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Abysmal Souls Chapter 5


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"Don't be a dick, he obvio--" "Well, I thought you wanted to be left al--" "... Catch a cold letting the one guy in, or something? I got something for that, if that's the case..." Well, that's... convenient. Good, though. Carrion sat up and shot him an annoyed look, to which he just sighed, looking apologetic. "Sorry, Carrion. I really did think you wanted to be alone." Honest. Looking over at the entrance, "Yeah, sure, Zwool, come in. The rain's gotta be pretty shitty to stand in..." He didn't want the guy to think they were letting him in for just the medicine. Of course, now that Adrian knew Carrion didn't mind company, he was letting Zwool in for more than the medicine as well.

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Zwool sighed. Okay... so, hmm, she is sick... Zwool stepped inside the tent... which was tricky to say the best, the process featured stepping inside, but keeping his wings fanned outside with his back to it. He gave them a light flutter, hoping to shake off most of the water before he quickly leaned back, furled them up, and entered the tent proper. He wasn't... terribly wet. a couple drops here and there, and his wings were dripping lightly, but nothing terrible. "Heh, thanks guys... um... oh yeah... the medicine..." he stuttered out, beginning to fumble through his many belt pouches. After a short time he pulled out a brown bottle. Popping the top he passed it to Carrion, the scent was positively horrific. "The lady that gave it to me said small sips because it was strong stuff, and with a scent like that, I'm pretty sure she was telling the truth." That lady... she was so nice, I wonder if she's still helping run-away Anri...

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"Who is it?"


Tempting as it was to just walk in, the last thing he wanted was MORE broken ribs right before what might possibly be a big fight. On the other hand... he really did want to know what was going on in there. Once again, his curiosity overcame his self-preservation instinct, and he brushed open the flap and stuck his head in.

It was a bad idea. Ormis really didn't know what to make of the scene, except that now he was really jealous of Gideon, who had Amera on his lap like... well, a cat. After a split second hesitation, he blinked and started, "H-hey, you got any medicine or something? Scarlet's coming down with a cold."

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"Who is it?"

"Ormis." Goddamn it. Gideon shot a look to Amera that screamed "Why the hell is he here?" Then, in true Ormis form (that is, having no tact or appreciation for privacy, apparently) he waltzed right in - and stared at them. The jealousy in his expression was obvious, but Gideon didn't let it worry him. "H-hey, you got any medicine or something? Scarlet's coming down with a cold." "Scarlet? What, you mean Carrion?" He leaned over a bit, trying to see out from the tent without success. "I dunno. I don't think we bought any in Lazarynth..." Fuck, this is awkward. "I can't remember. Amera, did we pick up any medicine?" he asked her, adjusting her in his lap a bit so he could see her face. Please say no so he'll go away. Please say no. I really hope you're a telepath...


"Wait I'm cool suddenly...?" Mel didn't hear him - she was still thinking about designing him armor. If he just wants it fireproof, I doubt it has to be too thick, so I don't need to reinforce it that much... "No, don't bother. I'm certain it'll grow back. If you can just make the suit for a normal... me... that'd work out." "You mean, like, with both legs? I can do that," she told him, grinning. "Might charge you extra for the other boot though." "Uh... Not personally, no, but I know that Pravna revels in all things magical like that. Scientific stuff too. You'd probably be right at home there." Though when he said no, she was about ready to explode again, his mention of Pravna made her perk up. "So you're saying that if I go to Pravna, I can find an alchemist! That works out perfectly!" She pointed right at Grant, grinning like a moron. "Pack your bags, Grant! We leave for Pravna in one hour!" Actually, he looks kinda tired...maybe I should give him some more time to rest. "Okay, never mind, go have a nap. THEN we'll leave for Pravna!" If Grant knew what he was talking about, Mel would have a lot of fun there. They had to have very talented smiths (and good equipment) if it was the capital, and that paired with having alchemists around meant she could make him the best damn armor ever! This'll be awesome! Maybe I can mass-produce it and get rich...then I could spend all day building stuff!! "Three hours for your nap!" she near-shouted, giving him a thumbs-up. "Sleep fast, alright?"

