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Will's Sprites


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Since I want to try and hack for a game, I'd first like to get criticism for them. I've been spriting for awhile; however, I haven't been spiriting Fire Emblem style for awhile and it's completely different from what I usually do; so I know there is going to be quite a few errors, so don't hold back!!







  • Neon's sprite right now is just a placeholder until I think of a good appearance for him.
  • Stacy's sprite was done awhile back as an experiment, so I guess she'll need to be redone soon enough.
  • Lilia had a nurse hat, but it didn't fit in the square thing, so I had to remove it.
  • There aren't more girls than boys in the actual game; I've just sprited more of the girls than the guys.
  • William and Ayanne are the lords (still need to make a third), so criticism on them would be much appreciated.
  • Random thing; Lacy is the only one who isn't playable...

Anyway, that seems like all for now. Thanks for your time and such... :)

Edited by William
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Not to be an ass, but I don't think the hair you spliced on Lilia is legit. That is, other than the fact it's horribly deformed, it looks like you might have borrowed parts from custom mugs made by other users (namely Vampire Elf's Lachesis and Sylvia). In case you aren't familiar with this sort of thing, it's considered sprite/art theft.

Edited by · j e a l o k i t t y ·
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Not to be an ass, but I don't think the hair you spliced on Lilia is legit. That is, other than the fact it's horribly deformed, it looks like you might have borrowed parts from custom mugs made by other users (namely Vampire Elf's Lachesis and Sylvia). In case you aren't familiar with this sort of thing, it's considered sprite/art theft.

Holy crap, I'm sorry. I do have a sheet of that, that my friend had sent me and said it was for public usage... Please ignore Lilia, I shall redo her hair entirely.

Don't worry, you weren't being mean, thank god you actually told me...

Edited by William
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I think the "public usage" bit was more geared toward the full mugs themselves as opposed to the parts, and even then, it would still require permission, I'm fairly sure. It's always better to ask and all that.

Thanks for understanding. o 3o

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Yup. Huge misunderstanding, I apologize once again. I removed it, so not much to criticize much about Lilia since her main problem was her hair, but if anyone sees something wrong with her body or neck or face I'd muchly appreciate it. :)

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Well, first off you're mixing colors. All of those mugs have FE8's outline but FE7's colors. Use only one style of colors, this includes outlines. A lot of these mugs lack proper shading where the hair meets the head. Usually the fourth and third shades should work for where hair touches skin. Stacey lacks a skull right now, but since you're changing her up that can be ignored. A lot of these have chunky shading but the splicing isn't bad. Smoothing a lot of the lines out and making the colors consistent should make them look better.

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William: Needs better/darker shading where the headband touches his head. Left arm opv(our point of view) is pillowy and messily shaded. Right arm could use better shading as well. On his right ear at the very top you appear to use one of the hair colors for darker shading, use one of the skin colors to shade their, probably the darkest one. Those two light skin shade pixels on the next above the collar on the right could and probably should be a darker skin shade. His shirt sleeve on the left is a little too straight down imo, but thats just nit-picky. This is probably the best sprite you've got up there in terms of cleanliness.

Kevin: Head/hair shape is funky. He has some random tufts of hair that shouldnt really be there/dont make sense. The strap for his shoulder pad is missing some outline and has shirt colors in it. That should be all strap colors. You need to make sure your trim colors match your skin colors(if you're using skin colors as trim colors) because right now they don't match up. Its like you didn't change the color of the trim to match the skin. Shirt colors are too close.

Ovan: Ovan is having some serious issues with hair color and shading. On one hand its too light and too chunky but in some places it gets too dark. You have to be careful when you have hair with 4 shades of color so I would really try and reference those for him. Also hair shape makes little sense and I guess isn't affected by gravity lol. His right eye seems like its the top half of one eye and the bottom half of another eye, with a line through it. It looks almost bug like. The shoulder pad has shape issues near the bottom and trim shading issues as well.

Thats all I'll do right now. Uh really the splicing is pretty good, you just have color and shading issues. Make sure to use fe8 colors with fe8 outline and fe7/6 colors with fe7/6 outline. William is actually pretty good and clean, so you should aim to make your other sprites at lest as clean as he is because right now none of the others are except maybe Rave and Kevin, but they aren't quite there.

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