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1. Day is 48 hours, Night 36 hours. Night ends early if all actions are in.

2. Tiebreakers lead to No Lynch.

3. No screenshotting, etc, etc. No cheating or else.

4. NOC, no contact with others.

5. Game starts Night 0 with no kills.

6. You can quote me for whatever/flavor. You can fake this.

7. No, you can not pull Fuck Tigers.

8. You will not know priorities.

9. Be active.

10. Standard hash-tag voting style. ##Vote:

11. Game is for 15 people.

[spoiler=Players]1. Proto

2. Spykor

3. Slayer












shut up

Edited by Psykitty
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Basically every mafia will come mid to late game I reckon. If a mafia is found out and getting lynched, the rest of the mafia sneaks in some votes on a random, the mafia fucktigers just before phase end, gets killed and hopefully a town dies. This same method can also apply to multi faction games.

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It's still small. Most of the normal games have been 20+. So this is smaller.

That doesn't make it a mini-game. This game shouldn't be starting until after Ivalice Mafia, Tables' game (The Resistance 2, if I recall correctly) and eclipse's game.

Edited by Radiant Kitty
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15 is most certainly not a mini. I think 13 or 14 could be the limit in the future, though. We're kind of expanding, so 12 seems a little strict on who can even join.

Edited by Luka Mefeline
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This game has 14 people. That's 10 less than BS mafia. This game is a mini mafia.

First off, that's 11 less than BS Mafia. Second, BS Mafia was a huge game by SF standards. 14 people is not a mini-mafia here.

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Removing a single role is stupid and changes the balance, especially just because you want to host it faster. =/

Edited by Luka Mefeline
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There is a burning question here,which would be " is this game EVER going to start?"

The answer to that question would be no, since Psych is unable to host a game competently, so people aren't going to sign up.

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