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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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Amera pulled close to him, and he leaned into her a bit, shivering as her tail wrapped around him. He would never get used to that... "sure... sleep sounds pretty nice, right now." Nodding, he closed his eyes and draped an arm around her as sleep slowly took hold of him.


"Well come on kid, once this door closes it ain't openin!" Mel scowled at him and followed him in, her eyes going wide when her bag dropped. "Grant!" "Oh god dammit, sorry." "Just...just move. Let me see it!" She nearly bowled him over to get to the bag, which she pulled onto the table with some effort and opened. She began to unload the pieces of metal from the bag, inspecting each one carefully and nodding after looking at each. "They seem alright," she said, sighing with relief. "I know it's heavy, and I know you're crippled, but seriously, don't scare me like that!" she said, picking the pieces up and looking them over again. "I'll just be a minute," she said absently. "Go ahead and sleep. Bed's yours." Her focus was wholly on the contents of her bag. I have to really be careful with this stuff...as is, I may not have enough for the armor.

She spent the next two hours looking the pieces over, scribbling notes, and eventually drawing up a rough blueprint, one of which she was very proud. Or rather, she would have been proud of it were she not so exhausted. Mumbling to herself incoherently, she tried to write down a few measurements - and only succeeded in drawing a long black line across the paper as her head fell to the table. As soon as her head hit the paper, she was snoring.


The night passed quietly in Pravna. Most of the revelers cleared the streets before sundown, and the inns were packed with out-of-towners so the regulars had to be quiet on pain of being tossed out. It had been a day for strange occurrences, and though the worst loomed, for one night everyone in the city was fortunate enough to have a bit of peace. Mel was the first to wake as the morning sun shone in her eyes, disrupting her abrupt sleep. "Fuck's sake," she growled as she pulled herself off the table to see her blueprint covered in drool and lines she didn't draw. That was enough to wake her up all the way. "Oh, come the fuck on!"

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'And I see you've grown a bit on this trip. You haven't stuttered in a while and you even have the confidence to get annoyed with me when I'm annoying.' "Er, well... you're not being annoying, you're just not paying attention to yourself. I don't want you to get ridiculously hurt and just ignore it, you know." He felt like he was lecturing a small child, when she was obviously older than he was. Still, he thought it was necessary, and yet he smiled. It felt good to be able to take care of someone, especially someone who genuinely seemed to enjoy him being there. 'Well, tomorrow, I can introduce you too everyone... but, for now? The gate should still be open, so we can head inside if you like and look for my house. It's my parents, really, but there's always a spare room.' "Everyone? Geez, I hope I don't freak out. Please don't get upset if I'm rather... timid, when you do. And, please do, I could use a nice bed to sleep on. Sleeping in the mountains has been... less than comfortable." And so she led him on with a smile, his own smile showing back at her.


She'd slept well, unsurprisingly, but she had this knack for being woken up by sun shining in through the window that she always forgot to close. This morning was no different, as she groaned and woke up, finding that she had climbed on top of Gideon in her sleep. Not sure how to react, she just gave him a small kiss on the cheek, and lay there, "g'morning, Gideon..." she rubbed one of her eyes, trying to keep awake. Don't go back to sleep nooooowwwwww, you'll just be more tired if you do. "Oh, right... I should get off o'you, shouldn't I?" Lazily, and not very quickly, she forced herself off of him, taking most of the blanket with her. With only enough energy left to sit up, she did so and yawned, stretching her arms out. It was now that her head started to pound a little, making her cringe a bit. "Whoa... why does my head hurt? Gideon, what happened last night?"

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Obelia's smile is light and nods, ignoring the slight sting in her ankle.

'Well, what was it you needed from down here anyhow? More bread?'

She raises an eyebrow, a small smile. She enjoys teasing Ken, she finds, a quiet glance to his eyes as she awaits his answer.


Langley's smile is light but seeing his own stirs something unbidden in her head. A slight thought to kiss that smile while it lay there on his lips. She is slightly shocked by that thought and then her smile fades, lightly tugging Andy through the gate, a silent wave as she moves through the town gate to a guard that recognises her, silent with her thought. He was young and she was acting like a creeper. Well, great, she sighs to herself; this is suddenly not feeling so happy a situation. She moves through and between the houses, heading to the north of the town, for the area closest to the coast.

