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Fire Emblem: A Sacred Dawn DX

Mage Knight 404

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so Trent, Chapter 9 is going GREAT, I can finally advance onward to the main part of that chapter's text, YEAH! ' 3'

Whoooooooooo so where's my advance patch so I can start the LP

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So, uh, Bladehero. A friend of mine had something similar(though much quicker and less dramatic) happen to him a few weeks ago. This person requested that my friend post more videos of a certain LP, to which he kindly refused. Then that person became this guy. Please don't become this guy.

That said, I request that you stop posting in this topic and cluttering up, interfering with others who are trying to read any potential updates. Please? :3

also Trent, Chapter 9 is going GREAT, I can finally advance onward to the main part of that chapter's text, YEAH! ' 3'

Well, I won't interfere with others wanting to read updates, nor will I clutter up, and about the posting, I'll try not to post as much as I regularly do. I will still post though, just not a lot, and I won't post anything insulting or offensive. Does that sound fair?

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No. ;3

Oh, come on! I'm trying to be nice here. I said I accepted 99% of your terms. All I'm asking is to keep the remaining 1%.

In case you don't know, I'm saying I won't post as much, since that's what you have a problem with. I'm trying to get the two of us to reach an understanding.

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Dude. Just shut up. Please. You almost got the other topic closed, and I don't want you to derail this one. I'm even trying to be nice here, a thing which I often do not do. Stop posting. He doesn't want your advice, and he probably won't take it. This will probably be my first and last post in this thread. Yo dawg.

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Oh, come on! I'm trying to be nice here. I said I accepted 99% of your terms. All I'm asking is to keep the remaining 1%.

They weren't 'terms' and this isn't your call. You almost closed Klok's thread. Ray's attitude isn't as devil-may-care towards this one, which is frankly understandable, and accordingly he would prefer to shut this down before it begins. Get out.

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Given that he's been irritating other people on Skype for quite some time, I'm inclined to believe he's genuinely like this.

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Ray, about them units you have planned...Is it gonna be like FE404 where you can pretty much use anyone and get away with it, but there are units who are better than most? Or is it gonna be like Fe10 where there are units you will NOT use regardless of the situation?

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My philosophy with Fire Emblem is that I think the player should be given free reign of who'd they like to use regardless of if the unit is very good or very bad. As such, in my ROM hacks, I try to make everyone at least readily usable from the moment they join to the end of the game with only some effort required on the player at MOST(so you can expect a unit that is a few levels behind the party, but you won't see me employing Est units(unless I could somehow make them work -really- well, like Enid in Berwick Saga)).

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A little late but...

Alright, I'll calm down. Wait, I was calm to begin with...

Doesn't matter. Can we just drop this? I personally don't enjoy fighting with other members.

If you were calm, you wouldn't react the way you've been. You sure as hell don't drop something with pointless response either.













Get someone to stop by yelling at them after seeing he'll just whine or add another pointless response... genius. If he's a troll, he's been successful so far.

Lol calm down. Get that hurt out of your butt.

Again, not helping.

you want to prove that you want to keep from derailing?

stop telling us and just fucking stop talking

They weren't 'terms' and this isn't your call. You almost closed Klok's thread. Ray's attitude isn't as devil-may-care towards this one, which is frankly understandable, and accordingly he would prefer to shut this down before it begins. Get out.

lolol is this guy playing or is he serious?

After Stolypin's post, these are just unnecessary and are more likely to instigate a reaction that is opposite from what you desire. That or you guys just take whatever opportunity you get to gang up on someone like a bunch of kindergarten kids. Stop doing this.

The next post I see here better be on-topic, have nothing to do with the crap that's been going on in the last few pages, not be a reply to this post or even an apology. Don't derail this thread.

Edited by Sirius
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My philosophy with Fire Emblem is that I think the player should be given free reign of who'd they like to use regardless of if the unit is very good or very bad. As such, in my ROM hacks, I try to make everyone at least readily usable from the moment they join to the end of the game with only some effort required on the player at MOST(so you can expect a unit that is a few levels behind the party, but you won't see me employing Est units(unless I could somehow make them work -really- well, like Enid in Berwick Saga)).

