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what WHAT


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EDIT: Whoops, wrong board. A moderator can move it one board up if that's necessary. Sorry for the inconvenience. :]


Excuuuuuuuse me princess?! Things have obviously gone batshit crazy since last time I visited. I was browsing the boards earlier. You know... chill. And suddenly I noticed some odd guy called 'crashman_alpha' pretending to be Tinny's lover.


Everyone knows there's only one person with that right. And that happens to be me. So, crashman_alpha, I suggest you stop your silly attempts to woo a woman I have claimed for myself AGES (no seriously, AGES) ago.

Well then... anything else I missed? :]

Edited by Togieduo
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Oh hey. I kinda expected this.

So how's it going dude?

Of course. Those silly new guys, thinking they have the right...

I'm good. You? :]

But CrashmanXTinny OTP.


Edited by Togieduo
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this guy technically was first

and uses IRC which is auto-bro levels

... and also went through the trouble of that sig, so


Edited by Luka Mefeline
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Oh, crap! There's no way this can end well! D:

No kidding, but there's bound to be an epic flame war with cool explosions resulting in half the forest getting banned.

*makes popcorn*

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Which is exactly what I'm fearing! :cry:

It can't be that bad. It's better than the inpending doom of this site that is Foxerine.

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I'd have to respectfully disagree on that, I'm afraid.

This way only gets half the forest banned. Foxerine gets everyone banned.

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EDIT: Whoops, wrong board. A moderator can move it one board up if that's necessary. Sorry for the inconvenience. :]


Excuuuuuuuse me princess?! Things have obviously gone batshit crazy since last time I visited. I was browsing the boards earlier. You know... chill. And suddenly I noticed some odd guy called 'crashman_alpha' pretending to be Tinny's lover.


Everyone knows there's only one person with that right. And that happens to be me. So, crashman_alpha, I suggest you stop your silly attempts to woo a woman I have claimed for myself AGES (no seriously, AGES) ago.

Well then... anything else I missed? :]

thats what you get for leaving for so long, though anyone else but crashman x tinny is better than that pairing.

also hika got banned.

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