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Fire Emblem: A Sacred Dawn DX

Mage Knight 404

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So this day wasn't very special. Got to eat some ice cream cake, chat with relatives and friends, create long awaited patches...

...wait, what?

(took me long enough, hope you guys enjoy~)

It did take you long enough....

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Why does this hack turn into an Radiant Dawn crossover fanfic after chapter 5? Why is there an author self-insert?


Besides that, nice game so far. I'm at chapter 6 and I can tell there's a lot of effort put into this. But seriously, reclass Alice or something. Once I finish Chapter 6 I can give a full list of complaints and demands critiques and suggestions.

(Also was I supposed to recruit the unique Cavalier in Chapter 3? I tried to talk with him and it was not possible.

Edited by Shugey
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Why does this hack turn into an Radiant Dawn crossover fanfic after chapter 5? Why is there an author self-insert?

Do you want the normal answer or the serious answer?

No, you can't recruit Russ in Chapter 3. His intended recruitment is a little later.

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Either would be fine. I understand that it is your hack so you are free to do what you want. It just seems unnecessary to include the Dawn Brigade and randomly kill Sothe off when you already have established an original set of characters. I'm fine with it taking place in Magvel, many FE hacks choose to keep the world the same.

Though to be honest, I'm actually more concerned with the three archers. A Hunter or Nomad would mix it up a bit and allow for more diversity.

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Either would be fine. I understand that it is your hack so you are free to do what you want. It just seems unnecessary to include the Dawn Brigade and randomly kill Sothe off when you already have established an original set of characters. I'm fine with it taking place in Magvel, many FE hacks choose to keep the world the same.

Though to be honest, I'm actually more concerned with the three archers. A Hunter or Nomad would mix it up a bit and allow for more diversity.

How would a hunter work?

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FE1/3 style archers that get horses on promotion and have better attack. Of course, branching promotions being kept would make such an idea obsolete.

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FE1/3 style archers that get horses on promotion and have better attack. Of course, branching promotions being kept would make such an idea obsolete.

Thats also a lot of work, to add a whole new unit. I would be wayyyy to lazy to. and i bet Mage Knight is too

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FE1/3 style archers that get horses on promotion and have better attack. Of course, branching promotions being kept would make such an idea obsolete.

I doubt Ray changed his plan for the forced promotion from the first draft of the game. Plus, If I remember right from the first ASD topic, Ryan promotes into a Ranger, so you'd get your mounted archer that way.

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I doubt Ray changed his plan for the forced promotion from the first draft of the game. Plus, If I remember right from the first ASD topic, Ryan promotes into a Ranger, so you'd get your mounted archer that way.

Yay, different promotions!

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Too bad the Hunting Bow is a horrible weapon. I couldn't see any effectiveness bonus to it, so it's essentially a Slim Bow.

The Hunting Bow is effective against horses.

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Huh. I guess I never tried it on the Cavaliers in chapter 3. Well, I guess that wraps up the Archer issue. Thanks for clearing that all up.

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How many chapters are in this patch, I'm not sure if I should try it yet because I dont like to play incomplete patches generally. theres a good chance it was mentioned somewhere and Im just dumb

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Ok, Ray. Did you make this, like, single RNG or something? Or am I just having the luck of Shadow Dragon as every single time, even under 50s, everyone has been hit.

And I chose easy mode.

EDIT: Disregard this, Winston finally missed me.

EDIT THE SECOND: So Julie's gonna promote to a dancer, yeah? :3

Edited by Dandragon01
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