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"Ormis." Mentally groaning, as to not be rude (as much as she seriously wanted to be), she looked over at the entrance to see Ormis poking his nosy little head into their tent. She was tired of getting mad at him, sighing instead of yelling. He just can't help himself, can he? As terrible as she was with body language, even she could tell he looked jealous of the situation going on, which just made this whole thing even more awkward. "Hi, Ormis..." She really wanted him to just leave, turning to Gideon, and leaning against him, trying to pretend he wasn't there. "H-hey, you got any medicine or something? Scarlet's coming down with a cold." She didn't, of course. Getting sick wasn't really a worry of hers, her immune system normally taking care of those. "I can't remember. Amera, did we pick up any medicine?" "Nope, don't have any." Now you can leave, and I can get back to having fun with Gideon.

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"Scarlet? What, you mean Carrion?"

"Yeah, Carrion, d'you-"

"Nope, don't have any."

"Oh, uh, okay... Sorry to bother you..."

Ormis had his embarrassment written all over his face, and he knew it. Clumsily, he withdrew, making sure to avoid splashing any water into their tent.

After wandering around for a few more minutes, the boy found himself back outside Carrion's tent. After staring for a moment, he sighed and sat down against a tree (a different one), waiting for the guards to let them in. He really wasn't worried about getting sick. After all, he'd spent most of his life in worse conditions than this.

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Getting supplies sounded like a good idea, but Aurelio had no idea what to actually get. Adano didn't seem to have a coat. Hopefully, he could find a suitable one for him. Otherwise they were pretty much set, maybe he could find something nice for Lucretia.

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"Nope, don't have any."

"Oh, uh, okay... Sorry to bother you..." Quickly in, quickly out. As soon as he closed the tent flap, Gideon laid right back down, pulling Amera on top of him. "If she's sick, we may not move for a while. We've got plenty of time," he pointed out, adjusting to get himself comfortable. When she had taken the lead, it intrigued him - maybe she wanted a bit more of him than she let on? "So what were you saying before we were interrupted?" he asked, feigning ignorance. He knew where this was going.

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"If she's sick, we may not move for a while. We've got plenty of time" She sighed. Ormis, you just had to ruin everything, didn't you? "I guess I don't have to check on her anymore. Being sick explains why she's not yelling about the rain." Gideon pulled her back on top of him, unexpectedly, making her yelp a little. Well that... was a bit abrupt. It still made her smile a little. "So what were you saying before we were interrupted?" "Don't play dumb with me, Gideon~" She tried to put on the smile she had before as she sat up, but Ormis had seriously killed the mood for her, falling back against Gideon with a sigh. "I was saying that I'm not in the mood for teasing, now that someone's come and bothered us. Might as well get dressed..." She rolled off of him, and grabbed her stocking, starting to slip into them (She'd been wearing just her tank and skirt the entire time). "Gideon, button up, or normal shirt?" The button up's kinda tight, but it looks a lot better than my old rag of a shirt...

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"Don't play dumb with me, Gideon~" She didn't seem that into it, and she just sighed. "I was saying that I'm not in the mood for teasing, now that someone's come and bothered us. Might as well get dressed..." Tactless punk. He nodded and let go of her so she could get off, and she began to pull on her stockings. "Gideon, button up, or normal shirt?" He arched his eyebrow as he sat up and reached for his shirt. "You're asking fashion tips from a guy who was a professional bum for four years," he quipped as he looked the two garments over. She looked a lot better in the button-up, and they probably wouldn't be getting into any fights just yet. "Button-up," he told her as he pulled his shirt on, grabbed his jacket and slowly rose to his feet - he didn't really want to get out of bed, but at this point he had little choice. "Level with me - do I look like I just woke up?" he asked, smirking; he knew what her answer would be, but he felt like asking anyway.

