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[FE8] HM Draft (Eirika Route)


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I just wanted to clarify that:

1. Undrafted units CAN be attacked as long as they do not counter, correct?

2. Can undrafted units use vulnerarys?

3. Can undrafted units be healed by a drafted healer (I assume no for this, but I want to know).

Also, I finished the Prologue in two turns. I would post stats for Eirika, but it's not really worth it, haha.

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I just wanted to clarify that:

1. Undrafted units CAN be attacked as long as they do not counter, correct?

The OP says undrafted units can not enter combat, so that would be a no on this one.

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If you notice, the next line says they can meatshield though. So that's why I am clarifying.

Really? *Reads the whole OP this time*

That's... weird. Regardless, meatshielding is never necessary whatsoever outside of SD (RD 3-1 possibly being an exception), so there's really no reason it should be allowed.

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Really? *Reads the whole OP this time*

That's... weird. Regardless, meatshielding is never necessary whatsoever (RD 3-1 possibly being an exception), so there's really no reason it should be allowed.

Yeah, I didn't understand why it had both down. I just want to know what's legal for me to do early game and what's not. End game it will be largely irrelevant except for one possible use.

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I just wanted to clarify that:

1. Undrafted units CAN be attacked as long as they do not counter, correct?

2. Can undrafted units use vulnerarys?

3. Can undrafted units be healed by a drafted healer (I assume no for this, but I want to know).

Also, I finished the Prologue in two turns. I would post stats for Eirika, but it's not really worth it, haha.

1. Yes

2. Sure, why not?

3. Nah

Like I said, I stole these rules from Ptolemy's draft thread, as this is my first one I've made.

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Why allow meatshielding? What's the point?

Is it really that game-breaking? Because if so, I could change it. But if it's one of those, "Doesn't really matter" deals, I'll just leave it as it is.

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Is it really that game-breaking? Because if so, I could change it. But if it's one of those, "Doesn't really matter" deals, I'll just leave it as it is.

It reduces the value of drafting early joining units. It is a pretty big deal. For example, why should I want to draft Gilliam if I can use him to tank anyway?

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It reduces the value of drafting early joining units. It is a pretty big deal. For example, why should I want to draft Gilliam if I can use him to tank anyway?

Well, since the characters are pretty much already all drafted, I suppose it doesn't matter much now, but I'll go ahead and change it. I'll also keep what you said in mind for the future. Thanks for the input--I appreciate it.

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Is it really that game-breaking? Because if so, I could change it. But if it's one of those, "Doesn't really matter" deals, I'll just leave it as it is.

I don't think it matter. It will be really nice for whoever drafted Josh (I don't remember who). There's probably only 1 chapter in the game I can see it even really matter other (other than for recruiting Josh).

Chapter 1: 5/7

Eirika ran to the gate. She proc'd a strength so she could one round the boss, but she ended up critting anyway so it didn't matter. Franz grew speed like a boss.

Unit   Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WPNLVL          Support
Eirika 04.04 17  05  11  11  07  04  02 D Sword
Franz  03.06 22  07  05  09  03  07  01 E Sword D Lance

EDIT: That's kinda lame to change the rules now to be honest. RK isn't even in the draft. Let's wait and see what the other two in the draft think. Meatshielding early game is probably bad for you any; it will end up diluting experience for your drafted units. But whatever you decide is cool.

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I don't think it matter. It will be really nice for whoever drafted Josh (I don't remember who). There's probably only 1 chapter in the game I can see it even really matter other (other than for recruiting Josh).

Joshua won't move to attack Natasha, so there's no need to try and lure him out.

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Well, whatever. Since I didn't change the rules until after someone started, it's not really fair to enforce it now. I'll remember for next time, though.

Prologue: 3/3 Turns

Swords beat axes

Chapter 1: 6/9 Turns

Since Eirika was my only usable unit on this chapter, I couldn't rescue-drop her in front of the gate or anything. I got a lucky crit. on the boss, though.

Eirika     4.88     19     5     10     9     8     4     2     Sword-D

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Joshua won't move to attack Natasha, so there's no need to try and lure him out.

