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S-Rank Playthroughs, HHM + EHM

General Horace

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Because I was overtired, kinda energetic, and it was 3 AM, I decided to start a HHM S-Rank playlog. (with videos, because they're easy to record).

With one catch, I'm S-Ranking LHM and going to 19xx. The process was tedious, the toughest rank was combat, but I did it in the end and Dorcas killed Lundgren.

I just felt like S-ranking, and I can't seem to find any logs here (aside from Life's unfinished one), so I thought I would do one myself, although the LHM one involves shoving Nils on a forest and letting him get attacked by 4 enemies for 15 turns and isn't optimal. For those too lazy to watch the videos, it basically involves blasting through the levels before Nils as fast as possible, then using the surplus turns to get him to level 7.

Anouleth corrected me, there are two runs out there, by dondon (with growths) and Balcerzak, one with 19xx (Bal's) but this run will be exclusive in the S-Ranking of Lyn Mode and getting 19xx.

rant rant rant.

This run is finished. Videos will be uploaded eventually.


The EHM run is finished:


Here's LHM:


[spoiler=LHM Turncounts]Prologue - 5 Turns

Chapter 1 - 4 Turns

Chapter 2 - 4 Turns

Chapter 3 - 3 Turns

Chapter 4 - 8 Turns

Chapter 5 - 3 Turns

Chapter 6 - 3 Turns

Chapter 7 - 6 Turns

Chapter 7x - 7 Turns

Chapter 8 - 7 Turns

Chapter 9 - 8 Turns

Chapter 10 - 27 Turns

Video will be here as soon as I grab the link. Youtube, I want longer than 15 minutes so I can put LHM in one video.


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Chapter 11, in 7 Turns. I'll post more detailed stuff in a sec...

EXP Gained: 414/0
Turns Taken: 7/0

Hector        03.38  21   8    4    6    5    8    0   C Axe
Matthew       06.30  22   7    6   14    4    4    1   D Sword

Look at that Matthew.

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EXP Gained - 694/500
Turns Taken - 5/8


EXP Gained - 1108/500
Turns Taken - 12/8

Hector        04.83  22   8    5    6    6    9    0   C Axe
Eliwood       02.64  18   5    5    7    8    6    0   C Sword
Marcus        01.06  31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca       02.04  18   5    6    7    4    3    1   D Bow
Lowen         02.10  23   7    5    7    3    7    0   D Lance D Bow
Bartre        02.41  29   9    5    3    4    4    0   D Axe
Oswin         09.43  28  13    9    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Dorcas        07.47  32   8    9    7    4    4    1   B Axe
Serra         07.97  22   4    6    9    8    3    9   B Staff
Matthew       07.22  23   8    6   15    4    5    2   C Sword

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I think Balcerzak and Gergeshwan have ranked logs floating around here somewhere.

EDIT: It was dondon and Balcerzak

Thanks. I was skimming through, looking for S-rank in the title, that's why I didn't find it.

dondon doing a run with growths is weird.

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Wow. I didn't even know it was possible to get Nils up to level 7 and still get S-rank on Lyn's tale.

How does having Nils get attacked so many times affect your Combat ranking? At least 40 percent of your battles must be victories to maintain 5 stars in Combat; in short, the sum of every character's "W" score must be at least 2/5 of the sum of every character's "B" score... so if Nils gets attacked 60 times, you'd need 40 1- or 2HKOs to keep a 5-star Combat ranking.

Or can you get S-rank without a 5-star Combat ranking?

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No, I S-Ranked Lyn Mode, Nils took part in 53 battles. I kept my 5* combat rating by something like 2%.

At the end of the chapter 10 video, I show the battle records (although I probably frameskipped through them) and showed the screen with the S-Rank on it.

I could find the actual % though.


Chapter 13.