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Grabbing the bottle quickly, she took a whiff of it and reeled back from the smell. "Ugh... That... Eugh, it's like old socks or someshit...." However, it definitely had the smell of a powerful medicine anyway. "Er... Are you sure? Oh well." She took a pretty sizable gulp of the stuff, which left her gagging and coughing for the longest time, going red in the face. When she finished, she did feel a little better, but now she was just plain old tired from the whole ordeal. "Well... thanks Zwool..." She gave a smile to him and then closed her eyes again, leaning against Adrian. "Sorry about all this... I just forgot how cold it got during a rainstorm, not used to it. I hope you all have fun at the festival for a bit while I recover, or if you want you can really just go do whatever, it's none of my concern..."


Yawning, his exhaustion finally caught up with him as he stumbled back into his room, collapsing with a pretty loud groan. He was so damn eager to go and kill that witch that nothing else mattered to him much anymore, nothing else needed to make any sense. He had a goal, and that was that.

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"You're asking fashion tips from a guy who was a professional bum for four years" She sighed and chuckled, a rather common reaction from her now, shooting his eyebrow back with her own, "no, I'm asking which you think would look better on me, silly. Of course I wouldn't ask you for fashion advice." Ooohhhh, so sassy. "Button-up" More smirking at Gideon, "no surprise there~" Really, I'll never understand men and their fascination with... these. She looked down at her chest for a moment. I mean, they can't be that entertaining, can they? Now that I think about it, I've never really given them much attention. She poked one of them, before throwing the shirt on. Oh well, if Gideon likes them, that's good enough for me. Not good enough for this shirt, it seeeeeeems... She struggled to get it completely buttoned up, letting out a bit of an exasperated sigh once she had. "Wish they had this shirt a little bigger..." "Level with me - do I look like I just woke up?" She'd gotten dressed as well, jumping up and ruffling Gideon's hair-- barely able to reach it at all, "yes, you do, and this look is fine on you."


Adrian wasn't even near the bottle when she opened it, and even HE could smell the nasty concoction. She's seriously going to drink tha-- and she had, making Adrian almost gag. When she came back to lean against him, he could still smell it a bit on her breath, but he'd deal with it if it meant more time with her. "Sorry about all this... I just forgot how cold it got during a rainstorm, not used to it. I hope you all have fun at the festival for a bit while I recover, or if you want you can really just go do whatever, it's none of my concern..." He laughed, "what, you seriously think I'm going to leave you here by yourself and just go run about the town when you're sick? Woman, you'd best be joking. I'm staying right here until you're feeling better, got that?" No way am I leaving you here to be sick on your own. His arms came around her in another hug, hoping to get his point across.

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"no, I'm asking which you think would look better on me, silly. Of course I wouldn't ask you for fashion advice." Gideon just grinned at that. Yep. Definitely a cat. "no surprise there~" She glanced at her chest for a moment. Yes, that would be why. Good job, Amera. Are you going to put the shirt on? Then, for reasons Gideon could never understand, she poked one. Was she that fascinated by them? As she fussed with her shirt, Gideon pulled his jacket on, adjusting his shoulder a bit - it had never quite been fixed after he slammed the church door. It wasn't still dislocated, but every now and then it was stiff, and that bothered him. "Wish they had this shirt a little bigger..." It looked fine to him. A bit tight, maybe, but outside of that, it looked just fine. She ruffled his hair, making quite a strain to do so. "yes, you do, and this look is fine on you." He shrugged and adjusted his jacket a bit. "If you say so." Grabbing his axe, Gideon moved to the tent door, tapping Amera's behind on his way out. Maybe it wasn't a smart move, but he did it anyway. If she came after him again, he'd just scratch her ears a bit...


Grant's door slammed, leaving Melanie standing there pointing at where he was. Her hands balled into fists as she realized she was being ignored. "Fine!" she cried, throwing her hands into the air. "I might charge you for the armor now, ya know!" She kicked her door open and stormed into her room, slamming the door behind her and reaching for her journal. She had to write the shiftsteel idea down before she boiled over...Figures someone that cool would be so arrogant about it. Jerk.

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"No problem Carrion." Zwool said, settling himself in a corner away from the couple in the tent. Carrion said something about enjoying the festival without her. "Meh, I'm only really here cause you gave me somewhere to go. All the interest I have in magical items is this trinket here," Zwool kinda rambled out. "and besides, with this rain? Who could enjoy anything?" he tried to joke... failing miserably with an awkward look. "er... sorry..."

