highlights.

- I'm on through Ch. 19x, Flory is frail, Reb and Dart rocks, and Lucy gained def in his first level up. Yeaahhhh!!! :facepalm: Hector is already by lv. 20 :facepalm: He has surpassed Marcus. Lulz!! :awesome:

EDIT: Yay!!! Finally Lethe is gone. Rise up Marcia!!!

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I restarted, but got the some turncounts. I couldn't find my old save file :/

Chapter 13x - 8/24 Turns

Eliwood tried to solo the south, but he kept getting hit, so he got minimal exp. Hector went for the village, Marcus for the boss. No undraftees were attacked in the completion of this chapter.

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Well, finally, I finished this. The team was pretty good in combat but it required some training though. The turn count is:

Ch. 11: 8

Ch. 12: 5

Ch. 13: 6

Ch. 13x: 8

Ch. 14: 9

Ch. 15: 8

Ch. 16: 6

Ch. 17: 9

Ch. 17x: 3

Ch. 18: 3

Ch. 19: 5

Ch. 19x: 4

Ch. 20: 6

Ch. 21: 5

Ch. 22: 6

Ch. 23: 4

Ch. 24: 6

Ch. 25: 5

Ch. 26: 12

Ch. 27: 8

Ch. 28: 16

Ch. 28x: 20=0

Ch. 29: 9

Ch. 30: 7

Ch. 31: 12

Ch. 31x: 6

Ch. 32: 6

Ch. 32x: 7

Final: 7

Turn Count: 196 Turns

- Not a bad turn count since I had to recruit Wall-E and Merlinus visited the Warp village in Ch. 29 :facepalm: . I didn't find the way to take the staff off of him, nonetheless, Lucius had B staff by that time, well he stood in that rank though.

- I felt pretty well with the team I got since they were few (lol 5!) and all of them resisted waves of enemies, as an example Flory and Makar flying around in CoD, lol, she had 5 snipers, 2 Nom. Troopers and 1 Berserker in her way, but luckily Reb n' Dart love to roll arrows and axes and they crushed them, Linus was pathetic, and Lloyd too, but Wall-E cost me 4 or 5 turns and Hector protecting Lucius, lol.

Stats!!! :awesome:

Name    Class          Lv.   Hp  Str/Mag  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res    Weapon Level    Support

Hector  Great Lord    14.29  48     30     23   23   16   29   15  Sword D, Axe S    Flory C
Rebecca Sniper        20.00  44     24     28   29   26   14   16       Bow S         Dart B
Florina Falcon Knight 20.00  47     23     25   28   23   12   22  Sword A, Lance S Hector C
Lucius  Bishop        20.00  41     25     26   24   11   12   30  Light S, Staff B
Dart    Berserker     20.00  57     30     20   28   19   15   11       Axe S          Reb B
Wall-E  General       19.29  49     26     19   15   16   23   10  Lance S, Axe B

-Highlights and notes-

Hector: What can I say about him? He got several good level ups as lord in the early chapters that by Ch. 19x he reached lv. 20, lol, Marcus helped a lot, especially since Reb is frail at early game. Hector passed most of the play through with Florina up in the skies :awesome: .

Reb: Definitely a killing and dodging machine, she loved to deal critical hits along with Dart when promoted. Reb and longbow match significantly.

Florina: By Ch. 16-17 she was awfully weak and had to pair with Reb or Hector to get some kills, but her level ups were so great that she solo'd Eubans and promoted in Ch. 23, where her Iron Sword nearly breaks when dealing crits on Jasmine and Paul. She reached lv. 20 by Ch. 28x.

Afa Lucius: The same as Reb and Flory, weak at the beginning but unstoppable at the end. He gained def in his first level up, :newyears: , well I guess he got def blessed, especially after he got Afa drop, gaining almost every stat per level up. Loved crits. Good against the dragon.

Wall-E: :facepalm: He's no problem in HNM since enemies are a big fail and they really suck, his chapter was Ch. 26 were I placed him in a fort near the castle out of Vaida's range, he killed all the wyverns except the reinforcements that were handled by Darts, Reb and Lucy, while Flory was stuck to Hector trying to get support B :facepalm: .

But well, my biggest fail was to have got Wall-E and to have Merlinus visit CoD's village. No warp spent me a total of almost 10-15 turns. Good draft though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Chapter 14 - 4/28 Turns

Marcus dropped Eliwood to take care of the Pirates and the cav to the south on turn 2, while he charged ahead to take care of Erik. Hector killed two loldiers and an archer.

My team is gonna hit a rough spot until Isadora.

