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What is it that makes a shmup great?


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Is it the difficulty? Music? Colorful patterns? Characters/Ships? Power ups?

Personally, I feel that the difficulty helps and the selection of ships/characters. The music helps too.

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I like each SHMUP to have an identity of its own. Like Cho Aniki is quirky and has homosexual undertones (or maybe overtones), Gradius is very tightly designed, DonPachi/DoDonPachi are insane, adrenaline pumping bullet hells, Raiden has a ton of variety and amazing, exciting scenarios, Touhou is full of little girls, and etc.

Most important for me is the action, I guess, besides the SHMUP's identity. It needs to have good action. Just pumping a lot of bullets everywhere all the time without any thought is boring. I like the games to be cleverly designed, and also have goodgreat music. They need to be visually pleasing as well. To sum it all up, they need to be good. I GUESS they need to be difficult too.

One other thing I like is when SHMUPs do unique things. I think this is most noticeable in Masaya SHMUPs. Games like Gley Lancer, Gynoug and Cho Aniki are all very unique. Same goes for Darius, which is one of the best series imhotep.


Edited by Lagiacrus
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I like SHMUPS TBH...

A fair list namely Gunbird and Strikers 1945 are worth mentions, pretty fun and have intensifying difficulties as you progress. Then we get Giga Wing alongside DoDonPachi which are both known for inane gameplay due to a nasty bullet shower adrenaline fest. Raiden is already mentioned, so it's fun, I especially like the Lightning Gun.

Gradius is pretty fun too, the flexibility to select your ship's weapons is pretty good, allowing you to sweep through the game.

IIRC There's also Psikyo's Tengai which is more a Japanese feudal-age demonslaying shmup, pretty fun as well... Gets crazier once you passed the first four stages.

P.S Strikers 1945 II has the best Psikyo-wise OST alongside Gunbird 2.

Edited by Frostbite
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I am not a big SHMUP fan. I really like Cho Ren Sha for its powerup system (fly in the center for 3 seconds and you get all three powerups). Ikaruga is cool. I don't know if I've ever beaten a "serious" SHMUP, I just don't have the reflexes to take on even a fairly easy one like Cho Ren Sha.

Gradius IV is one of my favorites for some weird reason. SHOOT THE CORE!

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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