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"If you say so." "I do. It makes you look like some grizzled mercenar-- ha ha ha..." She'd tried to keep some sort of a straight face saying that, but it just made her laugh. "Sorry, sorry. But, yeah, it does fit you. I don't know why-- though, you might want to have a shower if we get to stay at the inn, tonight. The smell doesn't fit you at all." Maybe you're being too harsh? He doesn't smell all that bad. He then did something she wasn't expecting, tapping her behind on his way out of the tent. She growled at him, jumping onto his back to whisper into his ear. "Hey, who said you could touch me there?" Her tone wasn't angry, rather it was playful, even though she was a bit upset that he'd done that. "You're not going to have me start setting some ground rules, are you? I'd rather not have to do that, Gideon." Seriously, watch those hands... She jumped off, and went back to her smiling, donning his old jacket before going out into the rain. "I think today's going to be a good day..."


"Meh, I'm only really here cause you gave me somewhere to go. All the interest I have in magical items is this trinket here" That's right, he's got that emotions gauntlet, or whatever. Didn't really get the full explanation of that thing... "Zwool, y'know, there might be someone in the city who knows about your gauntlet. Not that I want you to leave; you're free to stay, of course, but... it did seem like it was a pretty important thing for you, 'least you made it sound like that over the trip. Maybe you could check it out, later?" He didn't know much about the gauntlet, but Adrian did know that Pravna was known for its magics, so if Zwool was going to find out anything on his gauntlet, it would be here. "I don't think Carrion's gonna be up for much of the festival, today. Well, she might. Knowing her she might just push through the cold, ha ha."

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"Awwww, how sweet! You wanna waste time with me! Well, have fun. I'll be completely out of it you know~" She laughed until she coughed a little then calmed herself down. This is so fun... I hope this never ever ends. She almost began to snore when there was yet another thwapping on the tent and a voice boomed over the rain. "Greetings from Pravna, gates are opened now, figured you'd like to know. Have fun at the festival if that's the reason you came."

As time passed, the sun began to rise, yet the storm raged on. The guards on duty opened the gates finally, allowing a few people on the inside to leave. They appeared to be on business, as they were on a wagon heading North East.

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Sorry, sorry. But, yeah, it does fit you. I don't know why-- though, you might want to have a shower if we get to stay at the inn, tonight. The smell doesn't fit you at all." Ouch. After his love-tap, he felt her jump on his back. "Hey, who said you could touch me there?" "What, did you mind?" He knew she didn't, but maybe there was something about it that bothered her... "You're not going to have me start setting some ground rules, are you? I'd rather not have to do that, Gideon." Maybe she does mind. "If it bothers you, I'll stop. I was just feeling affectionate," he quipped, smirking. "I think today's going to be a good day..." He nodded. "Seems that way."

"Greetings from Pravna, gates are opened now, figured you'd like to know." "Good to know," Gideon said, nodding. "I could use an actual bed..." "Have fun at the festival if that's the reason you came." Gideon groaned. "Great. Mobbed streets, nosy vendors, and a lot of noise throughout the night. That's just what I need." Looking at Amera, he pointed at from where the voice came from. "You hear that? City-approved riot happening." He could stomach the pub scene, but Gideon really hated festivals. They smelled like cheap food, you could barely get anywhere, and they were so damn loud! At least pub reveling stopped at night...He really hoped Amera wouldn't want to go to the damn thing, because he sure didn't.

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Zwool smiled at Adrian. "That's Right bu-" There was a loud thwack on the tent, right behind his head, visibly wincing as the sound rang in his ears. "Thank you!" He called to the guard before looking back to Adrian and Carrion. "Uh, oh yeah. I don't have the slightest idea where to look to talk to someone about it... and... uh..." He droned off, blinking a little as he tried to figure out what he wanted to say... if Carrion needed protecting... wouldn't it make more sense to leave him behind, rather than Adrian? Or maybe this has to do with the whole... being mates thing... or something...