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Gideon slept surprisingly well, considering the madness that had happened the day before; it was Amera's stirring and the kiss on his cheek that woke him. "g'morning, Gideon..." "Morning," he mumbled without moving. The sun was in his eyes, but he was able to ignore the daylight by turning his head to one side. "Oh, right... I should get off o'you, shouldn't I?" Not necessarily. She did, though, and much to his disappointment she took the blanket with her. As she sat up, Gideon watched her stretch through half-closed, sleepy eyes and smiled. Maybe it was just him, but he found her really cute when she did things like that. Not to mention he could get a good look at her...

"Whoa... why does my head hurt? Gideon, what happened last night?" "You got drunk," he said as he tried to sit up. All he managed to do was roll onto his side, but at least he was facing her properly now. "Downed a pint of ale in seconds flat and then came onto me." He didn't see fit to explain any more; if she was too drunk to remember, then half of the impact of last night was gone, so there was no sense in reiterating it. He half-smirked, turning his face into the pillow - it was too early. "So you're hung over," he mumbled into the pillow. "Don't worry. It'll pass in a few hours."

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Waking up the next morning, she felt amazing and opted to simply stay in bed with Adrian for a little while more, sprawling on top of him. She gave a content sigh as she laid there, almost falling back asleep when she heard thunder. "Oh for the love of... Really? Another thunderstorm? This is ridiculous..." she raised her voice in her dismay, probably waking up her partner. "Whoops... Um...." Crawling off of him, she ran to take a shower really quickly before he could respond to any of her shenanigans. Far from embarrassed, she felt it was simply time to get up and possibly get going. Having no idea what time it is really wasn't helping her here, but hey, she wasn't going to complain. She started showering and all her cares went away as she simply basked in the warm water, letting her muscles relax after yesterday's happenings.


Sleeping like a rock through the night, he only barely woke up when Melanie shouted bloody murder in the morning. "Huh wha... oh, hey there... What's got you in such a tizzy so early." He mumbled, still lying on the bed. It was so comfy, he never wanted to leave, and yet, the thunder outside and the thundering in his soul got him up, so he sat up, looking at his leg which seemed to still be growing back. He smiled stupidly at it.

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Ellandra giggled when Zwool finally awoke that morning. She gave him a friendly wave, and handed him a plate of just bacon. Zwool looked down at in surprise as he sat up in the bed. "Uh thanks, you usually up this early?" She nodded, and ushered for him to hurry up and eat. She didn't do anything to him during the night... not on the first date! She had to remind herself. Zwool had finished the bacon off rather quickly. Getting up and stretching he grabbed his sword, and turned to realize that not only was she up, but also dressed, packed and ready to get on with the day. "Ready to meet up with the others again?" He asked her with a smile. She nodded, and they proceeded outside. "How about a jog then, I don't want to miss them." She giggled and nodded back, jogging in place to emphasize she was ready. Zwool nodded, and they set out for the North Inn, where hopefully most of the others were at.

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"Lucretia. Bleh, I don't really know how to put it, but I've liked you for a little while now... yeah. That's probably all I've got figured out."

She smiled at him and allowed herself to get close to Aurelio. "I don't care if you don't give me an answer now, I'm not going to tell you if I love you until I mean it for myself." She chuckled. "I am glad, though, that I got that kiss out of the way~"


He went back to the pair of lovers, hoping they'd gotten everything they needed out of the way.

"Are we ready to go?" He asked with a big grin on his face.

((I'mma not post any timeskippy things until Doku replies to this stuff. Julius will be timeskipped))



He awoke, with the sun on his face. How long was I asleep?

Looking around, he was still under the tree he slept under. He had slept for a long time, but he was no longer exhausted. He checked around him to see if anything of his was missing; thankfully none of it was. His mind kept drifting to the kid he'd hit on almost a week ago. He still felt a bit embarassed about the moment, to say the least. He figured his return to the nobility would change that feeling. Maybe he'd be able to find a young man who enjoyed nobles and money. He could easily seduce someone his age; the other male nobles were older. It would be a nice change to be in the bed of a younger, more attractive noble. Part of him wanted it badly. The other part of him kept him focused on his true reasons for returning. This is my way back, this is my way to find what I need in life...

