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[FE8] HM Draft (Eirika Route)


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Chapter 5: 9/46

Ephraim gets terrible levelups. Thank goodness this is Eirika route.

I had the same problem. The sister is overshadowing her brother in every way. So much for being a prodigy child.

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Chapter6: 5/67 Turns

My Eirika is such a boss. I gave her the Killing Edge so that she Sethed the hell out of the chapter. Artur hid in the mountains and surprisingly held his own against half of the map's enemies. I got a useless Orion's Bolt for my troubles.

Chapter 7: 11/77 Turns

Once again, Artur's lack of durability gave me a bit of trouble. I managed to power my way through it, though. Eirika hit level 20 and capped skill. She also broke her Rapier on the boss, but at least I got some good use out of it, first.

Chapter 8: 15/92 Turns

Artur ran out of his Light tome, so he was basically useless for half of the chapter. I finally got a mounted unit (Forde), but unfortunately for me, unlike Eirika, he seems to be getting screwed in strength. Oh, well. Ephraim's leveling up pretty well now.

Eirika 	20.00 	30 	14 	20 	19 	19 	11 	6 	Sword-A

Artur 	12.90     25     9 	12     10 	3 	5 	13     Light-C

Ephraim     12.94     29     11     14     16     11     9     4     Lance-B

Forde     12.39     7     11     10     8     8     5     Sword-D Lance-C

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Chapter 6: 6/52

Got some cool experience. Eirika got another amazing level up (all but luck). Franz can't wait to promote.

Chapter 7: 10/62

Franz just ran around to kill stuff while Eirika worked hard to ge to the gate as soon as she could. Colm trailed to steal the Energy Ring.

Unit    Level HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WPNLVL          Support   
Eirika  14.66 24  09  19  16  12  09  06 B Sword   
Franz   18.32 34  12  11  15  08  12  05 C Sword C Lance
Natasha 01.97 BASE

Chapter 8: 10/72

Franz and Eirika charged ahead while Ephraim chilled around his spawn point to troll Cavs to get to the all important level 10. Franz is absurdly overleveled due to the XP formula in this game, and so he promoted halfway through the level. He's a boss.

Unit    Level    HP STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WPNLVL    Support Promotion
Eirika  16.49    25  11  20  17  13  10  06 A Sword   
Franz   20/03.06 39  13  16  19  09  14  06 B Sword B Lance         Paladin
Natasha 02.75    18  03  04  08  07  02  07 D Staff

Sweet, Tana next chapter.

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Nah, he ran away before I thought to look at his stats.

Yeah. I realized that right after I said it. Derp.

Chapter 9: 14/106 Turns

This chapter gave me some trouble. With only three usable units, I was forced to have Forde carry Eirika for a little ways before dropping her in a veritable sea of enemies. Forde got a few levels himself, but only got strength once. Meanwhile, Artur once again managed to surprise me by holding an entire half of the map by himself, using a conveniently-placed forest tile to do some quality dodge-tanking. I also recruited Amelia, whom I later trained to level 10 in the Tower.

Eirika 	20.00 	30 	14 	20 	19 	19 	11 	6 	Sword-A

Artur 	14.26 	26 	10 	14 	11 	5 	5 	15 	Light-C

Amelia 	10.00 	20 	7 	6 	8 	12 	6 	5 	Lance-D

Forde 	14.19 	30 	8 	12 	10 	8 	9 	5 	Sword-D Lance-B

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Sorry about the double post, but there was something wrong with the editing tool.

Chapter 10: 13/119 Turns

Amelia became a Cavalier at the beginning of the level, and she and Eirika rushed south to recruit the three green units while Forde and Artur laid siege to the gate. Eirika is the closest thing I have to a tank, and she proved that several times on this map. Gerik roughed up Pablo and Amelia got the kill.

Chapter 11: 14/133

Pretty straightforward. I didn't really trust anyone to be both durable and fast enough to take the western path down and around the outside, so everyone went in the main door. I had a few close calls, but I got a few lucky criticals and level-ups, too. Surprisingly, Dozla managed to kill about half of the enemies on his side before I even got to him. What a hoss. Too bad I didn't draft him.

