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In which the Red Fox conforms to forum fads.


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Because it sounds fun, y'know?

And because my opinion is pretty important for this stuff.

Only one male and one female each will be getting a 10.


10 - Jill (RD)

9 - Titania, Nailah, Lyn, Mia (RD), Lucia (long hair), Echidna

8 - Priscilla, Jill (PoR), Elincia, Calill (RD), Minerva, Micaiah, Astrid (RD), Palla, Leanne, Catria, Marcia (RD), Mia (PoR), Nephenee, Lucia (short hair), Sigrun

7 - Florina, Ayra, Lakche, Sophia, Miranda, Eda, Lachesis, Caeda, Astrid (PoR), Nanna, Nagi

6 - Calill (PoR), Maria, Kleine, Marcia (PoR), Farina

5 -

4 -

3 - Hilda

2 -

1 - Niime

0 - Vaida


10 - Volug

9 - Lloyd, Stefan, Tibarn, Naesala, Reyson, Percival, Pent

8 - Seth, Lucius, Shinon, Jeorge, Navarre, Caineghis, Skrimir, Sety, Klein, Geoffrey

7 - Zihark, Camus, Fred, Giffca, Skasaher, Oscar

6 - Sigurd, Ulki, Linus, Dheginsea, Rafiel

5 - Lex, Ralph

4 - Gonzales

3 -

2 - Oliver

1 - Valtome

0 - Gheb

Come at me.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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Florina. >___>

7. Gets a +1 for being paired with Lyn.



Titania Jill Elincia Callil Maria Minerva

Titania 9&10: 9

Jill 9: 8

Jill 10: 10

Elincia 9&10: 8

Calill 9: 6

Calill 10: 8

Maria: 6

Minerva: 8

Zihark & Micaiah

Zihark 9&10: 7

Micaiah: 8


Not scorable.

Ayra, Lakche, Seth

Ayra: 7

Lakche: 7

Seth: 8



Sigurd, Lex, Camus, and Lloyd~

Sigurd: 6

Lex: 5

Camus: 7

Lloyd: 9

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So we're giving names of FE characters, and somehow this makes a score? Okay.

Ralph, Fred, Miranda, Eda.

Preeeeeetty much.

Ralph: 5

Fred: 7

Miranda: 7

Eda: 7





Lyn: 9. Same +1 Florina got.

Lucius: 8

Lachesis: 7

Linus: 6

Shinon, Stefan, Kleine, Jeorge, Navarl, Shiida, Astrid, and Tia

Shinon: 8

Stefan: 9

Kleine: 6

Jeorge: 8

Navarl: 8

Shiida: 7

Astrid PoR: 7

Astrid RD (based on OA): 8

Tia: I don't know who this is and I can't seem to find her.

why is Jill rated higher than Titania? I mean really now

Because ponytail + Mist.

also Palla


Before anyone rages too hard, let it be known that I generally am not much of a fan of the art style in the older generation games.

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Where's Volug.

Also obligatory Tibarn. Let's throw in a bit of Caineghis, Dheginsea, Giffca and Skrimir in there too.

Obligatory Naesala as well.

Reyson, Leanne and Rafiel.

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Where's Volug.

Also obligatory Tibarn. Let's throw in a bit of Caineghis, Dheginsea, Giffca and Skrimir in there too.

Just waiting for someone to request him. Volug - 10

Tibarn - 9

Caineghis - 8

Dheginsea - 6

Giffca - 7

Skrimir - 8

Sety and Skasaher.

Sety - 8

Skasaher - 7

Obligatory Naesala as well.

Reyson, Leanne and Rafiel.

Naesala - 9

Reyson - 9

Leanne - 8

Rafiel - 6

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