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Who is the 3-13 Archer?

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After hearing so much about this legendary Archer, I searched every Partner Archer/Sniper in 3-13, and none stuck out.

Who is he, and why is he such a big deal?

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IIRC he's the eastern Sniper who shoots accurately with his ballista, and runs out of ammo at a crucial moment. He then grabs his crossbow and holds his flank often single-handedly and often suicidally against the birds there. It's not his stats (beyond his weapon), it's the AI powering them.

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IIRC he's the eastern Sniper who shoots accurately with his ballista, and runs out of ammo at a crucial moment. He then grabs his crossbow and holds his flank often single-handedly and often suicidally against the birds there. It's not his stats (beyond his weapon), it's the AI powering them.

I don't think he has a crossbow, doesn't he have just a regular bow? and the reinforcements appearing next to him are tigers and cats, not birds.

his AI just tells him to attack anything in range, and when his ballista runs out of ammo that is exactly what he does. it's just that from time to time he gets lucky and survives the beasts, I guess... usually he just sacrifices himself after jumping down there.

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He is the western Sniper, he kills the left birds, runs out of ammo and jumps into apit where two cats and a tiger spawn. He kills them all because he gets healed by a physic NPC, and the rest of the NPC's there block the ledge. When promoted, it turns out it was shinon working for the daein army in disguise. Just like every sniper actually, but that's besides the point.

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Then he has a regular bow and holds off the tigers and cats. Doubtless I confused him with Greater Nolan Face-Shootin' Theory to make something even more amazing.

EDIT: Well, I was right about the birds at the least.

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