Eirika 	20.00 	30 	14 	20 	19 	19 	11 	6 	Sword-A

Amelia     12.23     28     12     15     16     17     10     7 	Lance-C Sword-E

Artur 	18.44     28 	12     17     14     8     6 	18     Light -A

Forde 	17.40     32     10 	13     15     9     10     6     Sword-C Lance-B

Tethys     4.04     21     1 	3 	13     12     5     6

Gerik 	14.00     36     15     14     15     8 	11     6     Sword-C

Edit: Ike user badge. Hell yeah.

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Chapter 9: 13/85

Die, Defeat enemy chapters, die. I fed Tana every stat booster I had to make her remotely usable to fly around and kill stuff with, but as usual, this was the Franz show. He just charged around and killed everything in the area. He also got the Dshield and recruited Amelia (who traded her Speedwing and promptly died). Juicy Innes is juicy next chapter.

Chapter 10: 5/90

'sup Tana skip. Flew Eirika over while Franz went around. They met in the middle and raped stuff. The 3 greenies just waited for the end of the chapter so Innes could join my entourage.

I put an asterisk by a stat I used a booster on.

Unit    Class       Level    HP  STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WPNLVL         
Eirika  Lord        18.11    26  12  20  18  15  11  06 A Sword    
Franz   Paladin     20/07.26 42  14  17  21  10  15  06 A Sword A Lance
Natasha Cleric      03.78    18  03  05  08  08  02  08 D Staff
Tana    Peg. Knight 06.90    28* 09* 11* 14  10  06  08 D Lance
Innes   Sniper      01.00    Base
Tethys  Dancer      01.00    Base

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crit kill on the boss.

CHAPTER 1: 5/7

Eirika got enough str to ORKO the boss on EP4. seized on turn 5.

CHAPTER 2: 6/13

Eirika got 2 lvls and 2 str :) Ross got 2 lvls. cleared on EP6

CHAPTER 3: 8/21

Eirika wounded the boss on EP7, everyone else teamed up to kill him and Eirika siezed on turn 8. Vanessa 2 lvl ups got 2 str :)

CHAPTER 4: 7/28

could have got 6 or prob even 5 turn clear but i wanted Ross to get to lvl 10. Vanessa got 3 lvl ups. she got str in her 1st 4 lvls which is going to help a lot.

Having 5 units this early is pretty nice :)

I will post stats soon.

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Chapter 11: 12/97

Defeat enemy chapters are even dumber with fog. At least Natasha pwned up some experience.

Unit    Class       Level    HP  STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WPN LVL          
Eirika  Lord        20.00    27  12  20  19  17  11  06  A Sword     
Franz   Paladin     20/08.67 43  15  17  22  10  15  07  S Sword A Lance 
Natasha Cleric      05.06    20  05  05  09  08  02  09  C Staff 
Tana    Peg. Knight 10.16    30* 12* 12* 16  12  06  09  C Lance 
Innes   Sniper      01.73    Base                        A Bow
Tethys  Dancer      02.22    19  01  02  12  11  05  05  -
Dozla   Berserker   01.06    43  16  13* 11* 06* 11  06  B Axe

My Eirika isn't quite as blessed as Dig's, but it's still super good. Probably should have saved my speedwing for Duessel, but I wanted Dozla to be usable next chapter.

Chapter 12: 11/108

Screw defeat enemy chapters. That is all.

Chapter 13: 2/110

Cormag costs turns. Franz + Horseslayer = death to Aias.

Unit    Class       Level    HP  STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WPN LVL          
Eirika  Lord        20.00    27  12  20  19  17  11  06  A Sword     
Franz   Paladin     20/11.68 45  16  19  23  11  16  07  S Sword A Lance 
Natasha Cleric      05.99    20  05  05  09  08  02  09  B Staff 
Tana    Peg. Knight 13.16    31* 13* 12* 18  13  07  10  C Lance 
Innes   Sniper      02.42    32  14  13  15  14  10  09  A Bow
Tethys  Dancer      03.48    20  01  03  12  12  06  05  -
Dozla   Berserker   02.45    43  16  13* 11* 07* 12  07  B Axe

Chapter 14: 12/122

Franz charge! Franz, Eirika, and Tethys worked hard to get to boss ASAP, while L'Arachel came along so that noob Rennac doesn't cost cash money. Dozla fooled around with the horses, and Innes got the Energy Ring.

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Chapter 7: Franz just ran around to kill stuff while Eirika worked hard to ge to the gate as soon as she could. Colm trailed to steal the Energy Ring.