He continued on the path, hoping that he'd reach his destination soon.

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She put a hand on her head, and sighed, the pounding starting to go away. She closed her eyes and tried to relax, but Gideon's voice shot into her ears and brought the pounding back a bit, "You got drunk" "Whaaaaat? No way, I'd never..." wait... think hard for a second here, you did start drinking some of that... what was it, 'ale'? Yeah, I did have... "Downed a pint of ale in seconds flat and then came onto me." "Wh-Wh-What?! Oww... but, really? Nothing happened, right? I did something stupid, didn't I?" She was starting to recall most of it, and began to get increasingly red as she did. First I... and then I said... oh wow, that all happened, didn't it? Her head was hurting too much to parse all of what had happened, falling back against the bed. "So you're hung over, don't worry. It'll pass in a few hours." "A few hooouuuurrrs? Ugh, this is horrible..." She took one of the pillows Gideon had face planted on, and shoved it onto her face, groaning into it. "Gideon, get me something to get rid of this headache..." If he even understood what she had said, mumbling into the pillow. If this is what happens when you drink, I'll never drink again...


"Wow, this is a beautiful city..." More amazing by the buildings than the sea, Andy took his time looking around, as Langley led him on. Though, something was odd about her, like she was feeling awkward or something. Maybe it was he who was feeling awkward, and was just thinking she was because of him, but he wanted to know, either way. "Urhm, Langley... is everything alright?" If something was amiss, he's prefer she tell him. He might be able to help, if she did.


"Oh for the love of... Really? Another thunderstorm? This is ridiculous..." His sleeping had been enjoyable and undisturbed up until Carrion fumed over another thunderstorm, which made him open an eye at her. Everything was blurred, but he figured he was just being tired, reaching a hand up to rub his eye. Carrion was there, and Adrian smiled. Last night had been amazing for him, he could only hope it had been the same for her. "Whoops... Um...." "Morning... Carrion. How'd'you slee-- oh... kay?" She'd slipped out of bed, Adrian catching himself watching her walk off into the bathroom. He would've been blushing more, if not for what had happened. Instead, he just smiled, and sat up in bed. "Hmmm... I wonder..." he pulled himself out of bed, as he heard the shower turning on, "I wonder how she'd react if I walked in on her there." He threw on the towel he'd had last night, and walked into the bathroom, unlocked? Well, then... "Carrion, dear? Mind if I join you in there?"

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"A few hooouuuurrrs? Ugh, this is horrible..." I didn't say I told you so. Gideon resolved at that moment never to let her drink again. It was too risky, and apparently the fallout was too ugly. "Gideon, get me something to get rid of this headache..." she had mumbled, causing Gideon to reluctantly get up, covering his face when the sun assaulted his eyes proper. Nice way to start the day... Standing up slowly, he walked over to where he had tossed his shirt and picked it up, pulling it on and fishing in his pocket for their door key. His head throbbed a bit just as his fingers found the key - whatever was in that ale, it was hitting him too, if not as hard. Well, that or she was whining more. "I'll be right back," he told her, running a hand through his hair to get it out of his face. It was getting pretty shaggy, and judging by the difficulty he had in moving it, he could use a bath, too. "Getting us something to drink. It'll help." As he walked to the door, he realized what he had said, and he turned to face her again. "It's not ale, if you're wondering," he assured her, grinning on his way out. "I'll just be a minute."

Closing the door behind him and locking it, Gideon went immediately to the bar on the first floor. It was so much quieter during the morning... "Oi, can I get some water?" he called to the bartender, who was on the other side of the room. "Girl up there's not used to drink, and she's a bit tired. Make it quick, yeah?" There were a few coins in his pocket with his key - that would probably be enough for it. He leaned on the counter, looking around the room as he waited for the man to fetch the water for him. Even if it was disgusting inn water, it was better than nothing...