Hector      09.10    27   13   5    7    5   12    0   B Axe
Eliwood     03.37    20    6   6    7    7    5    2   C Sword
Marcus   ??/05.07    33   17  16   14    9   11    9   S Lance A Sword B Axe

How come my speed blessed Marcus's always happen when he can't contribute past a set chapter :(

I only need a knight's crest for Kent, and Eliwood's heaven seal is given, and the rest of my team doesn't promote or are prepremoted :)

Chapter 15 - 8/36 Turns

Defend chapter. Hector OHKO'd Sealen on turn 7 with the Wolf Beil. Marcus handled the north, then rescued Eliwood on the last turn so he wouldn't die.

Hector      11.73    29   14   7    8    5   14    1   B Axe
Eliwood     05.34    22    7   8    7    8    5    3   C Sword
Marcus   ??/05.24    33   17  16   14    9   11    9   S Lance A Sword B Axe

Marcus :(

Chapter 16 - 6/42 Turns

Marcus ran over the mountains with Hector, while Eliwood chilled near Merlinus. Kent bought stuff then got exp.

Hector      12.77    30   14   8    9    5   14    1   B Axe
Eliwood     06.40    23    7   8    8    8    5    4   B Sword
Kent        06.76    24    8   7    9    4    6    1   D Lance D Sword

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  • 5 months later...

Surprise! I don't have the savefile, so here I go!

Chapter 11 - 6/6 turns


Chapter 12 - 4/10 turns

go marcus

Chapter 13 - 5/15 turns

go marcus, eliwood got the village

Chapter 14 - 4/19 turns

hector killed some loldiers, eliwood killed the pirates and cav

Chapter 15 - 7/26 turns

defence chapter

Chapter 16 - 6/34 turns

Marcus went over the mountains with Hector, Kent got exp, and Eliwood got the red gem.

Stats in a sec, i have to eat something

ok I lied

Chapter 17 - 11/45 turns

Kent couldn't carry Hector and not die, so Hector just ran to the throne room.

HECTOR     12.66   29 13 09 08 05 13 04 A AXE               C ELIWOOD
ELIWOOD    13.33   25 13 10 12 12 07 06 A SWORD             C HECTOR
KENT       10.57   25 11 11 12 06 07 01 C LANCE D SWORD

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this is going off pure memory, my internet conked out and I didn't record it

Chapter 17x - 5/50 turns

I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but Hector somehow managed to break through and talk to Fargus while all the angry axe dudes chased down Eliwood and Kent.

Chapter 18 - 3/53 turns

Promoted Kent at level 13? 12? who knows. He ran and killed the boss with a steel sword, and I finally bought some axes for Hector, since I stupidly forgot to in Noble Lady of Caelin.

Chapter 19 - 5/59 turns

Didn't have enough units to break the second snag.

Chapter 19x - 5/64 turns

Kent pure water'd and took Hector to the boss, whom he 2HKO'd with a steel axe.

UNIT       LEVEL   HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                   SUPPORT 
HECTOR     15.76   32 14 10 08 06 15 05 A AXE                       C ELIWOOD
ELIWOOD    18.79   28 15 12 15 14 08 08 A SWORD                     C HECTOR
KENT   13?/05.79   31 16 15 14 08 12 03 B LANCE C SWORD D AXE

Chapter 20 - 5/69 turns

Kent ran ahead to clear the way, while Eliwood hung back to protect Lyn from the Silver bow guy. For the one point he cost, he's been a steal. Kent killed Darin with the Hammer.

Chapter 21 - 2/71 turns

Kent uh, critted Oleg on the EP, so I guess I'll roll with it?

Chapter 22 - 3/74 turns

Kent moved ahead on turn 1, opened the door after being danced by Ninian, and canto'd ahead. He engaged the boss on turn 3, and he ORKO'd with the horseslayer. Recruited Heath for his stuff.

Isadora get. She used the Robe in chapter.

UNIT       LEVEL   HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                   SUPPORT 
HECTOR     17.15   33 16 11 08 08 17 06 A AXE                       C ELIWOOD
ELIWOOD    19.69   29 16 12 15 14 09 09 A SWORD                     C HECTOR
KENT   13?/10.76   33 17 18 17 10 13 03 B LANCE C SWORD C AXE
ISADORA ??/01.16   35 13 12 16 10 08 06 A SWORD B LANCE D AXE

Chapter 23 - 4/78 turns

So uh, if you sit in a corner, Pent pretty much clears out the entire chapter in 4 turns if he dodges an axe or critblicks a bandit, not as bad as I thought without a flier.

Hawkeye get.

Chapter 24 - 2/80 turns

Kent 2HKO'd Lloyd.