The OP said nothing about stealing being free. unless i missed something...

well here are my stats after CHAPTER 4


Eirika 9/08 23 8 13 13 10 5 3

Vanes 6/98 20 9 8 13 8 7 7

Ross 1/00 24 11 6 8 12 8 1

Neimi 1/78 -base-

Colm 4/36 20 5 5 11 9 4 1

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Lemme know if I have a penalty, kids.

Unfortunately, yeah. There's a reason that I only mentioned that the undrafted thieves could pick up desert items and open doors/chests. I suppose that I could have spelled it out, but I assumed that those were pretty standard rules. I'm sorry for any confusion.

But chin up, mate. You're still smoking me by a wide margin, even with a 4-turn penalty.

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CHAPTER 5: 5/33

Vanes got and used the dracoshield on turns 1 and 2, then rescued Ross on turn 3 and dropped him on the forrest next to the boss on turn 4. Boss was killed on EP5. visited all houses and recruited Josh for his sword.

CHAPTER 5x: 8/41

Kyle went right and killed the archer and shaman on the other side of the wall to help clear the way for Orson and Ephriam, then he busted into the treasure room to get the killer lance before Ephriam siezed. Kyle got 2 great lvl ups which helped his success.

CHAPTER 6: 5/46

Colm and Neimi jumped on the mountains. Everyone else went up and around. Ross attacked the boss on turn 5 and killed him EP5. Also got the iron blade and the halberd.


Eirika 11.73 -25- 8 - 15 - 14 - 11 - 5 - 3

Vanes 8.58 -21- 9 - 8 - 14 - 10 - 10*- 8

Ross 5.89 -28- 13 - 11*- 9 - 13 - 10 - 1

Neimi 3.68 -19- 5 - 7 - 8 - 4 - 3 - 3

Colm 7.21 -21- 7 - 7 - 14 - 11 - 4 - 2

Ephrm 5.19 -24- 9 - 9 - 11 - 9 - 8 - 3

Kyle 7.22 -27- 11 - 8 - 9 - 8 - 9 - 1

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CHAPTER 5: 5/33

Vanes got and used the dracoshield on turns 1 and 2, then rescued Ross on turn 3 and dropped him on the forrest next to the boss on turn 4. Boss was killed on EP5. visited all houses and recruited Josh for his sword.

CHAPTER 6: 5/46

Colm and Neimi jumped on the mountains. Everyone else went up and around. Ross attacked the boss on turn 5 and killed him EP5. Also got the iron blade and the halberd.


You don't have enough movement to 5 turn chapter 5 and get all villages if Vanessa is rescuing. Not to mentoin there is no forest to drop by to beat the boss.

Chapter 6 has enough movement, but not in the way you described it, unless Ross can OHKO 3 Cavs that my overleveled Franz could not.

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No shenanigans.

In CHAPTER 5 Vanessa starts on the closest deployment spot to the dracoshield and Ross on the upper right most spot.

I made Ross a pirate, btw

TURN 1: Ross moves 5 spaces towards the armourslayer village. Vanessa moves 6 to the right gets the draco shield and then finishes her move by going up one space.

TURN 2: Ross moves to the spot down 2 and to the left 1 of the armourslayer village. Vanessa uses the draco shield and then moves up 6 and to the right 1.

TURN 3: Ross gets the armourslayer. Vanessa rescues Ross and moves up 7.

TURN 4: Vanessa drops Ross on the forrest tile to the left of the boss and then moves to the tile left 2 of said forrest tile.

TURN 5: Vanessa moves 5 spaces to the left to get the torch. Ross kills a bandit and then the boss kills himself on EP5.

Eirika, Colm, and Neimi take the middle route and get the secretbook. Natasha follows to recruit Josh on turn 5.

Where is the shenanigans?

And for CHAPTER 6 Eirika has a rapier...

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Good job on 5, forgot about the rapier, lol.

Chapter 15: 7+4/133

I just added in my penalty here to make it easier on me. My strategy was Franz to Valter, Eirika to Caellech, Tana to wherever needed. Rennac bossed around to get the body ring and the Swiftsoles, since Tana accidently picked up Warp.