"Huh wha... oh, hey there... What's got you in such a tizzy so early." Mel turned to Grant, pouting. "I drooled on my blueprint," she whined, her head falling back on the table. "I can't even redraw the lines I fucked up now because it's all weeeeeeet~" Groaning, she sat back up, and in a rather spontaneous display of anger she threw her pencil across the room. Then it hit her - I woke him up, didn't I? "Sorry to wake you," she grumbled sullenly. "Leg coming back, or are you gonna need me to fix it?" The small talk wasn't concerning her - she had to try to remember what it was she had drawn over. Today would be the day she started working, and she had to have everything in order or Grant will get fried by an evil witch and it'll be all my fault! I can't screw this up! Even if...I already have. She groaned again and stood up, walking over to pick up her pencil. Today was gonna suck until she got into the shop.

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Wow, he's gotten real bold real quick. "Uh, sure. We save water this way as well~." Without turning to face him, she still went on. "So... what did you think? About last night I mean. I gotta say, it was nice having a completely consensual go at it for once." Oh god why did I say that now he's gonna get curious and... Augh, I can just refuse to talk about it! "Aaaaah, new subject, you wanna learn how to harness your new blade soon? Like I said.... it's really... easy... Dammit, I don't wanna do anything todaaaay. I'm so tired, I'm so fucking tired, I just want to rest and to relax and to just have a complete day to myself for once, none of this survival or favor bullshit. It makes me sick sometimes!" Head raised, she let the water pour over her more. "Is it too much to ask...? I'm either being bossed around, being chased, or being killed! No person should have to go through this! Aaaagh!" She groaned quite audibly, her shoulders tensing up.


"Oh... well tha' sucks. And yeah, leg's comin back. Welp, I'm off to go get some income, I'll be back at some point Melanie. Need me to get anything for you? Food? Material? Possibly some new clothes...? Those can't be healthy for you in their condition..." Yawning he stumbled out of bed, landing face first then getting up like it was normal. His crutch in hand, he hobbled off to the door, waiting for her response.

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She'd felt Gideon get off of the bed, the mattress lifting a bit as his weight was removed. Thanks, Gideon... She rolled her legs off the edge of the bed, looking down at what she was wearing as she clutched onto the pillow. Barely anything... damn, I really must've been drunk. Well, apparently nothing happened, so... "I'll be right back" "Oh, yeah, right. Thanks." "Getting us something to drink. It'll help. It's not ale, if you're wondering. I'll just be a minute." "Har har har, Gideon. No more alcohol for a while, seriously. Don't even joke..." He'd left, and she sighed, laying back down against the bed. She put a hand on her hair, and... "Ewww, ugh, that's some greasy hair... this place has a bathroom, right? I should take a bath while he's gone." Being alone in the room, she didn't care about taking the rest of her clothes off, doing just that as she slipped into the rather... roomy, bathroom. "Woooooowwwwww... this inn is seriously amazing. Now..." She turned on the water, and made sure it was warm before slipping herself into the bath. "Ahhhhhh, water feels so nice~" In her haste to get clean, combined with her hang over headache, she'd forgotten to close the bathroom door...


"Uh, sure. We save water this way as well~." "Sounds good." He slipped into the shower, a little nervous about all this, but not about to back down from his own forwardness. "So... what did you think? About last night I mean. I gotta say, it was nice having a completely consensual go at it for once." That sort of shook him, hoping he was wrong about what he thought she meant, "so... wait, what? You haven't seriously been ra--" "Aaaaah, new subject," I'm asking you about that later, no matter how much you might want to not talk about that. "... you wanna learn how to harness your new blade soon? Like I said.... it's really... easy... Dammit, I don't wanna do anything todaaaay. Carrion began to drone on about wanting to do nothing at all, and Adrian was not about to disagree, even chuckling a little at how adamant she was being. "... No person should have to go through this! Aaaagh!" He wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on top of hers, "then how about... we just take a day off to relax? We can lay in bed all day, order some food up to the room, and do nothing at all. That magus guy doesn't expect us to rush out right away, does he? So let's just do exactly what you want to do, alright?" I just want to spend some more time alone with you, honestly. It's been way too long since I've been able to.

