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Border: Chapter 1

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The sun climbed higher in the sky as the eight searchers for the Winged Key stepped through the large city gates and out into the open on the Great Road North. Even just outside the city, merchants' booths lined the sides of the wide thoroughfare, and travel was heavy in both directions; it was a busy, noisy place.

The morning's slight fog had burned off and the skies were clear. The autumn air was still warm, with a slight breeze. Heading out into the countryside north of Selinel, it seemed to be an excellent day to begin a journey.


Adri wasn't too sure about the journey from the standpoint of getting along with people, though. The pilot she could potentially get along with, but up in the air, he wasn't quite the same as a traveling companion; the soldier was rather more boisterous than she was sure she wanted to deal with, and she wasn't about to start up a conversation with the spy. The healer might be all right... and she wasn't at all sure about the others.

She was walking on her own for the moment, then, and keeping her distance from the packhorse and the rider; she was a bit afraid of the animals for their size, and they smelled. Eventually, she knew she'd have to take a turn leading the packhorse, but for now, she would keep her distance when she could.

OOC: Map has updated! See signup thread for the map, and chat thread for details on the new additions.

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Riban relaxed in Tella as he soared above the rest throughout the journey, flying being almost second nature to him. He particularly enjoyed zooming ahead of the group, especially the rider. It was a powerful feeling, being able to see beyond what others could and feel the cool breeze he made at his whims. The only sad thing about the absoulte freedom of flying alone in an ornithopter is the lack of companions to speak to, which would have bothered Riban if he even cared for such cramp inducing stuffy things. Tella was all he needed. But his freedom of mobility would be short lived when the group eventually reaches the city.

For now, he would do his best to fly too high to hear the pointless chatter of his visionless land bound companions. The fact that the constant humming noise of the ornithopter wings at work drown out a certain degree of outside noise also helps him create his isolated world in the sky, a world few would he allow intrude upon...

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Isra sauntered along with the group, keeping to the outskirts. Her current goal was to keep a watch on the people passing by. Even though she doubted there would be any threat to their group yet, due to the lack of knowledge of their mission, she was still wary. She still wasn't quite sure she bought in to this whole plot. Sure I believe that the Border is shrinking, that's not hard to prove. But what gets me is this whole "magical key" thing. Couldn't they have an easier way of getting it back together? They claimed each piece was protected by someone. Why couldn't they have just summoned the guardians of the key pieces, and with them, the pieces. That would be much more practical. There must be something more going on here. There's something I'm missing. Isra continued to muse about this, while still keeping an eye on the group and those passing by.

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All this traveling down the Northern Road to the City of Mages, was probably the first time Lou was grateful for the long early morning jogs his master would send him on to search for herbs. Even though his master had recently passed away he still kept the tradition in his honor. Lou spent a lot of the time deciding whether it was worth it to learn how to draw those Bordermage markings for a healer, he never bothered with them because he grew up in a very tolerant isolated village. The only time he ever got funny looks from others was the time he was sent to heal a local official's son in a nearby town, Lou wondered if all people were like that. Lou really enjoyed seeing new places, and was curious what the City of Mages was like.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OOC: You kids start interacting already! Don't make me turn this car around!

The day's travel passed uneventfully, with traffic thinning slightly as they got further from the city. Nobody bothered the group as they traveled, and the clear weather held. Adri was able to take the trip in mild boredom, enjoying the fresh air and landscape and not much else.

As the sun crept lower in the sky, it was decided that they ought to stop soon. A medium-sized wayside town was deemed the best stopping point, and the group wound up at an inn. Rooms and food were arranged for without a fuss; living on the Great Road North, the innkeepers had seen nearly everything, and a slightly mismatched group with an ornithopter was hardly the strangest party to stay with them.

Dinner was readied, and the group began to congregate at a table in the common room. Adri was ready to rest and eat, but she waited for the whole group to arrive from their various errands first.

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After he finished checking up to make sure Tella was fine, Riban went down the roof to get his dinner so that he could bring it up to feast with his precious ornithopter.

Reaching the table, Riban quickly took his 'share' of the food and prepared to leave.

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It was inevitable that someone try to wander off. "Oh no you don't," Adri called as the pilot got up. "Look, if we want to have any chance at all of working as a team in the event that the situation requires it, we're going to have to at least pretend like we can all stand each other. That means no wandering off to sulk whenever the opportunity arises."