Exp gained - 1118/750

Turns Taken - 9/12


Exp Gained - 1812/1250

Turns Taken - 21/20


Hector        06.54  24  10    7    7    7   10    1   C Axe
Eliwood       03.81  19   6    5    7    8    6    0   C Sword
Marcus        01.48  31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca       04.43  19   6    8    7    4    3    1   D Bow
Lowen         03.09  24   7    5    7    3    7    0   D Lance D Bow
Bartre        03.81  30   9    5    4    5    5    1   D Axe
Oswin         09.87  28  13    9    5    3   13    3   B Lance
Dorcas        07.65  32   8    9    7    4    4    1   B Axe
Serra         08.86  22   5    6    9    9    3   10   B Staff
Matthew       08.21  24   8    7   15    4    5    2   C Sword
Guy           03.62  25   8   13   13    5    6    1   C Sword

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EXP Gained - 862/700
Turns Taken - 8/7


EXP Gained - 2674/1950
Turns Taken - 29/27

UNIT          LEVEL  HP STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF   RES  WEP LVL                    SUPPORT
Hector        07.17  25  10    7    8    8   10    1   C Axe                      C Eliwood
Eliwood       04.44  19   7    6    7    9    6    0   C Sword                    C Hector
Marcus     ??/01.68  31  15   15   11    8   10    8   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca       05.13  20   7    9    7    4    4    1   D Bow
Lowen         04.89  25   7    6    7    3    7    0   D Lance D Sword
Bartre        04.12  31   9    6    4    5    6    1   D Axe
Oswin         10.64  29  13    9    5    3   13    4   B Lance
Guy           04.79  26   8   13   14    5    6    1   C Sword
Dorcas        07.83  32   8    9    7    4    4    1   B Axe
Serra         09.54  22   6    9    9    9    3   11   A Staff
Matthew       09.87  24   9    7   16    4    5    2   C Sword

Tactics 4*
Survival 5*
Funds 5*
EXP 5*
Combat 4* :facepalm:

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EXP Gained - 1003/800
Turns Taken - 8/10 Turns


EXP Gained - 3677/2850
Turns Taken - 37/37

Hector        07.69  25  10    7    8    8   10    1   B Axe                  C Eliwood
Eliwood       05.60  20   7    6    7    9    6    1   C Sword                C Hector
Marcus     ??/02.04  32  15   15   11    9   10    9   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca       05.22  20   7    9    7    4    4    1   D Bow
Lowen         06.84  26   9    6    8    4    7    0   D Lance D Sword
Bartre        05.22  32  10    6    5    5    6    1   D Axe
Oswin         10.87  29  13    9    5    3   13    4   B Lance
Guy           06.48  28   9   14   14    6    7    2   C Sword
Dorcas        08.27  32   9    9    7    5    4    2   B Axe
Serra         09.98  22   6    6    9    9    3   11   A Staff
Matthew       10.24  24   9    7   17    4    5    3   C Sword
Erk           06.27  19   9    7    9    5    2    6   C Anima
Priscilla     03.12  16   6    6    8    7    3    6   C Staff

Tactics - 4*
Survival - 5*
Funds - 5*
Exp - 5*
Combat - 5*

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Been a little bit.



EXP gained - 913/0

Turns Taken - 8/0


EXP Gained - 4590/2850

Turns Taken - 45/37


Hector        08.64  26  11    8    9    8   11    1   B Axe                  C Eliwood
Eliwood       07.90  21   7    7    9   10    8    2   B Sword                C Hector
Marcus     ??/02.64  32  15   15   11    9   10    9   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca       05.22  20   7    9    7    4    4    1   D Bow
Lowen         08.52  28  10    7    9    5    7    1   D Lance D Sword
Bartre        05.22  32  10    6    5    5    6    1   D Axe
Oswin         11.38  29  13    9    6    3   14    4   B Lance
Guy           07.34  29   9   15   15    6    7    2   C Sword
Dorcas        08.27  32   9    9    7    5    4    2   B Axe
Serra         10.64  23   7    7    9   10    4   12   A Staff
Matthew       11.23  24   9    7   17    4    6    3   B Sword
Erk           06.27  19   9    7    9    5    2    6   C Anima
Priscilla     03.78  16   6    6    8    7    3    6   C Staff

Tactics - 3*

Survival - 5*

Combat - 5*

EXP - 5*

Funds - 5*

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Took an extra turn to feed the bosskill to Bartre, and because I was lazy and didn't want to restart. Tactics isn't too much of an issue anyhow, although with 19xx in play, idk.