Chapter 25 - 5/85 turns

Not bad considering no flier. Ninian danced Isadora ahead, and she lured in the boss on turn 1. Kent cleared out a cavalier that spawned and Isadora and Eliwood tag teamed the boss with lancereavers. Hawkeye took the south fort by crossing the river. Hector stayed around the middle and protected Ninian. Isadora ran around the long way to get the fort protected by the monks, seizing it on turn 5.

UNIT       LEVEL   HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                   SUPPORT 
HECTOR     19.09   35 18 13 08 09 19 08 A AXE                       C ELIWOOD
ELIWOOD    20.00   30 17 12 16 15 09 09 A SWORD                     C HECTOR
KENT   13?/13.66   36 17 20 18 12 14 04 B LANCE C SWORD C AXE
ISADORA ??/06.13   38 14 13 17 13 08 06 A SWORD B LANCE D AXE
HAWKEYE ??/06.40   51 18 14 12 13 14 10 A AXE

Chapter 26 - 11/96 turns


All my units are pretty OP. Eliwood just ran to the armourly, Vaida has 22 displayed hit on him when he was on it. He also promoted, obviously, and is actually really good.

UNIT       LEVEL   HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                   SUPPORT 
HECTOR     20.00   35 19 14 09 10 20 09 A AXE                       C ELIWOOD
ELIWOOD 20/04.14   37 21 14 19 17 12 12 A SWORD D LANCE             C HECTOR
KENT    13/14.29   36 17 20 19 12 14 04 B LANCE C SWORD B AXE
ISADORA ??/08.48   39 14 13 19 15 08 06 A SWORD B LANCE C AXE
HAWKEYE ??/08.71   51 18 15 13 13 14 11 S AXE
PENT    ??/07.89   34 18 21 18 14 11 16 A ANIMA A STAFF

Chapter 27 - 7/103 turns

Bit slower without a flier/Rath, but oh well.

Chapter 28 - 15/118 turns


Chapter 28x - free/118 turns

got the speedwings for Hawkeye, since he's the only one who needs them.

Chapter 29 - 4/122 turns

Eliwood got the boots, he carried Pent ahead to help him clear stuff out, Kent got Warp with Ninian's assitance, and Hawkeye hung back to ORKO the wyverns.

Chapter 30 - 3/125 turns

Rescue + Warp + Killer Lance to Kaim's face. Crit is 100% superfluous.

Chapter 31 - 11/136 turns

Defence chapter

UNIT       LEVEL   HP ST SK SP LC DF RS WEP LEVEL                   SUPPORT 
HECTOR  20/08.84   45 24 21 14 12 24 14 A AXE D SWORD               C ELIWOOD
ELIWOOD 20/20.00   49 27 22 24 24 18 15 A SWORD A LANCE             C HECTOR
KENT    13/20.00   40 19 23 20 14 18 06 A LANCE C SWORD B AXE
ISADORA ??/14.29   42 16 16 22 15 10 06 A SWORD A LANCE B AXE
HAWKEYE ??/20.00   57 24 17 18 19 19 16 S AXE
PENT    ??/20.00   43 25 22 12 16 16 22 S ANIMA A STAFF

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Ok time to finish

Chapter 31x - 5/141 turns


Chapter 32 - 5/146 turns

Pent warped Eliwood across the river on turn 3, Eliwood attacked on turn 4 (if he had B Hector he would have 2HKO'd with two killer lance crits) and finished on turn 5.

Chapter 32x - 1/147 turns

Warp Eliwood in and stuff dies

Chapter Final Part 1 - 4/151 turns

Couldn't pull my usual three turn clear of this part, due to lack of units. Door keys are amaze

Chapter Final Part 2 - 1/152 turns

Athos with chapter 31 body ring. Eliwood actually could not die to the dragon!

stats in a bit. Apparently this is a new low turn clear for drafts, but it's an auction, so I'm not going to report it. Odd, considering I have no fliers.

also, it turns out I made two addition errors, so my turncount is actually 149 :/


Hector is a pretty cool guy. He had some nice resistance, and some mediocre speed, but was solid overall.


Oh my god, he's amazing. He was my best unit once he promoted, and considering I got him for a whopping one point, I'm certainly not complaining.


Warpbot. He was good and killing stuff too.


He ate the speedwings, and he was and indestructible ORKO'ing machine all game. I don't think his HP ever dipped below 35.


He's horrendously screwed in HP (-8) but he also had about 3 extra defence, so that cancelled everything else out. More or less average everywhere else.


Remarkably average.

It was weird having a draft where everyone on your team was a ORKO'ing machine by chapter 18.

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