So far, her impression of the group was that everyone except maybe the soldier was completely hopeless in terms of working together. (Maybe also the soldier, but for different reasons.) It was a good thing that this was a simple mission... but she had to wonder, given the size and assortment the Council had picked for it, if it wasn't as simple as it initially seemed.

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"I am not wandering off to sulk," said Riban annoyed that Adri would imply such a thing, "Sulking would be me sitting here away from my dear Tella. Do you have any idea how cold and lonely she is on the roof? If anything, I would be doing anything but sulking if I spent the dinner with her above, for I would be happy knowing she would not be lonely and there is someone at hand to ensure she's always in pristine condition."

Turning around, Riban proceeded to continue making his way towards the stairs.

OOC: Okaayy...now he sounds obsessed...crash tackle and tie him to the chair? :3:

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Isra stashed her pack in the room she'd claimed for the night. She walked over to the window and looked outside. Perfect. I can easily hop over to the next roof over and scout out this town. She started to grab her darker clothing, but then paused. Ugh. The group is probably all downstairs eating. If I don't show up now, they might come looking for me and that would cause... questions. Better if I go down now, and slip out later when we've all gone to our own rooms.

Putting her clothes back down, Isra wandered downstairs, almost running into the pilot on her way out of the stairway. Slipping around him, she grabbed some food and sat down next to the weather mage. Maybe if I sit here I'll manage to avoid that soldier. I really don't want to have to deal with him...

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"Fine, then, not-sulking on the roof is not going to help either," Adri snapped. "Just because you don't have to travel with us on the ground doesn't mean you haven't been selected for the same cause. If nobody in this group gets past 'I think we should go north first' and 'pass the salt' then how are we supposed to work together? Not that this mission is important or anything, it only concerns the fate of the world as we know it, but don't you think we ought to at least try to talk to each other a little bit before this group's apparent total inability to communicate results in worse than minor irritation?" She nodded a distracted greeting to the spy, not breaking the stare she'd fixed on the pilot. It was the same look she'd honed on younger siblings and cousins who had had similar intentions when it came to cooperating, namely refusing to do so.

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Riban looked at the mage before him and suddenly thought of the multiple ways by which he could dismantle her with the tools he had at his disposal, then decided it was not worth the trouble and said, "Fine, I shall dine with the whole lot of you."

He then proceeded to the farthest corner of the table and sulked as he awaited to begin eating his dinner.

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Isra glanced at the pilot, and then glanced at the weather mage. She's about to get very, very angry. If I'm not careful here one of two things could happen. Either she blows up at the pilot, causing our group to splinter, or she turns her rage on me. Either of these things would be bad. I guess I've got to step in here.

Turning quickly to the weather mage, Isra politely extended her hand and said, "Hello, I guess I was busy before when everyone was introducing themselves. I'm Isra. You said that your name was Adri? Where do you come from?" There. Now that attention is on her, perhaps the conversation will eventually drag in the pilot as well.

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Lou heard the argument from outside, after running errands. Such as getting herbs needed for medicines, he also considered getting that dye stuff to mark himself as a healer. Then he decided, who cares it's not like I'm going to do much noticeable magic in public, I will just be mistaken by most as a skilled apothecary.

Lou then decided he was too hungry for the argument to die down and tried to sneak in as quietly as he could.

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Satisfied that the pilot was not going to run off, Adri turned towards Isra, irritation evaporating, though she threw Riban one more meaningful glance: see? This is how it works. "Yes, that's me," she replied. "I'm from Terin, via Merenna and recently Selinel. Yourself?" She gave a nod to the healer when he showed up as well, and began to eat, hoping that a conversation would pick up and she'd actually be able to get to know some of the others.

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Isra let out a small sigh of relief. Ok. Now to also include some others. She smiled at Adri and said, "Oh, me? I'm from the capitol. Born there, lived there my whole life. I've only ever left for my... work with the government." Turning to the healer who had just walked in, Isra asked, "And you? Where are you from?" Ok. Hopefully they will start talking and then I can slip away to check out this town. I've hopefully shared enough information with them to keep them from asking me anything else. Lets just let them talk for a little more and then I can escape. It can't come too soon...