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The jog was rather quick, soon bringing the not-couple to the Inn. It seemed like most people were stepping out to enjoy the festival some more, so they had to wait a minute for the crowd to disperse. When it did they stepped inside and looked around for anyone who might just be in the area already. It seemed like everyone else was still either sleeping, or finishing getting ready to go. Zwool and Ellandra glanced at each other before taking a seat on a sofa in the lobby, and then quietly waited for the others to show up as time went on.

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It had taken the guy long enough, but he came back with a mug and a pitcher of water. Even though it was free of charge, Gideon gave him a tip anyway, if only so the service would get better next time. Knew there had to be something wrong with this place. Still, it's minor. I'd get used to that. As he climbed the stairs again, he fished out his key while trying to balance what he had just received - and the sun decided to get in his eyes at that moment, too. To his relief, though, the door opened for him and he was able to get in, and he put the pitcher and mug down immediately. "Amera, I've got - " The bed was empty. Where was she? "Amera?" I swear, if you ran off... He looked around the main room for some indication that she hadn't left. It didn't take long for him to see her clothes - all of them - on the floor in front of the open bathroom door.

His face turned red and he rolled his eyes, sighing softly. Really? Please tell me she heard me... There wasn't much noise coming from the bathroom, so he didn't really know what was going on. If she was in there, though, there were a lot of things wrong with this picture: first, the bloody door was open, and second, her clothes were all outside the bathroom. Did she expect to just parade in front of him to get dressed? He stood there, trying to assess the situation. With Amera hung over and naked, there were a lot of ways he could doom himself in this situation; he had to be careful.

"Um, are you in there?" he finally ventured, refusing to look in on her. She'll hear that. Please tell me she'll hear that.


"Oh... well tha' sucks." She huffed and folded her arms. "Not helping!" she nearly snapped. "And yeah, leg's comin back. Welp, I'm off to go get some income, I'll be back at some point Melanie. Need me to get anything for you? Food? Material? Possibly some new clothes...? Those can't be healthy for you in their condition..." He's just being nice. Maybe I should cut him a break... "Food," she said, her tone a bit less curt. "These clothes are fine, and I can take a bath later if I want to. If you're going out, can you let me know where the blacksmith is when you get back, too? I'm gonna need a place to work." She would pull the usual stuff - ask to be an apprentice, get the resident smith out of the way, close up shop and go to work for a few hours. The day's income would come out of her pocket, but business would always be slow. She had it down to a science at this point. " 'Preciate it," she said pre-emptively, trying not to smirk as he fell down. He just played it off... "You alright there?"

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Relaxing slightly, she still whined. "But if I don't do anything, I'll just worry about someone getting me! I swear to the Goddess... if I had a normal body, my hair would be completely grayed out, I'd be so damn wrinkley by now, uuugh. Too much worrying, too much stress, all because people fear me. It's not like I even hold THAT much more power over them! For fuck's sake, I've died soooo many times. Listen to that sentence! I've DIED! Why fear me?! If I can be killed once, I can be killed a million times, this is just stupid!" Hands on her face, not crying but simply wanting to vanish, she still spoke up. "Adrian, I can't make a decision right now, I'm fried... Just... do we go and do what we're asked or are we staying here?"


"Yeaaah, I'm fine. I've had much worse... like being stabbed in the stomach. Eugh... Bad idea, bad memory, go away." He shook his head a lot before sighing. "Anyway, any particular food you'd like. Keep it in a small budget please..." He had to remind himself that money was a bit on the short side now, almost suggesting some ludicrous foods.

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He'd woken up a bit late, the bright morning light shining right into his eyes. He decided to lie down for a little while more - He didn't really have anything to do, anyway.


They'd gotten up early in the morning, hoping they'd be able to find him now. Elune figured it wouldn't be very productive, but Adonis didn't want to hear her opinions. He believed this would definitely work - The only thing needed was time.