EXP Gained - 1168/1100
Turns Taken - 9/7

Total - 5758/3950
Turns Taken - 54/44 Turns

Hector        09.29  27  11    8    9    8   12    1   B Axe                  C Eliwood
Eliwood       08.80  22   7    7   10   10    8    2   B Sword                C Hector
Lyn           08.77  23   5   14   14    9    4    3   C Sword
Marcus     ??/03.12  33  16   16   11   10   10    9   A Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca       05.95  20   7    9    7    4    4    1   D Bow
Lowen         08.52  28  10    7    9    5    7    1   D Lance D Sword
Bartre        07.36  34  12    7    6    6    7    1   C Axe
Oswin         11.38  29  13    9    6    3   14    4   B Lance
Guy           07.34  29   9   15   15    6    7    2   C Sword
Dorcas        08.27  32   9    9    7    5    4    2   B Axe
Serra         11.52  23   8    8    9   10    4   12   A Staff
Matthew       11.23  24   9    7   17    4    6    3   B Sword
Erk           07.28  20  10    7   10    5    2    6   C Anima
Priscilla     04.44  16   6    6    9    8    4    6   C Staff
Sain          09.16  25  13    6    8    8    7    2   C Lance D Sword
Kent          08.57  25   9   12   11    3    6    2   C Lance D Sword
Florina       07.81  21  11    8   13   10    4    5   C Lance
Wil           04.54  22   7    6    6    6    5    0   D Bow

Tactics - 3*
EXP - 5*
Funds - 5*

Cut out the other two easy ranks.

EDIT: Marcus just critblicked Raven :facepalm:

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Chapter 17 post

Made some derps, but got bailed out by luck.


EXP Gained - 1292/1100

Turns Taken - 12/18


EXP Gained - 7050/5050

Turns Taken - 66/62


Hector        10.61  27  12    9   10    8   12    1   B Axe                  C Eliwood
Eliwood       09.17  23   7    8   11   11    8    3   B Sword                C Hector
Lyn           08.77  23   5   14   14    9    4    3   C Sword
Marcus     ??/03.86  33  16   16   11   10   10    9   S Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca       05.95  20   7    9    7    4    4    1   D Bow
Lowen         09.30  29  10    7   10    5    7    2   C Lance D Sword
Bartre        07.36  34  12    7    6    6    7    1   C Axe
Oswin         11.38  29  13    9    6    3   14    4   B Lance
Guy           07.34  29   9   15   15    6    7    2   C Sword
Dorcas        08.27  32   9    9    7    5    4    2   B Axe
Serra         12.54  24   8    8    9   11    5   13   A Staff
Matthew       11.34  24   9    7   17    4    6    3   B Sword
Erk           07.28  20  10    7   10    5    2    6   C Anima
Priscilla     05.57  17   6    7    9    9    4    6   B Staff
Sain          11.76  27  14    8    9    9    7    3   C Lance D Sword
Kent          11.08  28  11   13   12    6    6    3   C Lance D Sword
Florina       07.81  21  11    8   13   10    4    5   C Lance
Wil           06.50  24   8    6    6    6    6    0   D Bow
Raven         05.38  30  10   13   14    2    6    2   C Sword
Lucius        07.80  21  10    8   11    2    1    8   C Light

I am exactly 20 levels ahead of the exp benchmark. Odd.

Tactics - 4*

EXP - 5*

Funds 5*

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EXP Gained - 731/700
Turns Taken - 5/10