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Riban sat at his spot, eating his share of food slowly as he pondered deeply on how to get his latest contraption to work. If it performed what it was created to do, he could apply it on a larger scale to let Tella hug the ground in her future movements. That way he was not so much in the tender mercies of the weather. As he thought more about it, his hands slowly slipped from his fork and spoon, as easily his mind slipped away from the pointless babble of the common folk, to his tools.

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"I'm from a small village in the mountains, this is actually the second time I've really left the mountains." Lou replied, "Sorry I didn't catch your name"

Lou said this as he was still trying to figure out what was going on, everything puzzled him. Why was the girl who never spoke suddenly talkative, and Lou didn't really see the weathermage as having much of a temper and being "on edge" as she currently was. The pilot he guessed probably wants to check on his flying machine, to make sure it is ready to go and not stolen.

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"I'm Isra. Hey pilot! What's your name? I was... otherwise occupied when we were saying names last time." With that last comment, Isra slumped back in her chair. Ok. Hopefully now the weather mage will speak up, and I'll be able to slip away. It's my job to be keeping this group from getting in any trouble with the other side of society. I doubt that there's much of that around here, but I wouldn't be a good spy if I didn't at least check. Plus, it seems like ages since I've climbed on some roofs. I need to do it soon if for no other reason than keeping in shape. Plus, it's wonderful. Ugh, I need to get away from here. Hopefully I'll get out before that soldier joins us. Though he would be useful in keeping everyone distracted...

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Riban glanced up at the mention of pilot and looked around, for he was taught to at least try to respond to someone who had called to him, particularly his mother when she wanted extra hands to do the washing. Unfortunately, due to spending most of his time in the air, he had yet to truly remember the voices of his companions, hence seeing the usually silent girl slump on the chair, the two mages starting a conversation, he was unable to identify who directed the question at him.

As he was more interested in fiddling with his contraptions, he did not bother asking for who called him like a normal person would and resumed his 'work'.

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Oh come on. Even *I'm* not that anti-social. I'll at least answer a question directed right at me. I'm giving this one more time and then I'm giving up and going upstairs. The group can fall apart for all I care. This is enough talking for now. Sitting up, she glared at the pilot. "Look, pilot, I asked you a question. What is your name?"

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Glancing up at the silent girl before him, Riban finally learned who the owner of the voice he heard earlier was.

"I am Riban Ira. You would be?" asked Riban. If she does not respond in the next five ticks of the gears, I'll resume working on it so as to not waste time, thought Riban.

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"As I have now said twice, which you would know if you were paying any attention, my name is Isra. Ugh, never mind. I'm done with this. I've eaten, I've tried to make conversation, I'm heading back to my room. Sleep is a necessity, and I intend to go do that." Pushing pack from the table, Isra stalked away from the table towards the stairs.

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"I think we have too many anti-social people in this group ... actually the social ones are probably being social," Lou thought as he continued to eat his dinner. Lou then decided he didn't like the taste of the water so he started mixing a few of his herbs he brought along to give it a better flavor, hoping no one would think he was wasting any herbs that really have a medicinal purpose not just ones he bought for flavor. Lou then thought maybe he should offer some to his companions.

"Does anyone else want some flavor in your water," he asked.

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Isra went up the stairs muttering under her breath as she went. "There is no way we're going to be able to work together as a team if this goes on. If that happens, we'll fail and the government will have to send others to help us. If that happens, they'll be able to claim that I couldn't do the job they assigned me, and thus they'll get rid of me. I need this. It's this or the streets. And while I love the streets... this is easier. Safer. This needs to work." Reaching her room, Isra quickly changed into her darker clothes, grabbed a rope, made sure her daggers were secure, and slipped out the window. Climbing along the wall of this inn, she was able to quickly reach the nearby roof. From there, she jumped lightly from roof to roof until she was in the center of the town. Glancing around, her suspicions were confirmed. Nothing going on in this town. It's nice and dark outside, and the only people out is the occasional guard doing the rounds because they'll get in trouble otherwise. I'm not needed for this town. Isra considered heading back to the inn, but decided to spend some more time out on the roof. It was rare that she was able to truly feel free like she did up here now.

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Riban shook his head as he watched Isra storm off. Why do people like to do excessive activities such as talking while eating, wondered Riban. Giving up on tinkering with the device at hand for the day, Riban wolfed down a few more bites of his dinner quickly and efficiently before leaving for the roof to be with his beloved Tella.

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