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He wanted her to stop and calm down, but she seemed to want to rant and whine more and more. Carrion, all this worrying... you're damn right you hair would be gray by now. I've got to figure out some way to get you to stop. "... For fuck's sake, I've died soooo many times. Listen to that sentence! I've DIED! Why fear me?! If I can be killed once, I can be killed a million times, this is just stupid!" "Listen... People fear what they don't understand. It's not right, but it's what they do. Hopefully we can change that, but getting worked up like this, especially right after getting your magic back, it can't be good for you, Carrion. I know how explosive you like to get when you get angry, so calm down. I know it's not easy to, but... just calm down." If I have to get you upset with me instead of the world, I will. "Adrian, I can't make a decision right now, I'm fried... Just... do we go and do what we're asked or are we staying here?" "We're staying here. We're going to lay in bed all day and relax. We don't even have to get dressed, you know." He smiled at the last part, deciding that being a bit of a pervert wasn't that bad.


She was starting to melt away her hangover in the bath, sinking up to her nose in the soothing warm water. I shouldn't have sent Gideon off, this bath is doing just fine for my headache. She was relaxing so much that she didn't hear him when he walked back into the room. She wanted to talk a bit to herself, popping her mouth out of the water, "I don't even know what I'm doing here, really... I do think I'm in love with Gideon, so there's being with him, but..." she sighed, lamenting this train of thought, "oh, stop it, you! You're here because you chose to help out Carrion, right? So just go with that. 'S'not like you've got anything else you can do, so enjoy it for what it is." "Um, are you in there?" Wha? How can I hear him through the door? Finally looking back at the entrance to the bathroom, she shrieked and shot to the corner of the bath, hoping he hadn't seen anything, "y-yes, I'm here! I-I guess I forgot to c-close the door, huh?" Stupid, stupid, stupid! And now your head's hurting again, ugh! This morning is just horrible!

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She was talking to herself. "I don't even know what I'm doing here, really... I do think I'm in love with Gideon, so there's being with him, but...oh, stop it, you! You're here because you chose to help out Carrion, right? So just go with that. 'S'not like you've got anything else you can do, so enjoy it for what it is." So that's why she's with Carrion...eh, good enough for me. That's if we're actually helping, though. Her shriek startled him when she looked out the door, and he looked away quickly. Don't look, don't look, don't look... "y-yes, I'm here! I-I guess I forgot to c-close the door, huh?" "And to bring your clothes in with you," he pointed out, gesturing to them without turning. "I won't turn around if you want to pick them up. Just...I don't know, I'm just not turning, alright?" This was one way to start the morning...I went to get her water and she decides to take a bath? Just how bad's her hangover, anyway?


"Yeaaah, I'm fine. I've had much worse... like being stabbed in the stomach. Eugh... Bad idea, bad memory, go away." That cheered Mel up a bit, if only because it was another cool thing Grant had done. "Anyway, any particular food you'd like. Keep it in a small budget please..." "Um..." Why do I have to pick? I don't care! "Food, I dunno. Just get something," she said impatiently as she moved back to the table. "I can't believe I got drool all over this," she grumbled, trying to carefully redraw the smudged lines and numbers. "So fucking stupid of me..."

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"That one act has given you so much confidence, has it? Ha... I won't complain. Certainly beats you being a blushing schoolgirl every time I mention something remotely inimate..." Turning the shower off, she let her body relax completely against Adrian for the moment, "Sorry kid, I'm not fond of spending a whole day naked, no matter how tempting it is for the both of us. Plus it'd make ordering food awkward." A smile spread across her face as she closed her eyes. "I should wash that shirt. Blood, while 'hardcore' to some kids, hardly makes for a good shirt color. Go get my clothes... please?"


"... huh." Shrugging, he tossed a few pieces of gold to her, not even sure why he did that. Because I'm a responsible 'parent' that's why. Fuck yeah, go me... "I'll see you later then, with 'food'." He made his way downstairs, albeit sloppily, and walked outside to find bustling city streets. Groaning, he looked up and down the street, wondering where he could get a job. "Gotta start somewhere, dammit." And he marched off.