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Ormis jumped as the gates opened. It was still raining, but at least there'd be shelter indoors. The boy grabbed his sword and ran through the archway, making sure that his blade was sheathed. It didn't occur to him there should be more than just one wagon heading out of the city.

Once inside, though, it looked like there was nothing special, although the rain seemed to be... stopping, just before reaching the city. Nice touch.

-- Fifteen minutes later --

Just a bunch of mages strutting their stuff, and all the good inns are booked.

The only thing Ormis found really worth noticing was the supply store, and that was only because Ormis was sick of always getting drenched.

It was surprisingly empty. Besides the one clerk (who looked utterly bored), there was absolutely no one inside at all. Ormis chalked it up to the festival and thought no more of it, buying a tent and a new cloak. He was halfway out the door when he remembered to buy a raincoat for good measure.

With not much else to do, the boy returned to where the group had set up for the night, and started wrestling with his tent.


Teis left when the guard told him that the gates were open. There was nothing in particular that he wanted to do, but it'd be better than sitting out in the rain.

On the other hand, Carrion had been marked as a high-ranking bounty before... Regardless of her official status as "myth", the rumors, or her own lack of power, it would be suicide to let her walk about on her own.

With that in mind, Teis strapped his axe to his back and put his armor on, then wrapping a traveling cloak around it. The others had given him some strange looks regarding his habit of always wearing his armor, even while traveling, but most of them had gotten used to it. He walked into the city, grateful for the lack of rain, and leaned against one wall, waiting for the group to enter.

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"Awwww, how sweet! You wanna waste time with me! Well, have fun. I'll be completely out of it you know~" He smirked. Looks like someone's having fun. "It's not a waste if it's spent with you, y'know. You can go right ahead and be out of it, I'm not going anywhere. We came here for you to see if you could get that seal undone, so unless you're there, there's no point for me to head up to the city." He leaned back a bit, letting her get a better resting position. Somebody came by to let them know the gate was open now, though Adrian didn't really care. Not like I'm heading in, anyways... "Well, if you want to talk about something until you fall asleep, or crash, or whatever, go ahead. I'm all ears."


"If it bothers you, I'll stop. I was just feeling affectionate" "Well, give me a hug, or a pat on the shoulder, or something. It's not like I don't like it; I do like it, it just makes me a bit uncomfortable, is all..." Still getting used to all of the touching in the first place, having him touch her there wasn't helping. I guess I might like it more if he gives me some more time, but it's still awkward... She simply gave him a hug, and smiled up at him. "Ya know what, I'm just being overemotional about all this. I know you're not going to hurt me, so..." she blushed, almost completely, trying to get herself to actually say it, "y-you c-can go a-ahead, okay? I just wasn't really ready for it, is all." She smiled, trying her best to convince him that she was okay with it, which she was trying to be. She wouldn't get upset if he did it again, in any case.

"Greetings from Pravna, gates are opened now, figured you'd like to know." "Oh, hey, we can go mess around in the city!" "Have fun at the festival if that's the reason you came." "They've even got a festival going on! Wow, this sounds like tonnes of fun! Come on, Gideon, let's go, let's go~ Oh, but, one sec. Still want to check on Carrion." She bounced over to Carrion's tent, peaking inside, barely hearing Gideon's complaining. The anri from before was huddled in some corner, and Adrian and Carrion in the other. "Sorry about you being sick, Carrion. We'll bring back some souvenirs for you, okay? And, you, uh... Zwool was it? Come on! You can come with Gideon and me." She shot him a smile, reaching a hand out to him.

Adrian again

"Uh, oh yeah. I don't have the slightest idea where to look to talk to someone about it... and... uh..." Zwool seemed apprehensive and a bit scared, but Amera had shot into their tent, surprisingly fast. At least it's good to see that someone's happy this morning. "... And, you, uh... Zwool was it? Come on! You can come with Gideon and me." "Well, Zwool, that solves your problem about not knowing where to look. I'm sure Amera and Gideon'll help you around town. Better than just sitting here; at least you'll have someone with you, walking around town." There, he shouldn't be afraid to go, now. Sorta feel sorry for the guy. It really seems like being alone kills him.