EXP Gained - 7781/5750
Turns Taken - 71/72

Hector        12.27  29  13    9   10    9   14    1   B Axe                  C Eliwood
Eliwood       09.17  23   7    8   11   11    8    3   B Sword                C Hector
Lyn           10.27  25   7   14   15   10    6    4   B Sword
Marcus     ??/03.86  33  16   16   11   10   10    9   S Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca       05.95  20   7    9    7    4    4    1   D Bow
Lowen         09.30  29  10    7   10    5    7    2   C Lance D Sword
Bartre        07.36  34  12    7    6    6    7    1   C Axe
Oswin         11.74  29  13    9    6    3   14    4   B Lance
Guy           09.58  30   9   16   16    6    7    4   B Sword
Dorcas        08.27  32   9    9    7    5    4    2   B Axe
Serra         12.54  24   8    8    9   11    5   13   A Staff
Matthew       11.34  24   9    7   17    4    6    3   B Sword
Erk           07.28  20  10    7   10    5    2    6   C Anima
Priscilla     05.57  17   6    7    9    9    4    6   B Staff
Sain          11.76  27  14    8    9    9    7    3   C Lance D Sword
Kent          11.08  28  11   13   12    6    6    3   C Lance D Sword
Florina       08.27  22  12    8   13   10    4    6   C Lance
Wil           06.50  24   8    6    6    6    6    0   D Bow
Raven         06.53  31  11   13   14    2    7    2   C Sword
Lucius        07.80  21  10    8   11    2    1    8   C Light
Canas         08.30  21  10    9    8    7    5    8   B Dark

Tactics 5*
EXP 5*
Funds 5*

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This chapter is really tough. Especially the first and and last couple of turns. I also miserabley failed the exp rank. If Lowen had either offence or durablilty he would have been brought in Kent's place, but he didn't proc any defence and his offence was terrible, so Kent won out.

I was also being cheap cautious with the savestate on the last turn, even though it didn't end up meaning anything, I didn't want Raven to get critted.

EXP Gained - 1278/1450
Turns Taken - 11/11


EXP Gained - 8726/7200
Turns Taken - 82/83

5* in everything.

Forgot the stats. Edited by General_Horace
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I may have miscalculated my chapter 18 exp, I'll check it in a minute. - Turns out I forgot to add in Raven's 333 gained exp :facepalm:

EXP gained - 1376/1100
Turns Taken - 8/10


EXP Gained - 10445/8300
Turns Taken - 90/93 Turns

5* In everything.

Hector        13.48  30  13    9   10   10   14    2   A Axe                  C Eliwood
Eliwood       10.86  23   8    8   12   12    8    4   B Sword                C Hector
Lyn           11.18  26   7   14   16   10    6    4   B Sword
Marcus     ??/04.52  34  16   16   11   10   10    9   S Lance A Sword B Axe
Rebecca       07.49  22   8    9    9    4    5    2   C Bow
Lowen         09.86  29  10    7   10    5    7    2   C Lance D Sword
Bartre        08.06  35  12    7    7    7    8    1   C Axe
Oswin         13.46  31  14    9    7    4   16    4   A Lance
Guy           09.58  30   9   16   16    6    7    4   B Sword
Dorcas        08.27  32   9    9    7    5    4    2   B Axe
Serra         14.60  24   9    8    9   13    5   13   A Staff
Matthew       13.29  25   9    7   19    4    6    4   B Sword
Erk           07.28  20  10    7   10    5    2    6   C Anima
Priscilla     07.35  18   8    7   10   10    5    7   B Staff
Sain          13.21  29  15    8   11   10    7    3   C Lance D Sword
Kent          13.14  30  11   14   14    6    7    4   B Lance D Sword
Florina       08.27  22  12    8   13   10    4    6   C Lance
Wil           06.50  24   8    6    6    6    6    0   D Bow
Raven         09.86  33  14   14   17    3    8    3   C Sword
Lucius        10.59  23  13   10   12    3    1    9   C Light
Canas         08.30  21  10    9    8    7    5    8   B Dark
Fiora         08.42  21   8   12   13    6    6    7   C Lance
Dart          08.71  34  12    8    8    3    6    1   B Axe

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So, I thought about how to kill Kishuna, and I thought, "Oh, Silver Lance Marcus and Killing Edge Raven will kill him, nbd"

Kishuna was left with 1 HP. So motherfucking Wil killed Kishuna. Top tier material right there. Wil > Marcus and Raven.

This chapter involves some shitty hittrates, but it's not a difficult chapter by any means.