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He didn't see anything, right? I hope he didn't. He probably did... stupid, stupid...! She was seriously upset with herself over this, and the combined pain from the headache was making her almost want to cry. "And to bring your clothes in with you" "What? I did that too...? Aaaahhhhh...!" "I won't turn around if you want to pick them up. Just...I don't know, I'm just not turning, alright?" She was ready to cry, the tears welling up already, not even wanting to move. "U-Uhm, G-Gideon, could you just throw them in? I d-don't want to..." she paused to sniffle, wiping the forming tears from her eyes, "... to get out yet, alright? If not, I'll just... let you know when I am, and you can turn around then, or something..." She laid back down in the water and tried to relax herself, raising her foot up to turn on the hot water for a bit longer, the bath water getting a little bit lukewarm. She was finally back in control of her emotions, sighing to herself. "Sorry about that, Gideon," she assumed he'd heard her pale attempts at stopping herself from bawling, "this headache's just really not being nice to me, right now..."


"That one act has given you so much confidence, has it? Ha... I won't complain. Certainly beats you being a blushing schoolgirl every time I mention something remotely inimate..." "Ha ha, I'm even surprising myself, Carrion. And, come on, you don't miss shy, submissive, embarrassed Adrian in the least? I must've been fun to order around. I'll bet I still am..." he said the end with a whisper, holding her a little tighter, "though I guess we'll just have to find out about that in the future, won't we?" He couldn't help but laugh at his own attempts to be sensual, blushing like he always did. "Sorry, sorry, getting a bit carried away there." At least it was making him smile. "Sorry kid, I'm not fond of spending a whole day naked, no matter how tempting it is for the both of us. Plus it'd make ordering food awkward." "Too bad for me, but I can't really argue you into it." And now she was smiling, from what he could see. And everyone's happy again, that's good.

"I should wash that shirt. Blood, while 'hardcore' to some kids, hardly makes for a good shirt color." About to ask her to wash his as well, "... Go get my clothes... please?" "What's this? A 'please', from you? But... ah, shit. Yeah, Carrion, I didn't have the time to grab the tent and our stuff last night, so... d'you think it'd look weird for me to walk out and get it without my shirt on? I'd rather not put that bloody rag on my back, if I can help it."

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"What? I did that too...? Aaaahhhhh...!" Either her headache was splitting now or she was just upset - neither would bode well for him. "U-Uhm, G-Gideon, could you just throw them in? I d-don't want to... to get out yet, alright? If not, I'll just... let you know when I am, and you can turn around then, or something..." He sighed as she fought back tears. Sometimes she was a bit dramatic, but when she was upset, he couldn't help but feel for her. "Just...take it easy, okay? It's not that big a deal. I'll bring them in, but you have to let me know when you're decent." "Sorry about that, Gideon, this headache's just really not being nice to me, right now..." Smirking, he glanced at her clothes. "They never are." He reached over to pick them up, making a point of not looking directly at them; the last thing he needed was for her to think him a pervert or something. "Okay, hide in the water or something and let me know when."


Mel rolled her eyes when Grant threw coins his way. "I don't need these," she mumbled to herself as she continued to fix her blueprint. If she had it done by the time he got back, then she could start work on it that afternoon, and from there she could have it done with four or five full days of work. That would leave her a bit of time every day to hunt for alchemists, too; that was kind of important to fireproofing it.

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You should just throw on a towel and get your own clothes, Amera. Push through the headache, ignore it, whatever, don't just sit here and sulk about it. "Just...take it easy, okay? It's not that big a deal. I'll bring them in, but you have to let me know when you're decent." Or not, but... "Er, right... Hold on." She looked out of the door again, making sure he really wasn't looking, sighing when she saw him turned around. "They never are." "The headaches, right... do they ever get bearable, even? From what I remember about last night, it was a lot of fun, but this is... I'm just trying to gauge if it's worth it, y'know?" During the time she'd been talking, she'd unplugged the bath's drain and wrapped herself in a towel, figuring she should just get out and start the day. Gideon had whatever was supposed to help with her headache, so she'd go and get it. "Okay, hide in the water or something and let me know when." "Er, no need, Gideon, heh..." She walked up behind him wearing her towel, poking him on the shoulder. "I've got to stop being so dramatic, don't I? Now... what d'you have that's supposed to help me with this headache?"