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Zwool jumped a little as the kitty girl peeked into the tent. Note to self: Don't get comfy by the door. He smiled back at Amera nervously, glancing over at Adrian, who seemed more okay with it. With a shy chuckle he took Amera's hand and let her pull him out of the tent. "Uh, thanks for the invite guys... um, did I ever apologize for the arena thing?"

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When Amera hugged him, Gideon kept his hands off of her behind, returning the gesture as carefully as he could. "Ya know what, I'm just being overemotional about all this. I know you're not going to hurt me, so...y-you c-can go a-ahead, okay? I just wasn't really ready for it, is all." For once, Gideon couldn't read her at all. Normally he could tell if something was up, but he honestly didn't know how she had reacted to that move. At the very least, I'll keep it to when we're alone. He couldn't shake the idea that one misstep would result in a scratched face for him.

After his complaining, Gideon turned to see Amera walking towards Carrion's tent. Did she even hear me? She's going to drag me into that hellhole, isn't she? He groaned, holding the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger - if he didn't have a headache now, it would come. Sighing, he trudged after her towards the tent, really hoping she was planning on just checking in on Carrion.

"... And, you, uh... Zwool was it? Come on! You can come with Gideon and I." Fuck. She's going to drag me in there. "Well, Zwool, that solves your problem about not knowing where to look. I'm sure Amera and Gideon'll help you around town. Better than just sitting here; at least you'll have someone with you, walking around town." Wait, who is she recruiting to come with us? The voices coming from the tent did not put him at ease, and he ducked inside to find Amera extending her hand towards the dragon Anri from last week. As much as he wanted to show how annoyed this situation was making him, at least she wasn't inviting Ormis. After this morning, that would have just made the trip awkward. Still, Gideon wasn't expecting to have much fun in there...hopefully he could manage an escape to the inn after an hour or so. "Well, if we're going in there," which I hope we aren't, "we should get going soon. The crowds're only going to get bigger." She owed him for this. Big-time.

"Uh, thanks for the invite, guys...um, did I ever apologize for the arena thing?" "What, you mean covering our asses? Why apologize for that?" Gideon folded his arms, doing his best to seem happy despite the hell he was in for. "You coming?"

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Finally, it's over. Time to enjoy myself~

The little trinkets and all were interesting, and he would have picked up some, but he was on a bit of a tight budget. He started looking if he could find anything for cheap, also making sure the rest of the group was somewhere near, at least.

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"Well, if we're going in there, we should get going soon. The crowds're only going to get bigger." "Yes, yes, let's go~" She was like a child about to get a new gift, wanting to run off without the two, but forcing herself to stay put. Gideon still had the money, after all. "Uh, thanks for the invite guys... um, did I ever apologize for the arena thing?" "Apologize? Huh? You helped us out a lot, you can't really apologize for that..." and then it hit her, how rude she'd been to his help, "actually, I should apologize for that. I got all mad at you for helping me, sorry... I don't really think straight when I get into fighting, all it turns into is some ridiculous pride fest of sorts." Still holding onto Zwool's hand, she took Gideon's as well, and started dragging them along. "Come on, you two, let's get going already! I wanna see what they've got going on inside!" She didn't have to strength to pull the both of them along with her, looking incredibly silly as she tried to do it.

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Sighing, she made herself comfortable on Adrian. "So uh... You and me. Aaaaall alone in the tent. No one can hear us for a good while away... Ahem..." She was trying to find something to talk about, but she couldn't until... "Hey... You uh... You wanna know why I choose you? I figure you deserve an answer, so... Well, it's because... You're you, I guess. From the moment I've seen you you've been nothing but you, no pretending, no falsehoods... no running away from reality. The others probably care about me because I'm weak or I'm hurting or something they don't understand, but you... I feel you wanna help me out because I'm me. Even when I treated you like complete trash, you saw through it, and at first I couldn't stand that... that vulnerability, but it grew on me. So... thanks." Another moment and a sniffle later, "Can I ask why you chose me? Aside from being pretty much your owner, I mean." It was merely a fact to her, but she could see how he'd take it as a joke.

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