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RNG: Can't play with it, can't play without it


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So, ever have a time when the RNG made you incredulous with your FE games? I'm sure you have. This is a place to write out these amazing stories for all to see: both the good and the bad.

What gave me the idea to start up this topic? I was just continuing on my playthrough in FE8. Currently on ch14 of Erika's and Ephraims routes, but I was playign my Erika file. I hunted down Rennac, recruited him with L'Arachel, crushed my opponents, neatly organized my loot... All was going well. Sure I had a couple unstellar level-ups, but it wasn't a big deal. Then it was boss time. I wanted Joshua to take out this particular boss because of a spoiler someone told me who didn't know about my loathing for spoilers and my having not yet finished my first playthrough of Sacred Stones. However, Joshua was currently a level 1 Swordmaster who had a 52% chance of hitting the boss for 17 points of damage. Both had 41HP. Since I wanted Joshua to land the final blow, I had to whittle the boss' HP down a bit. So, I had Innes and MK!Ewan try to knock him down for 12 points of damage each. Ewan hit and recieved no damage in return. Innes missed and got 5 damage to his HP. Not a big deal. Natasha healed Innes right up. Enemy phase. Carlyle attacked Innes -- no surprise since he couldn't deal any damage to Ewan. Innes' counter missed again. So I brought Innes off to the side and gave him another Natasha heal while Neimi and Gerrik shot a couple arrows, lowering the boss to 10HP. Now his HP was low enough for Joshua to land the final blow. So, I compared stats. He had a 55% chance of hitting me and a 10% chance of landing a critical. Not bad. Joshua had a 52% chance of hitting him and I forgot his critical rating. Still the odds were satisfactory. Even if he hit me, it'd be for 15HP. Joshua should be able to live through it fine, right? So, I sent him in. Joshua missed. That was fine; I got the boss conversation I was hoping for. But then the boss countered Joshua...and criticaled. Suddenly, Joshua was laughing about how his luck had run out. I turned off the game, knowing that I'd have to restart that chapter.

So then I figured other people probably had similar experiences, but not only times when the RNG denied any sort of victory, but also when the RNG was helpful. I recalled such a time when I was playing through FE9. Basicly, I completely forgot Tormod was at 5HP and I had him tank a soldier with a javellin. The javellin missed and I was able to heal Tormod.

So, lets hear some stories. I know you have them. ;):

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FE10 20 hit enemies all hitting at once and killing mia. Ike increasing mag only in his first 2 lvups.

FE9 missing 90 display hits all the time.

FE8 eirika having 6 str in lv 20 first tier and 13 def in 1 playthrough >_>. Ephraim at base in lv 8. 4 lvups of nothing!

FE11 I have caeda attack an archer from 2 range thinking 92 display hit is safe and she misses and dies!

i hate rng so much.

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FE7: Bandit has 4% chance of hitting Lyn, he does. o.o Eliwood missing on final boss at like 80 something hit.

FE9: Nephenee vs Thunder mage: Thunder mage has like 56% hit and 3% crit. A crit would kill Nephenee. I wanted to feed her kills and I was like "I'd bet money against him critting". What happens? He crits and I have to restart the chapter. T.T

I don't know how mastery skills work, but everyone who has them seem to spam them. Example: Nephenee hits Luna 4 times in a row versus 2 different enemies.

Those are the most memorable ones but I remember units missing in like 90's several times.

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My most hated RNG moments have to be when the game decides to kill one of the mission sensitive 'other/allied' units resulting in a game over. I've had Jill die from RNG hating her very often, I've had Zihark die once (which really was amazing), Fiona is almost a given half the time, Tibarn (in both FE9&10) dies quiet often when he's controlled by the AI. I've even had Skimir get himself crit killed once in 3-E. For honorable mention for when it doesn't make my game end: I've had Ena dies quiet often in FE10, I've had all the hawks but Tibarn get killed in the last part of Ch.17 of PoR. I've had Reyson get owned by a couple of paladins before. Astrid (which is no surprise) AND Gatrie in PoR a few times. Honestly when its my own characters that bite it because the game hate them, that's one thing. I can always go back, rearrange my units and positions to keep it form happening twice. When it's the game's 'other' units (who are mission critical) end up dying because the RNG decides to give five enemies who had at most 1-10 crit and 40+/- hit rates to ALL connect AND critical though that just seems like a slap in the face.

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In RD 1-8, Volug getting critkilled by a thunder mage. Two enemies left, which were the thunder/fire mages that spawn from the left and I was going to have Volug and Nailah finish both of them off. Then Volug dies. God damnit.

Marcia in PoR critting Oliver to end the chapter. That's a bad thing, actually. Naturally, she could ORKO him but she had one javelin use left so I was like "why the hell not, I'll have Jill finish him off." Ike was at 18.98 before she did that. He promotes right after this. Fuck, man. Two turns though.

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Level 10 Fighter Ward. Gained defence on every level. Gained speed on none of them.

It was a real shame when I dropped him. I could almost have cried.

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Level 10 Fighter Ward. Gained defence on every level. Gained speed on none of them.

That actually sounds quite good. Ward doesn't really double anything anyway and the benefits from having + 5.6DEF over his average are probably greater than the benefits of +1.8 speed (which likely only translate into getting doubled by a few less enemies).

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Vanessa had a 90some% chance to hit the boss for lethal. Boss had 20some% chance to hit her. She would be 2HKO'd atm since it's still early, but I'm confident in her hitting one of her two hits. She misses both, the boss hits his. He hits his on Enemy Phase too. Dead Vanessa and almost a broken DS, but I stopped myself from throwing it.

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Chapter 9, Rutger hits a pirate. Pirate hits back at something like 22%. I was like, FFFFFFFFFFF- but it's only one hit so not that big of a deal. Pirate dies on second hit.

Enemy Phase, random reinforcement pirate attacks Rutger, he hits, AGAIN. At that same 22 hit rate. FFFFFFFFF---- At least Rutger's man enough to take two hits from a pirate and not die, so Clarinespam time.

Yaknow pirates those RNS could've attributed to an awesome level up but noooooooo

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I rig all of my RNs and don't care about level ups, so nyah.

Although there was an occasion where Garret got 5 consecutive critical hits in an enemy phase, 4 of which were with a Killer Axe, which was pretty nice, if not completely unnecessary.

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I always wondered how to rig RNs

I remember my first real RNG mishap was in 4-E-4 on my first Normal Mode playthough when Tibarn got critblicked by Sephiran >_>

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I clearly recall once that I sent Eliwood into the arena without using Nini's Grace on him because he just needed like 10 exp to level up to level 20. The opponent was a Soldier who had a low hit rate but a 1% critical rate. Eliwood had a 99 hit rate.

Eliwood missed EACH FREAKING HIT and was hit each time by the Soldier with said Soldier finishing Eliwood with a critical hit. Much rage was had.

Then there was that one time Florina only had 20 speed at 20/20 but maxed out her defense. That was awesome.

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Just this morning, FESD, H5. Chapter 6. First turn, I move jagen and Cain forward so they block the path. Only one enemy can attack them. Said enemy, an Armor, decides that the first thing I should see in the morning is a 1 % crit on Jagen. I promptly switched my 3DS off and went back to sleep.

An hour later.

Exact same fucking thing! Again, first thing that happens... 1 % Crit on Jagen.

An hour later!

Jagen survives! I bring said armor down to 1 HP, Barst get's to hand axe the guy for a level up. He mises however, 80% displayed, and get's a counter, then finishes him off. However, bring on the 3 % crit fire mage. Barst was toast.

EDIT: Fyeah Deity avatar ftw.

Edited by Vicious Sal
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