But Est is The Best. Do you want to deny your players The Best?

On a more serious note, I like how smooth the new animations are. You've really come a long way.

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But Est is The Best. Do you want to deny your players The Best?

Est the best? Ha! I never seem to be able to use "Est" characters. By the time I get them, everyone else sucks up all the XP just by LOOKING at the enemies! Too hard to train for me. Call me lazy. I call you honest :3

My philosophy with Fire Emblem is that I think the player should be given free reign of who'd they like to use regardless of if the unit is very good or very bad. As such, in my ROM hacks, I try to make everyone at least readily usable from the moment they join to the end of the game with only some effort required on the player at MOST(so you can expect a unit that is a few levels behind the party, but you won't see me employing Est units(unless I could somehow make them work -really- well, like Enid in Berwick Saga)).

I agree whoeheartedly. I luckly always seem to choose people who trun out great to be my favorite characters.

E.g. Frey, Leonardo, Sain, Canas, Noah (he turns out ok), Guy, among others.

Honestly, if you asked me to come up with a way how to make training an Est unit not a pain in the neck, I would give them thier own weapon that is powerful, only has 15 or so uses, but they level up every time they kill an enemy pretty much.

...That is why I am not ROM hacking. I can tell stories though! ...bad ones... Ha! Kidding.

Keep up the great work!

And wait... Philosophy? I can make Philosophies! Well, sorta... I blame it on being an eighth Greek. Which really isn't alot, but it is enough to know that I will never be able to do anything to do with roms other than playing them or using Nightmare.

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My philosophy with Fire Emblem is that I think the player should be given free reign of who'd they like to use regardless of if the unit is very good or very bad. As such, in my ROM hacks, I try to make everyone at least readily usable from the moment they join to the end of the game with only some effort required on the player at MOST(so you can expect a unit that is a few levels behind the party, but you won't see me employing Est units(unless I could somehow make them work -really- well, like Enid in Berwick Saga)).

And this is why people love your hacks Ray. Much respect. Also, how many custom animations do you have planned? And I'm kinda curious since someone asked on the fighter animation video: what happened to Micky's custom animation? I can't seem to find it anywhere on your youtube profile.

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Found a music track you can use to replace an enemy phase theme, most likely... It can replace the "Assault" theme.

MP3s don't work. You need MIDIs to insert songs into games. He literally can't use your suggestions because you keep linking MP3s. And I doubt Ray would want some ridiculous animu music in his hack :U

Trent, you fool! Youtube videos aren't MP3 files *trollface* :}

Give it to me straight, Mage Knight, how many chapters are completed as of today? (Uhh, forget about minor tweaks needed if you answer this XD)

Oh and "you improved so much!" and all dat jazz, lol *generic praise*

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Trent, you fool! Youtube videos aren't MP3 files *trollface* :}

oh don't be like that

you know you can't get a MIDI out of a youtube video, no matter what you download it as.

not one that can work in GBA FE anyway ~ ' 3'~

Edited by seph1212
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And this is why people love your hacks Ray. Much respect. Also, how many custom animations do you have planned? And I'm kinda curious since someone asked on the fighter animation video: what happened to Micky's custom animation? I can't seem to find it anywhere on your youtube profile.

No discernible list as of now, though off the top of my head, I can think of 13 for different classes or character variants of a class(this is not counting different weapon types they'll be using). I got rid of that video even though the animation is still the same, but meh.

Give it to me straight, Mage Knight, how many chapters are completed as of today? (Uhh, forget about minor tweaks needed if you answer this XD)

6 counting the Prologue are done, notwithstanding any possible changes, and up to Chapter 9 in terms of plot and text.

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I'm assuming those 6 chapters include 5x (or if they don't it includes whatever chapter i needed to write that routine for)

(ie do the routines work?)

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5x is like halfway done and the only thing that really needs to be done is that autocursor thing. Pretty sure what you gave me worked, but I haven't found the willpower(as opposed to time, which I have plenty of) to test it out.

so uh yeah

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