EXP Gained - 946/1000
Turns Taken - 9/10


EXP Gained - 11391/9300
Turns Taken - 99/103

Hector        13.73  30  13    9   10   10   14    2   A Axe                  C Eliwood
Eliwood       10.86  23   8    8   12   12    8    4   B Sword                C Hector
Lyn           11.18  26   7   14   16   10    6    4   B Sword
Marcus     ??/05.34  34  17   16   11   10   10    9   S Lance A Sword A Axe
Rebecca       07.49  22   8    9    9    4    5    2   C Bow
Lowen         09.86  29  10    7   10    5    7    2   C Lance D Sword
Bartre        08.06  35  12    7    7    7    8    1   C Axe
Oswin         13.73  31  14    9    7    4   16    4   A Lance
Guy           09.58  30   9   16   16    6    7    4   B Sword
Dorcas        08.27  32   9    9    7    5    4    2   B Axe
Serra         14.60  24   9    8    9   13    5   13   A Staff
Matthew       14.43  26  10    7   20    5    6    4   B Sword
Erk           07.28  20  10    7   10    5    2    6   C Anima
Priscilla     08.05  19   8    8   11   10    5    7   B Staff
Sain          13.21  29  15    8   11   10    7    3   C Lance D Sword
Kent          13.14  30  11   14   14    6    7    4   B Lance D Sword
Florina       09.80  22  12    8   13   11    5    7   C Lance
Wil           08.16  24   9    7    7    8    6    0   C Bow
Raven         12.82  36  15   16   19    5    8    4   B Sword
Lucius        10.59  23  13   10   12    3    1    9   C Light
Canas         08.30  21  10    9    8    7    5    8   B Dark
Fiora         10.06  22   8   14   13    8    6    8   C Lance
Dart          08.71  34  12    8    8    3    6    1   B Axe

5* everything.

I've never played Chapter 19xx before on HM, and the last time I did play it was like... maybe 3 years ago?

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i take offense to that

maybe i'll go emo over some debt collectors taking over my house

It's ok, Raven did 33 damage to Kishuna, Wil only did 1 :newyears:

Chapter 19xx was completed in 7 turns, and I almost had to restart because the boss almost OHKO'd Hector.


Hector        14.53  31  14    9   10   11   15    2   A Axe                  C Eliwood
Eliwood       10.86  23   8    8   12   12    8    4   B Sword                C Hector
Lyn           12.13  27   7   14   16   10    6    4   B Sword                C Florina
Marcus     ??/05.78  34  17   16   11   10   10    9   S Lance A Sword A Axe
Rebecca       07.49  22   8    9    9    4    5    2   C Bow
Lowen         09.86  29  10    7   10    5    7    2   C Lance D Sword
Bartre        09.97  36  13    8    7    8    8    2   C Axe
Oswin         13.73  31  14    9    7    4   16    4   A Lance
Guy           10.85  31   9   17   17    6    7    5   B Sword
Dorcas        08.27  32   9    9    7    5    4    2   B Axe
Serra         15.47  25   9    9   10   13    5   13   A Staff
Matthew       15.44  27  10    7   20    6    7    5   B Sword
Erk           07.28  20  10    7   10    5    2    6   C Anima
Priscilla     09.00  19   9    8   11   10    5    7   A Staff
Sain          13.21  29  15    8   11   10    7    3   C Lance D Sword
Kent          13.14  30  11   14   14    6    7    4   B Lance D Sword
Florina       09.80  22  12    8   13   11    5    7   C Lance
Wil           08.16  24   9    7    7    8    6    0   C Bow
Raven         12.82  36  15   16   19    5    8    4   B Sword
Lucius        10.59  23  13   10   12    3    1    9   C Light
Canas         08.30  21  10    9    8    7    5    8   B Dark
Fiora         10.06  22   8   14   13    8    6    8   C Lance
Dart          08.71  34  12    8    8    3    6    1   B Axe

EXP Gained - 820/0

Turns Taken - 7/0

EXP Gained - 12211/9300

Turns Taken - 106/103

Tactics dipped to 4*, everything else is good.

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Here's chapter 20.