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"The headaches, right... do they ever get bearable, even? From what I remember about last night, it was a lot of fun, but this is... I'm just trying to gauge if it's worth it, y'know?" Gideon shook his head. "You just get used to it," he replied. "Or you don't. They don't get better. The best you can do is drink less if they bother you. Or not at all."

"Er, no need, Gideon, heh..." He glanced over his shoulder, and nearly jumped when he saw her right next to him in only a towel. "I've got to stop being so dramatic, don't I? Now... what d'you have that's supposed to help me with this headache?" His face was still a bit red as he tried to maintain eye contact; still, with her so exposed right there, it was hard. "You should get dressed first," he told her quickly, handing her clothes to her. "I'll get it ready for you while you do." As he walked over to where he had put the pitcher and mug, he looked straight ahead, unwilling to steal any glances at her. "How long are we here for?" he asked her as he filled the mug halfway with water. His curiosity drove him to taste it, and he was amazed at how clean it was. Maybe it wasn't spring water, but he didn't taste anything particularly horrid about it. That was a big deal, seeing as it was inn water. Once it was half-full, he looked over his shoulder, mug in hand and hoping she was at least partly clothed. "Here," he said as he turned. "Just water, but it'll help." In his banditry days, Gideon had used ale to treat his hangovers - he couldn't really do that with her.

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"You just get used to it, or you don't. They don't get better. The best you can do is drink less if they bother you. Or not at all." "Right, I figured as much. Don't let me drink that much next time, then. That should work." Gideon nearly jumped, which had startled her, grabbing onto the towel so it didn't fall. "Something wrong, Gideon?" "You should get dressed first" And he shoved her clothes onto her, turning away. "I'll get it ready for you while you do." Woooowwwww, you seem really embarrassed by this, Gideon... hmmm... She smiled a coy smile while his back was turned, slipping into her panties and stockings, quietly placing everything else onto the bed. "How long are we here for?" "Why don't we go and ask Carrion later? Or... if you really want, we can just go do our own stuff." She kept tip toeing her way over to him, wearing naught but the towel and her delicates, stifling her giggles. "Here, just water, but it'll help." She'd made her way right up next to him, taking the glass and brushing up against him, "just water, really? You suuuuure it'll work?" She had yet to see Gideon get as embarrassed as she'd been getting since they'd met, so this little charade of hers was her only chance to get a reaction out of him. She was blushing, and didn't know how far she'd be able to go with this before it became too awkward for her.


Horatio groaned himself awake, and forced his body to leave the comfortable inn bed. "Gotta start the day..." Getting dressed, after washing himself off, he made his way to the bar really quick to get himself a drink, before heading out into the town. The tourists for the festival had already begun their touring, which made him smile, something he didn't do often. "Seein' everyone like this... brings back some good memories. Maybe I should take a bit o' time off for m'self and enjoy the festival for a bit. Not like I'm actually workin' for anyone, right now. But... that Grant." He sighed, his smile fading. "He's so damn convinced that she's some evil bein'. An' he'd got that girl helpin' him out under the same guise. Not that I don't believe him, but, to just jump into this without actually knowin'... Agh, conscience, shut up!" He shook his head and started walking, trying to find some sort of attraction to entertain himself with for a while.

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It would probably be good to get up now.

He made his way down, not getting breakfast at the inn. He'd probably get something from the stalls to eat anyway.

As he walked around the stalls, he noticed it getting louder. As he looked around at the stalls, he accidentally knocked into another man.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Are you alright?"

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The festival was just as he'd remembered from when he was younger-- well, it was close to what he was used to back in Astarte. Some of the happiness was taken away, though, as someone crashed into him, "Oh, I'm sorry, Are you alright?" Horatio scowled at this rather overly dressed man, brushing off his cloak. Fuckin' tourists... though, I guess I can start with him. Gotta start somewhere... "It's no problem. Listen, bud, wanna help me here? I'm lookin' for a, uh... a girl. Pink hair, kinda short, travelin' with some other kid. What was his name, uh... Adrian, right. Listen, this is probably really random comin' from a strangah, but, you did just knock into me. Y'could at least tell me if you've seen either of 'em." Yeah, you're blunt, and I doubt he's gonna give me what I need. Not this early into searchin', I don't have that kinda luck.

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