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Border: Chat

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As is apparently customary, here is a thread for out-of-character conversations for the Border RP. Questions or comments should almost always go here, rather than being tacked on to the end of in-character posts. I will also use the thread to post announcements (updates to the map, clarifications about canon, etc.) Note that this thread need not be completely serious; however, when a serious matter arises, please do not clutter the discussion with shenanigans.

Keep it civil, please.

There is also an IRC channel for discussion, #Border on the DarkMyst network. If you aren't familiar with IRC or do not have an IRC client, just go here: http://darkmyst.org/?page=webchat , enter a recognizable nickname, and put #Border in the channel field.

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I will most likely be unable to post tomorrow due to wisdom teeth putting me on copious amounts of painkillers. Hopefully we will see some posts from others in the interim.

Update: I am not quite all "wheeee" like I expected to be, but I am feeling pretty unwell, so I may get out a post, but it will take me a while.

Edited by Kiryn
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I am heading off into an area of unknown internet connectivity for a week. I really hope I get wifi, but my availability may be spotty.

EDIT: Found the router in this house, jubiliation. I will still be less available than usual due to vacation, but I will be here this week. Huzzah.

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Map updated in the signup topic!

Locations added:

The Great Road North

A large, well-kept road from Selian to Merenna. Paved and paid for by the government, it is a convenient and safe route favored by many travelers. It cuts through Selian's most fertile land, a region sometimes called the Golden Fields, and towns and trading posts dot the length of the road like beads on a necklace.


A prosperous trading city in northern Selian, it benefits from being right in the middle of the Golden Fields. Food is plentiful and the local textiles are well known for being of high quality, but the markets range from legitimate to perilous, and the seedier ones deal largely in goods that are either stolen, fake, or both, and always overpriced; inferior goods, regardless of provenance, are often colloquially referred to as "Karita backalley spoils."


Originally just a remote university built to take advantage of the empowering effects of the Border, Merenna has expanded into a large but quiet city of magic and academia. Merenna is synonymous with the utmost authority on magic and many of the sciences, and is home to the University as well as several other smaller schools. The scholars keep to themselves, keeping unwanted visitors from entering the city with weather, illusion, and other spells.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey guys,

I was really hoping to get a super post up this weekend, but shit happened and post didn't. I was going to try for one today, and instead I sort of just crashed. Woke up about half an hour ago, dizzy and queasy. Not well, in other words.

With two more midterms this week, I'm going to have to put a lot of energy into those, and now it's looking like I really don't have much to spare. So, apologies, but I can't promise a post until next weekend at the earliest.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Okay, so. I don't even know if anyone will read this at this point.

I'm really sorry guys, I've been meaning to post to Border for ages and have failed to do so. I was supposed to revive the RP over spring break. I ended up mostly just sleeping through break. My energy level is not what it needs to be for keeping up an RP.

Right now I see three ways it can go:

1) Tomorrow is my last day of break. Option 1 is that I try to get together a post that really gets us going tomorrow, and the RP continues to totter forward slowly.

2) Official hiatus. I pick a date where I know I don't have much due, and then I arrange to restart the RP then.

3) Disbanding. RP's over, I acknowledge the problems with trying to run an RP on so little time and energy, learn from mistakes, etc etc.

If any of y'all read this, which option would you prefer? I don't really want this thing to die, but I realize I really haven't been doing my job, so it really comes down to what you guys want to do.

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I don't want it to die. I'd prefer options one or two. You know me though, I can always seem to come up with a couple minutes to post. If other people aren't able to, then I'd understand.

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Option 2 sounds like it may be healthier for your coursework and avoid that nagging feeling of guilt you'd probably have to try to shoulder when you pick Option 1 and then can't keep up.

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  • 4 months later...

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