[spoiler=Unit Stats]
UNIT         LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Hector       16.24    33  15   11    11   13   16   2   A Axe                      C Eliwood
Eliwood      13.88    26  10   10    14   13    8   4   A Sword                    C Hector
Lyn          13.22    27   8   14    17   11    7   4   A Sword                    C Florina
Marcus    ??/06.47    35  18   16    11   10   10   9   S Lance A Sword A Axe
Bartre       09.97    36  13    8     7    8    8   2   C Axe
Dorcas       08.27    32   9    9     7    5    3   2   B Axe
Lowen        11.27    31  10    7    11    6    8   3   C Lance D Sword
Rebecca      09.64    22   8   10    11    6    5   2   C Bow
Oswin        13.46    31  14    9     7    4   16   4   A Lance
Matthew      15.55    27  10    7    20    6    7   5   B Sword
Serra        16.85    25  10    9    11   14    5  13   A Staff
Guy          10.85    31   9   17    17    6    7   5   B Sword
Erk          09.93    20  10    9    10    5    2   6   B Anima
Priscilla    10.23    20   9    9    11   11    5   8   A Staff
Kent         13.14    30  11   14    14    6    7   4   B Lance D Sword
Sain         13.21    29  15    8    11   10    7   3   C Lance D Sword
Wil          08.16    24   9    7     7    8    6   0   C Bow
Florina      09.80    22  12    8    13   11    5   7   B Lance                    C Lyn
Raven        12.82    36  15   16    19    5    8   4   B Sword
Lucius       10.59    23  13   10    12    3    1   9   C Light
Canas        10.48    22  10   11     9    8    6   9   B Dark
Fiora        10.06    22   8   14    13    8    6   9   C Lance
Dart         10.90    35  13    9     9    3    7   2   B Axe
Legault      13.03    29   8   13    17   10    9   4   C Sword

EXP Gained: 2084/2100
Turns Taken: 12/16

EXP Gained: 14295/11400
Turns Taken: 118/119

5* in everything.

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Chapter 21 is uploading now, I'll throw down info now before I forget.


[spoiler=Unit Stats]

UNIT         LEVEL    HP  STR  SKL  SPD  LCK  DEF  RES  WEP LEVEL                  SUPPORT
Hector       16.98    33  15   11    11   13   16   2   A Axe                      C Eliwood
Eliwood      14.36    27  10   11    15   14    8   4   A Sword                    C Hector
Lyn          13.22    27   8   14    17   11    7   4   A Sword                    C Florina
Marcus    ??/06.47    35  18   16    11   10   10   9   S Lance A Sword A Axe
Bartre       09.97    36  13    8     7    8    8   2   C Axe
Dorcas       09.97    33  10    9     8    5    4   2   B Axe
Lowen        11.27    31  10    7    11    6    8   3   C Lance D Sword
Rebecca      09.64    22   8   10    11    6    5   2   C Bow
Oswin        13.46    31  14    9     7    4   16   4   A Lance
Matthew      15.55    27  10    7    20    6    7   5   B Sword
Serra        16.85    25  10    9    11   14    5  13   A Staff
Guy          12.54    33  10   17    18    7    7   6   B Sword
Erk          09.93    20  10    9    10    5    2   6   B Anima
Priscilla    11.86    20   9    9    11   11    6   8   A Staff
Kent         13.14    30  11   14    14    6    7   4   B Lance D Sword
Sain         13.21    29  15    8    11   10    7   3   C Lance D Sword
Wil          11.57    26  11    9     7   10    7   0   C Bow
Florina      10.46    23  13    9    13   12    5   7   B Lance                    C Lyn
Raven        12.82    36  15   16    19    5    8   4   B Sword
Lucius       10.59    23  13   10    12    3    1   9   C Light
Canas        10.48    22  10   11     9    8    6   9   B Dark
Fiora        10.06    22   8   14    13    8    6   9   C Lance
Dart         10.90    35  13    9     9    3    7   2   B Axe
Legault      15.48    30   8   13    18   11    9   5   C Sword
Ninian       07.83    18   1    1    17   14    7   8   Dancer

EXP 1357/1200

Turns Taken 7/9


EXP - 15652/12600

Turns Taken - 125/128

5* across the board.

Edited by General_Horace
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