Unit   Class        Level    HP  STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES WPN LVL               Notes         
Eirika  Lord        20.00    27  12  20  19  17  11  06  A Sword               Body Ring
Franz   Paladin     20/15.30 47  18  20  24  13  16  08  S Sword A Lance 
Natasha Cleric      06.90    20  10* 05  10  09  04* 09  B Staff   
Tana    Peg. Knight 17.34    34* 16* 14* 20  14  07  11  B Lance               Swiftsoles
Innes   Sniper      04.00    34  15  13  15  14  10  10  S Bow 
Tethys  Dancer      05.31    21  01  03  12  14  06  07  - 
Dozla   Berserker   02.45    43  18  15* 11* 07* 13  07  A Axe
Ephraim Lordling    15.50    32  12  18  15  12  11  03  B Lance
Duessel Champ       10.30    43  19  12  13  09  18  09  A Sword A Lance A Axe

Chapter 16: 10/143

This chapter is hard. I'm not sure what you Franz and Duessel-less people are going to do. In other news, Natasha can now use warp.

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This chapter is hard. I'm not sure what you Franz and Duessel-less people are going to do. In other news, Natasha can now use warp.

Dude. Cormag.

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pure waters and barrier staff.

I think Vanessa and Kyle should be fine.

Is it just the 3 of us now??

CHAPTER 7: 4/50

Vanessa rescue/drops Eirika onto the bridge. Ross runs through the river and kills 2 soldiers and then an archer and then OHKOed the boss with his halberd. got the energy ring with Colm, and the pure water with Vanessa.

CHAPTER 8: 11/61

Ross was unleashed and he got 13 kills and 6 lvl ups here. Could have finished a few turns lower but i made sure i got the Elysian Whip, and i had Ross fight the boss which took like 7 rounds cause great shield activated 3 times.


Eirika 12 -26- 11 - 16 - 14 - 11 - 5 - 5

Vanes 11-28*- 9 - 11 - 17 - 10 - 11*- 9

Ross 13 -36- 15 - 15*- 12 - 15 - 13 - 4

Neimi 5 - 20- 8* - 7 - 10 - 5 - 3 - 5

Colm 8 - 24- 8 - 8 - 15 - 12 - 4 - 3

Ephrm 5 -24- 9 - 9 - 11 - 9 - 8 - 3

Kyle 10 -30- 12 - 10 - 10 - 8 - 10 - 1

* indicates a stat booster

My last stat post was screwed up. I got the stats from the wrong chapter. These are correct.

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Chapter 17: 3 turns

Turn 1: Move Franz, Refresh Franz, Warp Franz. Move Tana to recruit. Kill 2 Druids Franz.

Turn 2: Recruit with Tana. Warp Tethys. Refresh Tana. Move Franz to kill Druid. Rescue Franz with Syrene. Drop Franz with Tana next to Lyon with Audahma, canto away.

Turn 3: Warp Ephraim with axereaver + myrrh for Brave Axe. Finish Lyon.

Chapter 18: 8 turns

Sacred weapons are cool. Natasha promoted and warped some people around. Duessel champed up axes. Tana hit level 20 just in time for her Elysian Whip next chapter. Franz hit level 19 just in time for… nothing.

Chapter 19: 2 turns

Torch Franz. Warp Franz. Kill with Franz.

Chapter 20: 3 turns

Boots Tana is a beast. She picked franz up, for refreshed, dropped him in front on a forest. Syrene picked up Eirika. Next turn, warped Syrene to drop eirika. Turn 3 Franz cleanly 2HKO’d

Morva while taking 37 damage.

Final Chapter: 3 turns

Warped Franz and Myrrh. After EP 2, Myrrh cleanly 3hko’d Lyon who’d been hit for 16 damage. Warp Tethys and profit.

Demon King: 2 turns

Myrrh:42 Franz: 22x2 Duessel: 17 Ephraim: 15

Sorry for format, I wrote it up while in the car.

My total turncount is 170 (166 + 4 for unnecessary Colm steal that makes me feel dumb). I will post a stats final sheet and unit analysis later. Expect me to rage about how broken Franz is (if I had I been smart enough to draft another early character... that's what I get for not realizing how many defeat enemy chapters there are).

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Prologue: 3 turns

Chapter 1: 6 turns

Chapter 2: 5 turns

Got the elixir and the gem, but not the pure water.

Chapter 3: 7 turns

Broke through the walls, didn't bother grabbing bad treasure.

Unit      Class     Level    HP  STR SKL SPD LCK DEF RES         
Eirika    Lord      8.40     20  6   12  13  12  6   2  
Gilliam   Knight    7.52     27  11  6   9   4   10  5 
Moulder   Priest    3.69     20  4   6   9   1   2   5
Garcia    Fighter   4.93     28  8   7   7   3   5   1  

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