I thought he was aggro once you hit his range? Like Guy?

Chapter 2: 6/13

I left Ross and Garcia on their own and they survived? Wow. Free hatchet I guess. Franz charged south to kill the boss while Eirika stayed a little north to hit the reinforcements. Eirika visited the Red Gem village and Franz got the Pure Water.

Unit   Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WPNLVL          Support 
Eirika 05.29 18  05  12  12  08  05  02 D Sword 
Franz  04.67 23  07  05  09  04  07  01 E Sword D Lance

Chapter 3: 9/22

A surprisingly long chapter. I decided to rescue Eirika with Franz and charge around the outside rather than break down the walls. Franz paying off already.

Unit   Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WPN LVL          Support 
Eirika 06.74 19  05  12  13  08  05  02 C Sword 
Franz  06.37 23  08  06  10  04  07  01 D Sword D Lance

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Chapter2: 8/17 Turns

Once again, having access only to Eirika hampered my turn count. At least she's getting good level-ups.

Eirika 	7.79 	21 	7 	13 	12 	9 	5 	4 	Sword-C

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He does, for everyone except her.

Huh, I guess I just never took that chance, haha.

Chapter 4: 8/30

This level was such easy experience. Franz is getting defense like a boss. He's going to make this run a joke.

Unit   Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WPNLVL          Support  
Eirika 09.37 20  07  14  13  09  06  03 C Sword  
Franz  10.38 27  09  08  11  05  10  02 D Sword C Lance

Also, is it just me, or is WPXP super easy to get in this game?

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Chapter 3: 11/28 Turns

Yet another Eirika solo chapter. I had to get pretty lucky to finish this in as few turns as I did. More strength-proc. goodness.

Eirika 	10.54 	23 	9 	14 	14 	11 	5 	4 	Sword-C

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Eirika 	10.54 	23 	9 	14 	14 	11 	5 	4 	Sword-C

It's definately a good thing that your Eirika isn't lagging on strength...

Chapter 5: 7/37

Franz is a boss. Recruited Joshua for the Edge. I could probably finish this in six turns if I wanted to push my luck, but Eirika got a god level (everything but HP) so I wasn't going to.

I would post stats but the game is lame and is forces me into the stupid gaiden everyone hates.

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so is meatshielding is ok? i started this morning and Gilliam took a couple hits on chapter 1... im only on chapter 4 so if i need to restart its fine, i just need to know before i keep going.

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so is meatshielding is ok? i started this morning and Gilliam took a couple hits on chapter 1... im only on chapter 4 so if i need to restart its fine, i just need to know before i keep going.

You're fine, man. I'm not going to change the rules now that people have started--that wouldn't be very fair. Don't worry about it.

Chapter 4: 12/40 turns

A combination of a lack of mounted units and those damned reinforcements meant that my turn count was going to suck. Also, Artur proved to be more fragile than I figured he'd be, so I had to start over a few times, but at least I have another character I can use. It also helps that I have the best Eirika ever.

Chapter 5: 10/50 Turns

Like Janissary, I recruited Joshua for his weapon. Also, Eirika got even more godly level-ups. I'm sad that I had to pass up on the Dracoshield, although Artur's been getting pretty lucky, defense-wise.

Eirika 	16.57 	28 	14 	17 	17 	15 	8 	5 	Sword-A

Artur 	7.20 	23 	8 	9 	9 	2 	5 	9 	Light-D

Chapter 5x: 12/62 Turns

Otherwise known as, "Run, Orson, Run!" Orson charged forward with Ephraim while Forde followed and mopped up, and Kyle stayed out of the way. I got a bit unlucky with the boss (missed twice in a row with 77 or so displayed hit), and I suppose I could have restarted to save the turns, but I don't like living in the past. This makes me bad at efficiency, but it keeps me from losing my patience.

Edit: I just looked at the averages, and between Eirika's strength and Artur's defense, I really AM lucky. I bet it's that goat I sacrificed to those Pagan gods last weekend. Maybe I should make that a regular thing.

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