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Custom Character


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So, I was thinking for my hack....that I'd have a custom character. I figured you can go into a choosing screen where you pick your class and then after you choose it you have all the other choice die from the "KILL 0x0" command. Then I figured they wouldn't show up in any cut-scenes or the rest of the game being that they have been killed. However, when I program the characters to do all the same thing, being that whichever was still alive after the player's decision, to do a simple thing like move. It shows all characters still there and causes my game to freeze. Would there be anyway of preventing that? Or getting around it?

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I'm not sure if this will help, but I'd do it like this (I'm not saying that this is the only way; this is how I'm doing it for a project I'm on working on):


Then below:

LOU1 CustomCharMyrmidon
TEX1 0x????

Same for the other 3 or how many you're doing.

Then you'd have to have a group for each choice, and the unit (of course). If you want the custom character to take only one slot, then this still works.

Another way to do this (maybe, haven't tried this) is to have a bunch of Yes/No's. Each would take a text slot (That's what it's called right?) though.

If you still want to do it your way, then I don't know how to help you there. Hope this helps!

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